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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Before their mysterious disappearance the Soviets were working on at least similiar to these weapons programs. We know tht at least the U.S. military had much more advanced programs than Timothy Tobiason's books.
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They have technology that is not yet workable or just not affordable. The Russian troops don't even have enough food and clothes and are supposed to even somehow arm themselves, make their own munitions even.


Ah right, so you're just a propagandist.


By the way, for any anons not aware PDFs are a common vector for malicious exploits because for some dumb reason Adobe thought it would be a great idea to allow the format to execute scripts. You should keep this in mind whenever you see suspicious PDFs, especially if you're on a Windows system with an insecure PDF reader. Here's one example of remote code execution for an insecure reader discovered last year:



>This is a remote code execution vulnerability that impacts anyone who attaches untrusted PDFs to notes and has the icon enabled.
What does
>attaches untrusted PDFs to notes and has the icon enabled.
mean exactly? Specifically the notes bit, what does that mean?


>just a propagandist.
Seems like it, but in a weird mixed message kind of way.
On the one hand he says the Russians have scary scifi weapons, but on the other hand he says they lack provisions for their soldiers.

Strong and weak at the same time, doesn't pass the contradiction sniff test.

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What will happen to this site and leftypol if there is an actual revolution


Probably depends on whether internet infrastructure gets damaged or not. If anything sites like this will be shut down before a revolution happens.


Not sure what you mean ?

Do you think that shitposting is merely a symptom of capitalist alienation ? and once socialism is installed that goes away ?

I doubt that very much.


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It would have to be a global rev of some sort to shut this place down. The server aren't in burgerland. But burger fags need to be on the look out because the burger gov is talking about reppealing S230 and has tried before. They were talking about it in the D.O.G.E oversight comity hearing when musks bullshit got started.

If you guys are not familiar with radio. Now is a good time to get into shortwave and ham radio because that is the way to get news and information in when you live in regime dictator-ships.


IDK OP, let's find out. Arm, organize, help others do the same. Help with agitprop, do OC, let's build the community and gain power and then see what happens to the site.

I've said for years, but socialists desperately need to fucking be working on alternative internet infrastructure… whether it's mesh internet (which I don't fully understand) or something more conventional, it's extremely fucking worrying that I don't think we have even the slightest fucking handle on this or funding for it.

>>487888 is also a good post though.


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I think that radio is the most intuitive. I don't think we will get the internet full shut down, or, something. Maybe….a firewall like china? Idfk with the reactionaries at the helm anything is possible. I deff know that if section 230 got repealed though it would vreak a lot of the internet as it exists today and data degradation is already is a huge problem. AKA "Link rott"

Mesh nets are a cool idea, but, it's a lot easier to pick up a 100W CB Radio off ebay and shoot skip. The major problem is infrastructure. The modern internet already has the infrastructure for the modern internet. Mesh nets don't have anywhere near the same infrastructural hegemony as the internet.

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 No.457563[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained.

In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

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>President Cringe
there are multiple candidates for that title
>said he would only resign if Ukraine was made a full member of NATO and the EU.
So I'm guessing Zelensky ?




Whelp, that's it then. The career of world famous actor and comedian Volodymyr Zelensky has finally reached its zenith. It's all downhill from here.




This entire thing was a lesson in political mud-wrestling.

The Russians have most of those uncooked minerals, Volo thought he could use the minerals as a Mc-guffin to get the US to fight the Russians. And Trump just said
<your minerals ?
<those are my minerals

The debate about US forces being deployed in Ukraine to "secure the minerals" was immediately derailed by bickering about who has legitimate claim on those minerals.

We have to learn how to do this.

 No.485932[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Syrian rebels enter Aleppo three days into surprise offensive
Insurgents had recaptured territory around Syria’s second city with civilians including children killed in fighting

Islamist insurgents have entered Syria’s second city of Aleppo in a shock assault, eight years after forces loyal to Damascus seized control of the city.

Fighters from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) began a major offensive earlier this week from their base in the Idlib countryside, a slim strip of land in Syria’s north-west. It took only three days for the fighting to reach Aleppo, with insurgents capturing territory around the city’s outskirts for the first time in four years as Syrian government forces pummelled rebel-held areas.

Turkey’s Anadolu state news agency reported on Friday afternoon that the insurgents had entered Aleppo, while unverified images and video circulating online showed armoured vehicles and armed uniformed militants on its streets. The Associated Press said residents reported hearing missiles striking its outskirts.

The fighting over the last three days had killed 27 civilians, including eight children, David Carden, the UN deputy regional humanitarian coordinator for the Syria crisis, told Reuters.

The rebels have rapidly recaptured dozens of towns and villages in the Aleppo countryside, seizing a military base, weaponry and tanks from Syrian government forces, while some Turkish-backed Syrian rebel groups based elsewhere in north-west Syria joined the fighting.

The UN said Syrian government forces based in Damascus carried out at least 125 airstrikes and shelled areas across Idlib and western Aleppo controlled by the rebels in response to the offensive, killing at least 12 civilians and wounding 46 others, and displacing 14,000 people.

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Ocalan now asking the PKK/YPG to disarm.


A compelling case can be made that the fall of Baathist Iraq in 2003 was a major precursor to the eventual collapse of Baathist Syria in 2024. The two regimes were structurally similar, sharing ideological foundations, geopolitical positioning, and common enemies. The destruction of one set into motion a chain of events that made the fall of the other almost inevitable.

### 1. The Loss of Iraq as a Strategic Counterbalance
Before 2003, Iraq and Syria—despite their differences—served as mutual counterbalances in the region. The fall of Saddam Hussein removed a major Arab nationalist stronghold, allowing regional and global powers (especially the U.S. and Iran) to reshape the Middle East’s political landscape. With Iraq gone as a buffer state, Syria was left more exposed to external pressures, particularly from the West, Turkey, and Islamist militant groups.

### 2. The Rise of Sectarianism and the Weakening of Baathism
The U.S. invasion of Iraq led to a power vacuum that was filled by sectarian conflict, weakening pan-Arab Baathist ideology in favor of identity-based politics. The Iraqi insurgency, dominated by Sunni jihadists and Shia militias, marked the beginning of the end for secular Arab nationalist regimes. This same sectarian dynamic played out in Syria’s civil war, where Assad's Baathist government increasingly relied on sectarian militias (e.g., Hezbollah, Iranian-backed forces) rather than its traditional nationalist base.

### 3. The Strengthening of U.S. and Western Interventionism
The precedent of regime change in Iraq emboldened Western powers to pursue similar policies elsewhere, either through direct military intervention (Libya) or through support for insurgencies (Syria). The 2011 uprising in Syria was met with U.S., European, and Gulf-state backing for rebel factions, mirroring the way the U.S. dismantled Iraq’s Baathist regime. The lessons learned in Iraq—such as the use of proxies, economic sanctions, and no-fly zones—were later applied to Syria, accelerating its destabilization.

### 4. The Spillover of Jihadist Insurgencies
The fall of Baathist Iraq created a breeding ground for jihadist groups like Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which later evolved into ISIS. These groups found new battlegrounds in Syria’s post-2011 conflict, directly contributing to the weakeniPost too long. Click here to view the full text.(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST: Do not repost AI-generated content verbatim)


Sorry but if the AI you got this from, believes in Domino theory, it's not very intelligent.

It's also wrong on the geo-pol big-picture, both Russia and Iran have expanded their influence in the region at the expense of Israel and US influence. The last 2 decades of neocon forever-wars were a giant waste of blood and treasure. Even before factoring in that China brokered a peace between Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Iran. The side effect of this was the US losing leverage over Saudi Oil production volume / oil-price.

Considering that the neocons originally thought that it would take them at most a year to topple Assad, while in reality it took them over 20 years, proves how bad they really are at imperialising.

Isreal lost it's military exchanges with Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen and Iran. And considering how wrecked their economy, destroyed their international reputation and beat up the IDF now is, we're looking at a situation where Israel is likely going to wither away. The fall of Assad is just copium. If Netanyahu manages to instigate that war against Iran, he's been plotting and scheming for so long, we'll see a hard wipe-out of Israel alongside most of the US's bases.

Give up, you can't polish this foreign policy turd into triumphalism.


The stupid AI poster who, for some reason, posts shitty generated neocon "articles" in these threads, is obviously not providing anything of value, but I also disagree with some of your assessment to an extent.

It took 20 (or at least 13) years for the US to topple Assad, but, in retrospect, it really seems like they've been doing a lot of this stuff on behalf of Israel, and when you frame the toppling of Assad that way and all the humiliating, wasteful wars in the middle east by the US as a product of Israeli interests, then they seem like remarkable wish fulfillments. As pursuits of US interests, outside of selling arms (which the US pays itself for), they are catastrophic failures, but Israel has gotten to see a much larger country do most of the legwork and finance and fighting to kill people Israel doesn't like.

I think Israel's exchange with Hezbollah is also questionable as a loss. Strictly looking at it in terms of tactical accomplishments and a support front for Gaza, it's possible to say Hezbollah won; at the 'end' of the war in Lebanon, Hezbollah was hitting Tel Aviv, and they do seem to have succeeded in making Israel shift resources away from Gaza to an extent. However, Israel's terroristic attacks on the capital of Lebanon and on civilians did successfully lead to an internal political pressure on Hezbollah which resulted in Hezbollah de-linking from Gaza. The ceasefire did not come with Israel's unrealistic aim of completely destroying Hezbollah, but it also did not come with an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The new president and prime minister of Lebanon are essentially US/Israeli puppets, installed under a great deal of US pressure, and they still have the stated aim of disarming Hezbollah, even as Israel has continued to consistently violate the ceasefire for months. Hezbollah has offered no retaliation, and there are now many bodies being discovered in the south of the country as Israel has partially withdrawn. Hezbollah itself seems to have much weaker leadership now than before, and it suffered a lot of terrible losses, so if their contribution to the support of Gaza can be considered a victory, it has to be considered an extremely pyrrhic one.

I always take issue when people on the left predict things will "wither away," too - there's a very prominent history of thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>wasteful wars in the middle east by the US as a product of Israeli interests
Israel is a partial reason for the middle eastern / west Asia wars. But there also was the military industrial complex making money on weapons. And then there are other geopolitical goals like preventing Arabs from forming a powerful block. These wars also were supposed to create chaos to slow down the belt and road project from China. And things like exploiting resources. Maybe other things like the CIA could have been using Afghani farmers to farm drug-plants for "covert budgets".

>seem like remarkable wish fulfillments

Both the US and Israel are in a worse geopolitical position then they were 25 years ago before all of this. So those must have been stupid wishes.

I think you are looking too much at the map and ignore too many other factors. Israel has depleted a lot of it's fighting-capacity in it's population, they're almost tapped out, and have to wait for another generation until they can try again. By that time Iran will be so strong that they can check anybody who tries to tear up the region. Netanyahu also wrecked Israel's economy, it's very doubtful that this can be repaired because Israel's reputation is ruined. If you're a Israeli tech-bro , you can go the US, EU or Russia, and get better conditions, so most of their tech ventures are lost. Keep in mind that "Israel based company" is now a bad marker. It means more risk, and a hole bunch of moral aversion.

You are right that the US installed a puppet government in Lebanon, but it's a sideshow. Lebanon is increasingly ruled by Hezbollah. Even the neocons agree with this. They started talking about "the post-Hezbollah period" in Lebanon. They never do this word-salad-game when they're winning at regime change, when things go their way they stay silent. The fact that they started talking this way means they also think they're loosing in Lebanon.

>it took 13-20 years of continuous economic and proxy and (in some cases) direct attacks from the most powerful country in the world to topple Assad.

Yes a small, relatively poor country, and the big super-power chewed 2 decades on it. That's not a big demonstration of power. Keep in mind that Syria wasn't an end in it self, it was a mPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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In which onion forum can secret intelligence exchanges be seen?

War always hurts civilians, fuck wars.


>secret intelligence exchanges
care to explain what that means ?
Is this about spies and top secret documents ?

>be seen

isn't secrecy about not being seen, why'd you expect that anything would be visible to outsiders like us.

>War always hurts civilians, fuck wars.



You're looking for the War Thunder forums.


DHS sama, you're talking to MI6 kun rn


#Thug_Shaker_Central @ fbi.gov

Now fuck off, faggot.



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In only six months, Sahra Wagenknecht's new party has BTFO'd the remnants of Die Linke and is already the 3rd most popular party in recent German state elections in Thuringia and Saxony. Is she gonna do it, anons? Can Germany be saved after all?
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Only true of Germans.


Richard Wolff and Michael Hudson give a good breakdown of this at the start of an interview today.


Interesting point that they think the BSW might politically benefit from not being in parliament while the next government continues the status quo path of wreckage.


how many people who lived under fascism are still alive today?


Good point, that other guy was also leaving out the part where communism in east Germany ended 30 years ago, and what ever political situation exists now can't possibly be blamed on that, but rather should be seen as the consequence of what happened after the Soviet system was dissolved.

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These kinds of people are literally just black chuds, they worship "black owned businesses", they have their own black version of schizo-tier race science (Yakub), are religious extremists (just Muslim instead of Christian), are often antisemitic, homophobic, etc., and essentially just want a Fourth Reich but in Africa ("Pan-Africanism"). Basically take any /pol/ talking point but replace "Jews" with "whites" and "Europe" with "Africa". There's a reason the American Nazi Party regularly attended Nation of Islam conferences.
How do you get them to realize they have a lot more in common with the white proletariat than the black bourgeosie?
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Paternalistic babble.


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Unironically Dr.Umar is closer to getting it than most people on this website.


It needs to be said… the push back on black idpol justifies itself with the necessity of collaboration to fix massive financial issues, but it is obvious that these people are doing the whole bit to feel better about themselves. They're insecure, and believing that an evil black genius cooked white people up in a lab or that black people had floating pyramid temples is a way for them to feel significant. Many men need self-confidence, and some men need placement in a grand history.

I habitually mock black people relentlessly- I've been banned from every olive garden, every mcdonalds, every burger king. Black people love fighting, they love getting angry, and as a Byronic shadow empath I have to oblige.

But, it is obvious that suppressing the "we wuz kangz" impulse is not going to help them thrive. When a guy comes around draped in colorful dutch wax print, that guy is not someone I need to antagonize. That man, has demons. This means he may be on the precipice of genius. I refuse to drag him away from that caldera.


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This is terminally online retardation.


>as a Byronic shadow empath
Apparently byronic is a painting style, name after a guy with the name Lord Byron, (who the fuck names their kid "Lord"), anyway apparently his paintings were about despair and misanthropy.

Now all i need to know is wtf a "shadow empath" is. Wasn't "empath" a scifi thing about telepathy ?

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how do you stop boomers from calling everything they don't like communism?


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>everything i don't like is communism


I can't take this idiot seriously any time she opens her mouth about economics or politics. What is it with physicists/engineers who always seem to think that just because they're good at math they are now entitled to give their expert opinion on fields they hopelessly out of their depth in?


She is so fucking dumb and she makes the whole scientific community look bad. She thinks she's being edgy but she just looks like a dumb fuck. At least Tyson is famous.


Academia is another tool of the bourgeois.


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>What is it with physicists/engineers who always seem to think that just because they're good at math they are now entitled to give their expert opinion on fields they hopelessly out of their depth in?

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I come to you today to convey what I deem an urgent message regarding the tumultuous times that lie ahead. In brief, I have substantial reasons to believe that we are on the precipice of a significant escalation in censorship on a global scale. Indeed, I regret to inform you that this troubling trend seems to have already commenced. For those seeking to bypass these oppressive measures, I encourage you to focus on the tools and guides that follow.

For various reasons—some of which must remain undisclosed—I urge all to swiftly acquire fundamental skills to counter what I categorize as mid-level censorship tactics. Below are some points I can share to underscore the gravity of this situation.

Firstly, the United States made a genuine attempt to ban TikTok, an app that, while initially intended for lighthearted dance videos, has now evolved into one of the fastest avenues for disseminating information. It is worth noting that despite the attempted ban, my investigations (details withheld for security) have revealed a marked increase in censorship compared to the period prior to this initiative.

Moreover, I suspect that the Tor Project anticipates a rise in global censorship, which may jeopardize the Tor network's capacity to circumvent these mechanisms. However, I am constrained from disclosing further information on this matter.

Additionally, it has come to my attention that several social networks are actively suppressing links and discussions surrounding tools designed to combat censorship, such as Linux and Distrowatch.

Here is a concise list of essential tools, predominantly free software, that I recommend:

1. An affordable laptop or desktop.
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Never heard of it but i would stick with what most people use like simplex and signal.
To my knowledge signal is at least more battle tested than whatever delta is by suppoenas to my knowledge>>487603


Signal Compromise Likelihood Increase

When I mentioned on .org that Signal was compromised I was immediately told to kill myself and there were an interesting amount of other emotionally charged language from an anon attempting to claim expertise when they clearly couldn't understand the methodology of the audit they used as proof of its soundness.

Soon after I made it clear their reactions to me were tells that demonstrated that Signal shouldn't be trusted .org went down.

Salient; Coincidence or significant?


Signal has been suspect for years, ever since the worm in charge of it ("Moxie Marlinspike") decided that they weren't ever going to release the server code so that people could self-host it.



Well what else do we have for secure messaging?

Theres generally more faith in signal due to it having been battle tested by the us gov in the past, so i believe naturally people are hostile to believing in criticism of the app ss being a fed product


I address you in a spirit of utmost seriousness. We find ourselves at a critical juncture—indeed, we are at Defcon 1. I am in the process of revising my technological recommendations, and I shall provide more comprehensive updates as swiftly as possible. I apologize for my recent absence; my efforts are now directed toward collaborating with multiple factions within the resistance. This message will be brief, yet I assure you, further elaboration will follow in the coming days!
In true revolutionary fashion, I have been engaged in Soviet-style shock work for our cause, and I encourage each of you to do the same. Below, you will find two significant updates!
Firstly, I am in direct communication with numerous members of the resistance, including the alternative park rangers. I possess the ability to leak vital information to them, albeit with the necessity of maintaining strict anonymity. We can ensure that neither your names nor your email addresses are exposed—layers of protection are paramount! Furthermore, I can provide leaks to other groups I am assisting, ensuring that your data remains fully anonymized before any information is transmitted.
Next, I must convey an urgent update regarding my technological advice. There exists an elevated risk associated with our communications; an exploit has emerged in signal that could potentially lead to de-anonymization. Moreover, we face increasing challenges concerning anti-censorship efforts. Therefore, my current recommendation is to utilize Briar and to avoid cell phones whenever possible. A more detailed update will be forthcoming, likely in a new thread. Major updates are urgently required!
Comrades, it is imperative that we all contribute to our collective struggle! I implore you to prepare an extensive E-library of banned literature—our intellectual arsenal must be as robust as our resolve!

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Meant to post about this before today, best of luck though!


No McDonald's?!?




Who's organizing this? Did someone neglect to inform them that organizing is more than sharing a flyer on social media? General strikes don't happen from viral sensations like in the movie Network.


Someone'll probably buy less. But yeah, I don't have high expectations for this. Good on them, but they should actually do it better.

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