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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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"I endorse for president of the United States Green Party candidate, Dr. Jill Stein," former KKK leader Duke said on his radio show on Monday. "Although Dr. Stein and I obviously have our differences on important issues, she's the only candidate who speaks clearly against the war in the Middle East."

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Dick Cheney has killed way more people than David Duke, and he endorsed Harris and Harris liked it. Also Liz, too, pictured here.

The real hilarious thing about the David Duke endorsement, which has, amazingly, gone totally over the heads of liberals, is that a former KKK leader just endorsed a Jewish woman's campaign which has a black Muslim as VP. You people hate Jill Stein so much that you have no idea how funny that is. He may as well have just endorsed Jesse Jackson, it's comedy gold, and you're so deranged that you don't get the joke.


there's no way you are a real person


Real person, lived through the Bush years. A Dick Cheney endorsement is not a compliment. Cheney was at the forefront of advocating torture, pushing for two disastrous foreign wars, suppressing opposition to those wars, and shredding the constitution in the hugest expansion of mass surveillance and forced disappearances in American history. The Bush era ended with all of that + the worst recession since the Great Depression.
A David Duke endorsement isn't a compliment either, which is why Stein rejects it - although it's still funny as fuck. Dick Cheney is easily as hated in America as David Duke, but Harris acts like it's a badge of honor to be endorsed by a guy who even conservatives despise at this point.


All this proves is that Kamala supporters are to the right of David Duke


+ Harris literally just got endorsed by Richard Spencer lol

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We're all familiar with the ironic shitposts, but for once I'd like to actually understand Cambodian history, particularly the events that transpired in the '60s and '70s. Assuming the mass killings weren't grossly inflated, how did it all lead to this? I feel like there's probably a lot of typical anti-communist propaganda surrounding this and I don't know how to learn more.


>How Khmer Rouge happen?
To begin with BurgerReich carpet bombing.


(and turn on the english subtitles, of course)

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Interesting new article from DropSite. Here are some selected sections:

Yarvin and Land’s New Right ideas have taken a central place among Trump’s intellectual support structure. Within a month of Trump’s 2017 inauguration, Politico reported that Yarvin “had opened up a line to the Trump White House, communicating with [Trump advisor] Steve Bannon and his aides through an intermediary.” (Yarvin denied reports of speaking with Steve Bannon.) Peter Thiel—described as a friend of Yarvin, who invested in Yarvin’s startup in 2013 and hosted Yarvin at an election night party in 2016—reportedly became disillusioned with the Trump White House for not taking Yarvin-like ideas far enough. “Thiel fantasized that Trump’s election would somehow force a national reckoning,” according to Barton Gellman, who published a wide-ranging interview with Thiel in 2023. “He believed somebody needed to tear things down—slash regulations, crush the administrative state—before the country could rebuild.”

VP nominee J.D. Vance, a former employee in one of Thiel’s firms, has discussed similar ideas, citing Yarvin. In a 2021 podcast appearance, Vance was prompted to give his advice for Trump in a possible second administration. Name-dropping Yarvin, Vance advised: “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, and replace them with our people.” As Gaby Del Valle at The Verge pointed out, the advice Vance offered is Yarvin’s proposal “Retire All Government Employees” (RAGE)—intended to “‘reboot’ the government under an all-powerful executive.”

We can see the osmosis of these ideas into mainstream Republican politics with “Schedule F”: an executive order that would eliminate employment protections for federal workers, and allow the Trump administration to retire all government employees and crush the administrative state. Trump signed this executive order in 2020 — and had Biden not been elected that year, it would have gone into effect.

Vance finished his statements by adding: “We are in a late republican period. If we’re going to push back against it, we’re going to have to get pretty wild, and pretty far out there, and go in directions that a lot of conservatives right now are uncomfortable with.” James Pogue at Vanity Fair notes this language also comes from Yarvin’s New Right ideology: evoking America as Rome in its “late republican period,” waiting for its Caesar to come anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I know but they should.

Maybe the second hand market will fix that. Second hand e-cars loose all their market exchange value because car-makers don't sell reasonably priced battery-pack-replacements. That could boot-strap car-refurbishment companies. Those can rip out the used-up battery-packs and the original electronics and replace the hole shebang with aftermarket parts. That may become a source for good value bare-bones budget cars.


>Car brands don't make or sell barebones cars, like 5000$ civic because the more useless tech shit they can cram into it the higher it's selling price
The reason they don't sell cheap barebones cars is because it's illegal. Government regulations force them to add seatbelts and airbags and catalytic convertors and all the other emissions garbage. Once all that stuff is in place the price is way over 5000$.


>seatbelts and airbags and catalytic convertors and all the other emissions garbage. Once all that stuff is in place the price is way over 5000$.
Fine make it 5500


You can get more than $500 just from extracting the metals in the catalytic converter.


Nope you'd get slightly less than 180 bucks assuming you'll be able to recover 100% of the precious metals from a average combustion catalytic converter.

With realistic recovery rates it's more like 130 bucks. If you factor in the material costs of the process-consumables you're probably at slightly less than 100 bucks.

Keep in mind that a cheap car probably won't have a massive engine. So all the support components would be moderately sized as well.

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Can a Muslim be a Jucheist?


I heard DPRK has religious organizations or something


Yes but not without some cognitive dissonance


This guy says it is against the law to believe in God: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9rLqYXTaFI


Yeah there is a Korean shamanist party. There were also Christian and Buddhist parties but they don't hold any seats for many decades

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Sinister communist thread
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What is this O9A Nazi bullshit lmao


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Soviet power, comrade.


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This is wh@ they actually partake in while behind all the red rags they love so much.


sinister is a Latin term for left


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After Pavel Durov's arrest, he's now agreeing to surrender private user data.


pic unrel
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I had a retard friend telling me this was a private platform. Kept trying to evanglize me.

I was like wtf is actually private about it, they require your phone number for signup and almost nothing is encrypted, everything goes through their servers etc. There was literally nothing private about it except misguided trust in the nationality of the owner.


If it's someone else's service, you have little way of knowing it is private. Even signal collects metadata.

The most private way to communicate would be using PGP on an airgapped device, and transferring the encrypted messages to your computer with a trust medium, then sending it the recipient via a web server you own.


Samidoun Telegram channel banned in the USA:


Never heard of this before but it seems like regular political activism.
Why is this being attacked ?


I use Session for illegal stuff but you cant trust any of these apps.


Somebody just fired on Evo's car.
BREAKING: Former Bolivian President Evo Morales says his vehicle was shot at amid escalating tensions with President Luis Arce’s government. Morales posted a video on Facebook showing two bullet holes in the windshield and an injured driver. While the video’s authenticity hasn’t yet been independently verified, tensions between the factions of the two former allies have been high. An economic crisis has intensified the situation, with Morales’s supporters blocking highways in central Bolivia and the government attempting to clear them. The incident has heightened fears of further unrest


Following the assassination attempt on Evo Morales, his supporters are calling on the police to stop obeying the orders of President Luis Arce's government. Both leaders are from the ruling Movement Towards Socialism party, which has been torn by escalating internal conflicts.

🟡 NOW: Supporters of Evo Morales are now guarding the trade union office where he is currently staying after just surviving an assassination attempt involving 14 gunshots. The people are forming a human protective ring around the building. The attacker is still on the run.


I knew Morales and Arce had unfriended, but i didn't know it had become that bad.

Just a sanity check: are we sure it's not a third party that did the assassination attempt against Morales ?


I have no idea who's behind it lol

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Reddit stops counting the total after -100

The only comment they upvoted was one that was critical of Trump.

Affordable housing, universal health care? nope, -5000 karma
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Yeah it's not "redditors" like the title implies, it's reddit itself and whoever controls it as part of the larger propaganda apparatus.


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not sure what this means but i lol'd


>The only comment they upvoted was one that was critical of Trump.
And the biggest downvoted posts include "duopoly", "Democrats" and "Biden".


Why would you assume any of this was real people up/down-voting ?

The most reasonable explanation is that she does have electoral appeal and that's why all these shenanigans are happening.

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Just 9-10 years ago Reddit was campaign central for Bernie Sanders. Now if you advocate for a left-wing presidential candidate they'll downvote you so much that Reddit's algorithm bans you from the platform.

And not just Reddit, Jill Stein and Cornel West have *terrible* net favorability polling (-16), in every single net favorability poll. The only candidate who ever had worse net favorability was Trump after J6.

I don't really buy the spoiler argument either, the left-wing candidates positions are very far from Harris. Sometimes Democrats will claim they are the last defenders of the American welfare state, but I can't see any of it left, public housing is only open in my area 2 hours per decade.
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The Uighur situation was like this:

Presumably the CIA or something similar tried to foment religious fundamentalism in the Xinjiang region in China. Most likely because that is the largest hub in the Belt and Road project. Which is a industrial development program the Chinese are building for economic soft-power influence. For the most part this is a mutually beneficial arrangement, the Chinese get influence and secure supply-lines while regions who partake see economic development and rising standards of living.

Basically the CIA (or whoever) tried to create "Asian ISIS" to disrupt rival economics. To some extend it worked because there were a lot of terror attacks in Xinjiang. The Chinese countered that by flooding the major city and industrial hub in that region with police and security overkill. That is very expensive and suffocating for the residents and to some degree this was a minor victory for the CIA-terror campaign because they managed to degrade socio-economic efficiency. But overall the Chinese won that round because the Belt and Road project was not disrupted.

This is not where this story ends, most of the people who got sucked up into "Asian ISIS" belonged to a group that is called Uighurs. And the Chinese began rounding up a lot of them and stuffed them into re-education camps. Basically a closed boarding-school for adults. These people obviously were deprived of their freedom, however making them go to skill training courses and accompanying educational lectures, isn't the same as Nazi extermination camps , which was the propagandist deception in the mainstream media. False claims of upto 2 million dead were made based on testimony of some guy called Adrien Zense (unsure about the spelling). That lie was too big. The mainstream media looked like massive bafoons for just making up a genocide where there was none. They shifted the narrative to "cultural genocide". The amount of eye-rolling that induced globally, caused so much friction-heat form billions of eyeballs rubbing against skull sockets that it probably contributed to climate-change.

Side-note: Adrien Zense was a total nut-job who also claimed to be on a holy mission to bring down the CCP. I'm still wondering what the Canadian Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Basically the CIA (or whoever) tried to create "Asian ISIS" to disrupt rival economies.
Sounds like something Obama would do.

>However there are attacks on digital freedom in the west

If Elon hadn't bought Twitter there would be no major western platform to discuss the Palestinian situation without Zionist censorship.


>If Elon hadn't bought Twitter there would be no major western platform to discuss the Palestinian situation without Zionist censorship.
relevant vid from Glenn Greenwald
The thing is tho, if the censorship gang is siding with the Zionists, they're likely going to be considered complicit in the genocide. At least that's how it went historically with such cases. And then censorship will get politically burned and it goes back into the box for 50 years. The dynamic is not new.

To some extend it also depends on the outcome of the fighting. Israel can't win this, if they don't quit now and call it a draw, they're gonna get a crushing defeat, which would collapse the Zionist lobby. If they're the driving force behind the censorship, it'll go away with them.


They do if you actually engage in conversation on the site. Redditors are almost universally opposed to public housing, non-austerity fiscal budgeting, rent control, degrowth, decoupling of labor from survival, ending private land ownership, and healthy skepticism of corporate media


Maybe dats cuz your fucking uyghuruyghurs on the parliamental payroll have completely lost their fucking credibility by showing off th@ no good goy in the gubbmint can actually change shit 4 the part of soyciety they somehow represent? Fucking uyghur kys faggot uyghur uyghur uyghur uyghur uyghur.
Cocksucking fucks who you call your fellow humoids are doing the same shit they did back @ the outbreak of the 1st imperialist slaughterfest - cuck down to the gr8 [woe]man of the hour who can save the crumbling system right from the tv set, you just have 2 behave like a good goy & w8 until our grorious military will crush the subhumans from the neighbouring shithole & take their unjustly owned stuff. Let the bloodthirsty fucking cattle perish in billions, lest they will think th@ new hitler really did save them.

Th@ vietanon nutsoy faggot had something very different 2 say on this matter, specifically about mujahideen training camps built by ccp 4 their fight with ruzzoid red imperialism. Keep tearing your ass apart further, bottom.

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Gaddafi - Green Book and Mao - Red book (Turkish edition)


Which of these actually deals with socialism?






Gaddafi was a racist islamist and Mao was an anti working class counterrevolutionary.

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