Mankind now wrestles between the dogma of tradition and the techno-feudalist dominance of the modern age, and now our very struggles; wars are capitalized and induced by seemingly ordinary men with dead eyes and a forced grim.
Widespread industrialism annihilating millions in the courses of history, our planet seethes with unrest, the frames of reel the ordinary man is too familiar with: the skeletonization of cities and the tons of broken bottles and used tissues that bob on the surface of our freshwater—a mirroring of a larger vision; a grand flock of black swans, that of gas masks and pale steeds.
The metropolis and its machines have no match against primal wrath, the supreme weapon—an envoy of writhing hurricanes, and volcanic spew, forging the soil we march over. From magma; the father of structure, new life and order arises, a testament to the transformative qualities of fury.
The world is constantly in a state of instability, although It may predictably orbit, our world is in a constant state of adaptable chaos and the only way to destabilize our current systems global is to induce them in speeds that rival our orbit.
The difficult task is crafting the metaphorical bolt of lighting needed to disorientate and what exactly will induce the most change, societal arrest, a global—screeching halt to industrialism and the rapidly consuming forces of which make up techno-feudalism, allowing us to return to a more simpler age.
Unpredictability and uncertainty is the very essence of systemic collapse, and such we must embrace these forces as they carry us onto a new age, where only the most sinister survive, this will only purge the most useless breeds; allowing for the ones who tend towards savagery to thrive in their newer existence. Misanthropy often arises and is bred out of the weakest aspects of human nature, the anti-human sentiments of the modern age arise out of the frustrations of how members of our species could be so underwhelming or horrid beyond our wildest fantasies; however, it is crucial to note that the strong reactions that we give to those who tend towards savagery such as mercenaries and serial killers are almost entirely crafted by dogmatic institutions such as the church and the state, and inflicted onto us on very young ages to pressure us into following orders.
Even some of the wildest and chaotic of our species can become like second brothers and sisters to you, if you gave them a ch
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