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File: 1659390981508.png ( 8.72 KB , 645x773 , feels.png )

 No.468[View All]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
313 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1721331893171.jpg ( 74.16 KB , 750x893 , wojak_crying_hands.jpg )

>I wish…I wish so many things…


tfw life is laced with sour grapes


I think that Millennials have outboomered the boomers


all women are sluts and whores, fuck em all!!!


life is like a fucked up movie..


being anti-leftcel is not sectarian, because leftcels are counter-revolutionary.


File: 1723650780741.mp4 ( 8.59 MB , 480x854 , 1316794620.mp4 )



y r all wombtards whores?


Why are people so mean?


File: 1723793583522.mp4 ( 2.25 MB , 524x480 , RDT_20240816_003222.mp4 )



This shit is staged no fucking way.


could b real


ND = Nero divergent


File: 1724063651162.jpeg ( 570.78 KB , 2200x1467 , easy-ballet-stretches-for….jpeg )

Saw a girl doing stretches by lifting her leg up and putting it on the handrail while waiting for a bridge to come down. Like attached pic except without the arm/hand stuff.


File: 1724073746245.jpg ( 53.71 KB , 736x742 , 6af1692507836fe9e076b61908….jpg )

I went outside and nothing changed


How far outside did you go?


I went to like a small forest/park


That's not what people mean retard. You need to go outside and meet people and communicate with people.


thoughts on dating drug using girls?


imageboards are satanic. should i convert to christianity?


it's fucking dead, what are you even doing here


No don't do it


i wanna get jerked off by her so bad


fapping is getting hard


What if women don't exist? What is a woman?


I just wanna crazy bitch with wet pussy 24/7 🤷🥰


its so boring


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today a girl complimented me on my fashion 🥹


whats the point of this life shit


this life shit don't be making sense


The reason my posts don't get replies is because my gangstalkers are using hacks to hide my posts.


I got my dick sucked by a trans woman and didn't realize it until later. I just thought she was a tall ugly woman.


Why whyyy why did i choose to post on this site??


is my life over?


File: 1726870767720.jpg ( 96.41 KB , 526x789 , 460430392_432382243187489_….jpg )

I am finally getting over this woman I have loved for years. It feels fresh. Like the cloud I had hanging over me is finally dissipating.

I think if you enjoyed it that's what matters

Evidently not. You posted that. It's never too late to attempt whatever it is you have in mind.


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File: 1729292296293.jpg ( 80.45 KB , 645x773 , dark-wojak-night.jpg )

my life has no meaning


File: 1730399755154.png ( 31.99 KB , 920x920 , png-transparent-crying-woj….png )

its not even worth trolling here cause the relies come too late or not at all


its over.. my dick soft






File: 1732688152280.jpg ( 89.35 KB , 1007x996 , 443715241_1843130591205628….jpg )

I have so much love to give but no one wants to receive it


How do I know what is the real me?


>online handle is a reference to some fetish shit
>expect me to take you seriously


File: 1736353698910.jpg ( 449.14 KB , 1391x1427 , red-wojak-screech.jpg )

>no reply after four whole minutes


All women are whores.


File: 1737160200674.jpg ( 48.56 KB , 1080x1151 , FDr8e58VgAASgkN.jpg )

tired but i don't wanna go to sleep


I was airing out my room and a fucking pigeon took a shit on the floor when I wasn't there!!



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