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The game is about "you" a newly elected democratic president with a mayority in both houses getting all those sweets reforms passed, mantaining a deficit and fighting against climate change and for workers rights.
It's about going Allende but withouth a Pinochet (or an american embassy) around.
I think it's pretty good. But it sugarcoats the level of reaction a socialist goverment would get.


>It's about going Allende but withouth a Pinochet
Lmao, the only way succdems can imagine themselves winning is when they have no enemies at all


>$2.99 USD
Remember when molleindustria made these things as flash games and they were free?


This. Violence isn't just part of politics, it's the father of it.


You couldve got it in the anti-racism bundle along with like 1000 other games for $5, smh

I would attach it but it's too big, sorry


I didn't buy it because I was short in my virtual wallet by 0.01 cent so yeah, I torrented it. Pretty nice for a friday afternoon.
Pretty good in a sense, made me remember to check what can be offered in a close sense to the agricultural workers and little owners in my context. And laugh a bit with the shit the tech suggestions were.
"The USA is the only country withouth coups because it doesn't have a US embassy"


Yeah, me too. Wait a second
This is the one I downloaded. So yeah, check it with your antivirus and you have save almost 3 dollarinos.


>It's about going Allende but withouth a Pinochet (or an american embassy) around.
Oh how woefully wrong you are


you can eventually get coup'd, you just don't start off with a threat of a coup.


Well, that's the sugary part


Bring troops back and dare to cut their budget and they will coup you

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