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Cyberpunk 2077 delayed until December 10th


Better than a broken launch lol
Only pre order cucks seethe


Is it so fucking hard to just post this in the existing thread? >>1853


I won't lie, there is a part of me that really wants for Cyberpunk to turn out shit, or worse - mediocre. Mainly because fuck capital G Gamers and fuck the notion that there are good-guy vidya company. Also it would be sweet for me personally, as CDPR fucked up Gwent with the Homecoming patch.


*wearing gray facepaint* DON'T CARE, STILL BUYING CYBERPUNK 2077!!

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Anybody played it yet? Is it even a little based? It's about fucking with the nazis from behind the lines during the invasion on the eastern front, as far as I know
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Looks like a modernized Commandos clone. Not that it is bad. While I never liked that game series, I'd imagine there are quite a few fans of it that have been waiting for something like this. Last game similar to this that I recall was probably around 10 years ago and was set in Vietnam.


I really like the artstyle.


Taganay has a good opinion of it, made review recently so it's pretty good.


It's supposed to have the correct story narrative, but I don't like the gameplay: I'd prefer TBS of some sort.

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Does this actually mean anything?
A lot of my friends on anarchy servers have been freaking out because of this, personally I think it to do with not being able to use alt websites.
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>Minecraft is a testament to greed from start to finish.
But how could it possibly be that since it's unfinished? Checkmate Notch haters.


It's fucking insane that they're forcing this. So if i don't move to Micro$oft this game i've owned for nine years is no longer mine to play? All my shit gets lost? Retarded. Fuck Notch for selling out to Pedo Gates


Of all the bullshit people hate Notch for, selling out to Microsoft is the worst thing by far.


>Minecraft is one of the greatest cons of independent game development ever.
This is just a meme repeated by people who hate Notch and/or Minecraft, and never liked it in the first place.
It's a cultural phenomenon with a massive following in multiple generations of gamers. The "Minecraft was ripped off from Infiniminer" is a bullshit argument, games and media borrow from each other all the time, sometimes rather blatantly. Just because infiniminer came first doesn't mean that it should lay claim to the concept voxel based mining/building forever. That's capitalist intellectual property logic. As for Minecraft being "unfinished", that's also bullshit, it's a sandbox game, they could keep adding new features until the end of time, it would never be "finished" in that sense. Some things planned early in development never came to be, but that's just how game development goes sometimes.

> Exile III, Wind & Water Puzzle Battles, Hellsinker, or impressive community open source projects like Battle for Wesnoth

Are you joking? None of these are anywhere near the level of Minecraft.

The only legit criticisms are the selling out to MS and promising that the game could go open source eventually.


Notch is a retard and Micro$oft sucks.

Move on to greener pastures and help development of free as in freedom alternatives.

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The 'imperials versus stormcloaks' situation in general.

What would you think of it? Did the story writers anticipate the rise of 'the alt-right' irl in a way?

The Thalmor might be the Neoliberal billionaires and their supporters or the Bilderberg meeting's members. Best comparison I can think of.
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Stormcloaks are a religious, isolationist kingdom that wants to shirk their obligations to the empire mostly just because it is going through a rough patch
The Empire is a pluralistic and multicultural empire which is basically what the Roman Empire would be if it lived up to its best values, but because of their weak response to the Oblivion Crisis + the rise of the Thalmor, they have been heavily reduced in territory to Cyrodil, Skyrim (for now), and High Rock, with an informal alliance with Hammerfell.

The Thalmor are an outright genocidal supremacist religious extremist group. The Aldmeria religion quite literally says that the high elves are basically descendants of the gods trapped to live in the material realm because of the trickery of Lorkhan, and that humans are by extension basically demons who came out of Lorkhans trickery. As such they basically see humans as less than people and totally disposable, and the only reason they aren't doing mass-genocide of humans is because the Empire has still somewhat stopped them. In the meantime though they've taken to genociding their "fellow" elven brothers in the Wood Elves because they think they have deviated from the divine form by… mutating over the several thousand years they have lived on their continent. Oh, did we mention that Ulfric was in the pockets of the Thalmor, and thus is probably literally a plant and the whole civil war organized to weaken the empire for the upcoming round 2?

tl;dr, the Thalmor are evil, the Stormcloaks are retarded, the Empire is imperfect but the best choice in the situation.


All of this is correct, but there is another dimension to it than that.
The truly cursed element is that the Thalmor are kind of right.
Not necessarily that the 'correct' thing to do is to genocide to return to oneness, but rather that their plan at the very least would actually work.
Because the mythology and religion of people in the Elder Scrolls world isn't a bunch of fake bullshit, it's very real in the context of their world, and magic and CHIM are constantly happening.

Meaning that mer were elements of a timeless, spaceless everything-'god'-being (Godhead?) before Lorkhan tricked the Aedra to make the world (among other things);
also I forget where men come from in the lore, I think they're also originally from the same place and were mer but got corrupted somehow, not sure though.
Thalmor are still going with the most insane and evil possible solution to something that isn't necessarily a problem though, as existing materially rather than ethereally is something they've chosen to perceive as a problem that needs solved.

And Stormcloaks is definitely the Thalmor ISIS: funded solely to sow discontent and weakness in the region regardless of who wins in the end.


>Ulfric was in the pockets of the Thalmor

Unless you man captured and fed false info to manipulate him, no? The same documents also says that the Thalmor want NEITHER to win. Mind you I otherwise agree.


>that the Thalmor want NEITHER to win
&ltwhole civil war organized to weaken the empire for the upcoming round 2


The Thalmor would like "No one to win" as to bleed the empires resources dry so that when the next war starts in 20 years they can storm into the imperial city blow up the tower and GG no re everything is Void!

That dosen't mean that the stormcloaks winning would not basically be game over for the empire anyway.
Unless Hammerfall was able to resist the impending Thalmor invasion of allthe lands of man and High Rock somehow remained loyal to the empire even eithout any land connection to cyrodil.

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So I'm playing exodus and it's just another boring shooter - you run, you shüt, you grab loot. But this part, when I've arrived at Yamantau, I've shit my pants at. They literally portray soviet (or russian, idk about the lore) government as a group of blood crazed cannibals feasting on their braindead subhuman people. Holy shit. Ukres just can't keep their bullshit off. Is this kind of subtle sociopolitical commentary gonna continue?
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>secretly ukranian fashu
Is this supposed to be sarcasm or unironic?


interesting article related to the whole Soviet aesthetic thing in vidya https://archive.is/cM6bw


thanks for sharing. I find it weird though that they said that Russian setting is not common. It seems like a lot of modern games are picking up the post-Soviet aesthetic… PUBG, COD Warzone, Escape from Tarkov. I guess it all started with ARMA 2 and DayZ, but at the same time that was probably influenced by STALKER and Metro.



Isn’t Freedom supposed to be kind of Anarchist?


Yes and like all good Anarchist organizations it is secretly funded and controlled by Western intelligence agencies hence why all their weapons are top of the line NATO mainstream :^)

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The game is about "you" a newly elected democratic president with a mayority in both houses getting all those sweets reforms passed, mantaining a deficit and fighting against climate change and for workers rights.
It's about going Allende but withouth a Pinochet (or an american embassy) around.
I think it's pretty good. But it sugarcoats the level of reaction a socialist goverment would get.
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Yeah, me too. Wait a second
This is the one I downloaded. So yeah, check it with your antivirus and you have save almost 3 dollarinos.


>It's about going Allende but withouth a Pinochet (or an american embassy) around.
Oh how woefully wrong you are


you can eventually get coup'd, you just don't start off with a threat of a coup.


Well, that's the sugary part


Bring troops back and dare to cut their budget and they will coup you

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just wanted to talk about some rouge-likes, maybe discover some i dont know about yet and know wich ones are your favorites
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A bunch that originated from the home computer milieu, as opposed to the *N*X milieu, so they have actual GUIs. IVAN and Castle of the Winds are two I'd recommend.

There's also some more casual examples like Jupiter Hell, and console roguelikes such as Mysterious Dungeon.

The Discord is unironically killing Cataclysm, the game needs an active major fork so SO badly to break the circlejerk, almost as much as the abomination that is modern DCSS.


ss*th made a video about, so get ready for some nazis too


The salt is pretty hilarious, especially considering how softball the review is for him.


Since there's two 'rogue-like' topics now, please use the other one, I'm gonna anchor this one, because the title didn't spell 'rogue' right.


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Best faction?
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its a video game, grow up


Aight, so going down the list of those faction conflicts:

Templars vs Mages.
The reason why I really enjoy this one is because both factions are right in their own way. Mages are absolutely treated like shit and are very often subjected to a fate worse than death - to be made a tranquil, aka magical lobotomy. Also such treatment is reinforced by religious dogma. However, this is not without justification. All mages due to the rules of the setting are constantly a threat to others and themselves. Even the most experienced mages, when the situation is wrong in just the right way, or the circumstance forces one to "go all out", will become possessed by demons and cause destruction to all around them. Control is necessary. I quite like that this conflict is presented in the background and isn't shown as an open conflict (at least if you keep DA:O in a vacuum as it should be, because sequels weren't originally planned). This means that the discussion about what should be done should be far less partisan, and I believe it would be really interesting to discuss the possibilities of how such a conflict could be resolved. Also, I think, it is a very interesting portrayal of the policeman issue, so prevalent currently, of what happens when a guardian starts thinking they are the punisher.

Who becomes the king of Ferelden.
This one is slightly less interesting, but would be quite curious to properly dissect all of the many different paths, as they all relate to the rather interesting topic of feudal politics. I don't recall of the top of my head, but I believe there are like 10 outcomes which all have their own hooks.

Dwarf elections.
The best one for last. I partially delayed my reply so I could look this one up better, as I just discovered myself a new curious perspective for the conflict between the two candidates.
Basically the situation, as first seems presented, is this: dwarfs are a collapsing empire that also is ultraconservative and thus suffers for its failed caste system. The two likely royals are - the son of the last king, Bhelen, who presents himself as a social reformist and an old noble conservative Harrowmont, who claims to stand for stability and to be against the other candidate, alleging he murdered his siblings and father to get into power. Obviously first instinct is to support the reformer, however iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


flowers of pock lips


The legion, because material conditions


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>imagine being such a retarded faggot that you'd consider DAO superior to New Vegas, in ANY WAY possible.

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What do you think of Atom RPG?


Good. But not as good as Underail or Arcanum.


I didn't like underail or arcanum but I love fallout.


/v/ is now the roulette board, please go there for your video game related discussions.

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>World of Guns: Gun Disassembly is a cross-genre simulation and puzzle video game that allows the player to operate and disassemble various firearms, as well as other mechanisms like automobiles, AFVs and aircraft. It was released in 2014 for Windows[1] and Facebook, and has been subsequently ported to the social network VK, as well as OS X, iOS, and Android platforms. The game is a follow-up on the same developer's Gun Disassembly series, first released in 2010,[2] expanding on the latter's feature set and library of interactive models.

>The software can be used as both an interactive firearms reference source and encyclopedia,[3] and a casual puzzle game with a goal of disassembling and assembling models in the correct sequence and in the least possible time.


Mac OS X
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thanks based OP I cannot legally own gun in my country but such knowledge will come in handy for science .

https://ultimate-disassembly.com/ does this webgl version contain all the models or is full version at steam worth buying?


The full version on Steam is free also but it features a freemium model where you buy extra guns and things. You don't get that many guns with the base game but it's still neato I guess.


Thanks based anonymous comrade for posting WebGL version, I didn't want this linked to fedbook.


ye for practical purposes we shouldn't need to learn anything beyond ARs that are being utilized by armies around the world and base game seems to cover most of them. kind of shame I cannot find pirated version of it


/v/ is now the roulette board, please go there for your video game related discussions.

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