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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.480629[Last 50 Posts]

I have been banned from leftypol.org for saying, that you can be a leftist and also oppose trans-ideology. This is not a fringe position, since Sahra Wagenknecht openly voiced her opposition against trans-ideology in the german parliament live on TV. And yes, she calls it that way.
I'm interested, how this site here will react to left-conservative opinions.


Opposing divisive liberal identity politics isn't "conservative", that's just a liberal smear.


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That's what puts me off participating in lefty communities. All this trans stuff is just a rebranding of conservative gender roles, and is also being pushed by porky to discredit the left. But you can't express that opinion without being banned even if you support left economics.


The term "conservative" has a different meaning here in krautland. This is why Wagenknecht and the populist left are calling themselves left-conservatives.


Hello friend, you're welcome here, i guess most people here are just all out of sex-politics.


no we have incel ideology here instead of troon ideology which has a ton of overlap


Why are so many ogres coming here whining about trans people?


it's not about this or that group.
People don't like being bullied with identitarianism.



>My totally not ideological gender normal ideology is totally right and ok cause I am a fucking retard


>biology is ideology


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The problem is you can't even discuss whether it is right or not anymore. Reminder that this image used to be laughed at over on leftypol, but now it seems like they have the same idea as reddit.


>The problem is you can't even discuss whether it is right or not anymore.

The whole Trans-hype is getting more and more cracks. The recent WPATH-leaks was for me the final proof, that this entire trans-thing is shady as shit and not founded on science. It is a religion, it is an ideology. And if you are not allowed to critisize ideology on a leftist board, something ain't right…


>Reminder that this image used to be laughed at over on leftypol, but now it seems like they have the same idea
Yeah it's a shame when identitarians ruin a community with their shtick.

>The problem is you can't even discuss whether it is right or not anymore
>It is a religion, it is an ideology.

They deliberately seek to bait you to attack their identity, to drag you down to their level of character-assassination shit flinging. You can win against this strategy by analytically describing and criticizing their behavior, and never ever mention their identity. If you follow through with this, they will eventually flip out, because oddly enough, they can't assert rhetorical dominance if you don't use their words.


Opposing trans ideology should be a default leftist position, not a controversial one. What they're promoting is an extremely rightist view of sex which mandates the state's hand telling you what you are and what you are allowed to be, every possible behavior you have engage in, who you may associate with. It's eugenics writ large, and everyone who would really believe in the left sees that.

For people who are sympathetic to trans people, the "trans ideology" isn't a thing. You can talk to them and they will tell you what goes through their mind when transitioning. It isn't a super secret mystery, and enough people will share their life stories. Most of them are very bad, and many are disappointed with the results of "sex change" operations. But, a lot of the "MtFs" are cross-dressers who take it to the next level, and often they are sex workers who have lived this life for a while and will tell you the real horror stories. You can even find active and former trans sex workers who will tell you these things. It's part of the "hook", that a man meets a "woman" who is forward, honest, and gets what it's like for men because "she" is really a man, and there isn't any serious ambiguity between them. Almost all of the "trans ideology" is eugenics ideology promoted by a few very rich people, and they use the transhumanist veneer to advance the vanguard of pseudoscience. I'll tell you what it really is though - trans is a way to sterilize and mutilate mental health patients, "making" them transition once they're locked in the system. It's a way of continuing the Mengele shit they were doing after 2000, the way they wanted to dispose of the "bad people" that were rooted out during the 1990s. They brag behind the narratives that this is the entire purpose of it, and have made that clearer as they steer the narrative back to pure eugenics and what they wanted all along. There was too much outrage against what they did to us, too many people and their families resisted the onslaught and turned away from the institutions completely. So, make it about "trans" and this triggers the sexual revolution perverts, in addition to cashing in on a backlash intended to root out gay men.


I'll also add - the conservatives really are slavering dogs who will believe anything put in front of them. There is no lower creature than the American conservative.


No one will fight more for the preservation of the gender-role system of social relations than shitfuckers who call themselves "progressive". Every single "'leftist'" who supports, engages in, & propagate this racism mk.2 fuckery is a lib, & a fucking cryptofash by extension. Nothing else to discuss here.


Yankee conservativism.is not the same as general conservatism.


They were right to ban you.


Define 'trans-ideology'. Sounds like a really dumb name for a half-truth.


>>480727 *
like 'cultural marxism' level dumb


>No one will fight more for the preservation of the gender-role system of social relations than shitfuckers who call themselves "progressive"
Yeah this rings true.
They are definitely trying to press people into roles again. That seems like a regression not a progression.


holy shit go back to reddit you disgusting troon


go back to .org, autist.


Cant believe leftypol has gone woke and is ending the marketplace of free ideas. Where is the chad free speach?
Next, they will probably turn all communists and put everyone into reddit containement area




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leftypol is run by deranged transsexuals, and unfortunately a lot of leftist orgs are similarly infested with idpol and liberalism. Even TKP/ML has a video on their website where armed guerillas talk about how one of their "main goals" is to get more trans and lgbt fighters in leadership positions.

>It is a religion, it is an ideology.
For a lot of transsexuals, pro trans doctors, and the supportive parents of trans children they can never accept being wrong about gender ideology.
Because then they would have to admit to themselves that they irreversibly harmed their own body, the bodies of their patients, or the bodies of their own children.


>let's import more people from places that hate us!
>but transhumanists suck amirite


you say immigrant bad
but what if the conditions that cause immigration changed?
trans is serious decision


migrants arent even cheap labour anymore because half of them don't even work


That died with bunkerchan, newfriend.

>Because then they would have to admit to themselves that they irreversibly harmed their own body, the bodies of their patients, or the bodies of their own children.
It's not so much the harm as the shame that's difficult to come to terms with. "How could I be so foolish to have thought such things; to have openly and vocally declared them to those I love the most.". The reminders of that shame are etched into the physiology of the affected and the hurt they represent.


>you can be a leftist and also oppose trans-ideology.
No. You can't.


So you would refuse to work with someone who explicitly wants to seize the means of production but doesn't care about trans issues?


Sounds like a normal person


There are many leftists who have different views on social values. Including the value in question.

If i may offer a point of criticism with regards to gender theory, it's too totalizing, it fails to account that people may not want to have any gender-identity assigned to them. Some people will categorically refuse to have their sexuality defined by others and simply see their sexuality as a matter excluded from debate. You will find less resistance if you grant people the agency to remain un-identified in your social value matrix.

On a more practicle matter capitalism is marching towards ww3, we can't afford having people that try to play exorcist seeking to purge the impure, so if you could try to curb your zealotry until after we have removed the Damocles sword that is dangling above our heads, that'd be grand.


Gender ideology is literally reactionary and sexist.


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i would say this is often true


The people who yell turf at you, usually just hate lesbians. We could call it cloaked sexism.


Usually the case.
Liberal leftists have this complete cognitive dissonance to basic science.
On one hand they advocate meritocratic peer reviewed science as the basis of arguing for and supporting the logical dismantling of a nefarious economic system.

On the other hand, they completely disregard and perform astounding verbal dexterity in reconciling basic biological facts with access to the same medical interventions built upon the other parts of scientific foundations that disagree with their humanities led assertions.

What is fascinating is that much of the lurch to androgynous eradication of sex as a legitimate class, is fuelled by corporate liberal entities including the pharmaceutical and ((showbiz)) industries.

If there was anythung beyond LARPING, you'd have tons of middle aged women transitioning to be male.

Instead, it's mainly middle aged white men, autogenyphile extreme fetishists and very autistic young boys along with naturally uncomfortable and lonely young girls being led down irreversible Mengelian medical castration.

When liberal, left, and corporations combine their most narcissitic aspects are displayed in such rampant perversions of truth.

As Richie Edwards said in "Yes"

>And in these plagued streets of pity you can buy anything

For £200 anyone can conceive a God on video
He's a boy, you want a girl so chop off his cock
Tie his hair in bunches, fuck him, call him Rita if you want
I eat and I dress and I wash and I still can say thank you
Puking, shaking, sinking I still stand for old ladies
Can't shout, can't scream, hurt myself to get pain out

t. Biologist and Democratic Socialist



Spot on.


Conservatism historically hasn't really cared about "culture war" issues the way you assholes believe. There are plenty of conservative fags in this world - conservatism is really fucking gay.

What gets me about all of this is that sexual politics is a screamingly rightist view of society altogether. This idea that the right were the "good guys" has always been a peculiar form of Germanic and Nazi faggotry. Go back to when the left had any backbone whatsoever, in any form we would call it the left, and they had nothing but disdain for perverts and made that known. Making the left take the position of pro-sodomy is a cruel joke and anyone who does it is an idiot.

You really have to ask where this became a political matter or the state's business at all. Historically, the state had no interest in regulating private life in this way. It's always been a eugenic creed initiative. Otherwise, it was delegated to the customs of whomever had authority over these things, whether that was the church or the public official who wrote out the marriage license as a routine thing. That's all the state really has to do with marriage - to say that such a thing exists when two people say it does. Everything about the eugenic offensive hinges on a presumption that your sex life is now state policy and can be nothing else. Most of the sodomy laws were rarely ever enforced to the letter, and such was the disdain for perverts that they were usually just ruled insane and unworthy of a trial. That still stands to this day - so you have to ask, who are the people who are that interested in which men like dick, since this primarily is used to litigate men and enable the orgies and practices of a thing that we are not allowed to actually affect with politics.

Until the right made it a thing, there wasn't a "trans ideology" or a "gay ideology" to speak of. There were certain gay front groups who were obsessed with social engineering, but again, you have to ask what their motivations are. Teaching people to be okay with gay people is not a political matter and has nothing to do with a judge saying it's okay to be gay. It's not about "your choice" though. It's about the right of others to make endless insinuations and weaponize the taboo on sexual behavior, and allow a favored group full freedom to transgress all decencies. That is not most gay or trans people, who certainly aren't favored. They will tell you they live in fear just as they have for decades, and only a fool thinks this society has progressed towards anything but greater repression. Meanwhile, the right promotes "their fags", because conservatism is perverse and gay as fuck.

The trans thing has already created its backlash - just as intended. The militance of the "gay movement" should be an indicator of who and what wants it, and what it is intended for. All sexual politics is eugenic creed shit.


It's a pale shadow - fags who want to abase themselves to European conservatives. Look at the European right and they are very strongly pro-faggotry, and this is matched among American conservatives. That's what conservatism is - any excuse to make other people miserable and retreat to the institutions like the cravens they are.


One other thing is that when you look at liberal leaders - European and American alike - they are very deliberate in weaponizing this to their advantage, and really, really do not like the gays. So much of the law and policy regarding this is a liberal product, because they did not want this to be delegated to local authorities or state officers who were unreliable. If someone wanted "gay freedom" or "gay rights", they would not relitigate any of this, and it has always been the rightist vanguard that obsesses over sex and drenches their ideology with such faggotry.

No one who is at all serious believes cutting off a man's penis makes him female, and the law and policy make that clear time and time again. This has always been about punishing people, and about enforcing eugenic creed. Whenever sexpol comes up, it's the same smell of the eugenist curse, as if the law can be abrogated when the holy dogmas are at stake, then reset when reality must ensue. It's always a proxy for attacking someone they consider mental defectives, and no one will ever give up the insinuation machine.


Anyway the historical communist position is that it's perversion and the state has no interest whatsoever in encouraging it. Whether the state wishes to constrain it, and what would be worthwhile for doing so, is another matter. It's really hard to make people have sex, as you might figure out. They're not going to like something they find highly unattractive. Eugenics can't stand that - it must control all preferences and maximize all insinuation.


My pet iguana came out as trans


So you are saying the world would improve for everybody if sex was depoliticized ?

Assuming this is true, how'd you do it ?


It was never a political matter until assholes insisted it "had" to be. Nobody likes this, nobody follows it more than they are made to, those who do the insinuations make a different ruleset for themselves which allows them unlimited transgression. Everything about sexual politics is eugenic creed shit designed to besiege the population and make them accept ever-worsening conditions. It has always been seen as that, and has to resort to extreme violence and fear to enforce its edicts. The people who want this are very clearly malevolent actors who intend it as a weapon, so simply purge them from positions where they are allowed this transgression. They will of course resort to a campaign of unlimited terror to restore their privileges, but this is not a controvesial question. Purge the Satanic so that we all may live.


>simply purge
As a political strategy, purges are kinda meh.

They can backfire spectacularly. Tsar Nik2 did a massive purge against communists and we know how that ended.

Stalin did a lot of purges too, while that was effective at reducing corruption, innocent people got caught in it too and the political damage from that was enormous.

Then there is the matter that our side really doesn't enjoy this activity, which makes it an emotional drain. Purging expends effort.

If Sex-politics are a political weapon used by malevolent actors, maybe we should consider the strategy of getting these malevolent actors to attack each other and when the dust settles, we're left standing without expending much effort.


>getting these malevolent actors to attack each other and when the dust settles
I've seen how this plays out, all it does it turn away people who were just warming up to organizing. Regular people don't want to deal with this bullshit.


>Regular people don't want to deal with this bullshit.
This feels true, it does appear as if the current system is trying to undermine democratic participation by making it frustrating on purpose.

Maybe that is a good starting point, figuring out what type of interactions are both pleasant for "regular people" as well as politically effective. Maybe the key isn't about removing the bad but rather increasing the good.

As far as purges go, look at the Zionists, they tried to purge, and the resistance against them has expanded tenfold as a result.


The Nazis weren't engaged in a "purge" as such in their general operations. The Nazi MO is that only members of their gay club were "real". The point of the Nazis wasn't to perfect society, but to maximize the thrill of torture, as the eugenic creed must. There was no purpose or no endgame, and when dealing with actual enemies, the Nazis were lazy and ineffectual. The people the Nazis purged were poor people who did nothing to them except look unsightly and fail to fit into their race-faggotry. The Jews in Germany were already segregated and minding their business for the most part, and the better off of them were the ones who could get out of the country - all intended by the eugenic creed. The Nazis needed their lab rats and saw an alien population, and then told the Kraut race that as long as they had someone to kick down, they were safe - until they were not. Typical Kraut lies.


As far as actual political purges - and the Nazis like any political party purge their own ranks - the drawback is not societal. Purges as a social engineering tool are deliberately counterproductive, and that thinking is only possible in controlled institutions. It exists to empower the conniver and the filth of the human race, so they may select each other for promotion and punish the honest. Purges in the political class are the political class attacking their own, and they're not merely effective, but the primary way political parties maintain discipline.

For our personal political affairs, purging the Satanic is simple - we simply do not allow them inroads into life ever again, and destroy any insinuation the moment it starts. This would require a social engineering strategy working against the dominant one. That is - we would be declaring war against this society. But, it would be the only way.

A fag who is too lazy to purge that which is truly malevolent is worse than useless.


The Arabs/Muslims were never part of the "Israeli" project and have no reason to ever want to be part of such a beast. Political purges imply that standing members of the party are beholden to the party. You can't fight City Hall as a subject.

The Palestinians have always refused to be subjects, and only regard the Entity so far as they must abide something monstrously evil to get the Zionist to go away. "Purge" implies that there was any friendship of the political sort between them. You would not speak of purging society except by institutions which can claim the minds and souls of everyone against their will. That would be religion, except the participants here follow very different religions that are diametrically opposed and know this. So there is one way for purging to work - schools, and mind control efforts.


The challenges of purges are that political officers see a purge as something they must prevent to save themselves, and purges are only possible with loyal officers. Stalin cannot personally purge 50 gorillion Russians with his bare hands - that's not how it went down, and purges are never led by imperious will. They are led by factions within a party, against rival factions and through institutions that were under the command of political officers. Every general in an army knows who their bosses are, and the dangers of becoming their own boss if they think about history for five minutes.


>The Nazi MO is that only members of their club were "real".
The internal loyalty in Fascist political formations wasn't that great, they did a lot of back-stabbing.
>The point of the Nazis was to maximize the thrill of torture
From the perspective of the sadistic assholes they enlisted perhaps, but from a historic perspective fascism would appear to be national suicide on behalf of the most powerful capitalists. In WW2 you could see Germany being sacrificed to damage the Soviet Union. Japan in a way was sacrificed too, they could have surrendered to China or the Soviets, which would have spared them a lot of US Areal bombardment with fire bombs and of course the 2 nukes.

>when dealing with actual enemies, the Nazis were lazy and ineffectual

There is a history of fascists choosing bad strategy, so i'll give you ineffectual, but lazy ? I don't think so.

>The people the Nazis purged were poor people who did nothing to them except look unsightly and fail to fit into their race-faggotry.

Interesting thought, however the top figures in the Nazi movements were not attractive or "well put together". The Nazi movie villains tend to have a particular fashion style, but if you look at actual historic pictures, not so much.

>as long as they had someone to kick down, they were safe - until they were not.

Yeah it does look like Fascism creates these sacrificial hierarchies.


>For our personal political affairs, purging the Satanic is simple - we simply do not allow them inroads into life ever again, and destroy any insinuation the moment it starts. This would require a social engineering strategy working against the dominant one. That is - we would be declaring war against this society.

Declaring war against society seems like bad advice tho. For successful mass politics you have to divert most of your efforts towards elevating the beneficial things, obviously some effort has to be diverted to prevent wreckers from derailing the political goals, but that can not be the priority.


>The challenges of purges are that political officers see a purge as something they must prevent to save themselves, and purges are only possible with loyal officers. Stalin cannot personally purge 50 gorillion Russians
Reasonably unbiased historians estimated that Stalin's purges affected between 1800 and 3000 people during his roughly 30 year in political office. I'm not going to judge the morality of that, because those were a very different times and i don't know how to weigh things like facing an existential struggle in the world wars, nearly a century removed from that.

I'm only looking at this from the point of view of political strategy. Take for example a few years ago that situation in Venezuela, where that CIA-guido tried to usurp the Maduro government. Maduro could have cracked down hard, because of attempted sedition and treason, but he did no such thing, eventually the wrecker just faded into obscurity. That's what we want.


Westerners are ridiculously tribalistic. They are not interested in the question "what is a woman?" from an ontological point of view but as a passport to see if they belong to a tribe. If you support trans people you are a "trans-inclusive feminist" and if you reject them you are a "trans-exclusionary feminist." Now the battle is over which tribe is the true feminism. And so with their pseudo nations, their races, their histories (yes, because each tribe will have its historians).

Identity politics are open to a variety of criticisms. But such people should definitely not be eradicated, they do not break with Marxism in themselves, and the analysis made by Westerners is once again opening a debate on whether or not they belong to our tribe.

Do you want to play tribes? Then let's see which island is closer to us, Cuba with its free treatments for trans people or the British approach. Or let's go back to that divided Berlin and how in the East it not only recognized but carried out transgender surgeries while on the other side they had the same approach as the current one in the United States.


I repeat, the idpol accept criticism and are not the focus, but the puritans need to shut the fuck up.


>basic biological facts
the "basic economics" of trans argument shit. as if any of this shit, including what makes a "man" and what makes a "woman" isn't pure ideology.

anyone trying to frame this as an issue of "biology" immediately gives themselves away. no one is talking about the biological qualifications of bathroom use or the genetic particulars involved in wearing dresses. essentialism is their last refuge in the same vein as idiot "race realists" and other reactionary scum.

all this "think of the children" shit is played out too. give me a fucking break.


The funny thing about this "debate" is that it is piloted on all side by the same shameless influencers who are talking to each other and forcing everyone to "learn the controversy" where there is none. Outside of this manufactured discourse, no one has any serious illusions about what a man and a woman are. The people who care the most are eugenists who drench everything they do in sexualism and insinuation, right and "left". All of this has been a very right-wing framing that gives an excuse to regulate private life to this fucking monopoly, and it's always like that with this sort of thing.

The same Heritage Foundation Nazis who bitch about "the trans" promote the ideology in their elite circles because they are Nazis and Nazis love transhumanism. You can go back to the Nazi vanguard and it was the same thing. Homosexualism was and remains rampant among eugenists.

After pushing the controversy through Tavistock for decades, the other Fabian / Chatham House tentacle of the Heritage Foundation Nazis are activated to cash in. You're all assholes for encouraging any of their talking points.

They make it sound like he was turbocharging the firing squads in the Fabian revised history. Even I'm surprised that so few Communist Party members were purged in the "Great Purge". Lower body count than good incorruptible Robespierre ffs.


All of this has been a British-funded psyop, you know. Elsewhere in the world, the idea that you could "assign sex" was seen as some sort of mental illness, with the lone exception being British exports waging culture war faggotry. It comes back to a Germanic idea that science was the enemy, and they truly are a retarded race; but the German philosophical arguments about essentialism were only weaponized by the Anglos, or were used by Nazi fags to insist that science can't be real especially when it comes to any independent race. A Satanic race cannot change.


Im not for or against idpol issues like this.


I've been banned for literally posting the policies of China/USSR because it goes against the LGBT troonie agenda of the mods.
I've said it numerous times, the vast majority of Communists on earth and through history, would be banned from Leftypol. They would have literally banned anyone from the USSR in WW2 for working with the British and Americans against Nazi Germany as well.


WPATH, Europe and UK is winding back a lot of the gender woo based on independent Governmental reviews due to Socialized healthcare systems.
I've read through tonns of Gender theory and studies and it's literally all contradictory horseshit that makes no sense that they twist and turn to come to pre-concieved priori positions. You would be shocked by how a huge portion of Gender studies, this is shit appearing in journals, literally cites back to Tumblr posts written by teenagers in the 2000s.
Another point you can really come to that Gender/Trans Rights Activists have no coherent position is their utter refusal to debate "TERFs" and if one does get baited into debate on the rare occasion, how quickly they fall straight into purely emotion/empathetic "Good fucking person" blackmail arguments, and out of context buzzphrases rather than actually arguing anything resembling a coherent, theoretical viewpoint.
Here's a good video of Haz just utterly demolishing a Trans Rights Activist with just very basic logical questioning, which shows that Troonies aren't even used to anyone questioning their dogma.


>shit appearing in journals, literally cites back to Tumblr posts written by teenagers in the 2000s.
Source or example?


Bringing sexual shit into discussions about people's material conditions, work and exploitation of the MAJORITY of people in the world should be seen for what it is: someone that is a sex-obsessed pervert bringing their particular fetishes into an economics discussion.


The pride flag being the flag of modern liberalism is bizarre honestly, considering it's literally a sex flag.
Why Liberals don't see this, or how having sex clowns twerk in front of children while "reading" stories is honestly bonkers to me. Liberals seemingly are trying to make the entirety of society coomers or some shit.


How exactly did .org/8ch Leftypol go from anti-Idpol, Materialist, extremely critical of shitlib politics to literally Idpol/Troon central where you literally can't even discuss major topics like immigration or culture unless it's felating the most shitlib of shitlib positions? Like you dare even just repeat Chinese or Soviet policy on the topic and ban "/pol/".
On 8ch, I remember the Rojava split, but I always remember being being fanatically anti-Idpol. Hell there was even a Dugin worshipping Nazbol contingent, but now it's just troon shitlibs who spam half the threads with sissyporn.


Liberals already have a soxiety full of coomers due to "rape culture".


I don't really feel a need to police people's private life. The Left has way more important things to deal with. Whether you "agree" with it or not, it's all kind of pointless to waste political and ideological capital on this issue. Privately I feel like 99% of trans people are just AGP incels trying to reset their life on an easier difficulty mode. But it's also no skin off my back as long as they support the overthrow of capitalism and the worker's revolution.


No it doesn't.


>"leftist politically incorrect" "ruthless criticism of all that exists"
>Oh you are not actually allowed to criticise Shitlib positions on gender or immigration, you have to have all the same opinions as rSocialism, banned for Fascism.


>be pol
>get banned
>cry about it


The vast majority of the left historically was anti-immigration because mass migration under Capitalism undermines worker collective power, this is just absolute fact. Pro-Migration left is literally a post-2000s phenomenon.
>Muh transhumanists are real and are super oppressed minority
Literally 99% Pornbrained AGP/Brainwashed Autists. Doesn't even make any fucking coherent sense on a basic consistency level (how can you "feel" like an opposing Sex? How can Sex/Gender exist beyond one's body? If Sex is a social construct, then surely transracial is also fine? why is reinforcing dysphoria the "treatment"? Do we demand bulimics all be put on Ozempic then?), undermines the rights and safety of women, is literally Post-Modern liberal dualist woo that rejects Materialism, the community is insanely narcissistic, predatory and toxic as fuck, is often used as gay conversion therapy (Iran, Egging targeted at young gay teens), has led rampant attacks on Lesbians to the point that Lesbians has ceased to exist as a coherent concept (male lesbians, "non men", girl dick) etc.
None of these are /pol/ positions. You cannot be pro-Trans and pro-Marxist in any serious fashion. There is nothing in Trans theory/Modern Gender theory that is in anyway coherent through a Marxist lens (or even it's own, Gender woo is literally contradictory from one position to the next).


Also just to add, that the whole point of Leftypol is that it was supposed to NOT BE A SHITLIB ECHOCHAMBER. THE BOARD IS LITERALLY CALLED POLITICALLY INCORRECT. Why in fuck aren't /pol/fags welcome on leftypol? They were on classic 8ch Leftypol. Why is the American Communist Party banned there? It's literally the only Communist Party in the US that actually holds Political offices. Oh, because it rejects Gender woo of course which pisses off Troon Wobbvly.
Classic Leftypol had socialdems, /pol/fags, Communists, Anarchists and all sorts, hell fucking NAZBOL GANG was one of the biggest and most famous communities on leftypol. The fact leftypol is literally just fucking r/Socialism now is literally why the board went from actually having some wider internet presence with leftypol memes like Porky actually hitting mainstream internet and even Hollywood celebs coming to post on the board, to literally having zero presence at all.


>be insane transhumanist obsessed polyp
>get rightfully banned
>continue to cry about how your reactionary nonsense isn't being respected by the so-called "tolerant left"


>have no arguments
>resort to character attacks


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god hearing fucking retards cry about "trans ideology" is so fucking stupid. You let trans people live in your head rent free. I agree that they shouldn't be playing sports with people and need to get over it, but, mostly everything else involving that very tiny group of people is something that needs to be addressed and you are just a fucking bigoted pos if you think otherwise.

Like, in the 1930's you would be saying this about black people raping young women in the restroom.


>mostly everything else involving that very tiny group of people is something that needs to be addressed
Get rid of capitalism and I guarantee all their "problems" will disappear. They are just a poison pill sent to destroy the left and any lefty who doesn't see that is either retarded or self defeating.


Maybe because Troons have completely hijacked the left with their narcissistic wackery, went completely batshit with the most absurd Idpol possible with their fetishistic desires and coomer brain on full force, because AGP is most often driven by rampant misogyny as, like cucks view blacks as monkeys, AGPs tend to get off on being seen and objectified as women, who are "lower" than men, hence why they talk so often about going in public and feeling "gender euphoria" and even Hontrapoints engages in rampant misogyny making fun of women having periods, and motherhood, egging communities are just straight up pedophilic grooming operations and are major part of the trans community.
The biggest one tho is still TRA fucks took over literally every leftist community, almost every leftist org and turned them into Hon hugboxes and purged anyone critical of their anti-Marxist, metaphysical, shitlib, gnostic dualist nonsense, they launch massive smear campaigns against any leftist who questions them (ACP, CPGB, WPB, Cockshott, Reed etc). While making the entire left look like an insane laughing stock.
>Duuur it's just like black people duuur
One, black rights does not infringe on "white" rights in the same way Trans Rights absolutely infringe on women's rights and safety, two the campaign against white chauvinism literally was used to wreck the left and have them snitching on eachother to the FBI, so McCarthy and Cohn could fuck the entire left over, so black Idpol literally killed American Socialism.
Again, nobody has ever actually explained why you should be banned on Leftypol for being against troon shit (most communist parties outside of the shitlib Anglosphere are) and why /pol/fags can't post on Leftypol when they always could, how are you going to grow a community when you can't appeal to /pol/ or normies and ban anyone for having completely mainstream or even reactionary views? Most of the bans on .org are things that just piss off the troon schizo mods and are completely within Socialist discourse.
Again the board is literally called politically INCORRECT not fucking "shitlib pc hugbox".


>Get rid of capitalism and I guarantee all their "problems" will disappear.
Exactly. It's hard to have "gender dysphoria" when you're starving to death.


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>Gommunism when no food
>meanwhile in America


I think that the two sites should reunite and form Bunkerchan once again, the secession did nothing but hurt the cause.


The "cause"?


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>government propaganda website sez we need mor government
More news at 11.


This is just naive. Yes a lot of problems go away under a socialist mode of production, but, freaks like you who let them live in your head rent free will always be an issue. Let people piss where they want. This whole talking point is just right wing propoganda.


Are you fucking stupid? People used to say the exact same thing about black people. That some how if black men where around white women unsupervised for more than 10 seconds they would be unwill to hold back their urge to rape them. You have fucking worms in your brain and have been infected by right wing propoganda you retard. The reason social is kill in the US is a lot more complicated than "the blacks did it"

And the reason you can't post that shit on org is because the staff are reddit fags and russian operatives who's job it is is to destroy the anti idpol left.


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>russian operatives


The socialist cause for a better future in wich everyone will be equal under the law and the oligarchs will be punished for ammassing wealth and oppressing the masses of workers who have the fruits of their labor stolen by the greed of capitalism.
WORKERS! You constantly work all day every single day and yet 99% of the fruits of your labor are taken by the capitalists for their luxury needs while you are left with the crumbs despite being the sole maker of the production output, it is time to end this nonsense that has led back our civilization for centuries WE MUST BE UNITED UNDER THE RED FLAG OF SOCIALISM! THE RED FLAG WILL WIN! THE RED FLAG WILL WIN! GLORY TO THE RED FLAG!


I feel like you don't know anything about biology or transition. Aren't you supposed to use this site for informed discussion


I kinda get your impulse, you want to push back against hate-mongering. But the other anon is sort of correct about there being a narcissism problem. The psychological abuse you can find your self being subjected too can go beyond what is tolerable.

There is criticism to be had on strategy as well, the T's focused on appearance, sociology, legalism and managerial-ism.

There was another option:

They could have gone into bio-tech instead. There is a bio-mod community which is composed of the least judgemental people to ever exist. By now they could have been half-way to creating a open technology stack for biotech. Instead of punitive enforcement of social norms they could have been championing universal freedoms to controle your body.

I mean why not go for actual metamorphosis ?

The other anon you are debating likely thinks that
significantly modifying the appearance = predator disguise

People won't think that if you mod the substance instead. And there would be some overlap of interests, many people have minor complaints about their biology they might wish to have modded as well.

Realistically Biology is very complex, and the people who start this quest won't be the ones that finish it. And there are no guarantees, it might not work out. That said it's a shame that there wasn't even an attempt, and the moment for getting this going might already have passed.


"raaaa raaa raaa you're cia raa raa raa"


I agree that people on the left can take the whole censorship bubble and hate mongering too far. I mean I am posting here, but, I also understand that touting literal bigotry is not the answer to that.

I judge people on a case by case basis. Sterotyping is just harkening back to bigotry different minorities have faced since the dawn of human civilization.


You want me to believe that Russian "operatives" are a problem when the agencies with by far the a) greatest incentive, a) greatest resources available to them, and c) actual exposed operations in manipulating online discourse all come out of the United States. Sorry officer not buying it.


If you think a nation the size of russia with the history, oligarchic power and military, let alone, geographic size that Russia inhabits isn't capable of espionage (the ex soviet union ffs) gullible has your picture next to it in the dictionary. Pointing out that Russia has been shown to have influenced the last 3 election is not defending the united states like a right wing maga patriot you retarded faggot.

Not to mention thatyou becoming so incredibly butt-hurt by this quip is curious enough in and of itself.
>defending org

>nooo not russian

<even though Russia and the US are explicitly anti-communist in 2024


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>Pointing out that Russia has been shown to have influenced the last 3 election is not defending the united states like a right wing maga patriot you retarded faggot.
You haven't "pointed out" anything. You have zero fucking evidence for your assertion and you're simply parroting a McCarthyite narrative like a good MSNBC-consuming liberal whose critical thinking faculties have been evacuated. Your dipshit narrative has collapsed so many times over now that the only people who still take it seriously are partisan hacks.


They do say this about blacks and other minorities already lol


You're completely unhinged.


Compared to you Troon lovers who think that Kids should be sterilised and that gender/sex exists in a metaphysical state outside the body and the entire left exists to tell you how valid you are.
Also note, my position is the position of the vast majority of Communist Parties on earth, including the CPC and the CPSU. Troon metaphysics is the ideology of Western elite shitlibs.


>If you think a nation the size of russia with the history, oligarchic power and military, let alone, geographic size that Russia inhabits isn't capable of espionage
Geographic size isn't related to the capacity to conduct espionage, spies are not an agricultural product that scales with land area.
Russia probably spies on the US, for military secrets and commercial stuff too, but that's not the same as election interference.

Also Russiagate that started in 2016 turned out to be a crazy conspiracy theory, every claim the Russiagaters made had to be retracted. You cannot expect anybody to take that stuff seriously anymore.

AS far as demonstrable election interference goes, there is the Zionist lobby that openly brags about sabotaging political candidates that do not toe their political line. There is other stuff like the green party getting ballot access denied. The people who do this kind of stuff probably would prefer if you directed your attention elsewhere, like some distant country.

When i hear election interference i associate that with the Zionist lobby, they appear to be the worst offender.


The biggest election interference happened during the Democratic primary anyway. The whole idea of russiagate was deflection.


Imo, self sterilisation is the least problematic thing. In fact, I would promote self sterilisation due to the amount of developmental disorders.
Why should these people potentially reproduce their problems through their offspring?


>how having sex clowns twerk in front of children while "reading" stories is honestly bonkers to me.


I never heard nor seen this happen.
Society gets offended over teens showing sexual drive


It's not worth asking these types of questions, because it's not supposed to be consistently logical. It's escapism as a reaction to alienation. It's just that people have taken the escapism to serious extents that it's affected wider spheres of influence. If it wasn't "gender idealogy", it would have simply manifested in some different form.



You retards I didn't even mention the whole tenant media thing which you fags are clearly ignoring. The Russia government deff is interfering in the on goings of the US political and cultural institutions keep living in denial you pathetic sheep.

Isreali obviously being involved in the political instiutions of the United States has nothing to do with the conversation.


How does migration undermine worker power? That makes no sense. If anything it gives us more power because the fact we have numbers is what gives us power.


You're talking to a wall. Maybe i can help you understand why.

We reason that Israel is interfering in US politics because they are extracting resources and favors from the US in ways that is irrational for the US.

We assume that Russia isn't able to do that because all they got was a pile of crap: sanctions and a new cold-war with proxy wars.

What state officials, the propaganda dissemination, and other consent manufacturing mechanisms say about this topic isn't directly being considered for the perception of reality. We assume they only talk about them selves. Their narratives sometimes correlate with political actions. For example if their narratives contain the word "putin" a lot that correlates with economic inflation and attacks on democratic rights.

If the narrative analysis were to be applied to your post, you would be saying:
Stories about Russia to divert attention away from Zionist political interference.


You're retarded dude


>….yo…you….you're retarded "dude!"

You're a fucking dumb fuck of the highest caliber.


>We reason that Israel is interfering in US politics because they are extracting resources and favors from the US in ways that is irrational for the US.

<We assume that Russia isn't able to do that because all they got was a pile of crap: sanctions and a new cold-war with proxy wars.

uygha Russia can be poor and do espionage at the same time. They were literally caught red handed through the whole Tenant media thing. This is no longer an opinion this is an established fact.

The truth is that you are unwittingly saying stories about whatever to distract away from the fact that this is fact. I can say one thing and also believe another thing. They are not mutually exclusive. Spare me your pearl clutching.


>Russia can be poor and do espionage at the same time.
Nobody implied Russia was too poor to do espionage. Also espionage is not the same as political interference.

The point is that the Russians do not appear to be able to interfere with the US's political system, because compared to the Israeli (who are overtly interfering in US politics), they're not getting any money or weapons like the Israeli. The Russians were subjected to economic-warfare and military aggression, don't you think that if they could interfere in the US's political system they would at least have gotten the Nuland gang and their Ukraine operation halted.

>I'm the one who establishes the facts

Boy you really must want people to ignore you.

I don't know what the Tenant thing is, but you are welcome to share your opinions on it, specifically what kind of concession the Russians were able to extract from the US with it.

> The truth is that you are unwittingly saying stories about whatever to distract away from

The Zionist lobby trying to drag the US into a massive regional conflict with Iran and a dozen other countries/factions isn't a distraction. Millions of people would die, a third of the world's trade would get interrupted, most of the world's economy (with a few exceptions like China that disruption proofed their economy) would go to shit.


Nta but if you search for certain gender related terms, like "xenogender", you'll find some fan wiki, and under the sources will usually list one tumblr blog, if not several. It doesn't happen with all terms, but a lot of them. You can search it yourself if you don't believe me.


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>nooo bro you don't understand the ZIONISTS are trying to draw the US into a WORLD WAR that's why you can't talk about russian interferance!


I don't believe that you do not know about this stop playing dumb.


My dude you are a massive fucking retard


>personal attacks with no substantiation.

Are we done here?


>the ZIONISTS are trying to draw the US into a WORLD WAR that's why you can't
give a shit about influencer drama.
Zionist interference with the US's political system has very high stakes.


You are a political hack you know that? I didn't say that isreal doesn't influence politics in the united states you illiterate retard.


NPR has been a mouthpiece for intelligence community propaganda for many years now. I still remember their uncritical reporting on the faked Syrian gas attacks. It's hardly surprising that they're still peddling moronic hysterical Russiagate conspiracy theories, they've been doing it since 2016. The tinfoil hat is apt because that's what you ought to be wearing if you actually believe this bullshit.


>You are a political hack you know that?
I wasn't gonna say it, but i was thinking the same thing about you. I think we should drop the superfluous assholery and disagree with each other politely.

And lets be real
I can see the Zionist lobby, it's massive and acting so aggressively that it's gotten really noticeable.
I can't see any indication that the Russians have a lobby, not even a little one. Point to anything in the political system of the US, that they have managed to bend in their favor.


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>I was gonna say the same thing about you!!!

At least I don't cherry pick what people are saying to me with my blinders on like a massive faggot.
Contentious disagreements are for people who are acting in good faith politically.

It's out right disingenious to say, or, imply, you have to have a political lobbyu in public view to influence the motives of a government and it's people. Like i'm sorry but the reality seems so obviously in contradiction to this I have no choice but to assume you are bot posting. Again, The Russian government spent millions of dollars on Tenant media and its associative and, in true form, when this information was provided for you, for free, you just sat their and doubled down and reiterated your nonsensical talking points.


>>government propaganda website sez We need mor government
That's not what it's saying?

You do realize obesity means people aren't eating well right? That doesn't mean they're spending so much on food that they're getting fat.


Not only do the Russians not have a lobby, they removed their embassy presence a few years ago when the US economic/proxy war metastasized. And back during first Trump administration they were forced to shut down RT America when the McCarthyite witch hunts got too extreme.


It's on you to explain to us what this Tenant Media debacle even amounted to. Please do not rely on implications or innuendo.


BRO LMAO, you are just being fucking incredulous. You know exactly what the fuck it is. Tim Pool was fucking involved in it. Millions and millions of dollars were paid to tim pool and people like tim pool from the Russian Government.



Of course I'm incredulous. Why would anyone with a skeptical bone in their body or any sort of critical thinking skills be anything but incredulous after eight years of endless lies and manufactured controversies about the Russian boogeyman?

>You know exactly what the fuck it is.

No anon, that's not going to cut it. I asked you not to rely on implications or innuendo. I'm not interested in the kind of sloppy logic and obfuscatory thinking that predominates McCarthyite narratives. And Wikipedia is an exceptionally poor tertiary source on anything involving geopolitics.

In your own words, what does this whole affair actually amount to? If you're so convinced of its nefariousness you should have no problem communicating it to others.


Being Skeptical and Being Incredulous are two differnet things. Being Skeptical is what leads your average person to accepting evolution as fact and Global Warming as reality. Being Incredulous is what leads people to believing the earth is flat and that the local water supplies turns teenagers into gay frogs. Which is you.

If you cannot take the time out of your day to read factual information that was shown to you twice now than you are teetering on the edge of just posting propaganda. Cope seethe and dial8 you fucking dumb transhumanist uyghur.

>Russia isn't interfering in anything at all

>what about xyz


You look like a fucking retard.


Hey you stupid idiot. I'm gonna slap you with a fish, you're so dumb. Why are you so stupid & obtuse?


Wait so your whole "Russia interfered with the election!" thing is that some RT employees gave funding to a niche media org? Do you realize how stupid that is?


"Skeptics" as in the Skeptics movement, those who subscribe to Skeptic magazine, the IFLS bros, etc. they're all white supremacists and eurocentrists, but they hide behind the "skeptic" mask. They're the first ones to tell you Europe is responsible for world civilisation and that black people just arentas smart as white people (not racist, based on facts like autism score tests, other test scores, uni admissions, college degrees, etc.)

They aren't racists, they just trust in the science, and science says white europeans are the best.


>niche media organization
<tim pool.

This is what I mean. You faggots are literally just Russian spies lmfao. It was hundreds of millions of dollars given to the largest "independent" specifically right wing content creators in history.


>You faggots are literally just Russian spies
You're just proving what an unserious person you are. Did you blow in from the DNC?

>hundreds of millions of dollars

The link you posted said 10 million. And a youtuber with 1.3 million subscribers is absolutely niche. That's less than a 10th of Joe Rogan.


I'm curious how you would describe RT America, a news channel that had the the likes of Larry King, Chris Hedges, Lee Camp, Abby Martin, etc. Or Sputnik Radio, which had some excellent radio shows with the likes of Wilmer Leon (lefty political scientist), Brian Becker (PSL organizer), and John Kiriakou (CIA whistleblower).


whatever Russia allegedly gave these people is many orders of magnitudes smaller than whatever aipac spent.

like at best the supposed "influence" exerted by Russia is paying for advertisements or what in any other non-politicized context would be considered editorials.

minus the anti foreigner hysteria the crime committed here is the failure to disclose campaign contribution sources which is a misdemeanor.


Just a reminder that you're a fucking retard.


>At least I don't cherry pick
You kinda do. You're fixated on this one media story while you ignore the rest of reality that contradicts your argument.

>disingenious to say, or, imply, you have to have a political lobbyu in public view to influence the motives of a government and it's people.

It's kinda unavoidable, any significant influence is going to get noticed.

>spent millions of dollars on media

You are in effect arguing that funding media is election interference. If you applied that as a principle, it likely would have very dramatic consequences. I wonder how the media landscape looked like if media could only get money from small donations from it's audience. Tbh i haven't investigated, so i can't really speak to this.

Regardless, if you are making the accusation that the political processes were interfered with, you kinda have to show what the alleged interference has done ? If this doesn't do anything, why care about this ? unless it's just a pretext for a political which-hunt.

Looking at the effects of the machinations of the Zionist lobby, very dramatic violations of democratic rights have occurred. There's an example for you.


>Of course I'm incredulous. Why would anyone with a skeptical bone in their body or any sort of critical thinking skills be anything but incredulous after eight years of endless lies and manufactured controversies about the Russian boogeyman?
Yeah they cried Russia-gate so many times. And they've made false accusations against anti-war people, almost equating opposing the drive to war with treason. That was the point where i checked out and filed the hole thing under warmongering.


>If you cannot take the time out of your day to read factual information
The mainstream media are sales people who try to sell wars, factual information is incidental.
They invented weapons of mass destruction and infanticide to sell a war in Iraq, they invented chemical attacks in Syria, and at some point they even claimed China was murdering between 1 and 2 million people in extermination camps.

If they say stuff that sounds like another sales-pitch for war, it's not unreasonable to just dismiss it.


>You faggots are literally just Russian spies lmfao
They said that about everybody who predicted that a Nato-Russia proxy war would back-fire.

kek we have a new unit of measurement
0.1 Rogan

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