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 No.203[Last 50 Posts]

What the hell was gamer gate? Did any of y'all participate in it? Was it a good thing or bad thing?


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The final death of good discussion on 4chan. There was an internet nobody with 300 twitter followers who someone took a screencap of and posted on /v/
this made them famous

moot made the only good decision he's ever done and banned eceleb from /v/ but like with every rule eventually the mods got tired of enforcing it and now every thread is shit derailed by some boogeyman. Image related. Just replace trannies with 'sjws' and you'll get the idea.


Basically it was one of a long parade of scandals on the video games review profession, which essentially functions as advertising for access. No one was surprised about it, but the difference this time is across forums throughout the internet its discussion got censored. Streisand Effect ensued, people eventually got pissed enough to try and start doing something about how abysmal the games coverage media was. The games media insiders doubled down, called everyone a misogynerd who was calling them out on their bullshit, and then eventually the mainstream media picked up their narrative uncritically, under the false assumption that these people must be experts and innocent when talking about their own malfeasance.

It was a very good thing for getting people off of 4chan, 8ch was the most hopeful 4chan alternative anyone had seen since /b/-day. Besides all the benefits of actually having people to fucking talk to off of 4chan again, I personally got a lot out of it because I feel my own loathing for other anti-consumer practices in the industry got taken more seriously, and eventually it led me to look up what the heck Marxism is and I ended up here.


Actually it was about ethics in video game journalism.


Gamergate or something like it was inevitable tbh. Too many points of tension had built up culturally and economically. In the end it's the transition to endless culture wars where some bourgeois libs can always keep finding new reasons to cancel people they don't like. And as paranoid as I thought people were 5 years ago, I think ultimately they were right that there was some kind of psy-op test run happening, because the sexist bernie bro narrative is the same shit. The only reason it didn't work to turn the Sanders campaign into a bunch of nazi misogynists is because unlike GG, Sanders actually stood for clear principles and policies.

GG being leaderless (and directionless) meant it was very easy to co-opt. All the media had to do was advertise to the nazis by saying "this gamergate thing is a nazi hive" and they all flocked there. The same thing basically happened with r/GamersRiseUp where they wouldn't let gamergate go and kept making fun of "gamers" as nazis by pretending to be nazi gamers. And they ended up attracting a bunch of actual nazis who thought they were in good company and took over the subreddit until it got banned. The only reason the nazis show up places like this is because retarded libs essentially invite them.


Started out as some revenge porn because one shit dev used sex to shill her game. Devolved into a garbage fire of jumbled retardation trying to criticize the overwhelming level of capitalist incompetence and the scumbag networking included but ended up being used by stormfront tards to infect every facet of halfchan because at that point most users were by the number non political liberals easily swayed by shit rhetorics.
Pretty much the only ones benefited were the slimy fucks that stirred up the movement in the first place.


GG started out as a reaction to a alarmingly well-co-ordinated media smear campaign. That smear campaign was itself a response to the internet's response to the Zoepost. Tens of articles all came out on the same day esentially, saying the same thing: that the concept of a Gamer with a capital G is problematic and must be eradicated, or something. /v/ and /pol/ took it as proof of how all of the gaming media is colluded and carteled, and secretly answers to some single conspiratorial entity or cultural current (SJW hegemony?). Either voluntarily or under the threat of blackmail, no one can know for sure.

But the whole """consumer revolt""" was almost immediately couped by /pol/ and became one of their most effective early propaganda & recruitment channels. I'm sure you can see why. They converted the movement to suit the full extents of their ideology and the asskissers at 8chan's /v/ just went along with it, /pol/ having convinced them that they could be /v/'s very own undefeatable protective entity.

The exodus of 4chan's /v/ to 8chan, as a reaction to Moot's fuckups, was sadly the very first time I gained any kind of political awareness; at the age of about 21. At first it turned me into an bitcoin-loving anti-sjw american-libertarian, but after taking a look at the freshly created /leftypol/ and seeing how everything I had been told about communism before was lies, I stuck around.

The most important thing I learned from this experience was that idpol is one of the most dangerously distracting psyops of them all, no matter where it comes from


Idpol wars between gamer manchildren and slightly sociopathic SJWs. Everyone involved was a retard.


i stayed far away from it b/c it looked like a mess, but here's my understanding of it:
>/v/ shits on "gaming journalism" for being absolute garbage (truth)
>boiling point is reached when "the zoe post" revealed how much of a joke said journalism was
>for some reason, youtube took down videos on this scandal for using images of her game
>/v/ revolts, starts #gamergate, attempts to take some news outlets down or kill their ad revenue
>news outlets counterattack with an effective "misogynistic gamers" smear to distract from its original goals
>cue retardation between virtue signalers and legit gamergaters, mixed with retards who think it's about yelling at women
>some far-right british news fag co-opts #gamergate by going "it's all true, i have their mailing list!!"
>gawker sued by hulk hogan, dead movement


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Wouldn't you say one of the biggest thing GamerGate did was create a lot of grifters


It's not like they weren't showing up before it. In fact by that logic we might as well give it credit for all the dumbass youtube attention whores from /leftypol/ over the years too.


video games are fucking boring
nerds should have gotten wedgied for this boring as fuck drama


Not really. It just gave them something to latch onto.

>>news outlets counterattack with an effective "misogynistic gamers" smear to distract from its original goals
The key here is that the news story functioned as advertising and everybody who fit that description flooded gamergate. It's a lot like how the media hyping Unite the Right made it bigger.


I migrated to 8ch because of gamergate. M00t deleting gg threads felt like a betrayal and was kind of the last straw for me. There was an initial period where 8ch managed to recapture the spirit of 4chan of yore, but eventually it devolved into /pol/ shit everywhere. I eventually found /leftypol/ and got into Marx.


I count myself lucky that I somehow never got into GamerGate. Shit was retarded & was of course one of (several) reasons why 4chan went to shit.


purge bait and eminently /pol/ bullshit. prolly why /v/ went from bad to worse, and what parts of the movements that weren't totally shit were idealistic and had no real idea how to attack the material basis for shitty games journalism, so they inevitably devolved into reactionary bullshit as well. for a period it was so cancerous that association with GG became almost an idpol identity.


>one of (several) reasons why 4chan went to shit
I think you're confusing cause and effect.


>had no real idea how to attack the material basis for shitty games journalism
Wasn't there a demonetizing campaign aimed at advertisers?


And a successful campaign to get the FCC to adopt a new rule about in-line advertising.


Gamergate was extensively documented on encyclopedia dramatica, which is now offline. I bet you glowniggers got to it.


>encyclopedia dramatica
ED has been unstable and ad-ridden ever since some ragtag group of /b/tards took over after Girlvinyl killed it for a KYM knockoff. It has to be on like, what, its seventh domain now?


( X ) Doubt
It was basically a fucking petition. The status quo continues on because it was an idpol-driven movement that could never bring real change, the only thing it could really be worth in the grand scheme of things is an autopsy of how not to do things. but really they were so retarded that where they went wrong is basically common sense stuff, so even that is dubious.


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>participate in it

I bought the ghost game. Please step on me.


I once used the hashtag #notyourshield
Abandoned it after a while an when I came back the GG hastag was full of random humor


It was also an astroturf operation by Steve Bannon that helped turn the 4chan vote over to Trump. I did somewhat latch onto it because I was afraid after Rapelay that the feminists were going to pressure Japanese gamers and anime into censoring everything.

I stopped caring as much once I realized that the threat of fascism is much closer, and suddenly anime isn't as important. I'm also a bit disappointed by how many people who liked anime turned into crypto fascists. I thought anime being from another culture and generally cute stuff would have a positive influence and bring people together rather than leading to them spouting vitrol and hatred or turning toward Jordan Peterson books and Nazism.


Unironickly under socialism the Japanese fuck that created this game whould have been executed


Was anyone harmed in the making of that game?


>It was also an astroturf operation by Steve Bannon that helped turn the 4chan vote over to Trump.
Revisionist idiocy. Steve Bannon didn't give a shit about image boards in 2014 (and still doesn't, he even said some mean things about hentai fans on twitter around 2016 if I remember right).


No it's a pretty well established fact that Bannon explicitly targetted cuckchan with massive psyop strategies but this was after gamergate broke; he was one of the people who was attracted to it because of the hullabaloo kicked up by liberal media because he saw it as free content and promotion for brietbart


It's not a well established fact by anyone except outsiders who don't know what the fuck gamergate was about and view video game enthusiasts and image board users with contempt.


Unironically, angry moralizers who want to shoot people for thought crimes are the first reactionaries that we should send to the wall.


A game developer named Zoe Quinn made a point and click and game called "Depression quest" which everyone thought was terrible but her boyfriend or at least "some guy she was fucking" who ran one of these "Gaming journalism" sites like Kotaku or IGN or whatever gave it 5/5 because like…Obvious reasons lmao

So some guy posted a twitter screenshot about the story to /v/ and it exploded into this incredibly cringy online campaign to "Ensure ethics in game journalism" which because it was fucking /v/ basically just meant harassing SJW's and "Gaming journalists" for several months who in turn responded and added more fuel to the fire adding to more people joining in this went back and fourth etc

This continued till basically all of /v/ and other boards connected with the same lurkers had been contaminated with E-Celeb bullshit 24/7 and Moot made basically the only good decision he ever made asides from making the site and choose to ban all discussion about it on the site entirely

This led to a mass migration of people mainly off of /v/ and /pol/ to 8Chan basically giving the site most of its userbase which in turn led to Old /leftypol/ which in turn led to bunkerchan as it is now after 8Chan got murked after one to many /pol/ chimp outs

Anyway once Hiromoot took over he basically just told mods "Just do whatever you want as long as it isnt illegal" which basically led to 4Chan as a whole slowly sliding down hill till we see the dumpster fire it is today


the game was free from the start anyway, I don't get the weird obsession with her in particular, plenty of men make mediocre to terrible games that get good reviews from media wankers and had gotten away with it just fine, there was definitely some layer of misogyny there, that and the 'sleeping with journo' was literally seething cuck ex bf making up a cope.


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>I am going the official armchair psychologist of this site and this is my diagnosis: Soggy knees

You are a retard

If you want more proof you can visit the kotaku in action compass test compiling what most of the usebase was like (it was mostly libtards)


Of all the possible explanations why isn't the most simple and logical one just that gamers care extraordinary much about video games and so they will be willing to go on crusades for the sake of their games which seems like madness for any onlookers?


so you felt betrayed by moot because he didn't just let all of 4chan turn into /pol/ and then you felt disappointed because the site you migrated to turned all into /pol/?


>So some guy posted a twitter screenshot about the story to /v/ and it exploded into this incredibly cringy online campaign to "Ensure ethics in game journalism" which because it was fucking /v/ basically just meant harassing SJW's and "Gaming journalists" for several months who in turn responded and added more fuel to the fire adding to more people joining in this went back and fourth etc
Nice convenient detail omissions, that all happened [b]after[/b] the immense censorship of the subject across video game forums around the internet, and [b]after[/b] tons of games rags all came out with their little "gamers are dead" hitpieces on the same day.


We felt betrayed by moot because of the censorship you lazy concern troll. Of course everyone who'd been posting for a while already knew moot was a piece of shit who shat up other boards including /v/ all the time; the censorship was merely the straw that broke the camel's back. Actually, for many of us who have always been trying to build a sustainable resistance to 4chan hegemony across the image board-sphere, it was a wonderful opportunity.




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>I don't get the weird obsession with her in particular
>must be soggy knees
It was manufactured by Zoe Quinn. Nobody gave a shit about her beyond being the case that piqued people's interests in the relationship between game journalists and certain developers. There's a reason people started calling her Literally Who. She was constantly talking about how much she was harassed despite almost nothing to indicate it. She's a shameless self-promoter and went all the way to the fucking United Nations (with Anita Sarkeesian) to speak about how online speech needs to be curtailed to stop harassment of women.


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She was doxed and received death the and rape threats
>She was constantly talking about how much she was harassed despite almost nothing to indicate it
"As Quinn described it to a municipal judge that September, had unearthed her address and old nude photos, hacked her website, promised to kill and rape her, and placed multiple threatening calls to her father’s home in upstate New York — all of which Quinn had meticulously documented and organized in evidentiary zip-drive folders"
>online speech needs to be curtailed


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>Nobody gave a shit about her beyond being the case that piqued people's interests in the relationship between game journalists and certain developers
This "interest" was misogyny driven by an ex-boyfriend who used nu-4chan as his personal army to harass an ex. No one gave a shit about the blatant lack of "ethics" in games journalism until it was a feeble cover for misogynist shit flinging by /pol/tards as part of their take over of /v/.
>relationship between game journalists and certain developers
You mean pic related you dumb piece of shit gaymergay apologist? That "game journalists" are literally on the payroll of major publishers has never been a secret. That "game journalists" have been fired from IGN because they gave a less than glowing review of a game published by a company that bought ad space from IGN has never been a secret.


Can you please crawl back to whatever credulous idiot forum you came from. Everyone on image boards knows what actually went down and you're not fooling any of us.


Shut the fuck up negro. He's right.


>online speech needs to be curtailed
it does


I was there as much as you and was sucked into believing it it, it was just a misogynist /pol/ astroturf the whole time.


You're the astroturf.


Eventually I wouldn't be surprised if people harassed Quinn in earnest, but like Sarkeesian she is a grifter who purposefully caused the hate train to leave the station. Everybody would have been happy to ignore her but she insisted on herself.
>online speech needs to be curtailed
Go back to reddit.

>an ex-boyfriend who used nu-4chan as his personal army to harass an ex.
The "personal army" meme is that [b]/b/[/b] (not /v/ or all of 4chan) is not your personal army. And he just posted a blog about how Quinn was a manipulative cheater. Some people who read it made the connection that some of the people she cheated with were game journos and started talking about it on /v/.
>You mean pic related
No, I mean the ones who purport to be real journalists you mong.
>That "game journalists" have been fired from IGN because they gave a less than glowing review of a game published by a company that bought ad space from IGN has never been a secret.
This is also bad. What's your point? The smaller sites were softer targets. They were also the ones who were actively trying to police developers (workers) by giving press that would impact sales and push the publishers (capitalists) to respond and enforce their social views.

No it doesn't, but you're free to say that and make an ass of yourself.

/pol/ were outsiders who tried to bandwagon onto it and eventually succeeded when alt-right media companies realized they could cultivate an audience.


It pretty much spawned the modern patreon grifter phenomenon

"Sargon of Akkad" who not many people may know but started out making video's basically exclusively about Gamergate before he branched out and just became a right-winger in general used this to spring board himself into internet fame
Same with several other grifters

The inverse also happened with people like Zoe quinn and Sarkesian asking for a million dollar's to own ebil waycist gamer's or whatever


>went all the way to the fucking United Nations (with Anita Sarkeesian) to speak about how online speech needs to be curtailed to stop harassment of women
And the rep from [b]Saudi Arabia[/b] was like: "What a touching story! We need to control the internet more, but only for defending the honor of women of course :^)"
>And he just posted a blog about how Quinn was a manipulative cheater.
Yeah, it was typical gaslighting stuff. He was (and still is as far as I know) a progressive.


If Gamergate never happened.
How different would online culture be?


It was an inevitable conservative IDpol reaction to the progressive IDpol anti-class tactic being leveraged in defense of bourgeois interests, against rising rising class consciousness among the Anglosphere proletariat following the 2008 great recession.


I want to fuck the gamer gate girl


There is no gamer gate.
Put on your clothes


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Same, that and convert her to communism of course


How likely do you guys think the twitch deer tranny is to start Gamergate 2.0?


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Contexto amico, poure favore.


Twitch hired some obnoxious furry tran as a member for some anti-toxicity whatever committee so The Gamers are having a moment.



To elaborate on why she is "obnoxious", she's balls deep in liberal identity politics, complains about the usual bogeyman of "cis white men", power-tripping over the whole thing, saying that people should be afraid of her because she has power and noone can take it away. The exact opposite kind of person you would want for this job.

Additional idiocy includes calling for voice chat to be removed from games because it disadvantages minorities, instabanning random new viewers on her own streams, and several clips of her trying to act like a deer, or saying that she likes to go out in the yard and eat grass because she feels more in tune with her species that way.


It seems like Twitch saw controversy coming from their absolutely retarded policies and tried to get out in front of it by hiring a marginalized person so they could deflect all criticism as biogtry. And given that she's an extreme weirdo, she's going to attract a bunch of actual bigotry that Twitch can use to argue that there are no legitimate criticisms of how they run the operation.


Jesus Christ, was this person engineered to be as offensive as possible to 'les Gamers?'
That being said, I don't think this'll be any Gamergate 2.0 as I don't really think there can be another Gamergate.
The greatest single moment of triggering possible has already occurred, a big bang of sorts I claim,
and that triggering energy has persisted in a simmering explosion for the past half decade, continuing at a steady pace yet slowly dying of entropy.
Though the triggering continues, there can't be another explosive moment of beginning, as the beginning already coomed.
Any given thread on /v/ will be 90% screeching about TRANNIES, 7% whining about Jews, and 3% discussion of games,
but it's affectively been that way since Gamergate started, and whatever minor controversies creep up on top of it will be swirled in the stew as any other.
I think there could be a different moment of cultural explosion revolving around some nebulous 'something else,' as in something wholly unrelated to the whole GG continuum,
but a raw, unbridled GG2.0 caused by incredibly similar motivations won't really happen.

As a final note though, remember kids:
Trannies who look and behave like normal human beings exist, you just don't notice them, that's literally the point.
Those who've passed the in-a-sense 'Turing Test' are in a conundrum where they cannot advocate for the validation of their existence, as that would give away the game,
and they are also at a point where they no longer need to do so anyway.
Leaving only (presumably) literal autists such as this aforementioned giga-triggering specimen.

Also yes, shrewd move by Twitch. Capitalists always so cleverly using ElJeeBeeTees as pawns in their game, resulting in their commodification on one hand and fostering the growth of genuinely homicidal hatred towards them on the other.


>Shrewd Move by twitch
Now that I think about, yeah that does make sense. Although why would want porky want people to hate fags though?


It's not necessarily their goal to rile retards towards hating fags, that's a side effect moreso.
I was agreeing with that anon that it's likely a virtue-signaling move to avoid flak from the 'cancel' crowd, as well as immunize them against legitimate criticisms in general.
Capitalists tend to use LGBTs as a shield against meaningful critique of any of their exploitative practices.
Say, for instance, you accuse a company of anti-Union practices, but this company happens to be well-known for its 'progressive' veneer.
Then, any of that legitimate criticism of their exploitative business practices is painted as being racist, sexist, homophobic, 'alt-right,' et cetera.
This drowns out the Marxist class-based analysis of their company in a twofold manner.
It firstly delegitimizes it as being Right-wing endeavor of hate, and it secondly legitimizes it as being a Right-wing endeavor of hate.
Normal people recoil in fear at your class-analysis, as the lying-press has deemed it the analysis of Nazis, while the actual Nazis flock to your movement and usurp it.
What class analysis it may have been born with is gone, replaced with Right-wing identity-wanking.

This is effectively rather similar to what GamerGate was initially, though I'd argue that Right identity-politics did actually exist in it from its very inception, at least in some capacity.
Actual major media outlets and figures, as big as Steven Colbert, made sure it was all about the Right-wingedness though, drowning out even acknowledgement of the actual criticism of Capitalism.


>Say, for instance, you accuse a company of anti-Union practices, but this company happens to be well-known for its 'progressive' veneer.
There's also some dumb bullshit floating around now that unions and strikes are harmful to marginalized people who don't have the "privilege" to strike without endangering themselves.


what ? really ? source plz


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I participated in "anti-SJW" reddit in the mid-2010s
>muh gayming journalism
>muh consoomer revolt
pure cringe. gamergate was never "coopted", it was manufactured by reactionary ecelebs. sargon, mundanematt, internetaristocrat, etc.

it was fucking stupid and I hate myself for taking that bullshit seriously.


I don't regret participating in it at all. It was an important phase in developing class consciousness among my fellow anons.


Not him, your fellow anons became even more reactionary and asskissy towards corporations (so long as they aren't woke)


The "consumer revolt" bit makes me laugh to this day.


>tfw used to watch mundanematt, thunderfoot and the amazing atheist types
Its a good thing i stepped out as soon as they started going full rightist.


I think that's starting to simmer down at this point, and the ones I still know are in a black pit of pessimism. My systemic critiques of the games industry are no longer shrugged off as just another theory.


One of the worst identity politics things that ever came out of the internet. Both sides were functionally retarded and spawned an endless amount of grifters, but the gamers have the edge because they managed to make idpol around the fact that they played vidya.


I despise GG morons most of all when it comes to the right-wings cadres. Summary execution of all GG participants when?


Reminder no one is impressed by virtue signaling against gamergate in these parts.


Honestly anyone who participated in gaymergate in any meaningful capacity is sexless degenerate faggot incapable of contributing to society and therefore gets the wall.


Lmao imagine taking a polynesian basket weaving forum this seriously. Go outside you fag


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It seems like they were in the right though.
Also sjw's were enforcing their shit compare 2013 stuff to 2020 stuff and you see a clear increase in minorities and women that seem to be there just to be women and minorities. Also journalist being scumbags but that goes without saying really


>implying your type would even be able to build a wall
maybe if guys actually were working class you'd be able to build something



seethe more


Is it really virtue signalling to point out that everyone involved were retarded? Who am I even virtue signalling for?


nigga you don't know shit about me or my life


good luck trying to slip REDpills, cuz the jannies on /v/ really hate it when /v/ becomes even slightly left-wing.


Which /v/ we talkin bout here? I had pretty good success on Julay World.


Julay World is or well was filled with 8chan nazis but I guess getting clamped by qboomers would sour them on the right somewhat.


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One of the reasons I was initially supportive of GamerGate was that feminists in Britain had stopped Rapelay from being published in Japan:


This reminded me of the idiotic "Parents Music Resource Center" who tried to censor all the bad words from records in the eighties-nineties, or the religious-conservative pushback on violence in video games. The truth is, even if these people call themselves liberals, they think like conservatives.

I never played Rapelay, or had any desire to, but I wouldn't want my favorite fetishes to be censored so I felt a sense of solidarity when Gamergate started and grifting feminist icons started criticizing sex in video games.

I still hate people who kink-shame or who try to censor freedom of speech or creative freedom. I don't buy into the idea that violent video games or movies lead to more violence in real life, and think they're an outlet for people who have those tendencies.

There was a lot of this crap in the years leading up to Gamergate, and we were being primed for a reactionary pushback against shitty liberalism and toxic feminism. There was a gross overreaction to Dead or Alive Extreme Volleyball, and to any anime games with sexiness in them by super-annoying Western feminists.

So as an otaku I aligned with Gamergate even though I never got involved with it other than to yell at some uninformed liberal feminists people on a few forums whenever it came up. I'm sure these liberal feminists are named Karen and voted for Elizabeth Warren and Hillary just because they had vaginas, while attacking the mythical "Bernie bros."

So yeah, I still don't really think Gamergate was completely wrong. The doxxing was unacceptable, and nerds definitely started taking the games a bit too seriously because they weren't woken up to more important kinds of politics. Nazis used the movement and steered and grew a generation of gamers into rabid Trump suppoting know-nothings. But at least there was a pushback that has caused some of us to be comfortable with dismissing feminists that try to shame us when we allow people to develop games or fantasies with sexual themes. (Feminists who are probably TERFs too.)

Of course, Japan is now censoring more video games to avoid controversies in the west, so I guess the feminists sort of won the #Gamergate battle too. Maybe call it a draw.


>One of the reasons I was initially supportive of GamerGate was that feminists in Britain had stopped my rape fantasy simulator from being published in Japan
What the fuck.


I was part of Gamergate when it started, I mainly got into it because I thought that Sarkessian and "Literally Who" were nothing but con-artists, trying to make yet another moral panic about video games and that they are using it as a way to grift themselves into a small fortune.

I also relaized that /pol/ and the aut-right especially with the acceptance of Yannopolis, were trying to co-opt gamergate to twist it to their retardation. Hell I even warned people about it on /r/KiA.

I also realized there was a class dimension to gaamergate as well, that the SJWs and the aut-right were both "Useful Idiots" to the rich and powerful and tried to warn people that this whole culture war was only being used as a divide and conquer tactic. But they didn't listen to me.

Thankfully I left it but was still against the "SJWs" because I saw them as essentially no different from the conservative Christians and other grifters and con-artists that blamed all the world's ills on video games. And I also saw the alt-right as completely retarded as well.

Yeah sorry about the little novel there. Just wanted to explain my history with it.


>stopped Rapelay from being published in Japan
It was published and the controversy started long after, the fuck are you talking about.
All the censorship in Japan comes from their conservatard government, it's crazy how internet rightoids bend over backwards to blame that on feminists.


>GG being leaderless (and directionless) meant it was very easy to co-opt

Look at the history. The 'Gamergate' label was first used by Adam Baldwin - a former Breitbart columnist. That was rapidly followed by official Breitbart coverage under the Gamergate brand, which repeatedly focused on the theme that gamers were revolting against le ebil SJWs.

There was no co-opting. Under the Gamergate brand, Breitbart News was in charge. You'll note that several of the high-profile swattings appeared to be in retaliation for measures that reduced Breitbart's effectiveness: an obscure rightist dev hit because she called for a rejection of Milo's transphobia; a Bay Area shitposter hit because her tool recommended blocking people who followed Milo Yiannopoulos and Adam Baldwin. You'll also note that any 4chan Gamergate thread of the era included a LOT of cockthirsting after pending Milo articles.

tl;dr: it was very much dominated by rightist culture warrior causes. The 'ethics in game journalism' line was ALWAYS cover. That doesn't mean nobody BELIEVED in it - plenty of people did. But the core group started out as personal harrassment and gradually segued into rightist kulturkampf.


>was ALWAYS cover. That doesn't mean nobody BELIEVED in it - plenty of people did. But the core group
A cover is for hiding. If you believe in your own "cover" reason, it isn't a cover, maybe your reasoning is dumb, but it isn't a cover. It seems you aren't so much thinking here about people as passive onlookers who buy into the cover, you are rather thinking about people who were involved (as much as raging online about things can count as involvement), right? So, to phrase better what you probably mean, there was a core group and useful idiots, the core group had a cover and the useful idiots bought into that. Problem is that the way you define the core group – the core group are the evil schemers with the cover and not the honest idiots – your line of thinking looks closed off to empirical checking. To check whether your idea holds up, you need some measure of influence*, and then check whether the schemers overlap well with the big influencers. I do remember that many GGers found Breitbart trashy and old /leftypol/ was also moderately proGG.

*I'd use a Twitter account's number of followers from people using the hashtag divided by the account's absolute follower count for that.


>The 'Gamergate' label was first used by Adam Baldwin - a former Breitbart columnist. That was rapidly followed by official Breitbart coverage under the Gamergate brand, which repeatedly focused on the theme that gamers were revolting against le ebil SJWs.
>There was no co-opting.
The name was used to describe an existing thing and shape the narrative around it. The only way this is not co-opting is if you ignore that something existed prior to Adam Baldwin tweeting the hashtag.


>But at least there was a pushback that has caused some of us to be comfortable with dismissing feminists that try to shame us when we allow people to develop games or fantasies with sexual themes.

Not really. Gamergate focused a lot of their ire on sex-positive, socially liberal feminists. That's 40% of the potential H-game devs right off the top, since most women are at least a LITTLE bit feminist and obviously sex-negative people aren't going to write H-games. That's also a large fraction of the wives and girlfriends for male devs.

Certainly, the porn game devs I knew during Gamergate weren't happy with it. One of them was terrified that they'd get called out for problematic content and that Gamergate would trash their reputation in a half-assed attempt to DEFEND them; the other was afraid that Gamergate would kill their girlfriend. This atmosphere doesn't really encourage H-game development.


>Adam Baldwin - a former Breitbart columnist
He's an actor you idiot.


Some boomer potatonigger pointed out how a whore was acting like a whore to further her own career and then when a bunch of faggots called her a whore she cried sexism to the media and they incestuously supported her. Mundane Matt did absolutely nothing.


sergin is not a right winger. everyone you dislike is not a right winger. everyone more to the right than you is not a right winger.


It still wouldn't have been banned of not for western liberal groups making a fuss about "bad porn." CNN is still making a fuss about Rapelay. A fully developed game got cancelled to appease sex negative conservative feminists who mascarade as progressives, possibly because their religion is so restrictive.


Get laid, Puritan.

I'm talking about Japanese eroge developers, not Western ones. They banned foreign IPs which was controversial after British feminists caused Rapelay to get canceled in Japan. They tried to cauterize the wound by cutting off the west so they could keep on making those games with full creative freedom. Western VN makers tend by female, and carry those bourgeoisie ideological sensitivities with them.


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Imagine willing to die on a hill for a game that involves the player character raping and potentially impregnating a 12 year old girl


>CNN is still making a fuss about Rapelay.
Yeah, because it is a game called Rapelay in which the protagonist rapes a child. Talking about that is going to attract eyeballs.
Something like that should be allowed to exist, but it should be made and distributed anonymously through underground channels, not as a commercial product out in the open.


Imagine being so autistic that you angrily insist people must be willing to "die on a hill" over the question of "3D porn games."
As opposed to just deciding that I'm not going to fight over the right of a company to have a public storefront selling games about raping children.


>raping children
Again, no one is impressed by your virtue signaling here. Might we suggest reddit as a good place to puff yourself up over fictional things happening to fictional characters?


Might I suggest you go back to liking CNN and only buying censored music and movies to remove the naughty parts that would give you a stroke?


The game Rapelay is literally about raping a child, dude.
>fictional things happening to fictional characters
Rocky is a movie about a boxer named Rocky Balboa. Street Fighter is a game about a martial arts tournament. Blindsight is a novel about first contact with an alien species. The fact that you're butthurt about someone using an amoral, objective descriptor like "game about raping children" is proof of my point, which is that there are somethings that belong in the closet.
If you can't own a simple objective statement of the question at hand, then you have no right to comment and I'm not about to die, or even raise a finger, to stop the people coming for you.


You're such a dumb moralfag. And if you knew your history you'd realize that the moralfags will be the first to turn on you no matter how pure you think you are. They always do because there are never enough witches to burn when there's a moral panic.


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>He's an actor you idiot.

I think you will find that a man can have done more than one thing in his life. Yes, he became famous pretending to be some sort of space asshole on an obscure radiotelegraphy serial. That doesn't change the fact that he ALSO wrote a column for Breitbart a while before Gamergate came out. I think it is reasonable to suppose that his *work for Breitbart* is more relevant to questions of culture-war collusion with Breitbart than his skill in pretending to be some sort of space asshole.

>They banned foreign IPs which was controversial after British feminists caused Rapelay to get canceled in Japan. They tried to cauterize the wound by cutting off the west so they could keep on making those games with full creative freedom.

Illusion, specifically, cut off the West. I can still buy *checks for a moment* "Magical Impregnated Girl Arisa" - which, at least from the sales copy, doesn't have the prosocial moral Wiki claims Rapelay has, but does promise a pregnant raped loli. I can still buy "Rape Training Dungeon - Girl Trapped In A Tentacle Maze". The title is self-explanatory. Yeah, it's not fair that Rapelay was cut off by the mob - but the mob in question looks an awful lot more like a mix of second wave types and conservatives masquerading as feminists than like the rainbow-haired SJWs filling their tiktoks with inflation porn or whatever it is they do these days.

>tend by female, and carry those bourgeoisie ideological sensitivities with them.

… how exactly does estrogen cause bourgeoisie ideological sensitivities? Is yaoi somehow inherently capitalistic? Does asking for consent instead of taking what you want as roughly as you can alienate the proletariat from their labour? Are only those truly free of capitalist influence capable coming up with a concept like 'L0li maid [OTTIE] Erotic Service Play'?

Yeah, the Western devs do tend to be cagier about nonconsensual fantasies and loli, but given that both the State and the gatekeepers of capital tightly restrict that sort of thing it's unrealistic to blame it on the SJWs.



A good dissection there, and I should definitely be clearer about the distinction between the core group and the support group(s).

(Gamergate follower count/Total follower count) is an interesting metric, and would be good for measuring amount of Gamergate-related influence an account has. It's not good at checking to see whether the core group/useful idiot theory adds up, since a very popular useful idiot can be manipulated by an unpopular schemer - or, conversely, I can decide that a bunch of ecelebs are the core group, look at the data, and have a good chance of confirming my gut feeling… while ACTUALLY confirming that I'm more likely to remember famous people than obscure ones.

We do, however, have some chat logs from Eron's ex's anti-fan club showing them acting as schemers, showing the existence of a core group/useful idiots dynamic in the pre-Breitbart days.

The evidence for Breitbart as management is more circumstantial (oh, what I would give for reliable Breitbart intern chat logs…)

It's also easy to get a somewhat distorted picture because it wasn't really a schemer/useful idiot dynamic. It was a schemer/useful idiot/useless idiot dynamic, since if you criticized Gamergate in a readily-searchable forum /pol/ would empty their sock drawer on you.

You're right. It's not a strong co-option since the pre-Breitbart core group was already into rightist kulturkampf, though.


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the problem with any discussion about what or who gamergate was is that there are a bunch of equally right answers to that question so people just take the pieces that fit their preexisting conclusions and then build a narrative around that.

>Did any of y'all participate in it?

#notyourshield more than gg honestly, it feels kind of cringe now but watching a bunch of white trust fund kids and their corporate masters trying to hide all their fuckups behind the laziest sort of ideological pandering and seeing [b]the respectable media[/b] fall for it was too much.

>Was it a good thing or bad thing?

a bunch of nogs just burned down cnn, i can only view gaymergay as a good start.
we got a pretty good imageboard for a years too and lots of cute oc's.
also this site wouldn't exist without gamergate.
creating a body to distinguish between high and low art and which of the latter deserves to exist is straightup one of the most bougie things you can do.
imagine being a bolshevik and unironically supporting the empowerment of the ruling class choosing for you what media you can consume.


Come on, you pussy little bitch, say it. Say "I want to play the game RapeLay about raping a child." Say "I am in a frothing rage because it is there are barriers making my effort to purchase a games about raping children inconvenient."
No nonsensical diversions, just an honest admission.


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what's the difference between that and reading a copy of lolita or sculpting pic related?
>inb4 b-b-but vidya different, muh pornography
it's a shame that you can't see past your inherent classism that biases you against 'low art' simply because it isn't favored or exhibited by the blood-money of industrialists or your colonialistic need to impose western cultural and moral standards upon an east asian minority. compared to most of the media you consume on a daily basis which is fueled by exploitative labour or directly funded by military industrial entities like lockheed or raytheon, playing rapelay is quite ethical.


Eh, I don't think he's objecting to the game because he considers games to be lower art than that sculpture or Lolita, rather that those other media are depictions of other people committing the act of rape where the game, by its very nature as a game, puts you in the position of the rapist, acting as the rapist. This is fundamentally different than the other art forms.


>by its very nature as a game

Special pleading fallacy

>Its you in the position of the rapist, acting as the rapist. This is fundamentally different than the other art forms.

How is a game truly different from the novel Lolita which was narrated in first person from the perspective of the rapist in the fifties?

Ultimately you're making the same readily refuted slippery slope argument about how video games like Mortal Combat will make you want to rip off heads, or that playing Grand Theft Auto will make you more likely to steal cars and beat up hookers.

How will you like it when the ruling class bans a future video game where you roleplay as George Orwell in Homage to Catalonia because it's too violent, and the narrator advocates for his favorite form of democratic socialism (which the state hates?)


Rapelay is kino and anyone who says otherwise is a reactionary.


>what's the difference between that and reading a copy of lolita

imagine being such a completely uncultured spergoid and trying to make an moral equivocation between a classic book that uses dark acts to explore themes as a thematic/rhetorical device, and a "jerk-off" aid directly about rape and impregnating a fucking god damn child

please do humanity an enourmous favor, and make sure you hit your brain stem when you swallow the revolver


the point is that you're a retarded moralist faggot who can't differentiate between fiction and reality, pushing to open a slippery slope because "i don't like something fictional and therefore it shouldn't exist"
that's the fucking point he's making you mongoloid


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>nobody ever jerked off to lolita


It's called freedom nigga.


I think he only mentioned the game in a list, he didn't give it a review.


>Did any of y'all participate in it?
I still post on KotakuInAction sometimes.


The first or second subreddit made?


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I was there when all that shit first broke and I feel confident in saying it was a bad thing. It was the first major expression of chud IdPol outrage and it emboldened internet fascists by giving them a voice. Even though I hadn't decisively become a leftist yet, I could sense at the time that there was this insidious far-right energy running through the whole thing that made me suspicious of its stated intentions. The fact that so many detestable, transparently-dishonest grifters like Mike Cerncovich and Milo Yionopoulous (who weren't even interested in vidya, for Christ's sake) had such a large hand in GG made me not want to have anything to do with it. The frustrating thing about the whole debacle was that the vidya industry is legitimately quite bad in a lot of ways, but these dumb fucking chuds zeroed in on such a small, meaningless non-controversy that was ultimately inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. I said numerous times to anons back in the day that we should be more concerned about large-scale triple-A corruption (IE, Jeff Gerstman getting fired from Gamespot, which everyone had known about for YEARS at that point) than these two kind of shitty nobodies airing their dirty laundry on the internet.

I mean, really, what substantive reform did any of this insipid nonsense motivate? The vidya industry is still extremely shitty and has arguably gotten even more hideously hyper-capitalistic in the intervening years. If the goal was just to ruin that Zoe Quinn lady's life then that also failed, because she still has a career and is arguably more famous and successful now because of how GG increased her media profile. What the fuck was the point of any of this?

Some people don't agree with me on this, but I think GG as a movement was in bad faith from the very beginning. Maybe there were some anons who sincerely believed in the "ethics" mantra but it being saddled to right-wing IdPol indigence tainted it at its very core. They were vaguely aware of the existence of these vast, industry-wide problems, but instead of identifying the actual causes (IE, the cynical, capitalistic elevation of the profit-margin over artistic integrity) they myopically directed their fury at 1) individual people who really don't have that much influence (or not nearly as much as the corporate shareholders who run Gamespot and Eidos) and 2) this nebulous, omnipresent threat of the "SJWs." It was a gigantic waste of time and energy that was driven in part by the agitation of the aforementioned grifters who wanted to line their pockets.


>I said numerous times to anons back in the day that we should be more concerned about large-scale triple-A corruption (IE, Jeff Gerstman getting fired from Gamespot, which everyone had known about for YEARS at that point) than these two kind of shitty nobodies airing their dirty laundry on the internet.
What makes you think people weren't listening? We literally put together a giant document citing and analyzing years of games media scandals. The whole reason this particular scandal blew up was because of the Streisand Effect.


>We literally put together a giant document citing and analyzing years of games media scandals.
gib link




basically same story, I wouldn't say I was "part" of it because I didnt do shit (i dont think i even posted), but they managed to get me a bit riled up about these nobodies who were scamming ppl with shitty "game awards", and the "game journalists" who were indeed corrupted retards libs. I kept the contempt for "sjw" this shit made me discover though.
its funny, its how i found 8chan and leftypol. I was already pretty left wing, but more a vague anarchist/anti capitalist. Leftypol made me read theory/history, thank fuck


The first one. I never bothered with the second one since I knew it was gonna be far more reactionary.


GG was incels being misogynist fascists who think criticism of consumer content is (((Cultural Marxism)

It's funny how the crypto-fascist nerds here are whitewashing history to make themselves sound less like freaks who slut shame because they're degenerates


Nice one, anon. You just did more to turn me into an anti-communist than 30 years of propaganda did.


Exactly my experience, in the same order! Never actually considered that GG indirectly led me to lefty theory. Kinda funny tbh.


>muh soggy knees
Get the fuck off this website, people who can't do even a basic modicum of research on this topic don't belong on image boards.


>I've lost the argument so I renounce my ideology because you share it and you're a bad person !
>what people jerk off to is important even if it doesnt affect anyone else !
grow the fuck up.


>what people jerk off to is important even if it doesnt affect anyone else !

even if you used "muh drawings" argument loli artist still draw shit based on irl child porn they watched so you are in the process harming someone either way.


>draw shit based on […]
what are you on about ? most of those aren't even trying to look realistic.
are you projecting your own suffering ?


I see, so the message of Spec Ops The Line is that I should commit war crimes! Thanks for the explanation anon!


I don't think porn or games shouldn't exist, but the book's main purpose isn't to serve as fap material. In that sense, the game is like junk food. Using the argument that rape porn games can also be interpreted as more than just fap material (which is true) is just an excuse.

That most loli artists have an unrealistic style doesn't erase the fact that the thing is tied to pedophilia or pedophilic themes. Even if they draw highly stylized characters you can still tell those are supposed to be kids because you're told they're kids. In loli porn you have tons of media (not all of it, but a lot) where the protagonist has sex with middle, elementary, or even preschoolers, portraying situations that may or may not be entirely realistic, but explicitly show pedophilic fantasies. That's not even mentioning the fact that the term deliberately comes from the novel Lolita or that censored CP was legal in Japan until 1999.
While loli [b]won't[/b] make you a pedophile all by itself (if it prompts you to commit abuse you were already fucked up before), and while its existence doesn't hurt real children, you just can't deny its relation to pedophilia. Of course, the existence loli is much more preferable to child abuse.

Unironically the effect war games often have is glorifying war, even if sometimes it may not be the intention and even if it doesn't glorify atrocities specifically like you said. The other anon worded his argument poorly but yours is weaker. But that aside, the rape game is specifically for people who get off to that kind of scenario in general or the idea of being a rapist (whether willing/capable of doing it IRL or not), while a historical war game depicts war crimes to move the player or make some statement about war being bad or for accuracy, but not to cater to people who enjoy thinking about war crimes.


I agree with you on the first part mostly, and with that other anon who said that maybe the movement was never in good faith to begin with (even though it attracted people who had good intentions). But I also think those gamers weren't aware of "cultural Marxism" from the beginning, they discovered all that shit after a while.

>a bunch of nogs just burned down cnn, i can only view gaymergay as a good start.
How the fuck did GG lead to this? GG wasn't the source of all distrust in the media ever.
>Imagine being a bolshevik and unironically supporting the empowerment of the ruling class choosing for you what media you can consume
Joke's on you, more than 80% of the Japanese population thinks that shit should be subject to child pornography laws. That doesn't mean I want it to, though. But it's definitely an popular opinion.


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>Joke's on you, more than 80% of the Japanese population thinks that shit should be subject to child pornography laws.

Citation fucking needed. Also, Japan's parliament sided with the mangaka Ken Akamatsu who drew Love Hina when he made his defense of the freedom of artistic expression, even if it involved lolis.

Porn is a safe outlet that keeps many people from committing crimes. Legalizing porn has probably lowered the number of rape because there's a safe and more convenient outlet with no risk of consequences or punishment. Wish-fullfiment is also not reality.

Some do, but some do not. Do you look at cat vaginas before you draw cat girls?


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You are right!


>Citation fucking needed.
>https://web.archive.org/web/20200619233116/https://greencoffeehk.com/japans-lolita-merchants-feel-the-heat/ (re-post)
&ltLast October, the Japanese government issued the results of its Special Opinion Poll on Harmful Materials, in which 86.5% of respondents said that manga and art should be subject to regulation for child pornography, while 90.9% said that “harmful materials” on the Internet should be regulated. The current child pornography laws in Japan do not regulate manga and art that depict children who are not real, or “virtual child pornography”.
>Japan's parliament sided with the mangaka Ken Akamatsu who drew Love Hina when he made his defense of the freedom of artistic expression, even if it involved lolis.
Well that's based, I never advocated for the ban on 2D porn. The fact that artists are able to defend their rights doesn't necessarily mean that the general population approves of that content. You called it "bougie" and said that the "ruling class" chooses what you can consume, but is it really accurate to say that when it's the people who want to restrict it? Anyway, I wasn't disagreeing with you at all, I just found it hilarious that you were so staunchly defending anime porn while most people over there would agree to regulate it.
>Do you look at cat vaginas before you draw cat girls?
What a shitty analogy. You'd need to look at real human vagina references.


>the book's main purpose isn't to serve as fap material
>Using the argument that rape porn games can also be interpreted as more than just fap material (which is true) is just an excuse
So the book is fine since the contents justify it not being just fap material but the content in all "rape porn games" is an irrelevance in the analysis since it's just simply fap material? The way the content is presented is an irrelevance in the inherited value of it.

>Even if they draw highly stylized characters you can still tell those are supposed to be kids because you're told they're kids

You literally just self contradicted your self. The creator is an irrelevance when it comes to the interpretation of the art, if you need the creator to tell you what it is, then it fails to accurately replicate what the Author was going for.

>While loli won't make you a pedophile all by itself

>you just can't deny its relation to pedophilia
You can't have your cake and eat it too dude, the content ties to pedophilia is an irrelevance if the content isn't making the user a pedophile.

>Unironically the effect war games often have is glorifying war

How do you miss the entire point of the comment while simultaneously insult it? The mocking comment was that giving the viewer a perspective of being in the position of an anti-protagonist is an irrelevance to the ideas being presented in the story. The game itself and the genera of war games is a irrelevance.

>rape game is specifically for people who get off to that kind of scenario in general or the idea of being a rapist

Two problem:
&lt1: The Authors intent is an irrelevance to the content of the creation
&lt2: The content of the game barely functions as a rape simulator.
Earlier you said a statement that "the game is like junk food" to which I agree with you since the problem with the game is that the game fails to do what it "set out to do". The characters that're harassed in the game are disconnected from their environment since the environment doesn't react or are given the power to not react since all of the background people are faded out. It only uses the setting since that a well known type of setting for sexual harassment.

This environmental disconnect is amplified with the problem with that the rapist doesn't visually interact with the character(s). The game play is just pressing a button and seeing the presented model doing a action, being undressed, revealing them self, or whatever. The counter to this point is that "the player's imagination fills in the gap of the missing rapist, hence why it's part visual novel" which doesn't work since the product of the action doesn't require the user to visualize it making the need to visualize the execution of the action force the user to either visualize both (making the game fail at what "it was suppose to do") or to just view it as it is visually presented which will lessen the experience that the game is trying to create.

The games only relevance is that it's a badge of "honor" for moralists who can use it to place them self higher than others. It's only "reason" to be censored is simply the name and the concept that attempted to be sold.


kys faggot contrarian redditor
literal mush for brain tier """""arguments"""""




The only sources that you provided was one from some sort of hongkong coffee shop and the only other one did not actually show up. I actually tried to go out of my way to look up "Japanese special opinion Poll on Harmfull Materials" and it seems as if that specific poll was done in 2008 and not only that but I couldn't actually see the results of that poll, just a few books on google that actually references it. "School-Girl Milky Crisis" and "Red-Light Nights, Bangkok Daze" to be exact.
It seems to me that only 72% of Japanese people actually even know if that material has any actual effect whatsover ever, so they might just be saying that they support a ban whenever they actually do not.


correction the poll was supposedly done before 2007 while the results was that 72% of Japanese people said that they didn't even know if such material was such a deciding factor in the increase of child abuse or not.


Fuck do I know. When I left school in 2009, the internet was a fun place of cat videos, and for dunking on creationists and neocons.
Then I focus on uni for a few years and by 2015 it is the reactionary shitshow we have today.
Interesting thread. Definitely a lot of astroturf and social engineering going on the background.


this thread is proof nobody should take leftypol seriously. you have honest-to-god pedophiles literally defending their right for capitalists to produce commodities no matter how fucking degenerate and reprobable the content is and also defending the rights for consumers to acquire this kind of shit. might as well argue that the government banning pedophile pornography violates the NAP.

you're fucking deluded if you think this is going to fly on under any kind of socialism, which pressuposes that all commodities produced therein "serve society" not indulge in blatant bourgeoise degenerate fantasies. no democratic society would approve the production of this shit because for a majority, the immediate gut reaction is outright disgust. As a matter of fact, nobody did approve this shit, the only reason it exists is because there's a market for it (pedos or would-be pedos who get off on the fantasy of touching girls) and wealth can be extracted, not because there's an implicit societal approval.

under socialism, videogames depicting fantasy depictions of sexual abuse would simply not be produced. under higher stage communism, of course, you'd simply be in a gulag.


>you're fucking deluded if you think this is going to fly on under any kind of socialism, which pressuposes that all commodities produced therein "serve society" not indulge in blatant bourgeoise degenerate fantasies.
how do you do fellow leftists


Dude my post acknowledged that the game is just junk food, there would be no way that it would exist under socialism for how worthless it is, not because of "le degeneracy". Its people like you who don't read that kills any interest for these side boards


So only mainstream bubble gum pop should exist in socialism? Only tacky feel good movies should exist in socialism? The crux of your argument is "people don't like this, thus it should be banned!" regardless of how much harm the material does or doesn't do.
The sorts of people who want to ban shit that doesn't bring harm to real life people or animals always come off as way more sketchy to me than the people who whack off to lolicon to be honest. Like there was multiple UN people who sought to ban lolicon but turned out to be pedophiles themselves.


Gamergate is what drove me out of gaming and got me into politics instead.

I used to be a gamer in a big way before GG , I would camp out in front of my local EB for midnight game release pizza parties where everyone would get they game at the stroke of midnight.

I used to run a guild that prided itself on being pretty open , this guild had been running for around 10 years and was pretty well established, anyone could join the guild no matter who or what they were we did not care as long as they loved the games that we played that was all that mattered , but we were not into IDPOL in any way , we had strict no religion and no politics in public chat rules , which were pretty much our only rules.

However back to GG, when gamer gate happened it was pretty much a non-event for us , nobody discussed politics so it seemed like it was going to blow over.

BUT we had a problem , a few members of the guild thought it would be a great idea to invite a couple of their SJW activist friends into the guild , and these SJWs invited yet more SJWs and they became hostile to all the old regulars of the guild , demanding statements denouncing GG and saying that the guild had always been misogynistic even though about 50% of the members were female and 60% of the officers were female. This pretty much caused a guild civil war and myself and things got real bad.

I ended up having to quit all the games I used to love playing since I would be harassed nonstop by SJWs since I used to be a leader of a guild they decided was "problematic".

So I decided to work to address the problems they thought were problematic and after reading way too many books of socialist political theory I came to the inescapable conclusion that IDPOL was, ironically, the root cause of most of problems that the SJWs claimed to fight against , they were causing the drama that claimed to hate , so I dedicated myself to becoming a socialist to stop IDPOL and hopefully curing the madness that caused GG.


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Now you can put your leisure time into actual good games instead of MMO treadmills.


One of the points, that didn't need any specific cases of individuals nor corruption is the Review Score Inflation (RSI):


&ltMaybe you, like many others, have been noticing it:

&lt Mediocre and/or painfully flawed games score 8/10s.

&lt Decent but not really great games score perfect 10s.



This is something that easily can be quantified, as we have +40 years of game reviews to run statistics on. Of coruse a normal distribution curve doesn't have to be symmetric. But if it's biased towards the sides, it's something to take notice of.

Video games have an inherent flaw compared to other media. Namely it can be broken beyond fixing. You could theoretically give a fair review of a book where the back suddenly breaks and all the pages just falls out, etc. But a game that's unplayable will get bad reviews, even if the bugfix is theoretically simple. Then there's the flaws in video game journalism. A lot of them used to not even have a degree in journalism. And if you take hours a game can give divided with the cost and compare it to a book, then bribing the journalists are really cheap.

Of course music journalism is also easy victims to making puff piecies instead of proper reviews. But I'm still waiting for the serious consumer journalism muckraking piece of why Microsoft could get away with the Red Ring of Death-scandal.

Svenska Dagbladet in Sweden used to review video games. But they had no real zest for it. Then some woman complained about video games not having some kind of Valiere Solanas or something. Totally ugh!


Ah, it can be curbed by the magazine etc stating what the different grades means. The swedish magazine Interface had a guide to it. Then you can have a diversified grading where the music/sound design and graphics gets different grades etc.


>if i call everything irrelevant it becomes irrevalent.
>yeah the child is getting raped but its only rape if someone is seeing.
>if i call a chair a table it becomes a table.

when you are so dedicated to defend child porn that you transcend basic communication.


>being against pedos is facism.


First of all, socialism doesn't presuppose commodities being produced in the first place.
Second, socialism is about regulating societal productive output, not dictate whatever people do with their free time.
Maintaining an organization whose goal would be to specifically be up everyone's ass checking if they don't produce "bourgeoisie degenerate fantasies" is pretty fash.


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ok sargon


batko is that you?


amazing athiest is still a brocialist socdem actually, unfortunately he buys into russiagate


imagine being so shit that you manage to lose a UKIP seat in an EU election.


Not an argument.


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Different anon but I am indeed a "retarded moralist faggot" It disgusts me that you can even find it in you to defend an eroge game about raping children, let alone to dedicate such a sustained and delusional rant defending such a game, in an attempt to normalize it. Drawing a direct comparison to the classic novel "lolita" of all things. Frankly I think the lack of shame or self awareness you have displayed in this thread, in your quest to defend simulated child rape from human morality is likely indicative of incurable disease of personality. The fact that such a game would even be developed in the first place seems only appropriate of the moral decay wrought from the excesses of our amoral ruling class, great proponents of the love between adults and children, as long as it is sexual rather than the familial bonds enjoyed before the atomization of the family unit and all encompassing alienation.
The fact is that you may take offense to the censorship of this child rape eroge, rather than the game itself, you may consider yourself separate from the morals of human civilization, but you are in fact living in a society where you are expected to recognize and conform to societal morals, in this case near universal ones. You will be made to respect these morals, as is everyone else, through social pressure and ostracization up to the threat of legal problems and intervention from the community or the state. You may find problems, someone as vocal as yourself, whom evidently would shamelessly like to have sex with children, if you decide to ever take your opinions public. Really it is in your, and everyone else's best interest to seek therapy for these dangerous delusions, rather than subjecting others to them.


>People can do whatever as long as they don't reinstate private property
>being against pedos is facism.


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You need the context to understand what happened.
You have the lazy man, the apolitical one, the one who just want to grill, who is happy having bread and circus and just want to be left alone. He won't complain as long as you let him have his bread and his circus.
In our case, video game in the circus of the youth.
We have a thing called video game journalist to cover the topic. Not many people read that but it exist.
Now, over the courses of a few years, it went from what you except gaming journalism to be to insane socjus. Articles were about how to help trans people to feel more integrated, on how to fight racism, on the patriarchy. Gamer just want to play game, just leave him alone. Video games producers got hit too, and politic began to be insufled in games. It created a lot of discontent on the whole gamer population.
The exact same thing would happen if they had to play as a poor German kid in Poland being opressed by the evil Jewish Pole.

The last drop was the censure on every social media, including reddit, including 4chan's /v/? including 4chan's /pol/ of one minor affair about an exchange of sexual favor for good review.
Gamers dislkied that, and did pretty much nothing.
Then all video game newspapers said, the same day gamers are dead.
Gamers disliked that, and did pretty much nothing.
Then some of the feminist behind it went to the UN to talk about how sexist gamers are, and medias gave coverage only to the socjus.
All while the gamers just sat on their chair and tried to get their circus.

Long story short: the socjus movement always receive entire millions when they need some money, always get news coverage from a fortune 500 company when they need it and never have any problem with the justice even when they do something illegal like fake bomb treats or planting spybots on their website.

By pure coincidence, it was just a few year after pic related…. when the American left went after the banks and Obama could not send the cops to beat them back into submissions without ruining his PR.


>when the American left went after the banks and Obama could not send the cops to beat them back into submissions without ruining his PR.
What? Yes he did, and it didn't ruin his PR.


>3 walls of text of fictional encounters curated to push this gamergate hysteria

Games journalism has always had paid reviews and off topic clickbait. Having articles talking about socjus doesn't matter at all if you just want to play games, in fact the only reason it got so much attention is because of this alt right gg hysteria.
> The exact same thing would happen if they had to play as a poor German kid in Poland being opressed by the evil Jewish Pole.
>having articles about social justice is the exact same thing as nazi propaganda.
>the last drop was the censure on every social media, including reddit, including 4chan's /v/? including 4chan's /pol/ of one minor affair about an exchange of sexual favor for good review.
>muh /pol/!
The hysteria was already in full swing, being a manufactured hysteria, this whole thing was a 24/7 propaganda mill of fake rage just over this one fucking incident of this game developer sleeping with a reviewer that got salty and aired their laundry online.
Internet communities including /pol/ started censoring gamer gate hysteria because it broke their rules, because of flaming, or because of spam.

Please re-prioritize your life if you are still salty over this. I've been playing games since long before this shit started in 2014, and I've had 0 salt over it because I realized the whole thing is manufactured outrage and just chose to do literally anything other than take the bait.


>a reviewer that got salty and aired their laundry online.
Your facts are way off here. It was her boyfriend that was tired of her cheating on him and gaslighting him, and he wanted to warn others about her including the married man she was fucking with.


what a cuck


Are you nerds still talking about this boring shit?

Shut the fuck up you bitchy fags and do something else


For some reason, I haven't seen anyone mention that other post about ZQ. A reddit comment from a small, progressive game studio that said that ZQ had done something to harm its business. This was back when GG was still experienced by its participants as a movement of "liberals" and that game studio was a small but significant player early on.

What was their name again? All I can remember is that they tried running a contest for GG to draw a POC character in a power pose or something. They had a tumblr for that.


Was it something related to the Honey Badgers? I can't remember.


She's done a billion and one backstabbing things to people she's worked with, but one of them was this liberal feminist group called The Fine Young Capitalists trying to support women in games development. She got involved at first and then tried to smear their reputation as transphobic.


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Oh hey, cool, we have a /games/ board, time to check this
&ltOh son of a bitch.
No, goobergate was never good, even from the beginning it was a reactionary chimpout that was built from the ground up by the right to obfuscate issues capitalism caused. Halfchan wasn't perfect before by any stretch, but that absolutely killed the fucking site. There wasn't anyone or anything to actually support in that movement, and it was overall a massive fucking waste of time from the very beginning with pretty much nothing good coming out of it.
like what the fuck is this shit? No, they can keep their shitty mascot, there's no reason to try to co-opt their shit. It's embarrassing, goddamn dude.




>if i call everything irrelevant it becomes irrelevant.
Whether the author was trying to make a rape simulator, a critique of the perception of rape, a troll game, or whatever his reasoning was, it's pointless to look into since the product is a reflection of culture which makes it replicatable. The ideas being re-presented by various people in different forms of art (hence why I had a problem with the argument of the book getting a pass but the game is a problem).

>yeah the child is getting raped but its only rape if someone is seeing.

How it's being presented here is that it's nothing short but just a fancy tool to play with game models with a shitty visual novel attach. It fails to be a simulator that would give rapists a kick and it fails to say a single thing of the subject itself since of the actions being so disconnected.

It's by definition junk food that doesn't deserved to be remembered at all, if you read my post you would understand, if anything, that I wasn't defending the game.


Gamergate was a first mass reaction to corporations using idpol as a method of censorship for their gains. It started as some people noticing the incestuous relationship between game journos and devs and ended with both sides foaming from their mouth about danger of each other views safely forgetting the initial reason.

No, gg wasn't coopted or founded by "right" or whatever, if you say that, that means you take your info from shitlib mainstream sources. While there was noticeable presense of them, it was mostly because that on the other side there were liberals that americans like to call "left".

In fact it was only one of the many instances of corporation censorship happening, just the most noticeable one. Right now if you wanna see it happening again, i suggest reading some IT news, specifically about open source. Like Richard Stallman being fired from his post as FSF director because of some idpol politics, or putting pressure on Linus Torvalds same way, or getting rid of many guyd from OSI that support anti corporation stance. Porkies are using sjw as a tool for getting rid of the opposition. And gamergate was just an instance of that, but with a much bigger blowback than anticipated.


I just didn't pay attention to it lmfao. I already gave up on the eternal shitposting back in 2013 to give two fucks about that place. It was so unbearable I didn't touch /v/ again until 2015. It didn't feel different to me at all since my 2013 departure. /v/'s lust for falseflagging and rampant shitposting did far more permanent damage than the elections or this shit, in my well respected opinion.


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>women and minorities only exist in real life if they are relevant to the plot


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>What the hell was gamer gate?
Long story short, it was a movement that became too big for 4chan itself(which M00t noted that he did not want movements on his site and noted Chanology was a mistake) and was relegated to 8ch and the rest of the internet. This was in protest and ethics of games Journalism. Journalists are usually slimeballs no matter what and are usually bought and paid for. But what made this special was the fact it became a rabbit hole of secrecy and organizations and various other things that kind of spawned a civil war on the internet. E-Celebs, Social Media accounts and various accounts where either for Gamergate or for censorship and various other practices.

You had news media like Polygon, Vice, and various other articles being written that Gamers were sexist and video games are dead etc. This prompted a reaction from normalfags to join in as well to try and fight off these organizations. It ended up falling over time due to the purity spirals but i learned a lot. There are still news outlets like Nichegamer and even other places that have been reporting and fighting the good fight on the internet.
>Did any of y'all participate in it?
I was at the mid point about 2015-2016 when it was hot and 8ch was indeed on fire. But due to schizophrenic paranoia and constant talks about politics and censorship and banning users who were criticizing the fact /v/ should be about games or some of the censorship was off and they were basing things without really researching at times, it kind of slowly collapsed. I left after that. There was classical liberals, communists, and yes even conservative right wing types as well.
>Was it a good thing or bad thing?
I would say it was good because i noticed as Gamergate wore on i began to notice the downward trend of pandering instead of making a good game, and also the fact of why things from Japan were being censored or altered when it did not need to be. Where it was the "Localizers" from the company that is pretending to translate the games that are coming here. In Burgerland it's just a lot more prevalent and adding things that do not make sense, or making alteration censorship for those who are adults and can make their own decisions. It's sad that for a country that call's itself the "free world" or even the "Greatest country on earth" it has devolved into censorship and alterations by the American versions of the Japanese companies or even organized shaming campaigns by gated community dwellers with too much time on their hands. I can only hope this begins to end eventually as i would like to just enjoy video games without having to hear something was altered, changed or had a day 1 stealth patch applied like Fairy Tail(when Koei Tecmo said there would not be any censorship and was censored on all platforms for panty shots).

It's odd that i would be considered right wing or facist but i would put myself as classically left or Libertarian nowadays.


It was like a nuclear bomb of e-celeb bullshit was dropped on 4chan that day.

Fuck /v/ermin for being the catalyst of /pol/ and the damnation of English-speaking imageboards. moot did NOTHING wrong.


Maybe you should just kill yourself?


anon sincerely please kill yourself in real life. I feel compelled to bully you and make your life worse if ever our paths may cross. stay away from kids you chomo psychopath freak. See:


The fuck is this?


>Fuck /v/ermin for being the catalyst of /pol/
You can blame moot for that, not /v/ users.


I feel like it blew the cover on how news addicion, psyops, and SEO works by being incompetently executed. Gamergate glowed so hard it caused a broken masquerade event, and the right has bled ranks since.


Damn, I forgot I made so many good posts in this thread. Necrobumps are pretty gay tho, anon.


gamergate was 4chanlets finding out that gayming journalism is built on cronyism and corruption, only now with feminoid flair


this thread gave me cancer

reactionary leftoids whining "b-b-but what about muh cartoon children!"

bunker always was fucking shit


You will never be a man.


fuck off idpozzler, I have XY chromosomes


Women are born, anon

Men are made


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>Men are made
you mean like when ellen page made herself a man?

so inspiring kek


Nah, she's a mental patient forever stuck in the uncanny valley

And she's going to find out the hard way that life is easier as a woman


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She's a millionaire actress with a Stacy girlfriend.

She could be a fucking attack helicopter if she wants and she still would have better life than 99% of people.


That is not a Stacy, she's just tall. Regardless once blonde stops getting attention on social media for dating an abomination she will be fucking Chad post haste.


>>12037 >>12038 >>12039 >>12040 >>12041 >>12042 >>12043 >>12044
Reading this thread and seeing the sudden autism score drop to transcusations and seething over some grammy singer that just started his transition.
Something novel died here, and search engines killed it.


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>That is not a Stacy, she's just tall.
she's a Stacylite pushing 30s

>Regardless once blonde stops getting attention on social media for dating an abomination she will be fucking Chad post haste.

you don't know shit about sexual selection


pick up any feminoid journal. That's why they are whining how sexual competition is hard on muh w*men

Yes, it is hard. Yes, they get pumped and dumped. Yes, there are not enough top-status Chads. Yes, it's gonna get even worse as w*men are now more educated than man.

But it's all because the dumb cunts PHYSICALLY can't date down lol. It's because they are fucking biological automatons.

A w*man LITERALLY can't date down to save her life lol.


The culture industry having the effect of mentally fucking up the people that work in it, is not controversial. And celebrities doing radical shit to them selves for attention, fame and fortune is not new either.

Nobody bats an eye if people think a celebrity lost it, but somehow this doesn't apply equally depending on their identities.


oh fuck off cunt

this thread is horrendous - a bunch of spiteful norgmoid right-leftoids dogpilling on some loli enjoyer.

when enjoyer OWNED them, reactoids descended into the beast-like incoherent bloodthirsty ramblings

arguing about ellen page is a massive step up compared to that absolute embarassment


There's clearly more than that though, and people were able to focus on the subject and spoke with some dignity. Nearly every reply at least a paragraph or more long and aimed to say at least one non-boilerplate thing to expand beyond the boilerplate. Isn't it wasteful to fail at least that bar?
This shit is what people in the 1920's thought 2000's slang would sound like.


>spiteful norgmoid right-leftoids dogpilling on some loli enjoyer
pls go back to getchan.


gay, at first most of GG was lib anons (at the times) bitching about idpol before idpol and the crappy gaming "journalism" who would it as buzzwords. I should have to reexplain this so many times to the same twitterfag base.

>attack helicopter
it was just an old shitty tumblr meme.

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