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Incels don't deserve rights.

Here's what I mean. Banging a few chicks isn't very impressive. It's a rather low bar. But what does that say about a guy who can't even do that? It means they are a low quality man.
It's like being able to do one pull up. It's not very impressive. But if you can't do that, it means you are weak and have neglected to train your body.

A lot of incels run their mouths, thinking that they're offering insightful knowledge.
<You're not.

Listening to an incel talk about women is like listening to a homeless person talk about financial planning, or listening to a guy who can't do a pull up talk about fitness. In short, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, but have convinced yourself you do as some ghey coping mechanism.

Obviously, there is a grain of truth to incel screeds, in a hermetic philosophical sense. The problem is, it's the most disempowering truth available, framed in the worst way possible.

'Girls don't fuck average guys,' you say.

Ok, don't be average. Find a way to leverage aspects yourself to rise above your own stale faggotry. It's not that hard. And if it is too hard for you, then I guess you get exactly what you deserve considering you claim to know the consequences of being average.
>In short, anyone with the attitude and mindset of an incel would fail with women.

Here's two pieces of advice, beyond the obvious (be clean, fit, and most importantly, fun).

>First: girls already have a pussy. The last thing they want or need is another pussy - you.

This has practical applications. When you're with a chick, for example, try to do the most ballsy thing you think you can get away with.

>Second, it's far far easier to attract multiple women than it is to attract just one woman and one woman only. Pre-selection is real. Women like who other women like. You can easily use this to your advantage.

If you can't figure this shit out, you're the only one to blame. People have tried to help you, but you've rejected such advice to feed the short term ego rush of feeling right. In reality, you're the Dalit of the dating market. And you deserve to be treated as such due to your own proven insufficiency. Actually you're worse than a Dalit. They were born with that status. You developed it.


I think it's less about sex and more wanting to connect with a human being on an intimate and emotional level. I am not an incel. I've had my fair share of romantic interests and sexual encounters. I'm not a Chad by any means either but is not the point.

The point is that alot of incels just want some one to love them at the end of the day the way only a partner you care about really can. The world is insane and a full on shit show. Capitalism has alienation built into it at every level and with the comdification of sex and romance that is only getting worse as the system of capital develops.

Both incels and chads who believe sex is everything are wrong but I think psychologically the issue is much deeper and, again, rooted in the expansion of capitalism.


That makes sense. Incels seem to want unconditional love and get fixated on the notion that love is often conditional AND supposedly out of reach for them. Often however, the biggest impediment is themselves and their mindset, things which are both changeable.


It's a common argument. Nature vs nurture. In the same way the black kid in etheopia isn't going to become a billionaire any time soon neither is the poor dishevled un educated virgin, or, the dorky socially akward middle class brat going to become a chad any time soon.
Of course there is a level of personal accountability, but, psychologically it's difficult to overcome your upbringing and takes a lot of introspection and working on yourself philosophically and against your biases.

Not to mention if you are infact ugly as shit which you can't really change.

You are correct about unconditional love though. I took me a long time to understand that. the only unconditional love I have ever felt was from one person, my mother. You can't expect that from anyone else really.


>the dorky socially akward middle class brat going to become a chad any time soon.
>Of course there is a level of personal accountability, but, psychologically it's difficult to overcome your upbringing and takes a lot of introspection and working on yourself philosophically and against your biases.
Agreed. But then again, things that come easy have little value. (Women getting attention from men online is a good example)
>Not to mention if you are infact ugly as shit which you can't really change.
There are intangibles that guys can offer beyond their looks. Girls, above all, want to have fun. Likewise, being amazing in bed will keep girls around. Being a challenge, since people often want what they feel they've earned or had to work for. Status is another obvious one, but I'd caution against simply trying to leverage money, unless you want women to treat you like an ATM. Future security can be something that women look for, but it's often balanced against other things.
But ya, if you're genetically deformed, it's going to be tough. That said, it's not like cerebral palsy victims have never gotten laid in history.

>Unconditional love

It's not bad that love is conditional. There are all sorts of deal breakers for me with women. Everything ranging from 'being fat' to 'being mean to children.' Women can be a bit more ruthless/pragmatic, but they're biologically programmed to be. Honestly, it amazing that people became monogamous at all, and it seems to have only arisen with agriculture/fuedalism, after inheriting plots of land became a thing.


>There are intangibles that guys can offer beyond their looks. Girls, above all, want to have fun.
<just be a clown theory

>Likewise, being amazing in bed will keep girls around.

first you need to get to the bed lol

>Being a challenge, since people often want what they feel they've earned or had to work for.

how does this even supposed to work for an incel lol? you're a challenge if you have variants
incels don't have them

>That said, it's not like cerebral palsy victims have never gotten laid in history.

how is your dick supposed to be working if you have a cerebral palsy lol?

>It's not bad that love is conditional.

depends on condition


>Incels don't deserve rights.

>Banging a few chicks isn't very impressive. It's a rather low bar. But what does that say about a guy who can't even do that?

It means they are not a chad

>Listening to an incel talk about women is like listening to a homeless person talk about financial planning, or listening to a guy who can't do a pull up talk about fitness

incels have experience with women too lol
it's just negative experience
doesn't mean it should be dismissed
especially when it is statistically backed

where are your statistics? huh?

>The problem is, it's the most disempowering truth available, framed in the worst way possible.

How should you "frame" it? But sugarcoating it with usual redpill copes lol?

>Ok, don't be average.

<Just grow a couple of inches, get a full head of hair, change your face and bones theory

>This has practical applications. When you're with a chick, for example, try to do the most ballsy thing you think you can get away with.

is this a variant of "just commit crime theory"?

>Second, it's far far easier to attract multiple women than it is to attract just one woman and one woman only. Pre-selection is real. Women like who other women like. You can easily use this to your advantage.

<you can't attract even one woman incel? well how about you try attracting multiple women!
even by this logic you need to first attract at least one woman lol to then attract others


>where are your statistics? huh?


>Incels don't deserve rights.
Whatever you say, Locke.


Incels probably have most revolutionary potential in the west.


Um, sorry sweetie. Enby/trans tech workers are the backbone of the revolution in the west..




>Banging a few chicks isn't very impressive. It's a rather low bar. But what does that say about a guy who can't even do that? It means they are a low quality man.
Incorrect, it means they are a high quality man. Most incels don't just want to fuck a girl, they want a loving relationship. Men that manipulate girls for sex are the low quality sleezeballs

>Listening to an incel talk about women is like listening to a homeless person talk about financial planning

No it's not. It's like listening to a homeless man talk about a failed financial system. In which case it's true and he offers valuable insights into how the system failed them.

>Ok, don't be average. Find a way to leverage aspects yourself to rise above your own stale faggotry. I

<he still believes in great man theory…kek
Sorry fag but most people are average. If anything people are having less sex and relationships than ever before

>When you're with a chick, for example, try to do the most ballsy thing you think you can get away with

Fail. These tips only work for chads.

>you can't figure this shit out, you're the only one to blame.

<If you're poor in capitalism it's the proletariats fault!
Imagine a leftist board so fiercely advocating for burger individualism


>Incel idpol


>A material condition is an identity.
Kek at liberals.


Why are incels so prevelant here?


They just like to post about their own failures a lot.


>If anything people are having less sex and relationships than ever before
That reminds me of a passage from an Agatha Christie novel that stuck with me–Miss Marple, an elderly woman in the 1950s noted that sex becoming a more open subject had paradoxically led to people having it less often. When sex stopped being a sin, she said, it became instead a duty and thus more of a chore and less fun for all parties.

Could the sentiment that you are no expressing just be one of those things that every older generation thinks about sex in the present, or has it been a long-standing trend that the more sex gets "liberated" the more constricted it becomes, bound as it is by the rules of morality and not in constant violation of it?


Is the anon who kept telling people to get over being a victim of imperialism fighting them?




We're not incels, we pay for sex.


cus butthurt bluepilled betabux tran-jannies always ban us because we dare to question the very foundation of their whole worldview
the sheer shock of blackpill is just too much for a bluepiller, so that his first instinct is to lash out in horror and crush what frightens him so much

if he doesn't have the means to do this - he is reduced to a shouting lunatic.
"Make it Stop! Make it Stop!" repeats he like a madman..


Do you think I should?


There's an r9k board kek


Lel, oh yeah. Is it supposed to be a containment board?


U mad?


Kinda. We don't find any appeal or anything really redeemable about incels, but our rules on freedom of speech compel us to tolerate their presence. Its an unfortunate problem, but the general policy is good and encourages a sort of openness and diversity of ideas not found on places like reddit or Leftypol. I tend to ignore them (kinda like women do).


It's not really a problem if we have a gulag to ship them to, so I am fine with it. Who knows, maybe they will have things to talk about that have nothing to do with how hopelessly ugly they are?


I mean the admins want to hopefully convert some people to be less spiteful though women under the capitalist economic system sure do suck a lot of the times.


>It's not really a problem if we have a gulag to ship them to, so I am fine with it. Who knows, maybe they will have things to talk about that have nothing to do with how hopelessly ugly they are?
Your skinny fat ass ain't shipping anyone to the gulag.


how bout we ship you back to your .ogre gulag bitch?


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Lel you're mad at a post that's arguing in your favor. I suppose being unable to read social cues is a big part of what is keeping you from getting laid.


Ever notice how incels are the most anti-.org users? Incels are completely id-polled to the core.


"Incel" is an identity, a perceived personal quality with no material reality that is claimed, so it would figure that they are prone to identity politics. .org is shit, though. Everything good about it was over when they banned TOR.


No rights for incels


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t. butthurt bluepilled betabuxer .ogres

what's up bitches? got under friendly fire in your shithole? troon on troon violence? kek


Incels are sexual inverts and on the same level as troons and women


>social queues
>On an Indian Pillow Humping Enthusiasts Forum
Homie, you're the one that needs to brush up on your socialization.


Kek, .orge is second in white idpol only to /pol/ itself.


Would you STFU ya skinny fat slob. You're so hysterical you're not even making sense. Go back to your .ogre circle jerk.


I'd bet money this is the samefag that thinks Leftypol is fashist, incels are the mass base of revolution in the west, and who has generally been displaying their personality disorder all over this board every since Pasquale found a new bff


>Instead of arguing I'm going to gossip about you like an old hen.


I can't even keep track of who is insulting who in this thread.


…Sounds like I'm right though


>I'm right because you called me out.
Can you please take this catty "Mean Girls" shit back to .org.
Like damn niqqa, no one gives a fuck about the lore of a Mongolian Anime Slot Machine Players forum.


Incels don't go banning anyone tho and shilling for nationalism


Only because nobody ever makes them mods.


No one like incels. Not women. Not other men. The common denominator are the incels themselves, who are failed people who cope and blame everyone but themselves. Literally just stop being a bitter pussy who pretends like the world owes them something.


>I don't like them so they're wrong.
You are a true materialist anon.


Ew gross. An incel is talking to us




Incels are inherently reactionary. I mean look at the MAGA communism shit, this is what they come up with kek.


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Tldr: incels are narcissistic neets with a disempowering victim mindset and delusional belief in their own moral/personal superiority


>proles/serfs/slaves exhibit reduced psychological well-being and a greater tendency for interpersonal victimhood, study finds


Serfs, slaves, and proles all still got laid though. lol




>I only trust sources that confirm my existing beliefs
Smartest person on leftychan


Psypost is a notorious rag. I'd feel that way even if they happened to say something sympathetic about incels.


Lol, literally just an aggregate of recent peer reviewed studies.
For people who think they know everything about the world though, you sure have so little to talk about besides complaining about threads/posts that don't live up to your standards. Dunning Kruger syndrome is real and on full display here


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Also, they have some pretty based spicy takes which typically confirm common sense. No wander the faggy know-it-all-and-do-nothing left hates it
>Pic related
No one respects fat people


The field of psychology is going through a reproduction crisis. Many many studies cannot be reproduced with the same results.
So I'm extremely discerning when it comes to psy studies. Psypost already has a bad reputation for clickbait studies. The only one here with Dunning Kruger is you drawn to a study that appeals to your prejudices.
>Common sense
The amount of scientific findings that refutes "common sense" fills tomes.


Pretty sure low openness to new ideas and self assuredness correlates with low eyeq
Still waiting for you fags to talk about something which doesn't amount to crying from the sidelines though


>Pretty sure low openness to new ideas and self assuredness correlates with low eyeq
Pretty sure not understanding what actual science is is low autism score. Hint: it's not "common sense" and it's not things you already want to believe.
>Still waiting for you fags to talk about something which doesn't amount to crying from the sidelines though
There's your liberalism talking again. People with grievances must prove to the liberal status quo that they have sufficiently competed for their needs before complaining


<There's your liberalism talking again.
>Does nothing
>Why won't you take me seriously!!!


>People with grievances must prove to the liberal status quo that they have sufficiently competed for their needs before complaining!


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>centrists are chads

That's it.


>plurality of incele are left-wing
it's happening bros


99% of the internet is bots, post-ironic trolling, astroturfing or mindless normies.


It's always been like that. The idea that incels were right wing was always a liberal cope.


All the virtue signal maxxxing to no avail

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