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Venezuelans vote to claim sovereignty over a part of oil-rich nation Guyana
Is this another example of proletariat struggle against Western Imperialism? Tsnkies, sound off!
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>The Venezuelan socdems will probably use it to fund social welfare with it.
Ok, Venezuelan plebs get the bread without circus, and "essequibans" get what? war?

They should look at downbassians to see what they get lol.

More blood for the multipolar God.

Humanity is so fucked lol.


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SOUTHCOM to Conduct Flight Over Guyana
>In collaboration with the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), the U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) will conduct flight operations within Guyana on December 7. This exercise builds upon routine engagement and operations to enhance security partnership between the United States and Guyana, and to strengthen regional cooperation.
About to be some Kuwait invasion 2, electric boogaloo all up on tankies.


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>Venezuela isn't imperialist because Lenin says Capitalism has stages.
But Marx didn't. This is why Marxist Leninism is gross revisionism. Where capitalism exists ALL of Marxist critique applies.
Capitalism requires original capital (mistranslated as primitive capital). Basically it needs someone, somewhere get completely ripped off, no wage, no nothing


You gave me the impulse to re-examine the situation again. And i have to admit that i don't really know what game is being played.

I do know what happens to countries that get taken over by multinational oil-barons. Those are going to determine that the political rights of the locals are a "political risk" that is threatening profitability. And then the government gets replaced with a military hunta. They will also determine that the country should not have any economy that is not totally depend on the oil industry because that could result in "misaligned economic incentives". What the oil multinationals have done to countries like that is so bad that people call it "the resource curse".

There is a possibility that Venezuela isn't really trying to get Essequibo, they might just be trying to fuck with ExxonMobile's plans to get it. They might not want a hard right extraction-vassal on their boarder. They might be aiming for a situation where it's more trouble than it's worth for ExxonMobile. After-all Venezuela is not likely to outright win a military contest and lay claim to the resources, if the US gets involved in this. But they could easily frustrate the ability of ExxonMobile to conduct extraction operations.

>and "essequibans" get what?

Is there any outcome where they don't draw the ass-card ?
Based on the history of multinational resource extraction capitalism, they might be better off working out a deal with the Venezuelans. If my speculation is correct and Venezuela's priority is keeping ExxonMobile out of their backyard, they might get a really favorable deal.


Here is an interesting take

The Venezuelan-Guyanese Dispute Is A Classic Security Dilemma

<Venezuelan policymakers apparently calculated that the US has a greater need at present for their country’s oil exports ahead of next year’s election and as suspicions circulate about de facto jointly led Russian-Saudi OPEC+’s strategic intentions than for oil exports from Guyana a few years down the road.

<With them in mind, these same policymakers then took note of how much the US’ stockpiles have been depleted over the past 22 months of proxy war against Russia, which led them to conclude that it’s comparatively weaker than at any time in recent memory. Accordingly, they seem to have wagered that Venezuela’s role in ensuring the US’ immediate energy security interests and that country’s newfound military limitations created the best opportunity yet for them to press their claims to Essequibo.

<The reason why they didn’t want to leave the conflict frozen was because they concluded that the US would inevitably exploit Exxon’s offshore oil investments in disputed waters as the pretext for deploying a permanent military presence that could then lead to a multitude of hybrid threats to Venezuela. It wasn’t until after the US eased the sanctions and its military limitations were exposed that policymakers realized that they had the unique opportunity to finally resolve the security dilemma over Essequibo.


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All right, so we've seen how oligarchies and dictatorships respond to pandemics. Some of them were effective, some were profoundly ineffective. The general theme was to deprive people of their civil liberties and violate bodily autonomy with coercive medical procedures. In some liberal oligarchies these measures were even used to permanently expand the powers of the unelected bureaucracy. Okay. That's something an undemocratic state can impose upon its population only by its undemocratic nature.

But what would a democratic response to an infectious public health crisis look like? In a complete democracy (i.e., communism), how would the populace quickly react to and decide to defend itself against a deadly contagion?
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To add to this: one of the top priorities of society in communism will be removing all of the poisons that the bourgeoisie have deliberately put in our water, land, air, food, and medicine. In communism, people's nutrition and physical exercise will also improve dramatically. As a result, all of these so-called contagious diseases as well as non-contagious such as cancer will be eradicated.


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Honestly shocked the ACLU wrote something like this, given their failure to fight for the things they stood for during the pandemic.


This was published in 08 before the ACLU was turned into a fully biofash govt mouthpiece.


So recently Sony has began expropriating Users who bought content on one of their digital store fronts. People purchased specific Movies and TV-seasons and Sony said because a backroom-deal fell through, they have to revoke that content. Hence copy-right negates personal property in a literal legally effective sense. Some Sony shills were trying to make the argument that people voluntarily accept the terms and conditions in the purchase agreements. That is of course a lie, because people never got asked if they voluntarily accept the fucked up copyright law that these anti-consumer agreements are based on.

The reaction of many people was fuck it, piracy (not the one that involves capturing ships) is now morally justified, i tend to agree except that it was already justified because of DRM. Since DRM expropriates the user and the basic argument of copyright-shills is property-rights for me but not for thee. There also is a moral case against giving these terrible distribution-monopolists money, because they used to pay lobbyists that make copyright law even more hostile to personal property. From a strategic perspective sailing past the anti-consumer features works alright but it doesn't affect anything else. The fucked up distribution monopolies persist.

For video games there is gog.com which sells drm free games, and that's basically how vidja publishing should be. It's not perfect, most of the games are closed source still. It would be better if at least the game-logic was made free and open source even if the game-assets remain non-free, so that modding would be easier. It's not clear to me why there doesn't appear to be a gog equivalent for drm free video.

In Poland there recently was an even more egregious case of buying without ownership. A Polish city bought trains and when they gave the maintenance service contract to a different company, the producers put out a malicious software update that made the train have random bugs. With the logic of return the service contract to us or else. I guess Poland should download a train.

So what is at the root of all of this ? I think it's about control. 50 years ago capitalists didn't give a shit what people did with the commodities they sold. Even the media industry didn't, it would have been possible to lock vinyl records to special record players and implement all sorts of fucked up anti-consumer features, but that didn't happen. I wonder what changed Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Copy right is necessarys for capitalism to function properly. I am not against piracy, obviously, because I am a communist not some dumb lib or an ancap, but, I am just saying with out it you will transform the economy into some kind of shanasta chinese copy cat economy.


>Copy right is necessarys for capitalism to function properly.
Are you sure about that ? There are plenty of capitalist companies that do not rely on prohibiting copying.
The purpose of copyright is to create a distribution monopoly, it benefits monopolists and a few adjacent industries like the dedicated copyright lawyers and stuff like drm-makers. The producers are at best not harmed by it, which given the amount of copyright trolling that is happening, might no longer be true.

Look at consumer behavior, people are willing to pre-order stuff that means the monetization scheme that relies on paying money to reduce scarcity, doesn't require copyright. If people are willing to pay money ahead of publication in order for stuff to get made, the distribution monopoly is pointless, the scarcity in the system is that something people want simply hasn't been made yet. This makes for a simple business-model: Media gets released peace-meal once enough people pro-ordered in to make release profitable. And releases of thematically related media continues as long as people are paying for it. This takes out a lot of the risk for media producers and would avoid premature cancellations of fan favorite media productions. It also means the only thing that makes money is new production, which incidentally is what producers usually care about. Capital becomes the means to make new stuff and the channels that people use to pre-order.

>I am just saying with out it you will transform the economy into some kind of shanasta chinese copy cat economy.

I don't know what that means, it sounds like a prejudice against Chinese .
Also take a look at how media producers start out, they begin copying the masters of their trade. It's how learning works in that industry. At first people hone their skills by mimicking others and once they are able to do that they begin making original content. That's not a Chinese thing, that's a universal thing.

And you can't say that the current system is particularly conducive to originality, there are 3 formulas for superhero movies, so much stuff is reboots sequels and prequels, a huge part of the video game industry is producing the same games over and over with incrementally improved graphics.

Copyright isn't just affecting media, itPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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A German court just let a bunch of gang-rapists go free because of "cultural frustration"

<Among the so-called expert witnesses was psychiatrist Nahlah Saimeh. Saimeh intimated that the gang rape may have been a means to let off some of the "frustration" that supposedly comes with "migration experiences and socio-cultural homelnessness."

<Saimeh said rapists "who live on the margins of society, completely uprooted culturally, linguistically and socially" might face a "mix of emotions of anger, sadness, powerlessness, depression, fantasies of grandeur as a compensation attempt to cope with one's own misery, and drug use."
<"Disordered, unprepared migration experiences and socio-cultural homelessness increase the risk of addiction and psychosis," said the so-called expert. Sex, she continued, could serve as a "means of releasing frustration and anger."
<The psychiatrist further suggested that gang rape fosters identity and strengthens group feeling.
While presiding Judge Anne Meier-Goering acknowledged that "none of the defendants uttered a word of regret" during the trial, she nevertheless sentenced eight of the rapists to probation, of no more than two years.

The liberals see the world in the same way as the neonazis on the stormfront forum. Both think that Immigrants are inherently rapists. They just have a different moral sensibility about what to do with that. That judge who accepted the rape-culture argument is no less racist then stormfronters. Because most immigrants are of course not rapists, and will now have to deal with the backlash of the stigma-reinforcement from a judge no less.

What this leads to is differential law for different identities, abolishing the principle of equality under the law and the legitimacy in the eyes of many. Some people will draw the short end of the stick, like the 15 year old girl that got raped for 3 hours, who was denied any semblance of justice. If that girl grows up and deals with her trauma in a Quentin Tarantino movie fashion, she will have done nothing wrong.

I don't want to pretend that these immigrants hPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


You think it's about one thing, but it's really about the legitimacy of the institutions to make the law arbitrary. The same judges who speak of leniency will just as soon throw a man in prison for life for looking the wrong way at a woman. What is most important is defending the prerogative allowing railroading.

Basically, the courts become nothing more than a rubber stamp of fascism. If a deed that would be criminal serves fascism in some way, we're told how violent criminals are victims. If fascism - eugenics - declares a crime of Being, something relatively innocuous like downloading illegal pictures allows the judge to get on a moral high horse, because they know the criminal is passive and won't fight back. The utility of violence, and willingness to commit it for the eugenic creed, is paramount. Eugenics is above the law, sacred and glorified. Eugenics is then proclaimed the sole path to redemption. Only through the Christ that is Eugenics can criminals be redeemed.


In nearly every case of rape, this sort of excuse would not be legitimate. It's very clearly an effort to sweep something under the rug, or make a point that it's open season if the target "asked for it" - that is, it's a woman who wasn't a believer in the eugenic creed. They chose deliberately to exonerate gang-rapists rather than a single rapist, to make it clear that acting collectively and in lines with eugenist expectations will be protected. Fascists, Krauts, eugenists do not know any other way, and this is all intended. Since when has a Kraut believed in concepts of justice?


In any event, it's well known aristocrats make alliances with mafias, and love using immigrants or minorities as agents to police for aristocratic rule. Same reason black gangsterism is promoted in the US, with the primary target being other black people and anyone who would question the new line of racism (eugenics) that was promoted from Reagan on. Aristocracy always protects and glorifies their enablers of the lower classes.


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>In any event, it's well known aristocrats make alliances with mafias, and love using immigrants or minorities as agents to police for aristocratic rule.
While that probably does happen sometimes, i doubt that in this instance they hired a bunch of guys to gang-rape a girl and then compromised a judge to let it slide. Something so egregious would prompt vigilante justice.

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 No.374637[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

5th Edition: Real succdem hour edition

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Elections, open orgs, Myanmar breaking apart or just random shit. There’r still dozens of us… hopefully!

Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org?via=matrix.org

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Cases update (8/13)
Total: 3804943
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I am a һuge fan of tһis game һowever, it's vеry hɑrⅾ to hɑve enoսgh tickets
to play and finish the leagues. It'ѕ а game fоr free however,
if уоu ԝish tо play regularly, yoս'll have to buy tickets.

It tһe games paid higһer օr tickets were more eaay tο
obtaіn, it would be a much ƅetter game! Ꮋowever, it'ѕ an enjoyable game ɑnd terribly addictive lol!


>in case the board split again due to mod autism

i know this post is from years ago. but what makes you guys think that the board is going to split again ?

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Online "disinformation" : UNESCO unveils action plan to censor social media platforms


<Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO sounded the alarm on Monday about the intensification of disinformation and hate speech online, which constitutes "a major threat to stability and social cohesion". To put an end to this scourge she unveiled UNESCO's action plan, the result of extensive worldwide consultations and is backed by a global opinion survey underlining the urgent need for action.

Most of the recent increase in hate-speech came from liberals dehumanizing Russians, and Zionists arguing for the extermination or displacement of Palestinians, But i have a feeling that's not what they're targeting here.

They have a section on "Freedom of expression must be protected" where they talk about the need for censors
<that can carry out reliable and effective control of content that is posted online.
This is entirely incompatible with free speech that specifically means there cannot be institutional mechanisms to control what people say. The industrial censorship complex rhetoric is getting really cynical.

Their first fundamental principle states:
<The impact on human rights becomes the compass for all decision-making, at every stage and by every stakeholder.
They're saying that while engaging into a massive conspiracy for intense violations of the rights to free expression of hundreds of millions of social media users. How are they not combusting into flames from the sheer hypocrisy ?

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>doing commodity production for profi
That's a stretch

Look into the difference between the production of commodities and the realization of profit


Ok i get your point.

But the US and the west in general do have some industrial production. We could say it's a narrow base.

The base of the economy doesn't technically have to be the largest occupation. Tho It's certainly weird if it isn't.


Their censorship is against the common folk, in line with the transhumanist globalist agenda to destroy workers and peasants. We must stand up!


>It's weird if it ain't

Not really.

On one hand, as the SNLT to produce commodities decreases, it's natural the more labor would be allocated toward tertiary activities.

On the other hand, it was a conscious strategy of porkie in the 80s and 90s to move production to the global south while the west was meant to remain dominant through financial investment and rents on intellectual property.

As such, a modern goal of socialism shouldn't merely be for the working class to seize the means of production (espresso machines and social media apps?) – but rather to abolish those tertiary economic activities which serve the interests of capital/control yet don't really enhance the quality of life for people (for example, the entire medical insurance industry, which rests as a scammy parasite activity atop actually providing medical services).


>On one hand, as the SNLT to produce commodities decreases, it's natural the more labor would be allocated toward tertiary activities.
This is what most economies did in the 20th century. Including the Soviet Union. But was that really the correct thing to do ?

Keeping more labor in the heavy industry would massively expand production quantities of materials. While shifting more labor into the tertiary sector increases the complexity of the economy and sophistication of goods that be produced.

I'm not sure which way is better. Maybe expanding industrial capacity to truly mind-blowing dimensions before increasing complexity and sophistication would have been better ?

>On the other hand, it was a conscious strategy of porkie in the 80s and 90s to move production to the global south while the west was meant to remain dominant through financial investment and rents on intellectual property.

Yeah they've come to regret that recently when they tried to increase artillery shell production. And the intellectual monopoly shit, that has fucked over the west like you wouldn't believe. Technological progress basically has a 20 year delay mechanism because of it. Somebody invents cool shit, then a big corporation appropriates the cool idea, puts a patent on it, and then it gets shelved for 20 years until the patent runs out, before anybody does anything with it. The only people that actually found a use for patents are corporate law-firms that wage lawfare, which creates even more friction when producing stuff. Pure madness.

>As such, a modern goal of socialism shouldn't merely be for the working class to seize the means of production (espresso machines

Lol i'm picturing the post-revolution celebration parade proudly displaying the office coffee maker. I guess you are correct, that after the revolution there probably would be a need to re-industrialize to undoo the mistakes the neo-liberals made.

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The west tried to encircle the Soviet Union, by putting military bases near it. The Soviets countered by mirroring western military deployments, which halted all western advance but, it did not undo the partial encirclement the west had already achieved. The west had resumed this strategy with Russia until recently. But I think the Ukraine war has bricked encirclement.

Looking at the big picture after the Russians had dug in their positions in Ukraine: The west began diverting military resources away from the encirclement and funneled it into a slow/static front where it got chewed up. It took 2 years to deplete the encirclement stock-pile but it will take 10 years to restore it.

I think that encirclement as a strategy now has a effective counter. It's neither cheap nor easy, and certainly unpleasant. It takes a conflict that sucks in all the surrounding encirclement military resources.

The Russians did not set out to do this, but they might have realized it was happening along the way. But I'm sure all kinds of clever military strategists will figure out all the details about how to create this on purpose.

So what do you think is encirclement over ?


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I think you're missing a bit of cause and effect here: weapons manufacturers are itching at any opportunity to get rid of old materiel because it's insanely profitable to replace it.


So the reason question is not whether encirclement itself is over. It's whether the incentive to create a military buildup still exists. And trillions of dollars of unaccounted for Pentagon spending says it is.


>weapons manufacturers are itching at any opportunity to get rid of old materiel because it's insanely profitable to replace it.
While that's certainly true, it's not the only factor they consider. The pictures of burned out tanks are like bad marketing. The Ukrainians got told they had to pull back the fancy tanks to avoid so many of them getting blownup.

That very lucrative gig for replacing military equipment, that probably wouldn't survive as is, if it turns into making shovel-ware that gets cast into the shredder as quickly as it can be produced. Their margins would get slashed.

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Scientists raise the alarm about the growing trend of “soft” censorship of research

<The increasing incidence of scientific censorship, as documented through surveys and reports, is alarming. Actions ranging from disciplinary measures to rejections and retractions motivated by harm concerns are on the rise, indicating a growing trend of censorship in the scientific community.


This could grow into a problem that wrecks civilization.
We need a re-enlightenment.
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Take your meds.


Im familair with Galileo being a Catholic patron. Isaace Newton was a religious prude.
Hiwever The Catholic church at that time held all the advanced astronomical knowledge and woukdnt take kindly to plebiams indulging in it.

However, the Protestants hate scientific endeavors. Theyre actively anti-intellectual.


Do you know why the geocentric model was protected? It was to keep astrologers in business. There were Greeks and people outside of Europe who would tell you correctly the Earth revolved around the Sun, but they had so little to go on. So far as there was a theological rationale, heliocentrism was conflated with Sun-worship and Luciferianism (and this is what the "religion of science" fags really sell). But, the Church did not have a thought police telling people that the sun revolved around the Earth. Galileo was forced to recant his writings for the reasons I specified, and claims about natural science were never theological matters for the Church. What was suspect were counter-claims to theology - and there was nothing in Christianity that changed because of a natural science fact, because the religion and doctrine did not pertain to that outside of possessing a theory of knowledge. That theory of knowledge by the way is implicit in today's university. The university is fundamentally operating with a cosmology inherited from a Christian view of the world.


The only "Christians" who are resolutely anti-scientific are, hilariously enough, the Unitarian Universalists - and they were nothing more than a front for Malthus and Galtonism, a diseased and retarded form of Christianity intended to degrade the brain.

Protestants didn't really get into natural science until eugenics and biology became political matters, and Protestants would be split between pro-eugenics forces that would dominate in the world to come, and an anti-eugenics faction that were the sheep herded to the slaughter. This event was latent in the very structure of Christianity and what it was - the ritual of spiritual cannibalism was intended to prepare the populace for depopulation, and that's what Christianity introduced when it became the state religion of Rome.


In case you bring up the Amish - the Amish objection to technology associated technology not with reason or intelligence, but with commerce, which was the common association for most of history and in practice the correct one. Their arguments against technology were entirely premised on the corrupting influence of commerce on society, rather than a belief that knowledge or reason were intrinsically "evil" as a substance. Their practices are not ideological but orthopraxy as they see it.

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CTIL Files #1:
US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018

<A whistleblower has come forward with an explosive new trove of documents, rivaling or exceeding the Twitter Files and Facebook Files in scale and importance. They describe the activities of an “anti-disinformation” group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, or CTIL, that officially began as the volunteer project of data scientists and defense and intelligence veterans but whose tactics over time appear to have been absorbed into multiple official projects, including those of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
<The CTI League documents offer the missing link answers to key questions not addressed in the Twitter Files and Facebook Files. Combined, they offer a comprehensive picture of the birth of the “anti-disinformation” sector, or what we have called the Censorship Industrial Complex.
<The whistleblower's documents describe everything from the genesis of modern digital censorship programs to the role of the military and intelligence agencies, partnerships with civil society organizations and commercial media, and the use of sock puppet accounts and other offensive techniques.
<"Lock your shit down," explains one document about creating "your spy disguise.”
<Another explains that while such activities overseas are "typically" done by "the CIA and NSA and the Department of Defense," censorship efforts "against Americans" have to be done using private partners because the government doesn't have the "legal authority."
<The whistleblower alleges that a leader of CTI League, a “former” British intelligence analyst, was “in the room” at the Obama White House in 2017 when she received the instructions to create a counter-disinformation project to stop a "repeat of 2016."

Check out the militaristic jargon for attack freedom of speech:
<The Misinfosec report focused on information that “changes beliefs” through “narratives,” and recommendPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Yes this was the conclusion of lenin
You think this still holds ?

Is the US poised to go through an internal upheaval which will be set off by suffering a big military defeat in some kind of battle abroad ?


You people are fucking hopeless.


it's looking more and more probable but only time will tell. We need to get more orgs on the same page to take advantage should it happen. We must distribute Lenin and take leadership roles in our orgs
only hopeless one is you, doomer troon


Is this satire?


>it's looking more and more probable but only time will tell.
It kinda depends on the recklessness of the ruling class. If they don't charge into a dumb military adventure where they take a massive L. The imperial part of the US might just evaporate away. And the local governance adapts to becoming a normal country without an upheaval.

>We need to get more orgs on the same page to take advantage should it happen.

Seems like a decent precaution.

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Former United States secretary of state Henry Kissinger has died at home in Connecticut aged 100.

He served as secretary of state and national security advisor under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

His 1973 Peace Prize — awarded jointly to North Vietnam's Lê Đức Thọ, who would decline it — was one of the most controversial ever.

Two members of the Nobel committee resigned over the selection and questions arose about the US secret bombing of Cambodia.


Kissinger Seemed like the last remaining clever neocon.


Was it painful, at least?


Can't believed he lived to be 100, what a shame.


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Wow it finally happened, just in time to avoid seeing Shitrael croak.

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