It's funny how people think that "military training" is some arcane science accessible only to a few very powerful people, based on nothing really. The most effective armies in history were those that could mobilize a shit ton on men and machinery, usually because they had to and couldn't afford the usual bullshit stories that are told about it.
Everyone who is trained filters to the general population, and the basic methods of fighting are known enough - they're designed to be simple enough that it's impossible for a grunt to fail if they read the fucking manual. The real heart of the matter is that war implies a singular victor to be meaningfully war, and the victor of the present war is the institution against the people. It can only secure this victory through forced ignorance and degradation of the conditions of the people, and that is the war constantly fought - to degrade, denude, and prohibit any iota of independent action which is the objective of the present war. There wouldn't be a "civil war" here except by the choice of aristocracy to make one. It can end immediately if the bastards cease doing this, but if that ends, eugenics ends. The project ends, with the people remembering what was done to them and no violent recapitulation of the creed working to cow people into submission. It would then become the obligation of everyone not in the club to exterminate those in the club, by whatever means are suitable. There is no forgiving eugenics and what it did to us, and so the war will continue, absent any particular reason why this should happen.
What is really at work isn't "training" or some special knowledge, but a simple reality that wars have one victor, and an arranged "struggle" with preplanned outcomes is never stable, nor something that resolves with the victor unchanged and whole. The damned will either survive, or a new damned will appear for the same reasons that the old damned came to exist, and inherit the same struggle. Aristocracy cannot change under any circumstances, and it would be quite impossible for humans to abandon aristocracy in total. The closest they ever got was a genuine natural aristocracy, which will lose faith in its status within a generation and undermines its claim from the outset. For the damned, there is no reconciliation with aristocracy, or even "making a new aristocracy" in their own image. Were the damned ever to truly win this battle, they would probably see the situation, see humanity is
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