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Glenn Greenwald is asking some really good questions lately.


I like Glenn but I can only take him in small doses because of that valley girl accent of his.


>Who Is Sending More U.S. Troops To The Middle East?
Who ever it is, they do not appear to be acting very strategical.
Getting bogged down in middle eastern wars, hasn't worked out so well.

Yeah but you can get over it


Another great question from Greenwald.

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Assange wins his appeal against extradition
But he's not out of the woods yet.
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Absolute monarchs used to torture their critics too, it did not help them stay in power. They might have traded embarrassment of whistleblower revelations for something much worse. The concept of making the state compliant to criticism wasn't a naive aspirational virtue, it was a shrewd strategical adaptation after absolute monarchies broke down. What they have done is preserve the position of some careerists at the expense of institutional integrity.

People who are competent and want to get stuff done, seek out organizations that are benevolent and likely to illicit voluntary cooperation from others. Malevolent organizations are sought by bullies that want to get away with bullying.

Assange was very mindful to not release information that could do serious damage, by exercising revenge, they may have incentivized the next guy to do as much damage as possible as to destroy the ability to take revenge. Keep in mind that they did send a message, but it wasn't interpreted uniformly. Intimidation may elicit compliance by some, but to others it signals weakness.

Investigative journalism was never a detriment to state-power. It kept the base and the superstructure in alignment, damaging journalism was foolish and bad statecraft.

Like when Blinken blamed social media and implies
<when we controlled the media we could do genocide in peace.
He doesn't seem to understand the causal connection. People turned away from mainstream media first in order for alternatives to become possible. If they hadn't gone down the drain, people wouldn't have tuned out.


>Assange was very mindful to not release information that could do serious damage
Here's what actually happened with the Iraq War Logs: Assange was up for several days redacting before release to avoid information that might get informants killed, and then some worms at The Guardian published a book with the password to the unredacted files. This prompted Cryptome (which doesn't believe in redacting leaks) to release the entire set of files unredacted, to which Wikileaks responded by removing the (now pointless) redactions on their own releases. That's only the story for the Iraq War Logs. I'm not aware of any redaction done to later Wikileaks releases, and you better believe the Vault7 leaks were damaging as fuck to the CIA. It's what prompted them to plot assassination and eventually forced Assange out of the embassy.


>Assange was up for several days redacting before release to avoid information that might get informants killed.
So even if shit got out later, Assange clearly acted in good faith.

>and you better believe the Vault7 leaks were damaging as fuck to the CIA.

Idk, a public release is far from the worst scenario. The CIA gets to see that too and realize what's compromised, and likely react fast enough to do a lot of damage controle. If somebody wanted to inflict more damage they would release the information that compromises operational security to the CIA's opponents but not the public.

>It's what prompted them to plot assassination and eventually forced Assange out of the embassy.

IMHO going after Assange was not rational, it confirmed the accuracy of the information, the rational thing to do was to deny that the released information was authentic. As a spy agency the best thing is secrecy, the second best thing is ambiguity.


So Assange went back to Europe to speak about his case to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe today. He's surprisingly sharp after years in solitary confinement. He mentioned journalists killed in Gaza and Ukraine several times. Aside from Gonzalo Lyra I'm not aware of any other journalists who have been targeted in Ukraine.


>He's surprisingly sharp
I wasn't surprised about that tbh, but yes his intellect hasn't been diminished by the ordeal.

>He mentioned journalists killed in Gaza and Ukraine several times. Aside from Gonzalo Lyra I'm not aware of any other journalists who have been targeted in Ukraine.

I think that might be a language bias. Lyra probably was one of the few that published in English. Most of the journalists there probably were Ukrainian and they published in their local language. But yeah the Zelensky regime went fascist, they banned most of the media, abandoned any pretense of democracy when they stopped doing elections, and they're basically snatching people off the streets, usually for military conscription but also political persecution. So they probably murdered a bunch of regime critical journalists too.

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Is there a posad guy here? What is posadism?


It's the result of a Communist (Posadas) getting tortured by anti-Communist fascists. The Posadist meme is therefore ableist.


There's a whole board >>>/posad/


Posadism is disproven by the fact that nuclear weapons have been tested and used for nearly 80 years and we've had no communist ET contact


A blink of the eye in astronomical distances. Aliens 80 lights years away would just now be receiving evidence that nukes have gone off on Earth. If they decide to contact us in less than another 80 years they'll need faster-than-light space travel.

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One retarded thing the left does more than the right is watermark memes with ownership. By placing who made it in either a corner or watermark. If a meme is good don't try to own it just let it free. It's supposedly about the idea, not about you.
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You can always edit the meme if you don't like it, you know the clone-tool has been standard in most image-editing softwares for like 20 years.






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I hate banks. I hate CEOs. I hate Capitalism. I hate israel. why can't we be friends?
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>why can't we be friends?
National Socialists want a state run economy for the exclusive benefit of the "aryan race". Leftists want a state run economy for the exclusive benefit of the "proletariat". If a white CEO and a black farmer were both drowning you would save the former and they would save the latter. That's why you can't be friends.


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Nazis fooled us once with their "socialism" and tens of thousands of leftists died in death camps. Never again.


>asiatic despotism
>totemic emporer
Racist drivel.
Langley's not sending their best.


china is an ancient civilisation like india; it has no (World-)History but only prehistory. it cannot be entered into the epic of the species, but only belongs to itself.
as marx writes in the preface to das kapital, the american revolution was a calling to the european middle class, and its civil war was a calling to the working class.
USA is the "the new world" which orients the bourgeois epoch in its self-transformation to socialist enlightenment.

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Football fans and Gregg's connoisseurs from around England are currently rioting following the murder of three schoolchildren by an asylum seeker (Axel Rudakubana) and subsequent non-response by the courts. The riots have only escellated following Starmer's absolutely braindead response & the response of local law enforcement.

Bongs to follow for updates:
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<They are becoming shorter in height. More of them are going hungry than they were a few years ago. Recently, more have died each year than they did a few years ago. Increased poverty, more destitution and the effects of ongoing austerity are the clear culprits.
Honey neoliberalism shrunk the kids

I didn't think that shit had gotten so bad that the effects had become biologically measurable.




This has some surprisingly insightful theory bits in it.


Sound kind of actual description might make me more likely to click it.


The part that i found the most interesting was the howto on party self-criticism, and what the political purpose is. And a good strategic explanation on the politics of deception vs the politics of integrity.

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Prostitutes, camgirls, e-whores and the like are lumpenproles at best and petty bourg at worst
There is no such thing as "le sex work", only redditors and radlibs think so, and their justification for it is always some idealist idpol riddled nonsense like "womens empowerment"
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Based and trvthpilled



whatevet it is, it is extortive.

White prostitutes are charging OVER $1200 ON AVERAGE online where I live


It's called supply and demand anon


The "supply" is oversaturated


most dont even put out in meatspace anymore

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First of all this is incredibly based and God bl3ss them shoot R.I.P To a real one but this is fucking bad news politically. He's gonna win for sure now and this will cause a reaction upswell we haven't seen in a hundred years not only in the US b UT globally. This is terrible news and propaganda of the deed is fail3d as a political strategy.
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>There needs to be an asymmetrical way of going after these poeple
IMHO the correct way is to create a better political alternative.


who the fuck is joe biden


There's been another attempt.

Some unhinged Ukrop-ultra tried to shoot Trump with an assault rifle. This one missed because of general firearm-incompetence. That's the second time Trump got lucky.

All the mass-surveillance bullshit, the tyrannical militarized police and all those trampled civil liberties and it does nothing, crazy fuckers are still taking potshots at high-profile politicians seemingly unopposed. Maybe re-allocate the budget towards old school security details with bodyguards and whatnot, the scifi dystopia crap doesn't work.


The real kneeslapper is that the US "security breach" of all US security breaches, 9/11, was perpetrated by a bunch of guys the CIA at the very least was already watching, and may well have brought into the country themselves. The excuse for expansion of surveillance powers, militarized police, etc. was always total bullshit.


I know but they sold the hole thing on security. So is the neo-con security-bubble going to burst because they haven't delivered on that ?

Consider that if they let 911 happen, because it was a politically convenient excuse to start a bunch of wars or something along those lines, that still means the security mechanism is defective. Because the result were hijacked planes crashing into buildings. It's perhaps the worst kind of malfunction because misaligned political incentives usually isn't something that can be fixed.

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Was Bordiga right?

I have to admit some of his arguments are compelling. It certainly does seem to be the case that an unprincipled "popular front" just leads to liberals taking control of your revolution and directing it away from anticapitalism. At the same time history seems to have been very unkind to his strategy. Every time he split his support got smaller and smaller until he was ultimately pushed out and marginalized by those with all the power. Bordiga seemed very satisfied in interviews towards the end, that he had remained ideologically pure throughout his long life. Unfortunately it also seems like he accomplished very little after his expulsion from the Italian Communist Party in 1930.

Maybe there's no effective answer to the problems he identified? Are we supposed to just kick back in our armchairs and wait for capitalism to devour itself in the end?
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>Marx would say "ok, we need to develop a workers' state to protect
Marx would fucking shoot your faggot ass 4 being a nutsoy cocksucker instead of a communist. You do not "protect" shit you stole from da big bourgs you fucking petbourg uyghur, you eliminate the class of bourgeoisie from human society EVERYWHERE as it is, including you. & if suddenly you now have to protect muh stuff, then…

>Every time he split his support got smaller and smaller until he was ultimately pushed out and marginalized by those with all the power.
Th@'s called "revolution in retreat" you fucking retard. It's a force of nature th@ you are not in any capacity to tamper with, & so, in the world of failed communist revolution one of the productive things you can do is dogmatizing the og theory so th@ no fucking nutsoy faggot could completely degenerate it into another strain of state liberalism with (super-)nazional characteristics ("marxism-leninism").
>Unfortunately it also seems like he accomplished very little after his expulsion from the Italian Communist Party in 1930.
Gee, I wonder why!

>Maybe we could try both liberalisms at the same time.


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I absolutely despise these purity spiraling communist who think communism is some kind of loyalty test.


If you want a boner killer for his pure and dogmatic thought, see his opinion on Trotsky.


Can you elaborate?

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Is the administration of things no different from anarchism?
The claim that anarchists "wouldn't let a person be the captain of the ship" allegedly "because that's a hierarchy to them" is reductionist and wrong. In anarchism freedom means to have take responsibility for one's own actions, therefore they allow people to take up such positions on the condition that they do not use them against the interests of other people. If the captain of a ship is to use his role to take the passengers hostage then the passengers must act accordingly. That applies for any sort of society. The point is that they would in fact allow a person to be in "charge". There have even been Anarchist Federations (are there likely still are) with a general secretariat. If it is to be considered a "hierarchy" then the idea of only being opposed towards oppressive hierarchies would allow it.
Anarchists in general want society to play a part of the managerial role, rather than a selected few - because it seen as a guarantee of incompetence and disconnect from the working class by solely being the managerial forces. If the working class themselves take up the managerial role, then that is fine by anarchist standards. The only criticism that anarchists should accept is that commodity production cannot and should not exist. If there is commodity production, if there is trade, barter - that leads to a market. Markets eventually lead to the accumulation of commodities which reinstates capitalism. Bordiga correctly points out that capitalism is inherently connected to commodity production. It is therefore the task of anarcho-communists to abolish commodity production and instead adapt decentralized planning, such as participatory economics and exterminate all reactionary elements of society.
I think that leftcoms generally misunderstand anarchists, especially with the fact that so many of the self-proclaimed "anarchists" nowadays are not anarchists at all - they are just liberals engaged in identity politics. The principled anarchists will only engage in class struggle. It is as Malatesta wrote over a hundred years ago in the text - Anarchists Have Forgotten Their Principles.
I am a part of an Anarchist Federation myself, I encourage my comrades to read Marx, Engels, Lenin and above all - Bordiga. Our AF also does dialogue with the leftcoms of the group "Lotta comunista". We can find ourselves agreeing on everything except the demand for a party established on the proposed Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Lots of typos due to a bad translation of the text
<to have take
>to take responsibility
<are there likely still are
>there have been and there likely still are
and so on. This is a really obscure text translated from Bulgarian to English.


>There is no excuse for them, but there is no point in dismissing all of their writings.
The original text included concepts with a footnote referring to the term scientific socialism, pointing to Proudhon.


That's a lotta words anon…

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