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Remember when people thought this guy was some kind of lefty?
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É verdade camarada anão.


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Looks like the diamond billionaire caved and complied with Brazilian demands to ban accounts the government doesn't like.


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Y'all should get into Brazilian Maoismo

Procurem estudar o Maoismo



Just two short articles for fellow Brazilians to remember who Lula really is as our country continues to get raped by Bankers with the unconditional support by our Father of The Poor (trademark)



Lula é um comunista lixoso. Deu dinheiro para Maduro, Irã, puxa o saco da Russia. Apoia o ativismo juridico do stf e do cabeça de rola, so sabe cobrar imposto e aumentar burocracia, indicou advogado ao stf. Sem falar que ele É o protagonista dos dois MAIORES escandalos de corrupção da historia do pais e so esta solto porque tem amigos no STF que o soltaram. Petistas, pau no cu de vcs

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Aerial evidence follows months of President Nicolás Maduro ramping up claim to Essequibo region

Venezuela is expanding military bases near its border with Guyana and deploying forces to the jungle frontier as President Nicolás Maduro ramps up his threats to annex the country’s oil-rich neighbour, satellite images have revealed.

Maduro pledged at mediation talks in December not to take military action against his neighbour but images shared by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington today suggest a buildup of forces.

Christopher Hernandez-Roy, deputy director of CSIS’s Americas programme, said: “The same day that the Venezuelan foreign minister is meeting with Guyanese diplomats, the Venezuelan military is conducting tank drills just a stone’s throw from Guyana. All of this tells us Maduro is pursuing a duplicitous policy.”

Venezuela has long laid claim to the resource-rich Essequibo region, which makes up two-thirds of Guyana, but Maduro has ramped up the country’s claim to the disputed territory in recent months.

After months of campaigning, the country held a vote in December in which Maduro said the Venezuelan people backed the country to take the vast swathe of jungle by force.

The aerial shots show that while Venezuelan diplomats subsequently met their Guyanese counterparts to calm simmering regional tensions, the Venezuelan military sent tanks and missile-equipped patrol boats to the border.

“This escalatory behavior on the part of Venezuela creates opportunities for miscalculation and loss of control over events on the ground,” CSIS warns in its report on the escalating dispute.
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An interesting observation. I wonder if anyone's thought of that.


fuck the socdem backstabber maduro, suppressing the PCV, making deals with the great satan and dengist china, and ignoring the awful conditions of the venezuelan worker. but he'll waste time and money on a useless war just to distract from his betrayals.


>America could use this as a excuse to deploy troops.
>I wonder if anyone's thought of that.
Maybe that's the point.

Venezuela can't conquer Essequibo if the US deploys its military. But the US will have forces tied up in a stalemate and the ExonMobile project in Essequibo would likely become indefinitely postponed. With the Exon Mobile project stalled, US reliance on Venezuelan oil production will continue, and Venezuela keeps it's negotiation lever to keep sanctions at bay.


According to Redstream on Twitter, "Is the US preparing for war with Venezuela? Caracas says that US Southern Command is carrying out joint military exercises in neighboring Guayana."



More on that


Seriously wtf
Is Macron dictator for life now? What's happening? What's going on?
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>I feel like we might actually be at a turning point with this stuff. The pro-Palestine/anti-genocide movement in the US has comparable stuff going on, where the so-called "centrists" keep rejecting absolutely every generous concession and compromise from the people they characterize as "radicals," who actually represent an ever-growing portion of popular consensus.
What i found noteworthy was how surprised and befuddled the ruling classes were when they got so much shit for supporting a genocide. They appear to have mentally disconnected from the population. That's probably why they're rejecting every compromise that's offered to them.

Their blunt imperial smash strategies don't work either anymore, and they don't appear to be accepting that either.


France just ousted their prime minister.


>Macron dictator for life now


Which one ?



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In only six months, Sahra Wagenknecht's new party has BTFO'd the remnants of Die Linke and is already the 3rd most popular party in recent German state elections in Thuringia and Saxony. Is she gonna do it, anons? Can Germany be saved after all?
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>It never implied anything about the countries them self
It implies that the country is underdeveloped and irrelevant because any important country was pressured into picking a side. What was once called the 2nd world is now called the "axis of evil" (China, Russia, Iran, etc.). What makes such a country so severely underdeveloped is the people who live there which is why you want to be very careful about importing them as migrants.

>Pretty much all socialists subscribe to internationalism.

National Socialists and National Bolsheviks obviously don't. The difference is between politics aimed at a limited geographic area or people vs politics aimed at uniting the globe. Nazi Germany only cared about Germany and the "Aryan" people. The USSR cared about "liberating" all workers of the world regardless of country or race and subsuming all traditional countries into a new communist world order.

>Your understanding of globalism

If you just want to fight your own strawman then don't quote my post id. Find a way to do your ego masturbation without wasting my time.


>It implies that the country is underdeveloped and irrelevant because any important country was pressured into picking a side.
I think this is only half true. The other half is that there are historic precedents of countries doing neutrality successfully. And the neocons seem to get particularly upset about that for some reason. Like their brains only have 2 boxes one for foes and one for friends, and if it doesn't fit in either of these they get upset.
>What makes such a country so severely underdeveloped is the people who live there
Are you shitting on these people for choosing neutrality during the first cold war ?

>What was once called the 2nd world is now called the "axis of evil" (China, Russia, Iran, etc.).

I get what you are saying, but common that slogan is just too unbearable to repeat. Countries as malevolent mechanical linkages ? Why ? That metaphor doesn't make any sense. Who ever came up with that clearly was a nut. Pun intended.

>National Socialists and National Bolsheviks obviously don't.

There only ever was one fascist regime that called it self "socialist", but clearly wasn't. And National Bolsheviks were a tiny party in Russia that only existed briefly during the 90s and nothing ever came of it. So you haven't really contradicted that Socialists are internationalists.

>If you just want to fight your own strawman then don't quote my post id. Find a way to do your ego masturbation without wasting my time.

At first glance this sounds like a personal attack, but on second thought You appear to be indirectly attacking the criticism against multi-nationalism ?
Can you clarify your position on corporate power overriding democratic controle of governments.


>The other half is that there are historic precedents of countries doing neutrality successfully.
Nobody called Switzerland a 3rd world country. Clearly it's just the ones that don't matter.

>Are you shitting on these people for choosing neutrality during the first cold war ?

No I'm shitting on them for being subhuman savages who rape and murder their way through europe right now.

>Countries as malevolent mechanical linkages ? Why ? That metaphor doesn't make any sense.

It's from the point of view of the west, right. Me and my allies are the 1st world. The guys who won't do what we want and are too strong to bully around are the 2nd world (USSR, CCP/Russia, China, Iran) and everyone who doesn't matter is the 3rd world.

>There only ever was one fascist regime that called it self "socialist"

Fascism is just a branch of socialism. The red headed step child you wish didn't exist.

>At first glance this sounds like a personal attack

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>Nobody called Switzerland a 3rd world country. Clearly it's just the ones that don't matter.
Switzerland was considered to be part of the first world. Also the third world countries were influential on the global stage then, and increasingly so in the present. So they always mattered.

>No I'm shitting on them for being subhuman savages who rape and murder their way through europe right now.

There are no subhumans, humanity is a species without any subspecies. Please refrain from fantasy biology.

If you want to argue against immigration because you think that it's increasing labor-competition too much, we can have that discussion. But if you just dehumanize people as "savages", you are not actually trying to prevent the import of immigrant labor, you are trying to create consent to take away the rights of those people so that capitalists can exploit them harder. This is not just ethically objectionable it's also bad for the local workers, because it undermines their bargaining power in the labor market.

If you are angry that social cohesion is breaking down you have to blame the ones at the top, they're the principal cause.

>It's from the point of view of the west, right. Me and my allies are the 1st world.

Nope i still don't get why you think an "axis" is a suitable political metaphor.

Also the people in the west that want to play cold-war with Russia again are not your friends. They are painting a target on our backs and they are stealing public funding that could be used for useful stuff. The opportunity damage they are causing is gigantic. They them selves get rich of this, but for everybody else it's the end of prosperity.
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>Also the third world countries were influential on the global stage then, and increasingly so in the present.
Which 3rd world countries do you think are "influential" right now? They are so irrelevant they regularly genocide each other and even the human rights council can barely pretend to care.

>There are no subhumans, humanity is a species without any subspecies. Please refrain from fantasy biology.

I hope you remember that when you meet a gang of military aged african migrants on the street for the first time. It's easy to be pro-shark when you are not swimming in the water.

>you are trying to create consent to take away the rights of those people

They don't have a "right" to be in my country.

>If you are angry that social cohesion is breaking down you have to blame the ones at the top, they're the principal cause.

Again, get back to me when they open a migrant center near your house. Until then you're just virtue signalling from afar.

>Nope i still don't get why you think an "axis" is a suitable political metaphor.

It's not my metaphor, maybe that's the source of confusion.
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So the Russians are the first ones to demonstrate, what appears to be a purely or mostly kinetic impact weapon that is rocket-propelled. This thing competes with low yield so called "tactical nukes". Without any of the downsides like radioactive contamination and massive shock-waves.

They destroyed a weapons factory complex and aside from an estimated 100 people that were inside, nobody else died, the surrounding buildings weren't damaged. The decades old promise of doing "surgical strikes" at scale and parity without "collateral damage" seems to have finally been realized.

Given how much more focused the delivery of destructive energy from those impactors are, it's likely more effective at destroying hardened military targets than most nukes. Nukes technically are plasma weapons. And for this new weapon the line between kinetic and energy weapons is beginning to blur a little as well because of the extreme physical conditions during impact.

I would consider this as a strategic deterrent, because it likely can destroy icbm missile silos, air-fields, naval ports/battle-groups and command and controle bunkers. Part of the deterrence effect might also be that the political cost of actually using one is much lower than with nukes.

I also think that they will tag on other functionality, like replacing the 36 impactors that slam into the ground, with an air-to-air variation making hole squadrons of fighters or drones go poof.

There also is the arms-race aspect, i wonder how that will play out.

It might change the political game too. At present the neocons antagonize Russians in order to create a threatening enemy in order to get funding for their schemes. But since this new weapon doesn't really threaten anything that touches the majority of the population, the political effect of the "Russian boogieman" might just fade away. Companies like Black Rock have been lobbying for the Ukraine war, I've been wondering for a long time whether these war-lobbies would get targeted like military eventually, it wasn't really possible, until now.

If WW3 was fought with this type of missile not many people would die, probably less than in many of the currently active wars. People could opt out of WW3, just by avoiding the places that would be strategical targets. So that's why i think it might be a silver bullet.
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>This post endeavors, at a very high level, to discuss how the US/NATO shortcomings against Russia and the so-called West’s geostrategic competitors, are more foundational than most commentators recognize. This is due at least in part to an onslaught of propaganda maintaining long-standing prejudices against Slavs and non-white countries that industrialized after Europe.1


<Defense as a Service
They got some ballz to try that scam on people with the most guns.
But then again maybe the guns don't work because they can't ping the server that checks for the subscription licenses. The soldiers will have to install a crack to make sure their equipment works.

Maximum late stage capitalism.


It worked with the F-35.

It seems like the natural next step as far as Amerifat procurement goes. They'd have to undo 50 years of government sabotage and corporate/political imbalance in order to go any other direction than "hit the privatization button." I don't think there's any political will for that.


Until we figure out plasma instability, we can't make sophisticated plasma configurations like a stable plasma ball.
However a plasma projector that acts like a highly localized shield against most types of weapons is conceivable. Think about a long range sandblaster wearing down incoming weapons fire with ionized particles. But we probably don't have a power-source for that, I'm guessing 200 gigawatts continuous is the barrier to entry for this.

>anti-matter bullets

We can't use anti-matter as the main energy carrier, because we can't make that stuff in quantity, and because we can't do low enough tolerances to make storage reliable enough.
We probably don't want to set off anti-matter explosions anyway since it will cause really nasty highly energetic particle emissions that make the stuff that comes out of nukes look harmless by comparison.

It is more plausible to use a few anti-matter particles as a means to set off a really small fusion reaction, (maybe with an intermediate fission reaction to further economize on anti-matter, which at the moment is the most expensive stuff by a huge margin). You can trap a few anti-matter particles in a magnetic vacuum bottle, if you have good enough or cold enough superconductor material.

There is a somewhat more low-tech way to make "nuclear bullets" small enough even for a regular rifle. It requires synthesizing a specific radio-active fissionable element, so it's not a cheap proposition by any means. And those bullets also would require a lot of cooling so there would be practicality limits of carrying a big ammo refrigeration unit around. If you set it off it would generate mostly gamma radiation but it would be powerful enough to melt a tank into a puddle of molten metal.

I'm not sure where you are going with this, but if i had to guess i'd say you are trying to make weapons munitions really small ? Maybe you can explain your motivation for that ?


>It worked with the F-35.
It worked in the sense that arms producers got rich off this.
However the US had a huge lead in air-power over anybody else and the F35 has shrunk that lead by a considerable amount.

>They'd have to undo 50 years of government sabotage and corporate/political imbalance in order to go any other direction than "hit the privatization button."

I agree that the problem came from privatization, but i don't know what you mean with:
government sabotage
corporate/political imbalance

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When do we start hunting down and executing liberals?


Please stop reading r/worldnews unless you want propaganda brainrot or an ulcer.


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When you stop sucking uyghur dick OP.


B really careful wh@ you wish 4, sweaty. You don't perchance like the concept of "nation", do you?


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Was Saddam Hussein a socialist? If he is a socialist, what is the evidence/proof of this?


I think he might have been part of the Baathists (not sure how that's spelled) which is usually considered Arab socialism.

When the neocons did the Iraq war around 2003, he kinda was trying to spend oil revenue on social programs and economic development. That is standard socialist doctrine for resource rich countries, but also not that different from bourgeois national liberation. It kinda looks like that might have triggered the neocon war because the imperial system wanted to keep Iraq as an undeveloped resource extraction unit. Not sure, there's other potential explanations that also make sense.

There is a peculiar footnote of history. I think Saddam also hired a famous American engineer to design and build absolutely giant cannons that could potentially reach Israel. He was buying lots of massive machined metal cylinder segments, which kinda raised some eyebrows. The engineer guy was mainly interested in building mass-drivers for catapulting bulk material into low earth orbit, and this was the only available big-ass-cannon-gig. The CIA or some other 3-letter agency had him assassinated, probably.

I think the Soviets may also have supported Saddam at some point, which is kinda weird, so maybe they thought he was socialist.

TLDR maybe not sure



He was Baath, but actual-existing Baath is more like a form of Arab nationalism. I think Saddam operated a kind of heavily-regulated mixed economy. Baathism was nominally socialist, but so is India.

>There is a peculiar footnote of history. I think Saddam also hired a famous American engineer to design and build absolutely giant cannons that could potentially reach Israel. He was buying lots of massive machined metal cylinder segments, which kinda raised some eyebrows. The engineer guy was mainly interested in building mass-drivers for catapulting bulk material into low earth orbit, and this was the only available big-ass-cannon-gig. The CIA or some other 3-letter agency had him assassinated, probably.

Vid related.

>I think the Soviets may also have supported Saddam at some point, which is kinda weird, so maybe they thought he was socialist.

The US and UK supported him too.


He was a socialist but he wasn’t a communist. His Iraq was essentially a planned economy and was allied with the USSR before Gorby destroyed it.


Another nutsoy, yes.


>succialism is when muh nazion with corporate planned peoples' commodity production economy-
Wall, lassaloid.

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Yep, I live in that chaotic land

I'm not ncessarily a zionist, I'm questioning a lot of stuff about the conflict myself because I was brainwashed since age 0, but I can't be open about it for obvious reasos.
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>but individual people from there can still be decent
I doubt it tbqh, just look at OP's wording of "not necessarily being a zionist". As if they're still on the fence a little bit.


Hello Op,
First, I want to express my gratitude for sharing your perspective on the situation. I completely understand your concerns about revealing your story. As part of my volunteer efforts, I assist individuals like you in sharing their experiences safely and comfortably. While I may not have the full context of your situation, I'd like to offer some advice. You're welcome to email me for further assistance—I've provided my contact details in the /edu/ thread.
I can see that you're apprehensive about your safety, especially considering your location in Israel. It’s essential to keep that in mind when you consider what to share. Israel has a robust surveillance system, so caution is key if you're discussing sensitive matters online. Here are some steps you can take to communicate more securely:
1. Avoid using your cellphone for any sensitive communications, as your government may monitor it.
2. If possible, use the TOR network with a dedicated Linux distribution like Tails, Qubes, or Whonix.
◦ Make sure to disable JavaScript in the TOR settings when feasible.
◦ You can also access Leftychan through a TOR address for added security.
3. If TOR isn't an option, select a strong and reputable VPN service running on a stable Linux distro.
◦ When obtaining the VPN, do it anonymously and consider using a public Wi-Fi network for an extra layer of privacy. ProtonVPN is a good choice, as they offer a free version.
If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email as mentioned in the edu thread or the link above.
Best of luck, and thank you!
– Commie-tech –


What do you think of this? Does it contradict the narrative you were raised with?
Do you actually believe in negation of the diaspora and all the other Zionist ubermench sabra bullshit?
Is it well known in Israel that Masada was literally the result of Sicarii literally murdering and pillaging the wider Jewish community? It's bizarre that Israel's foundational historical heroes in Zionist mythology were literally mass murdering, criminal psychopaths in reality right?


Das right, brotha. ϟemiteϟ of all sorts shall be cleansed from th@ shithole marxallah. Communism aint free & shiet uygha


>Why even make the thread?
I think he means to other Israelis.


From Democracy Now!:
After nearly two decades of obstruction by the U.S. military, The New Yorker has obtained and published 10 photos of the aftermath of the 2005 Haditha massacre, when U.S. marines killed 24 Iraqi civilians in revenge for an IED bombing that killed a service member. The graphic images show dead Iraqi men, women and children, many of them shot in the head at close range. The victims ranged in age from 3 to 76. Release of the photos came only after producers of the investigative podcast In the Dark sued the Navy, the Marine Corps and U.S. Central Command to force them to turn over the photos and other records. "What the photos clearly show is that these were innocent people who do not appear to be doing anything threatening at the time of their deaths," says Madeleine Baran, host and lead reporter of the podcast. Four marines were charged for the killings, but the charges were dismissed in three cases, and the last ended with a plea deal that did not result in a single day in prison. Baran says the survivors of the massacre, who cooperated with producers to get the photos released, are still waiting for justice. "What they want is the world to know what happened to their family, to know that their family were good people, not insurgents, and they want justice," she says.
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So if a population of a country that is actively engaged in genocide do nothing to overthrow their government, how are they innocent again?


Plenty of national governments are actively engaged in genocide while oppressing their own populace


Libtard slave moralist much? It’s not the job of communists to complain about humanitarian issues, it’s just to destroy capital. Nobody cares about how many people died from starvation or deliberate killing from particular states such as America or Israel other than petty bourgeois leftoid moralfags. Your type of thinking and what you’re complaining of it’s just the natural and plain logic of the Westphalian and bourgeois nation state, and as a Communist you are not allowed to follow this kind of one-sided libtard logical reasoning


>It’s not the job of communists to complain about humanitarian issues
Yes it is. Why do you want a better economic system then?

>it’s just to destroy capital

Destroy capitalism, maybe but it's to appropriate capital for proletariat purposes, not to destroy it.

Not sure what the point of your retarded post is tbh.


It's 100% a "hello fellow communists" op.


Manila: Protesters rallied against American presence in the Philippines on Tuesday as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Manila to reinforce support against Chinese influence in the region.

The Philippines is Washington’s key security partner in Asia under a decades-long alliance, which allows the US to rotate troops into the Philippines for extended stays and build and operate facilities on Philippine military bases.

In the past two years, the partnership has expanded under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who in February last year permitted American troops to increase their footprint in the country.

China claims the disputed area almost in entirety and its military activity in the territory has been increasing, regularly encroaching on the Philippine part of the waters, the West Philippine Sea.

“These waterways are critical to the Philippines, to its security, to its economy, but they’re also critical to the interests of the region, the United States and the world,” Blinken said at a joint press conference with his Philippine counterpart Enrique Manalo.

“That’s why we stand with the Philippines and stand by our ironclad defense commitments, including under the mutual defense treaty.”

The 1951 agreement obliges the US to defend its ally in the case of external attack.

Philippine vessels have been regularly attacked by Chinese ships in the parts of the South China Sea that are internationally recognized as belonging to the Philippines.
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I mean, they elected another Marcos, so… that's at least equally baffling.


yeah i would not necessarily blame that on Filipino people because you know how difficult it is to get reformers elected that prioritize the needs of the masses, especially when there's a big super-power putting its thumb on the scale.


The US elites learned lessons of Vietnam war too well. Wars go much smoothier if the coffins arrive to another country instead of yours.


You're hinting at the Ukraine proxy war ? While there are few coffins coming back from that war, it's not going smooth either.


More shit going down, it sounds like:

US defense secretary Lloyd Austin revealed yesterday the existence of the "US Task Force Ayungin", a military unit in the Philippines that has never been publicly acknowledged before.

Austin said he "met with some American service members deployed to US Task Force Ayungin" and that he "thanked them for their hard work on behalf of the American people and our alliances and partnerships in this region".

US troops are providing "guidance and training" to the Philippine military, supposedly in response to Chinese aggression.

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