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File: 1608528185524.png ( 482.08 KB , 2048x1152 , 234552356.png )


Anybody played it yet? Is it even a little based? It's about fucking with the nazis from behind the lines during the invasion on the eastern front, as far as I know


Hadn't heard of it till now
Any gameplay footage out there?




Looks like a modernized Commandos clone. Not that it is bad. While I never liked that game series, I'd imagine there are quite a few fans of it that have been waiting for something like this. Last game similar to this that I recall was probably around 10 years ago and was set in Vietnam.


I really like the artstyle.


Taganay has a good opinion of it, made review recently so it's pretty good.


It's supposed to have the correct story narrative, but I don't like the gameplay: I'd prefer TBS of some sort.

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