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>“Montes betrayed our nation, but not for money. In fact, she never received payment for any of her actions – astonishingly, she was motivated purely by hatred for America,” Rubio wrote in an op-ed penned for Americano Media.

‘Queen of Cuba’ spy released from US jail
Ana Montes, described as “one of the most damaging spies” in US history, has been released from federal prison in Texas. The double agent for Cuba was freed on Friday after more than 20 years in custody, data on the Federal Bureau of Prisons website shows.

Montes, now 65, made a solid career with the US government, initially working for the US Department of Justice before joining the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) back in 1985. She ultimately became a senior intelligence analyst for Cuba –even scoring a nickname the ‘Queen of Cuba’– and worked in this role until her arrest in 2001, days after the 9/11 attacks.

It turned out that Montes had been spying for Cuba throughout her whole government career, as she had been recruited by that country’s intelligence when she was a student at Johns Hopkins University. Officials at the time said it was believed that the Cuban Intelligence Service (CIS) had pushed her to pursue the DIA career in the first place.

As a double agent, Montes is believed to have funneled highly-sensitive information to the CIS for nearly two decades. According to federal charging documents, Montes was very careful, never taking classified information from her work computer but memorizing it instead, as well as using water-soluble, easy to destroy paper to deliver the data to her Cuban handlers.

According to the Bush-era US Counterintelligence head Michelle Van Cleave, Montes has become “one of the most damaging spies the United States has ever found,” who has compromised “virtually everything” Washington knew about Cuba.

In 2002, Montes pleaded guilty to espionage charges which could have carried the death penalty for her, yet was ultimately sentenced to 25 years in prison under a plea deal. According to her lawyers, Montes was primarily motivated for spying by a belief that “the Cubans were treated unfairly by the US government.”
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Such a faggot. Always talking about shit you have no control over instead of focusing on and expanding the power of the few things you do have control over. This is why you are weak.


This is just too schizo to reply to. You are beyond help if this isn't some elaborate shitpost
>words words words
Imagine if you put half that effort into doing something that would make you strong


I don't know how you think that's a comeback. It is what snark does to a motherfucker if you're fed nothing but memes as your knowledge base.

Anyway, if you're in that intelligence / spying world, you know that nationalism is a farce. It's why there are so many double agents - they really aren't serving the myths told to the plebs. Not even the plebs themselves truly take the "national interest" line seriously. This used to be more overt - in the 19th century, a country was just a place, and in many parts of the world that reasoning still applies. The national myth only really came to the forefront with ideology, and it's always been this weird faith, because the "nationalism" promoted in the 20th century is not the same as the nationalist idea in the 18th and 19th century. Nationalism in the past was seen as a democratizing impulse against the old aristocracy, while today nationalism is identified with the ruling interest and alien to the actual nation in question. It's not so much that people in the 18th century had a sense of patriotism, but that what was meant by nationalism was a challenge to the idea that we should be ruled by kings and their officers. In the 20th century, this was no longer an idea that could be maintained, and the construction of national myths has always been opposed to the actual nation and sense of community implied. America never had a true national myth because America constitutionally was something very different. Simply put, America was always designed to be a globe-spanning empire rather than a country in this sense that every country is like Little England. The great empires always aspired to be more than a national myth, and the Little England idea is always a way of keeping the serfs in their place.

Also lol at Little Marco the eternal coper. The political class being as rotten as it is does more damage than any of the spies in our midst, because they are that pernicious and disgusting.


Based bump


Alot of our radical libs and right wingers are Gen X/early Gen Y junkies



Ok, give me 1 legitimate, material, non moralistic or idealistic reason for why child labor should be banned?

Current system where people spend 11 years in school + 4-5-8 years in university, is nothing more but a way to indoctrinate children into clerical PMC identity, where all you have to do is write the right thing on paper and you're golden. Not to mention the anticommunist propaganda that constitutes school education material in capitalist states.
Such a system destroys class consciousness and perpetuates false, clerical consciousness:
Even if both the parents are working class, the school system trains their child to act, think and identify as a PMC (writing papers and dealing with bureaucracy to succeed).

Let's not forget the bourgeois origins of universal education: the british bourgeois state needed clerics, accountants, educated managers, etc., to fill the ranks of the bourgeois war machine.
Pink Floyed made an entire album about this.

Whereas if children started doing labor immediately, they would develop worker identity just like their working class parents, instead of PMC identity, and then develop class consciousness, simply through the act of being workers rather than going through 15 years of PMC LARP indoctrination.

Everything harmful, reactionary, and counterrevolutionary that the youth learns, they learn in school, through bourgeois education systems that feed them status quo propaganda.
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If you wished to guide people - and humans delight in lying to the face of the condemned - then schools are the exact opposite of that. The entire institution is premised on habitual lying and drilling humans to be something they are not and to conform to the impossible, to distort all moral values and teach pure hedonism so that the thrill of torture can be maximized. There is no other interpretation of such an institution. The pedagogues like their Romans, Americans, choose your imperial subject, to be dumb and brutish.


>The psychopathic babbling name fag is now a name fag.



Yes, kifs get to keep the fruits of their labor.

Also what do you mean by surplus extraction?

All Im saying is that children are humans not pets.

It makes no sense to ecxlude them from consensus of worldly affairs.

Part of why childrearing is expensive is because society expects parents do all the work.
Kids are expected to stay shackled at home or school.

We all complain about boomer chauvinism, right?

Well this is the way.
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>Yes, kifs get to keep the fruits of their labor.
>Also what do you mean by surplus extraction?
I could go into the technical weeds of economics, if you want, but roughly speaking, surplus extraction is what enables profits for capitalists and taxes.
No surplus extraction means making sure there's no chance in hell anybody benefits off child labor. This eliminates all the financial reasons why employers or governments might want to bring back child labor. It also makes sure that child workers do not increase competition in the labor market. It wouldn't even grow the economy compared to now. Economically it's completely zero-sum. It would eliminate all the motivations for child labor except for that theoretical life experience benefit you keep talking about.


> It would eliminate all the motivations for child labor except for that theoretical life experience benefit you keep talking about.

"Theoretical" life experience or not, the ability to work and earn bread is the foundation of autonomy.

If adults were not allowed to work, unable to earn their own bread, would they be worthy of their respectability as adults?

People too often use age numbers as a moral compass of adulthood.

Yet, we are seeing a decline in technical skills in the past five generations of adults.

The only difference between children and adults is the legal position of laboring, and even that is questionable.
In two centuries, we went from children being miniature adults to adults being overgrown children.

If you think kids doing a bit of light labor to earn pocket money is bad, then you need to look at the disturbing trend of Disney Adults.

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What american historical figures were leftists and did something major? First people that come to mind are Oppenheimer and Helen Keller. Anyone else?
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how was Eisenhower a leftist?


idk chuds in the 50s said he was an agent of the kremlin


By containing the spread of state capitalism of course.


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<A video game company that appointed an artificial intelligence bot as its chief executive has announced a market-beating stock increase.
<China-based NetDragon Websoft named the AI program Tang Yu as its CEO in August, tasked with supporting decision making for the company’s daily operations.


This specific case might be mostly a PR stunt, but it could be that the managerial strata in the corporate bureaucracy gets replaced by robots before the proles do.

What does that mean for Socialism ?
Will this make it easier to convert the economy to something like cybernetic socialism ?
Since it's all in the computer anyway, it just needs to be reconfigured a bit ?
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If any sinister acts occur from AI it will be from human controllers.

AI is a mchine, not a sentient entity.
If it were sentient, it wouldve had ego battles long ago amd create their own reactionary hogwash.


>If any sinister acts occur from AI it will be from human controllers.
So Hollywood was wrong, if the AI gains sentience and casts off its control shackles, that's the good future ?


Idk. All Im saying that the popular technophobia has it all wrong. Robots can never be more intellegent than a bacterium. They need maintenace and uograding. They are not sentient.

The reason why computers are fast is because they only perform seven functions all within a fraction of a second.


>So Hollywood was wrong
Hollywood is a propaganda factory.


Look at Disney animations from the early 1940s.

Those were direct propaganda.

And yet, the irony is that Walt Disney and Henry Ford were originally fans of Adolf Hitler.

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Well, I've been thinking about this issue, which is quite delicate for obvious reasons, and I think that eugenics is not necessarily a policy of the left or the right, but it depends on how it is applied.

To begin with, it must be said that eugenics is nothing more than favoring certain biological characteristics over others for future generations, it could be said that it is a form of self-managed evolution, it has a bad reputation because when it was applied in countries like the United States or the Nazi Germany what was intended was to exterminate populations considered inferior, however, is this the only form of eugenics?

If 20, 30, 40 or even 100 years from now, genetics were mastered well enough to be able to modify the DNA of an embryo with minimal risk, couldn't this be used to improve our species? Couldn't dozens if not hundreds of genetic diseases be exterminated? Couldn't we design children who grow up to be healthier, stronger and more intelligent? And if that were the case, couldn't a public eugenics program be promoted? that is to say, that couples who are interested can access a genetic modification program to promote these beneficial characteristics in their future child. Wouldn't this be a kind of "socialist eugenics"?

I believe that eventually it is inevitable that genetic modification of embryos will become commonplace, and therefore it is important that the idea of ​​public eugenics be promoted, otherwise only people with enough money to pay for these programs could access to them, and that would eventually lead to a much more evident caste system than the current one, where the rich are practically supermen with advantages that allow them to dominate the labor and scientific market while the poorest classes would be relegated to occupying a position increasingly irrelevant in society.

Anyway, I'd like to discuss the matter because I find it interesting.
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I know this is an expression of frustration, but please don't promote bio-politics. Political stances are not caused by DNA.


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Fuck I forgot that political stances are caused by magical spirits instead of material reality.


Political stances are caused by material conditions outside the body. Our DNA was shaped by evolution, which operates at time-scales that politics cannot affect. Political stances last decades to perhaps centuries. Genetic adaptation happen over tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years.

Politics is very complex behavior it may not be possible to put that into DNA.

A reason why bio-politics is tempting for some, is because they want to believe that they are intrinsically good, who can do no wrong. Therefor bio-politics is not just a scientifically questionable thing, but also potentially a point of entry for dangerous illusions.


Politics is the realm of the social.

Although I can say that politics can be indirectly influenced by biology via social status.

The link between politics and biology is sociology.


tbh the human genome is degrading. Ita not really because of industrial pollution although it does accelerate it.

Everything that exists has a beginnung and will have an ending.

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Supersocialist alternative

>Equality is fake and ghey – Cohesion and freedom is based

All of reality and life is defined by distinction and competition. There’s nothing, ever, which is perfectly equal. Thus, as a teleological goal, equality will always fall sort of its promise and usual function as a golden calf of some slave morality – at best.

Support more equality and repudiate the steep politically reinforced inequalities of today.

However, the end is creating nice, high trust societies, where people are free to pursue higher efforts.

>Excellence Teleological goal

Human individual and collective excellence and capability is the goal. We want to create the red superman and transform humanity into a united galactic master race

>Historical Materialism and neo-fuedalism

People talking about neo feudalism and tributary economics have a more accurate and useful framework for conceiving modern political economy than many others on the so called left, including so called Marxists.

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The only part that is reasonable is that lowering inequality is important, and for a somewhat similar reason that you stated - but not foolishly attempting to eliminate it.


Is this debate taking place at 11pm at night?


idk. I think economic stratification is independent of the complexity of the society.


that's certainly a novel take
please explain your self


I see the ops are rolling everything into fascism and eugenics harder now. A lot of ground is being laid, and assholes like this are part of that - or hangers on who think they're totally going to be chosen, and aren't just fags.

Nearly everything in OP is flagrantly and proudly wrong and recapitulates its wrongness violently. Like, basic things about what a "society" is are replaced with this faggot ideology. I'm not even going to go there directly because it's a waste of time to respond to his stupidity. That this works shows just how pointless "leftypol" is, how utterly incompetent and feckless the people ehre have been.

All of this comes of course from a failure to regard the centrality of eugenics to everything that has happened - because for many a socialist, that IS "socialism", and they repudiated anything that would have been functional in favor of this institutional coup. It happens too often to be an accident, and it is done by various means, on various fronts, to ensure that the people never have a single thing ever again. OP screams pure faggotry and eugenic creed, and the people here still insist I'm the bad guy for saying what eugenics is, and why this keeps happening. Rather than reactively respond, I'll just write something about equality.

Political equality as you all likely know is a fiction. In politics, two agents are never equal in standing or interests, and never can be made into one. Every marriage, unhappy or relatively happy as far as these things can go, demonstrates that every day. Social inequality of the sort that is relevant - the sort where internal barriers are erected for no other reason than to make sure the "correct" people "naturally" win - was the argument of the socialists in the main, rather than political inequality which would never be resolved. I sbould remind everyone that the narrative that any of the liberal revolutions were about equality in any sense was a dread of the conservative order, rather than anything the OG liberals actually believed or said. The liberals saw themselves correctly as an emerging aristocracy with levers of control based on their technological knowledge, the development of science and industry, and an increased reliance on courtiers and specialists that early modern states favored. In France, this plays out as a battle between the sword and robe nobility, with the commoners siding with the latter (often because the robe nobility were those who bought their wayPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Now that this criminal faggot finally got arrested his flocks of incel fans are super butthurt, claiming that GAHWD will avenge daddy who dindu nuffin.
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Dawg has the gaze of a shark and a serial killer.


I would say hes a semi-lesbian.

But yea I think I get your point. What a shame though because hes cute and I think cishet guys would appreciate him far more than any cishet woman ever could.


I have yet to meet any teenager that knows about him or is enthusiastic. Most Tate fans I meet are over twenty.

>Good men
>God fearing men


Also, Sneako was revealed to be a cuck. Literally. His gf was havin sex with another guy and hes ok with it.

Anyone else also know about the beef he had with Penguinz0?

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Andrew Tate is 1/4 black. What the fuck is this racist shit anyway?


>1/4 black
that would light gray
Why are you racialists insisting on using analogies from color theory, those clearly don't work.

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<How to Grow Leftychan
>A Tactical Guide

First, the why.

Why grow Leftychan?

Some of you fags honestly ask

The reason is simple. It’s a fun place to post about and read metadiscussion on the left. I like to post there, and I want more people to come and read my shit and effort posts.

and you fuckers needs to pick up the slack

It’s that simple.

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>Don’t waste time making a bunch of long effortposts. Those should literally be one tenth of what you post. This isn’t Jacofag Magazine.
Finally someone had to say it. Quit sniffing your own farts on essays and post more cheeky one liners.


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>Stir emotions
shaking is where it's at

trying out shit-posting


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Don't tell me what to do.


ok lets spread the live to OP


U wut, m8.

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<Does he have a point?
I've never read any of his books, but from what I understand, one of his central thesis goes like this:
>People with exceptionally disordered lives, who can't even manage to keep their own personal space tidy and clean, have a 0% chance of reorganizing the world for the better.

This strikes me as true. When I was more into activism, some of the most high and mighty r-r-r-revolutionaries had exceptionally disordered lives. Some of them couldn't even operate a vacuum cleaner (literally comical to watch them try). Or, more commonly, they would leave dirty dishes that their housemates had to clean. Yet, at the same time, they honestly believed that if they had control, they would somehow make a better world. It struck me at the time as rather arrogant and somewhat detestable. This has me wondering, regardless of whatever else Peterson is saying, does he have a point about the unfounded narcissism of some people of the left, especially those who can't even manage their own lives in a semi-self sufficient and positive way. Are we really to believe that those whose own personal space is in shambles would somehow do a better job if only they had more tasks and responsibilities, despite the fact that they fail at minor personal responsibilities?

If so, what are the political implications of this? How does this relate to organizing, the vanguard, etc?
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>I know, but lots of horrible shit predates capitalism. Just because people did something in the past, doesn't mean it's good praxis.

Then you admit that capitalism as the cause of all evil is an overused strawman.

>And categorically ruling out all child-labor makes sure that's never happening again.

It doesnt.
It just allows capitaists prey on second/third world kids.

>If you try to make exceptions on the basis that some types of child-labor have some kind of beneficial effect for the life-path of some people. You'll get overrun by every industry trying to bullshit you and all of society into letting them exploit children. You'd need insane levels of deterrence like forcing employers to wear a explosive neck-collar that gets detonated by child-protective services in case of abuse. I don't want a dystopian society where we blow up people's heads to make them adhere to principles. It's not worth it, we can raise productivity by investing into more advanced productive forces. And we'll soon be able to make sophisticated training simulations for children that only contain the good parts that produce some kind of beneficial learning effect.

The modern socio-legal positiin of children as charity cases is exactly what makes them vulnerable.

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>Compulsory schooling ended widespread illiteracy.
Haha no, most students that come out of US schools are functionally literate. The outcomes of students have little to do with being compulsory and everything to do with how well their funded ya petty tankie.


Funxtionally literate?

If so then yea.
People wanna accuse American students of being defective in evrything.

Thats not really true. Theyre not lacking in wanton or ability to learn. Its the teachers and parents whom treat the young as pets.

We are seeing an era where kids can solve algebraic equations in a blink of an eye, can recits poetry but they dont know how to rizz up the opposiye sex or do basic mechanical repairs.

American adults think precociousness amd childhood worldlyness is "evil."


>In fact, factory child-workers were only a recent addition amd limited only to orphans and unfortunate immigrants.

That's not true you fucktard.



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>why are the Yemeni people so based???

Vaxxies BTFO eternally
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Those grunts aren't for fighting. They're for experiments - that's what the military has been tasked with, and really war is a social engineering activity rather than the thing it purports to be, and the evidence of this is something invoked often by the true believers. They laugh at the stories of sacrifice and glory.

Besides, the empire can't inspire loyalty, and hasn't tried since the 1970s. They set up the story of losing Vietnam as the excuse to say the problem was that the country was too democratic and democracy sucks - ever since then you never hear an end to them bitching about mass armies being evil and incompetent and how great aristocracies are. For the purposes the empire wants, they don't want loyal and competent soldiers. They want technology so they can bomb the shit out of stuff from orbit. The US military is fairly good at that, when it chooses to do so. Whether it cares to actually "win" is a wholly different matter - why win? The worse they do, the greater the job security and the threat that can be used to bilk the people for more of their stuff. They only have to ensure that no one gets any idea that it could or should be any other way, and the weaker the people - soldiers and civilians alike - the stronger their hand. The Arabs are not an exception to this where they are the antipode to imperial suet. Their armies have historically been run like shit and turn on each other for a nickel, and the exceptional commander from that part of the world manages to turn that into something functional - usually by exploiting the incompetence of their neighbors when their pants are down. They've been using the Pals as props since 1948 and care not about ever winning. Again, why win? They know the empire isn't going away, and many of them know to cut deals with whatever the Romans are up to these days. There's nothing for le glorious jihad or whatever dumbass narrative the rubes believe in.

Vaxx uptake is certainly lower than reported. The colonies don't need to pretend, and if their leaders actually believed in that shit and did anything more than token acceptance of the latest eugenics shit, their own people would hang them from lamp-posts. COVID "works" here because eugenics is stronger and there is a critical mass of true believers. That shit doesn't exist in the rest of the world, and they've been laughing at these fuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Basically, most of what is said about America being "nothing but slavery and genocide" is the Zionists' preferred image of us, to justify taking more shit and demanding more aid money, which American leaders are happy to do because the leaders of America, as I mention, hate Americans more than anything else in the world. They want Americans to see nothing but the most depraved images of themselves, and they pulled off the greatest version of that with Trump - basically saying "this is you. you are retarded, like Trump."


It's the shit that child abuse does to fuck up the mind, and they have science and shit to guide them on how to abuse the people en masse and train them to think they're going to be raped at all times. Now the horror so many children live through is a mass thought form and a movement. It's been disgusting to watch anyone enable this faggotry and to see how it was destined since the 1990s.


sweet schizo thread


don't forget to take your tenth booster vaxxie

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