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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Was reading about the Jap student protests and the Yugo protests, and found out that they happened at the same time.

Jap, Yugo, French, and Czechoslovak protests all saw an appearance of the student's councils.

Jap, Yugo, and French were marxist inspired and anti-capitalist, while Czechoslovak were anti-soviet. Both were anti-establishment.

If we follow my theory that the Soviet system was another industrial class-based mode of production, then we can see mass protests against two different types of class society SIMULTANEOUSLY, that shared common characteristics.

So WTF happened in that year?
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>And their relationship could be also seen as a relationship of exploitation by the city (workers) of the countryside (peasants). Their conflict even had a clear economic manifestation (the phenomenon of the price scissors), that resulted in a subsequent class war with terror against the class enemy kek. This theory also explains why after collectivization exploitation of the peasants had characteristics of serfdom (peasants tied to the land and not allowed to leave, obligation to work on the lord's lands a certain amount of days, etc).

acknowledge that there's an arch-nationalist component within Ukraine's government, forget that Yanukovich's program had its own set of issues and contradictions. It's not like this conflict was solely about nationalist ideals conflicting with his policies.say that the Russian separatist movement in Donbass was entirely orchestrated by the KGB. Sure, that's one piece of the puzzle, but it's a vast oversimplification to put all the blame on that. Consistency in understanding these conflicts requires looking beyond
the roots of conflicts like this one run deep, involving historical, political, and socio-economic factors. To reduce it all to a single cause or entity is to miss the forest for the trees, my friend. So, while it's tempting to point fingers at one side or the other, let's remember that the reality is often much stranger and more intricate than we might imagine.


this zigga bot must've broken down or something lol

hey russkie shills, you should call your lakhta tech support or something kek


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>russkie shills, you should call your lakhta tech support or something kek
the attempt to diminish the capabilities of Lakhta Tech Support is both misguided and unwarranted. The notion that a support team's efficacy could be judged based on nationality is a testament to ignorance. In the globalized world we inhabit, one can find skilled professionals in various fields from all corners of the Earth. To assume otherwise is to betray a parochial mindset that hinders one's own intellectual growth


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>the attempt to diminish the capabilities of Lakhta Tech Support is both misguided and unwarranted. The notion that a support team's efficacy could be judged based on nationality is a testament to ignorance. In the globalized world we inhabit, one can find skilled professionals in various fields from all corners of the Earth. To assume otherwise is to betray a parochial mindset that hinders one's own intellectual growth
Ah, the audacious insinuation that the efficacy of Lakhta Tech Support could ever be tethered to the origins of its personnel! Such an assertion reveals a staggering lack of comprehension regarding the contemporary landscape of globalized expertise. One must not succumb to the fallacy of nationalistic reductionism, for it belies an intellectual shortcoming that impedes one's personal growth and understanding.

You see, the world is a tapestry of knowledge, interwoven with the brilliance of minds hailing from every latitude and longitude. It is a lamentable misjudgment to insinuate that the prowess of Lakhta's tech support is in any way contingent upon the ethnicity of its members. In truth, it is a disservice to one's own intellectual curiosity to propagate such fallacies. Knowledge and competence, my dear interlocutor, know no boundaries or borders.

Furthermore, let us not forget that the pursuit of excellence is a global endeavor. The notion that any one group or nation could monopolize proficiency in any field is an antiquated idea. In this era of connectivity and information exchange, wisdom flows ceaselessly across borders, transcending any parochial notions of superiority.

So, to belittle the capabilities of Lakhta Tech Support based on notions of nationality is not only misguided but an exercise in intellectual paucity. Let us all embrace the vastness of human potential and recognize that excellence knows no geographical bounds.


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ndeed a perplexing spectacle to behold, this audacious insinuation that the efficacy of Lakhta Tech Support could ever be tethered to the origins of its personnel! One is compelled to observe that such a proposition unveils a staggering lack of comprehension regarding the contemporary landscape of globalized expertise. One must not, under any circumstance, succumb to the fallacy of nationalistic reductionism, for it belies an intellectual shortcoming that impedes one's personal growth and understanding.

The world, you see, is a vast and intricate tapestry of knowledge, woven together by the brilliance of minds hailing from every conceivable latitude and longitude. It is an utterly lamentable misjudgment to insinuate that the prowess of Lakhta's tech support is in any way contingent upon the ethnicity of its members. In truth, it is a grievous disservice to one's own intellectual curiosity to propagate such fallacies. Knowledge and competence, my dear interlocutor, are bound by no borders, confined by no nation.

Furthermore, permit me to expound upon the matter at hand. Let us not, in our intellectual meanderings, forget that the pursuit of excellence is, without exception, a global endeavor. The antiquated notion that any single group or nation could monopolize proficiency in any given field has long since crumbled beneath the relentless tide of progress.

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<Capitalism has already been superceded

Some sort of bureaucratic managerial mixed economy exists in all major developed economies today. It is the inevitable political development at this stage of history owing the the current level of the productive forces. The central economic impulse isn't the further development of the means of production in order to *produce commodities.* As it stands, only a fraction in the labor force is set to work in producing commodities. A larger percentage is involved either in the realization of value or the social maintenance of power - that it's to say, and increasing proportion of the population is as divorced as ever from production and increasingly devoted to employment in the tumorous and parasitic outgrowths of the economy. Likewise, an ever increasing proportion of the economic surplus is devoted toward the expansion of the infrastructure of services and, more importantly, control. An increasing social investment occurs in fields like marketing and sales, security (ranging from web3 doorbell cameras to rent-a-cops to state militaries), media in it's wide variety of forms, psychological and sociological research, and 'governance' on both a local and international scale. In Gramscian terms, this is an explosion in the size and importance of the state vis-a-vis and over the forces of the productive economy. That is to say, the *capitalists* (which developed and began to supercede the lorded administers of feudalism during the 16-18th centuries) have themselves begun to be superceded by a growing, new, highly technological, secular, and 'scientific' administrator and managerial class.

The primary aim is always power. For a brief period in history, the private ownership of the means of production - to be a capitalist - was the best means to amass power. However, in the sort of post capitalist future that is emerging, those who control (but perhaps not directly 'own') large levers of the economy and structures of control form a sort of oligarchy that simple seeks - directly - to expand its control.

This impulse is increasingly turned inward and against all forms of life, up to and including increasingly levels of power against it's own citizenry, with more and more elements of daily life intertwined with technology, control, and economy.

As a phase in the mode of production, this is a sort of toothpaste that's not going back into the tube. But it doesnPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>anime was always about waifus and sex
coomer doomer detected
You will never be Japanese. You have no ancestry, you have no citizenship, you have no skills that would make Japan ever want you.


Prisons really are inhuman you know.


I don't need to be Japanese to enjoy anime.

I still don't understand how could he left his waifu alone like this.. she looks so lonely..


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>You still can't actually answer my question though: What line would you draw in the sand?

Considering that 'Nazi' has become a meaningless epithet thrown around by anyone to the left of AOC to describe people they don't like, I'd draw the line thusly:

<People who literally advocate for Nazism (i.e, Hitler was misunderstood blah blah blah) or people who literally promote anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jews controlling the world.

THAT SAID, it does appear as if someone is copypasting AI-geberated responses, which has the effect of seriously degrading the quality of discussion. So I'd ban people who do that unless they make it clear it's an AI-generated text


Read the constitution dude that's exactly how we define nazi.

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>blast from the past

Remember when Amerikwas lamest geriatric 'communist' group joined the WHO-pharma fearmongering?

This ruined the credibility of the left for a generation


>lamest geriatric 'communist' group
You must be some sort of Infracel


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Fuck the Manhattan Fatass and the Delaware Diddler. RFK Jr is our guy for peace and a stronger working class




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Jogger loot Philly stores of iphones to feed their families. Where does this realistically end?

I'd presuppose some sort of dystopian security state in which resources are allocated based on rank, not the vague workers power that leftists have shown no competence in building (and lol, most leftists are neets or low skilled service workers anyways).

For Amazon, the money printer goes brrr.
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cringe because capitalists are doing it


>Things in the real world are cringe. Based is my drug addled imagination
Itt: idealism


…strong men create good times


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>sorry sweetie. They need that car to get to their engineering school entrance exam and/or feed their family


I wonder how much you're getting paid for this.



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How do you prevent your leftist org from turning into a cult?

Seems to be a frequent occurrence when an org is small and feels itself to be constantly under siege.
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<Societies evolve toward the most adaptive forms in a competitive environment
>Ya, but what about individuals?
It would help if we were talking about the same thing.

Really, Comrade DK, you really need to smoke less weed


yes, society comes down to individuals

just like your mom's dildo comes down to atoms lol


As you undoubtedly know, you can understand how to use a dildo and what it feels like in your butt without understanding that it's made up of atoms


an army of investigative reporters armed with typewriters (or perhaps more modern tools, but typewriters have that vintage charm) ready to take on the capitalist behemoth. They'll expose every capitalist conspiracy, unearth every hidden agenda, and, of course, wear stylish trench coats while doing so.

Now, the idea of strong protections and robust funding mechanisms for independent journalism is positively revolutionary. It's as if you're suggesting we build an impervious wall around truth, a wall so high that even the most agile of spin doctors can't scale it. We'll have fact-checkers armed with red pens and the unyielding resolve to correct any misinformation, regardless of the source.

And the notion of a thousand Wiki-Leaks clones? Oh, what a glorious thought! It's like creating a parallel universe where the truth flows like a never-ending river. But remember, with great leaks come great responsibility. Our news landscape would indeed be akin to the people's intelligence agency, but we must ensure our intelligence is used wisely and not for mere amusement.


your mom's dildo stays the same tho

society changes

to understand this change you need a more detailed model of the dildo

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Thread for the discussion of the united auto workers strike.
Currently the UAW is strike because of the greed of their cooperate overlords. Overlords who have generated millions and millions of dollars off their labor in profits put directly into their own pockets .
The UAW is expecting more and more facilties are going to go on strike in the coming months because the CEOs refuse to capitulate to their demands.
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>First of all retired workers live off money they have saved not investments.
What happens to that savings when the stonk market takes a plunge?


What does the stock market have to do with a savings account? Equities are completely different from a savings. Savings loose value through inflationary environments which the stock market can effect but it's not the end all be all to inflation. That has more to do with the money supply. That is what really effects inflation.


You don't know how a 401k works?


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the stock market and a savings account are not birds of the same feather. It's rather baffling that anyone would even attempt to compare them. You see, a savings account is a glorified piggy bank where your money sits idly, with interest rates so pitiful that inflation can devour your hard-earned cash. The stock market, on the other hand, is where real investors thrive, seeking opportunities to grow their wealth by putting their money to work in actual businesses.
Speaking of inflation, your assertion that it's primarily tied to the money supply is rather naïve. While the money supply certainly plays a role, it's painfully shortsighted to overlook the stock market's significant impact on inflation. Stock market fluctuations can send shockwaves through the economy, affecting consumer sentiment, business investment, and overall economic stability, all of which can directly impact inflation rates. You might want to peruse a few more economics textbooks before making such bold declarations.
dismissing the stock market's influence on inflation as if it's a mere sideshow is an exercise in financial ignorance. It's not just about the money supply; it's about the entire intricate web of economic interdependencies. When stock prices soar or plummet, it can lead to changes in spending patterns, corporate behavior, and monetary policy decisions, all of which can have profound effects on inflation.


Indeed, it's a bit like watching a high-stakes game of Monopoly, where some players start with Park Place and Boardwalk while others are still trying to scrape together enough cash to pass "Go." And don't even get me started on those Get Out of Jail Free cards—those seem to mysteriously disappear in certain hands!

But, of course, our dear CEOs aren't merely deluded; they're engaged in a complex dance of fiscal responsibility, shareholder value, and, let's be honest, padding their own pockets. It's like a tightrope walk over a pit of rabid sharks, only with golden parachutes as a safety net.

Now, as for paying our hardworking colleagues on the factory floor a little more, well, that's a debate that's been echoing through the halls of labor relations for eons. $20 or $25 an hour might sound like a dream come true to some, but to others, it's the stuff of nightmares—especially if it means the price of their morning latte takes a leap.

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Did this event really happen? Did the Americans actually put several men on the moon or did Stanley Kubrick shoot it on film at a sound stage in New Mexico?
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>USA-chan on her way to save USSR-chan from the evil hyper-galactic space aliens.


God, imagine the hatefuck.


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as long as they are hot lesbians in space, they are blessed
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>you're not getting away, Earth-chan!
w-what does he want to do to her?


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why is life so beautiful? :')

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Cluster B society and Pathocracy: what are the political implications
>Inb4: dats not real
Shut up fag. This shit perfectly summarizes orgfag mods
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Isn't a foundational belief of Christianity that everyone sins?


Christianity has a concept of original sin. Something along the lines of everybody is born with sin-debt, and they have to redeem them selves during life to pay it back. Not sure if I explained that correctly or whether Christians still uphold it.


That's certainly not how all denominations of Christianity view original sin. Many consider Jesus to have brought about redemption so that people don't have to worry about that.

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Is the dprk making anime REAL?
Knowing the power of anime, to prevent the wae nom imperialist to conquer the world with it, instead to potentially conquer ilbo with it, the worker's party has decided to unleash the aesthetic of anime in the real world.
Some proofs:
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>their cartoons are surprisingly alright.
why surprisingly?


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They are known to make furry content using kidnapped animators from the Beastars series.

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