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 No.472619[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are the political implications of the world's first presidential mugshot? What will happen if he's convicted?
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>Muh magatards
>I'm not psyoped, you're psyoped x 10
What a faggot


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He would have been convicted way sooner if Dems didn't think he was their golden goose to stay in power. Dems poll awful against almost every candidate except Trump.


>He would have been convicted way sooner if Dems didn't think he was their golden goose to stay in power.
Convict him of what? After 8 years of investigations and impeachments and lies and propaganda they ended up convicting him of putting a business expense in the wrong tax category. The only rational explanation at this point as to why the richest and most powerful people in the establishment hate him so much is precisely because he is so clean they have nothing to blackmail him with.

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Iran is bombing Israel. what do you think? I stand iran.
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>If I was the leader of Iran and the US assured me that I could retaliate and the US wouldn't attack me, it would have little bearing on what decision I made.
I think the previous case of a "choreographed theatrical retaliation" where the Iran negotiated the details and timetables of the attack with the US could have become a blue-print for defusing escalations. While in the end it did not work, it was definitely worth the attempt of turning war-fare in a spectacle without much real destruction. It's a shame the jedi-mind trick didn't work on the warmongers.

Iran now seems to be aiming for a strategy of degrading Israel's offensive capabilities. Like damaging air-bases. While they currently are on a wave cadence, I think they'll end up on a constant slow attrition strategy that puts pressure on Isreal's re-supply. The US and most of the western weapons industry is having difficulties of organizing timely production of those very complex weapons systems, because of the neo-liberally eroded industrial base. Slowly depleting the offensive potential also was the strategy of the Russians during the middle part of the Russian-Nato-proxy-war in Ukraine.


History does not repeat nor tolerate the present state Israel wishes to impose on it.

With what Iran is building up, I would not be surprised if they flatten Israel and rain hellfire, and US looks the other way.


I don't think Iran really intends to "flatten" Isreal. They're looking for deterrence primarily, and if they can't have that they'll attempt to destroy Isreal's capacity to attack other countries in the region, while preserving Isreal's viability as a state.

They do have the fire-power to obliterate Isreal, but that won't come into play unless Isreal tries to use nukes. Some of the ultra Zionist hardliners want to use nukes in Lebanon, not because it serves a military objective, but rather as an attempt to intimidate.

If that happens Iran would switch it's economy to a war-time command economy, begin underground nuclear weapons testing and start continuously hammering Israel with conventional weapons, this time with the aim of destroying Isreal's viability as a state. I.d.k. if the US pulls out and looks away, but it's definitely possible, it's not worth it for the US to throw down on behalf of Israel, not economically and especially not politically.

At the moment this scenario is not very likely, the US military probably would act resolutely to frustrate any use of nuclear weapons they haven't approved. The other factor, as Alexander Mercouris puts it: "Russia's long shadow descending upon the middle east", is changing the power equation in a major way.


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>i support one militant anticommunist hellhole against the other militant anticommunist hellhole, in words


What's grosser than the turd was the way the foreskin was peeling outward over the glans.
Also, something tells me that turd was fake.

 No.483169[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Continued from >>481432

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 39,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll, and excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

Reports in the Israeli press confirmed that the IDF implemented a 'mass Hannibal Directive' on October 7th, knowingly and purposefully killing many of its civilians and turning the Gaza border into an 'extermination zone' to prevent hostages from being taken alive.

The US Congress invited Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak. Tens of thousands demonstrated in DC, blockaded roads, and pulled mischief at the Watergate Hotel, but apparently failed to arrest Netanyahu for war crimes. Many were met with pepper spray and tear gas. At least 96 congress members boycotted the speech. Ahead of the visit, the Center for Constitutional Rights called for the DOJ to investigate Netanyahu for genocide, war crimes, and torture as required by US law. Simultaneous demonstrations occurred in other parts of the US and Canada.

A deal for a "national unity government" between the Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas was brokered in Beijing.

The International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion on the legal status of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories, as requested in 2022. It found that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, its occupation is illegal, and its activity in Gaza & the West Bank has continued to constitute a de facto occupation even after the IDF ostensibly withdrew in the '00s. It also confirmed that supporting Israeli apartheid and illegal occupation is illegal.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, nearly shutting down the Israeli port of Eilat. A Yemeni drone struck a building near the US embassy branch office in Tel Aviv on July 19th. This was followed by direct Israeli airstrikes on the Yemeni port of Hodeidah.

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<There were reportedly 15 people in the house, seven of them children, including the man’s mother, a lawful permanent resident of the United States.

<In an effort to rescue the survivors, the family contacted Israeli authorities, providing them with the residential address and GPS coordinates of their home to arrange for the safe passage of an ambulance. However, the Israeli military apparently used that information to bomb the house a second time and then targeted the ambulance as it attempted to rescue the survivors, killing the doctor and several children.

They bombed the house a second time to make sure nobody digs out a US passport out of the rubble, also spite.

The moral of the story is that if you give GPS coordinates to the Israeli and tell them a story about people in need, they will bomb those coordinates. That is a critical operational flaw in the Israeli military. Because it means that some random schmuck can direct where they drop bombs. That includes feeding them bogus targets to just make them waste ammo pounding inert rubble.

Blumenthal was right Zionism makes people stupid.

A sophisticated adversary that can coordinate complex operations might be able to manipulate them to bomb their own soldiers. If they pick a real fight with Iran …


You are correct in your historical analysis, but the experience of the last 20 years probably has eliminated the possibility of consent for another middle eastern war.


Yeah this.

They're 100% about to try it and will go through with it within the next year provided they aren't stopped through direct action & mass organization. Propaganda can be very powerful, there will be a lot of people going war-mad over night. It actually will be ill-advised… like, most people still will not want war with Iran, but most people aren't in command of the US military. We're about to see some more really horrible shit going down.


Snipers on the roof at Israel vs. Italy game.


New thread: >>484995

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Isn't it funny that Cornel West runs third party but the best the mainstream parties can do is 2 rapists, a Guantanamo Bay torturer (so probably also a rapist), and a recovering dope fiend?
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>it's like voting for Teddy Roosevelt in 1912
Over Eugene Debs?


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>it's like voting for Teddy Roosevelt in 1912
The comparison is actually more on the nose than you probably realize. In the sense that Teddy's campaign in 1912 was another one of those celebrity campaigns relying entirely on the popularity and reknown of the candidate to generate excitement. Teddy's presidential run in 1912 was the closest anyone has ever gotten to breaking through the two-party system in the US. And what happened when he failed to win? His Progressive Party collapsed overnight. Eugene Debs's Socialist Party, on the other hand, thrived for about another decade as an organized grassroots party until they fractured in response to the Russian Revolution.

Cornel West is a celebrity candidate without even an organized party behind him, and much like Roosevelt, whatever "organization" he'll have built during his campaign is going to collapse the moment he loses.

Why would you support this kind of celebrity-oriented, in-the-moment electoralism when it has been a demonstrable failure over and over throughout US history?


I prefer Roosevelt to Debs.

Because like Roosevelt or Debs he is a candidate who I feel is exceptional. I don't care if his organization won't continue to live on. Because even if it did live on after his loss I doubt it'd ever be able to break through the two party system.


You know what would scare the shit out of the elites? If no one shows up to their "elections".


>I prefer Roosevelt to Debs.
So you're not a leftist.

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He blow all gold bug, UBI, and debt hawk arguments to smithereens. Including those ones adopted by Milton Friedman loving "anarchists". Also why is the left so impotent in America that it took the founder of "III Capital Management" to do this for us?
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>If you wanted to end monopolies, it would start with circumventing their actions.
As far as the cure for that high blood-sugar ailment is concerned, it already happened. The pharma monopolies couldn't prevent Chinese scientists from inventing this, so they got circumvented. I mean if it's half as good as the early results are suggesting, it'll get used by pretty much everyone who's afflicted no matter what the monopolists do.


UBI in a capitalist system will just make them raise prices to compensate. If they know they can exploit people harder then they will, like how they used COVID as an excuse to jack up prices.


That is true, but that could be counteracted by price controls. If there were enough people who depended on UBI, the politics would likely change and price-controls would happen to some extend.

I don't know if that development would be desirable, and my point is that there's always a counter tendency.


The idea people are natural entrepreneurs who love using money and starting small businesses just b because they are given free money is retarded.

The state forcing people to work is the only reason people are even using USD.


>The idea people are natural entrepreneurs who love using money
I guess you're not wrong. Monetary thinking definitely does not come natural to most people, it has to be drilled into people. The least unnatural form of accounting might be counting labor-time and material resources.

But i do think that there is something like an entrepreneurial spirit, but in a more general sense of trying to organize groups of people to build something. There is extreme ideological distortion going on of course. And in some sense, neo-liberal talk about entrepreneurs is double-speak, because what their system does is deeply demoralizing to what they have identified as the entrepreneurial subject.

>The state forcing people to work is the only reason people are even using USD.

The state and taxation plays a role by forcing everybody to use the same money, but MMT makes claims that go much further than that.

Marx makes three statements about money
1. it's the universal commodity
2. it's controle over labor-time
3. it's a veil that obfuscates the real social relations

Maybe we could simplify the differences between Marx and MMT thusly:
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what is to be done about the masses of sheeple who always do whatever the empire tells them to do? how are we supposed to organize in solidarity with vaxies who support vax mandates? how am I supposed to deal with people who vote in support of genocidal zionist politicians like Harris, Trump, and Kennedy even though it's clear they are screwing their own voters regardless? what are we supposed to do about the brainwashed, bloodthirsty psychos who support the global 4th reich?
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Hypnotherapy is not a trivial thing. It is impossible to undo the damage by any re-education. There is only managing the livestock once it takes root. No "awakening" changes this once they internalize this many lies, in the way they were made to do so.


That said, compliance is no longer an option, and all of the compliance with COVID was premised on fear and marking down the enemies of the "Jehad". It was inevitable after what you allowed to happen in the 1990s. The eugenists brag that you were operating the death camps and couldn't stop them. A Satanic race cannot change.


Propaganda is a helluva drug, but good teaching and persuasion principles apply here. Use the Socratic Method, lean into evidence whenever possible, develop a habit of tactfully reminding people when their assertions haven't been supported enough to be arguments. When someone realizes that they can't support their own beliefs in a friendly, non-confrontational setting, that's when the conditioning starts to break down.


Have you consodered tgat most sheeple are "truthseekers" like you and hence why theyre the easiest to dupe?

The game of mass deception is avhievable because of "alternative" media.
Most "alternative" media spreads the same biases as their respective mainstream counterparts.

In fact, alot of alternative news media are indirectly corporately owned.

Even if not, most "truthseekers" are unable to read further than pop culture cliches.


I've found more common ground with conservative and libertarians than the liberal types where I live. Libs will smugly and self-righteously support literal fascism and talking to them has been largely a waste of my time and a test of my patience.


Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov speaking at the UN General Assembly just recently. Pretty good speech imo. What do you think?
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They lie a little like re-labeling war as a "special military operation" but they're right about the big picture stuff, like NATO-east-expansion being the trigger for the war in Ukraine.


His critiques of the west are generally the strongest points.


This is how Democrats unironically think.


>some cuck is getting paid 0.01 cents for making threads like this


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>thinking I get paid to post news to leftychan

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theory background, skip if you wish
In the cold war the Soviets had a closed media ecosystem with state censors etc. The materialist reason for that is, that their media production could neither match the quantity of output nor the level of technical sophistication of western media production.

The functional aspect of Soviet censorship was doing protectionism. The repression of expression-freedom of soviet citizens was not functional, it likely hampered the development of the means of media production. It likely worked only because the boost from protectionism more than off-set the drag from repression of expression.

This is what most ideological analysis got wrong. What matters is the structures that transport the information and the type of social relations that create the interaction with people. The specifics of the information never mattered.

In feudalism the information structure was the church. The specifics of religious faith, didn't really matter for the functioning of feudalism. The change from feudalism to capitalism changed information from a indoctrinated believe, into a object that is consumed.

We lack any concept of what the socialist information structure could be like. We haven't really thought beyond changing the information content. When the printing presses automated writing, capitalists printed information on paper squares arranged as either news-papers or as books. Socialists only ever did the exact same paper-squares with different words on it. Same thing for every subsequent media technology. That's why socialists have always been on the back-foot. It's like if the bourgeoisie had tried to edit the ten commandments in the bible. Instead of replacing the church with modern media.

Now for the juicy bit
The west is ramping up attempts at censorship. Ranging from deleting content up to attacking the people that make it, as well as attacking capitalists that own means of dissemination. The West has/had a relatively open media ecosystem as well as very high production media quality, and that is the combined reason why it's media structures have absolutely dominated the world.

For unclear reasons they're now trying to throw out the winning strategy and close off the western media eco-system. If it succeeds the global audience would get alienated out of it, and then western media power will shrink from influencing ~4 billion to maybe a few hundrPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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thanks for the reverse psychology approval


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The company you keep…


Is she doing this on purpose ?

As in is she playing the evil censorship-witch to make people hate her, because negative attention is better than no attention ?


But everyone complains about censorship but then will advocate for censorship against platforms they don't like

Ogre is praising Turkey for passing a ban for fbi.gov


>Ogre is praising Turkey for passing a ban for fbi.gov
Wait a minute Ogre is still up ?
I just went there to check and it just redirected me to leftypol TV
What gives ?

Why is Turkey banning discuck ?
I mean it's got terrible privacy and there's better alternatives, but it seems unreasonable to ban it.

I'm guessing they're anxious about the people who own/controle discuck ? Why aren't they shilling for an open-source alternative where they can run their own servers. Or they could go one step further and hire software-people to fork one of those FOSS alternatives and call it Turk-cord. They could add lots of specific features the Turkish people really like. They could make all Turkish governmental organizations sign up for it and incentivize Turkish companies to do too, to boost network effects.

What ever happened to using intelligence to win people over. I think we need to redesign the internet so that it's not vulnerable to the inquisition that tries to excommunicate everybody they don't like, So that people who build cool stuff are those that win.

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Femicide in Turkey is on the rise. Yesterday, a person (aged 19) killed two women in one day, one of them was killed by cutting off her head and throwing it down from the top of the historical city walls in Istanbul, and then he committed committed suicide. What is your opinion?
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A trend is when 2 people out of millions do something horrible to 2 other people out of millions and then I indulge in a moral panic about it as though it's happening all the time to everybody in that context.


Wow, so two random murder by a disturbed person. Let us know when you have evidence for an actual trend.


Some faggot incel that unfortunately took more lives than just his, I wouldnt call it a trend or even novel


>Femicide is on the rise
Based. The lesser beings who are still divided sexually do not deserve their place in the universe. Keep murderraping each other huemies.


Korean incels stand on business

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I was recently researching the public housing projects of fascist Italy. There's been entire books written about how early fascist regimes mirrored New Deal policy that is now considered "far-left" in America. Italian fascists dramatically increased public housing that existed prior.

In a way though, this potentially makes contemporary America maybe even more right-wing than fascist Italy in practice for the average person. US is certainly not more than right-wing than Nazi Germany was, but it may be moreso than fascist Italy.

Here in the USA, we've more or less abandoned the idea of ensuring that people aren't underhoused. This can only be achieved from public housing. Housing is a basic human need on par with food, as participation in public life and even reproduction are very difficult without it, especially with accompanying cultural values which portrays life as a game to collect points to afford housing.
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Also you can't hide, like… the fact that you own a plot of land. It's way easier to cover up income than it is to cover up land ownership. If you own a whole lot of land and holding it vacant costs way more than you'd get by waiting a decade and selling it, then you'll have a market suddenly flooded with cheap houses.


You know that George's land tax was partially meant to fund George's vision of public housing, right?


>Is contemporary American politics more right-wing than Italian fascism?
Yes, it's literal Nazi tier.


Henry George supported a Land-Tax Funded Citizens' Dividend and the nationalization of natural monopolies, but I don't remember anything about public housing. I wouldn't be totally shocked if he proposed it, but I don't recall that. I'm not opposed to public housing, but the economic effect of Georgist tax policy would already drive prices down greatly, and the citizens' dividend would give the average person more financial security. We literally have enough buildings, they could solve the housing crisis with tax reform without building a single additional structure, but they won't do either.


>the idea, if you're a landlord and treating it as an investment, is to be able to hold those properties for an extended period of time until the market price grows up.
It's not the price "going up", it's the currency being debased by your communist central bank. People hold hard assets to protect themselves from inflation not to make a "profit".

>This artificially increases scarcity

Correct. Although the real solution is to have hard money which cannot be inflated by political entities and then people don't need to hog hard assets like land and houses.

>Also you can't hide, like… the fact that you own a plot of land.
That's not necessarily true there is a whole book about this called Who Owns England. The British aristocracy have been using land to evade taxes and inheritance bullshit for centuries.

>If you own a whole lot of land and holding it vacant costs way more than you'd get by waiting a decade and selling it, then you'll have a market suddenly flooded with cheap houses.

Land is not the same thing as houses. We don't have a land shortage we have a housing shortage. Government regulations, unstable currency and high cost of labor all make it very difficult to turn a profit from building houses so nobody bothers building them. And don't forget your open borders, refugees welcome, multikulti virtue signaling bullshit is also artificially increasing demand.

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