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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.470946[View All]

What happened to the anti war movent?
The anti war movent was extremely vocal in 2001 - 2010 it seems. Vocal against the war in Afghanistan and iraq. In Vietnam people literally put their bodies on the line destroying arms facilities. So why have we done such a radical 180 when it comes to the war in Ukraine? What happened?

There is such over whelming deep throated support for the war in Ukraine. Overtly on the side of Ukraine and NATO but the "antithesis" to this on the left is to turn to supporting Russia. What happened? Anyone with half a brain understand Russia is not only not leftist, but, they are no even close to the left they are right wingers and the Russian government is overtly reactionary and the same is true of the US and Ukraine, but, the mask has fallen it appears with most vocal supporters of the war in Ukraine (meaning they are no longer identifying themselves on 'the left' but just out right as liberals) So what happened?

What happened to the anti-war left? CIA? Memory Hol'd? What happened?
51 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>how are you gonna implement soviet gosplan in defense industry when the defense contractors are all private entities producing for profit,
Not sure, the Porkies take the L, i guess.


projection, after all the neocons tried to rehabilitated Azov nazis as "democracy fighters" to manufacture consent for their nazi-collaborationism.


othering your critic's as the "enemy" = not having an argument, and raises suspicions that you might be a glow-poster.
If you attack the anti war left and anti imperialist left in that way, you are kind off discredited by default.

Given the sheer volume of anti-democratic praxis by neocons of slandering smearing and sometime even persecuting the anti-war and the anti-imperialist left, it now has to be considered above suspicion. There are only so many false accusations you can make until your accusations are void. There is a certain similarity between the early vilification phase of Jews by the early Nazi-regime before WW2 with the ideological extremism that the neocons regime is currently putting on display. You probably should avoid participating, while the neocons might be slippery bastards that are skilled at avoiding the blame for their crimes, their crusade is failing hard and the rulers don't like to loose and that will catch up with them. They will fall from grace and it would behoove you to keep a wide birth of ideological distance from them lest you wish to get dragged down with them.

>why haven't you given some credit to Hitler yet?

Hitler's economic policy was to privatize almost the entire economy, the German fascists even invented the word privatization, which is the opposite of soviet planning. The economic ideology of fascism is economically closer to neo-liberalism, after-all both fascism and neoliberalism, privatized a lot and now even share to a limited extend a correlation between excessive military spending and inflation

>He even eliminated unemployment in the mids of the Great Depression with his rearmament program

Technically all the jews, gibsies, … , and communists that were deported into labor camps were doing slave labor, which is not the same as employment, you know since those were not payed a wage, and technically still count as unemployed because of that. So the Nazis did not have full employment.

>what a shining example of multipolarist gommunism kek

At present Russia is state capitalist, which is progressive compared to 1990s neo-liberal shock-doctrine capitalism.
Multipolarity is the result of the US and EU de-industrializing from 1970s onwards, and has very little to do with Russia.


Leftypol is an SFW board tho.


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>So we have a russkie shill on a mod team.
>I'm preeeeetty sure that russkie jannie
retarded paranoid fucks, I'm neither

is le russkie in the your room right now ?


What happened to the anti war left?

Here is an interesting article about that.

<This was a new and progressive face for Nato, the same one it has since used to seduce much of the European Left. Previously, in the Nordic countries, Atlanticists have had to sell war and militarism to largely pacifist publics. This was achieved in part by presenting Nato not as a rapacious, pro-war military alliance, but as an enlightened, “progressive” peace alliance. As Timothy Garton Ash effused in the Guardian in 2002, “NATO has become a European peace movement” where one could watch “John Lennon meet George Bush”.

<No political party in Europe better exemplifies the shift from militant pacifism to ardent pro-war Atlanticism than the German Greens. Most of the original Greens had been radicals during the student protests of 1968; many had demonstrated against American wars. The early Greens advocated for West Germany’s withdrawal from Nato.



>What happened to the anti war movent?
The anti war movent was extremely vocal in 2001 - 2010 it seems.
They achieved their goals and got Obama elected in 2008. The whole anti-war movement was a psyop to get rid of Bush and make Obama president. Nobody seemed to care Obama was tomahawking children.


A bit disingenuous to assert that getting Obama elected was the goal of the anti-war movement.


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The Personal and Political Agendas of Tokyo Rose and Other World War III Alarmists


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Attacking anti war activists is a low blow even for that pseud.


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>Overtly on the side of Ukraine and NATO but the "antithesis" to this on the left is to turn to supporting Russia. What happened?
The Pendulum of History happened, idiot.
Look at the state of the left in the decades directly preceding ww1. The same shit.

You better buckle up, because we're heading for a ww3 between USA and China with their aligned bitch-states. Third time is a charm. But billions will die.


>You better buckle up, because we're heading for a ww3 between USA and China with their aligned bitch-states. Third time is a charm. But billions will die.


believe what you want to believe nazoid

there is a 99% chance you will die in the next 10 years anyway


>You better buckle up, because we're heading for a ww3 between USA and China with their aligned bitch-states. Third time is a charm. But billions will die.
Yeah the risks of WW3 is increasing somewhat. The China-Taiwan-USA Triangle could spark major shit. But that's not the only thing. The Niger thing looks dangerous as well, it will draw in lots of the neighboring countries, who are all-ready mobilizing their military forces, and lets not forget that the US has a giant military base in Niger. I can't imagine that the US wouldn't get militarily involved. There are lots of resources in that African region that may be about to turn into a war-zone, which might draw opportunistic "contributions" from other vectors as well. Lets not forget that the Ukraine-war is at the strategical level, a conflict between the US and Russia, and when super-powers are involved the escalation potential always includes global-war.

The good news are that India-Pakistan tensions seem to have eased off a little, and the middle east seemes to have cooled as well. But those trends not withstanding, the conflict-potential in the world has overall increased. We are definitely heading down a path where a third world war is somewhat likely. There still are a few exit ramps along the way, but probably not very many, and we ought to take the next one that presents it self.


Your pizza bites are ready, Brian


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From Lenin to Bourgeois Pacifism
>The party, which has moved on from Lenin, basks these days in the warm embrace of bourgeois pacifism and proposals whose effect in saving the world from another global conflagration would be largely meaningless.


>Eliminating atomic bombs alone won’t eliminate the massive destructive power of conventional warfare.
>It is not nuclear weapons that need to be eliminated, but war fought on an industrial scale.
So Gowans turned into a low key shill for nuclear arms porkies. I wonder if that had something to do with Nato getting pwned in an industrial artillery war.

>It campaigns against NATO alone, insisting that as a Canadian party it must deal only with Canada’s capitalist class.

They are correct, complaining about Russia is at best yelling into the void, because the Russian government gives zero fucks what people living in the west think, and at worst the muh-both-siders get counted as partial support for the neocon agenda.

Why do you keep posting this ?


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The “anti-war left” got co-opted during the Jane Fonda hippy era days and things like Operation Midnight Climax were used to seduce the population and placate them, to the point where they couldn’t genuinely resist to the Vietnam war and furthermore form real Marxist movements that weren’t voyeuristic criminals. It’s actually more accurate to say there was no anti-war left because of how thoroughly infiltrated it became. Even anything moderately left of demsoc in America is full of rightoid opportunists and Larouchites. There’s just no serious ‘resistance’ in the U.S. and never will be. Any group that wants Marxism in America and is even noticed by glowies will be shut down or infiltrated and people will be arrested. This also happens on the right, with a ton of cartoonishly racist white nationalists and Nazis being either federal informants or outright working for the agency.

Left/right ‘dissident’ groups in the U.S. are about 70% normal people, 15% grifters with podcasts, 5% legitimately psychotic criminals who for some reason are always pedophiles on hard drugs, and the rest is FBI agents.


Maybe it's an information problem.

If the anti-war left got infiltrated by the fbi, does that mean that the way for effective anti-war organization would be to operate from inside the FBI. Because that's were all the information about the agents are that undermine anti-war organizing efforts.


>It's standard socialist policy to lend critical support to a weaker national bourgeoisie against a stronger imperialist bourgeoisie.
Lmao that shit couldn't be further from the truth
"Lesser evilism" isn't a leftist position, it's a position of radical liberals and retarded tankies (who are really just very edgy radlibs)

"Support le lesser capitalist!" isn't the leftist position, it's just what tanks convinced themselves of to add a dull red gloss to their usual reactionary opportunist dogshit


>If you don't support the Russian narrative you're a glowie
Literally you, glowing Russian zigger


>Retarded paranoid fucks
t. Mentally ill .ogre zigger who regularly rants about "CIA and NATO glowing shills!" on his dogshit fringe imageboard of less than 1,000 users


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You're not very clever, ML doctrine is about recursively supporting the weaker evil until it becomes impotent evil.

The neo-lib doctrine of lesser evilism is doing the exact opposite, after every iteration of "lesser evil", the options get worse and the "evil" gets stronger.


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McCarthite neocons falsely accuse everybody, who disagrees with their political line, of being a Russian spy.
Obviously that invalidates what the neocons say, because it's either unhinged paranoia or a bad faith position.

The question: why are you pushing the neocon line ?

"glowie" just means somebody who propagates the official narrative, you don't have to be literally employed by a 3 letter agency or propaganda click-farm. In simpler terms, look at who the mainstream media presents as the boogie-man, everybody chasing the same boogie-man is glow.


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Many do not have an answer as to why Putin has taken upon himself to start this war in Ukraine .Observers say that Putin did not have to venture and carry on this vicious endeavor . An endeavor that is not successful and dragging endlessly according to them even though many expected Kyiv to be taken in 2 days . So why did he do it ? The answer given is that Putin wanted to create a pole to the world order and that is the motive behind the invasion of Ukraine . As to why Putin wants to create a pole to the world order they say that he wants to empower himself by having China and Iran and other countries align on his side. Although this is not happening the way it should .These observers wonder also why and how Russia is still able to make it economically despite the sanctions and the cost of the war, and they reached the conclusion that the sanctions on Russia are neither heavy nor drastic, and the cost of the war is only 3% of the national income which is not much even though Russia is trying to keep up with the expenses, and is suffering some shortage in weapons which is being compensated by putting in use weapons that were originally ordered to be delivered to this or that country as part of a contract deal, and that Russia is using now in the battlefield along with the Iranian drones that it got through a barter deal with the Iranians who got some Russian airplanes in return . All in all, everything looks as if Russia is surviving this war in a way that allows this war to last as long as desired, until the conflict is resolved by a settlement of some sort after the battlefield fails in showing a winner . No one knows when this will occur, but certainly it will not occur right away . So there is plenty of time to cause as much displacement and destruction as wished by the world powers . Certainly, this war is expected to draw a new map of the world. What the observers do not seem to know is that the US and Russia are together in this endeavor, and that Russia got engaged in this war despite its reluctance. This war was forced on Russia; not because it was unavoidable but because Putin yielded to the US request of entering the war . Adequate circumstances were provided that will allow this war to last; and this explains why Russia was allowed to manage economically , and has multiplied its oil exports whether to China or India which helped it maintain its economic status until it is called to the negotiations table where it will be given its due share from the war of partition on condition that Ukraine will no more be its backyard .This is the world powers wish and the NATO wish that Putin is willing to execute . At the same time , the pole called Russia , even though deficient and far from the expectations of the masses that used to delight in the Russian bear strength , will be part of a large front that include not only China but also Iran and Syria and other countries like the BRICS countries, and no doubt that the US will be pleased to see a strong ally of israel align with countries that belong to the Axis of the Resistance like Iran and Syria .The impact on Syria is already visible and further destabilization is being witnessed, together with the reactivation of ISIS , and the empowering of NATO Turkey at the expense of the Kurds and the SDF, and the escalation in the north east after Syria has placed itself on the Russian side, and transferred to Syria the conflict over Ukraine. On top of all this, come the Russian coordinated israeli attacks on Syria that have become a sort of a routine and a right that israel claims over Syria . This is not all because Russia is being given access to Africa as well, and after Libya and Sudan , the Russian flag is fluttering in Niger together with the national flag where the Africans are rebelling against the French colonialist and finding solace in Russia that might become partner in the war against the colonialist. This will compensate for the loss of Ukraine, and will serve the interests of the world powers to have Putin maneuver in Africa like he maneuvered in Syria making sure that US and NATO are not defeated nor their tool -ISIS -or terror – annihilated


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When the USSR was a pole to the USA the polarity was founded on something real , on the difference between capitalism and communism . After the USSR collapsed, the polarity became with Iran . It was Iran that stood in the face of the US and the world powers . The Islamic Revolution carried the principles of justice and steadfastness in defense of peoples’ rights, and was a real challenge to the world powers and the USA . It was also a successful endeavor that toppled the shah and promoted the Palestinian cause at the expense of israel and reorganized the whole society and institutions around the principles of the Revolution . This was a real challenge to the world powers much more so than the USSR or China .The world powers were not comfortable with this new enemy that threatened to awaken the people to their causes and come out winners . The World Powers thought to create another pole with which they can deal . They resuscitated the USSR in the form of Russia to create a polarity that they can master and control to replace the real polarity with Iran and the Axis of the Resistance to which they are not up to . Thus, they hope they can infiltrate the peoples’ causes everywhere by creating an irrelevant, artificial polarity where peoples’ causes will be lost and wasted, and creating wars and conflicts that are destructive and draining like the war in Ukraine and now in Sudan and soon in Niger . Wars that do no lead anywhere and last forever and drain the countries resources as is happening in Syria. This is on the way of becoming generalized unfortunately to curb the peoples longing for autonomy and independence . And Putin is the ideal tool to carry on this scheme .


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Russia is not Russia , or is no more Russia so to speak. It has become something else, and looks more like a cheap version of some unknown country ; and instead of Dostoyevsky and Tolstoi we have Putin and Prigozhin , and instead of the letters and music and art we have the Wagner Group. And as much as people in general hate security companies and loath them even, and are ready to write pages about their crimes and transgressions, we see them much more tolerant when it comes to the Wagner Group . They hate Black Water but not the Wagner Group headed by an ex convict who is Putin’s caterer also which means that he joins catering to killing in a very odd mix . Prigozhin himself says that the Wagner Group is working wonders in Africa, and that these wonders bear the Russian marks , and they consist -in truth- in warfare and smuggling gold and minerals, and creating conflicts as in Sudan right now in the destructive war happening between the Army and the Forces of Rapid Support, and soon Niger is to face the same lot.
The world powers seem to have prepared the ground in Niger for the Russian intervention, and some say that the coup that deposed the elected president Mohamed Bazoum was US operated , and the goal is to have Russia on the ground- in Niger – to replace the old colonialist and be on the side of the people so to speak . Even if the coup was not US operated, the Russian presence in Niger or anywhere else will call for the US intervention in these countries in order to create the desired balance between the 2 “poles” and will work as an invitation .
In Syria, the US troops who once expressed their desire to leave Syria -especially under Trump’s rule- are now strengthening their presence and bringing more soldiers and equipment to the north and north east of the country to counter balance the Russian presence . They have reactivated ISIS, and are recruiting among Arab Tribes a new faction that will confront the Popular Resistance created by the Syrian rule whose purpose -so far- seems to drag Syria into the conflict over Ukraine, and this by targeting the US military bases of al Tanf and others .
After Syria, Ukraine, and next Africa , and Russia itself will not be spared for long . This is Putin’s Russia, and it is a new Russia that does not look like the old one for Russia is no more a communist country or a country distinguished by its Revolution or its culture , it has become like Putin wanted it : a Kleptocracy. As if this term was especially designed for Russia . The reason is that what Putin is after is amassing wealth, and this is how he started his career by stealing the money destined to the exchange program of foods against minerals . He made millions from this deal , and he never stopped stealing after this . And he has a whole team whose purpose -like his- is to steal, and this is what infuriated Prigozhin who maybe was not receiving his share from the dough which made him threaten to take revenge on Putin . The popularity that some assume Putin has among his people is simply an aberrance. And when Prigozhin of the Wagner Group was heading to Moscow with his forces to depose Putin people started throwing flowers at him, and he is a certified criminal like Putin and no better, but they saw in him the possibility of getting rid of Putin who has been usurping power in his country for the last 20 years. The killings , the repression, the silencing by various means of all of those who oppose Putin do not leave any room for showing support to the ruling kleptocrat who is also a certified criminal allowed by the world powers to eliminate his enemies one by one using ugly means .
This is the Russia that the world powers want, and you have only to watch the Russian movies to know the degeneration that the country is going through . The general movie topic is how for a woman to get a rich husband, as if this was all what life is about ; and as if the various misfortunes and hardships Russia went through could be solved by getting the rich husband . But this is what Putin inspires, and the country that produced the master piece called” the Battleship Potemkin” when other countries had hardly any movie production, is know focusing on the rich husband in movies where mediocrity pervades- whether in the performance or direction – and where Russian women are visibly degraded .
,What we are witnessing is a real destruction of a country and a culture, and Russia is in a state that makes it very difficult for it to rise from this quagmire where the world powers want it to remain with Putin in charge of keeping it in this deplorable state.


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>Russia and the USA are in cahoots
Quality schizo-posting


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“He could see a child being tortured without being moved .” This is how an acquaintance of Putin described him . And now, Putin is presenting his condolences to Prigozhin’s family as if he is beyond accusation, and praising the victim completely unmoved .He made sure to meet the victim before the accident to deny any future accusation. While the leftist progressive journalists attributed the crime to Putin and justified this crime by saying that Putin is facing US and the world powers, and cannot afford to be challenged this way by Prigozhin, and that Prigozhin got what he deserved for causing trouble to Putin who is busy facing US, and should not be disturbed. So we notice a double standard story : one for the law that absolves Putin and the other for the supporters who attribute the accident to him . Such unbelievable statements coming from leftists who forget that in case Prighozhin had committed an infraction or is guilty of betrayal, he could have been arrested and tried and sentenced. There is something called law and justice that these people who belong to the elite, and they are academicians and writers, ignore, justifying killing people that are traitors so to speak without trial, and executing them the way they say Prigozhin was executed, and licensing this kind of killing under the pretext that the killer is fighting USA . This is extremely dangerous and is a covering for breaking the law, and will give license for the people to kill under the pretext that they are facing challenges that have priorities.
Certainly, Putin is master in exploiting the anti US feelings, and using these feelings to justify the crimes and violations he is known for committing to the point that people are even ready to forget and forgive Putin’s coordination with the israelis in Syria who are bombing Syria continuously and causing destruction and victims . Previously, Putin had exploited the negative feelings that many Russians had against Muslims, and had invested in these negative feelings the same way he is investing now in the anti US feelings . He had accused the Muslim Chechens of the Apartments Bombings of Moscow that happened in 1999, and caused victims by hundreds. Bombings that were probably the work of the Russian FSB that Putin himself presided before becoming Prime minister .
Putin is master in these games and can get away with anything he does, and after he had mobilized and rallied against Muslims, his popularity increased, and he allowed himself to crush Chechnya and the Chechens crowning himself as a hero on the remains of his own people .
Siding with Putin is siding with crime and impunity, and is not very different from siding with USA : both extremes are faulty and do not lead to the truth . The rule that no one should forget is the Golden Mean , neither western nor eastern . Imam Khomeini had warned against this tendency and proved a real clairvoyance when he said that people should side with neither this nor that but with the truth itself, otherwise we are liable to support criminals like Putin thinking that we are siding against injustice and unrighteousness.


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What we learned from this mess is that Wagner is everywhere together with the imperialists and colonialists and terrorists .It is in Syria , In Sudan and Libya, in Niger and in many other places . Like abu bakr al Baghdadi the head of ISIS, Prigozhin- the head of the Wagner Group is an ex convict that was released from prison . And like ISIS are detainees that were recruited mainly in Saudi and Iraqi prisons and set free on condition they fight along ISIS, so are the mercenaries of the Wagner Group , prisoners that were released on condition they join the Wagner group . And like terror is everywhere so is Wagner everywhere. It is the Russian ISIS .


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More about the Wagner Group : It is the terrorist extension of the Russian regime . There is no need to dwell extensively on the Wagner Group practices wherever they are happening . It is mainly theft that the security company is practicing in these various places, in Central Africa, in Mali and Niger, and in Libya and Sudan and you name it . It is involved in acts of smuggling and stealing and money laundering and in various other crimes, and they cooperate with governments and states and local mafias . Certainly this money that is being collected from these illicit activities has a destination, and this destination is well known and it is to increase Putin’s wealth .The Wagner group operates like a real mafia . And the question is : If the US in Syria is accused of stealing oil and if the Wagner Group is operating in Syria and is in charge of guarding the oil fields and of other things as well , this means that the US is not the only party committing theft but surely the Wagner Group must have in Syria the same evil practices; but no one speaks about those . There is a total Black Out on what the Wagner Group is doing in Syria, but the assumption is that it is doing the same thing that it does everywhere. But it is getting away with it like it is everywhere else . This license given to Putin, and this support by the general leftist progressive audience to commit various crimes and usurp power in his own country and violate the laws of the constitution is due to the fact that this audience considers rogue Putin and the rogue Russian regime as a continuation of what was before known as the USSR . The reason they do this even though the USSR has collapsed in the early nineties, and was dismantled, is besides shortsightedness and defeat their rejection of Iran as a pole to the world powers because of various reasons. Not to forget that -Putin- the ex KGB thug who used to deliver his defecting classmates to his KGB seniors- has claimed to represent the USSR legacy and started working along this line assuming the role of a legal heir to the Soviets . Like the USSR had a presence in Africa , so Putin sent the Wagner Group thugs to the Black Continent, not in order to help and gain ground before the the US and its NATO colonialist allies like the USSR used to do in various African countries, but in order to steal and smuggle and wash money and secure Putin’s share in all this illicit activity . So Putin is in no way a political competitor to the US or to imperialism , he has no political project of his own, and his aim is just to steel and secure his share of the loot . This secret claiming of the Soviet identity that might have been inspired by the western powers, accommodated quite well the US, and the NATO allies who could continue to deal with Russia as a pole to the World Order , a pole unlike the USSR that they can control and manipulate at leisure, and send in various places to interfere and infiltrate as in Syria, or force to engage in destructive genocidal wars as in Ukraine. This is how the leftist progressives of the world have invested in what they believe to be the natural inheritor of the Soviets and who is non other than a kleptocrat manipulated by the world powers .


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Colonizing Others to Pre-Empt Your Own Colonization
On the difference between Hitlerite and Marxist perspectives on war and the relevance for the current conflict in Ukraine.


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The War in Ukraine Didn’t Split the Left—It Exposed Pre-Existing Divisions
There is no coherent international communist movement, except the one that comprises parties that have kept faith with Lenin. As to the others, they have willingly become (to borrow Lenin's phrase) playthings in the hands of belligerent powers.


gowans is the pro-imperialist pseudo-left, attacking the Marxist anti-imperialists left.


Russia is imperialist with fascist tendencies tho.

I'm glad about the split - multipolaroid nazoids should just fuck off and form their own movement. Fucking leeches.


>except the one that comprises parties that have kept faith with Lenin.
>LARPing in the accoutrements of along dead state is keeping the faith.
Tankies are more cringe than people that cosplay as gundam pilots.


>Russia is imperialist
Russia is not in the imperialist stage of capitalism
The pseudo-left can't read theory
is the word liberals say to socialists, Marxists, anti-imperialists and sometimes people opposed to war in general.


>Russia is not in the imperialist stage of capitalism
It is.
The nazoid pseudo-left can't read theory.


is the word used by leftists to describe left-rightoids


Shills working overtime


record being stuck


>Omg you don't want America to send Ukraine billions of dollar which then gets recycled into Raytheon. You aren't are real leftist (tm)
Get fucked


>"Nooo, stop giving aid to that homeless group. Can't you see Nestle is making a profit?"
Kill yourself.




>I can't read theory.
Well Duh.
Russia is not in the imperialist stage of capitalism. It's not an imperialist country by Marxist standards

>Tankies is the word

the pseudo-left uses to attack anti-imperialists.


i think the ruling ideology tendency to conflate socialists with the bourgeois-right has to be seen as the same type of democracy-hostile proto-fascistic political extremism as antisemitism.

>used by leftists

You're not on the left if you shill for imperialism, like sending weapons to fascist collaborator regimes like the one in Ukraine that bans political parties and attacks critical media that dissents against the mainstream narrative. The left position is returning to detente politics about prioritizing the use of diplomacy over firepower.


The war is now against Putler or the nazis of Ukraine or the colonial state of Israel or the evil Hamas. Choose whichever you like and mock the others.

As a consequence, everyone have a smug sense of moral superiority and war is now moral. Which make being against war being immoral.

Propaganda work.


>a country that imprisons and kills political dissonants (some of which are communists) and homosexuals.
Good, they should kill more. Kill their families. Go abroad and kill even more with as much polonium as they can. Kill their extended family and friends, and friends' families. And there has not been a single communist worth shit that was killed by the RF. All of the based ones are tied to the KPRF in some way, I don't care if glowfeds, westernized transhumanists and traitors to their nation like Navalny would call themselves "communist".
You are lower than the scum on my shoe. If dissidents were the bottom of the barrel of society, then you would belong in a secret compartment underneath that, swimming in shit and garbage


Nations are concrete and objective. Read marx. Read stalin. And kill yourself westoid. You can easily spot who's a closet anarchist or if someone used to be an anarchist in the past based on their aversion to nationalism - something on an equal level of importance as class.


If that were true we wouldn't be having this conversation right now retard, lmao. Just because nations developed along historical and material influence doesn't make them anymore "objective" than money or your collection of lolicon. This is delusional cope from desperate faggots.


If nations weren't important, no one would care about Ukraine being annexed.

Russia haven't changed much since the Tsarists area. Aristocrats, communists and now autocrats keep driving the same train on the same roads.
I don't see you condemning the murder of political opponents and the decriminalization of homosexuals in the USSR, tankie.


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>If nations weren't important, no one would care about Ukraine being annexed.

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