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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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This past year's "beef" between Kendrick Lamar and Drake was nothing more than a contrived plot in order to distract the masses from the genocide in Gaza. Both rappers are signed to labels which are under the umbrella of UMG which is owned by ultra-Zionist Lucian Grainge. Every stream from Kendrick's music is being used to fund Zionist genocide of Palestinians. But this goes far deeper and I'm entirely convinced Kendrick Lamar is being covertly funded and propped up by the CIA.
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Literally who?


when you take pride in how out-of-touch you are

how's the CPUSA?


There was a rap beef, Kendrick Lamar vs Drake (also others vs Drake, but mainly Kendrick). It was a sensation and most people would say Kendrick won, but it turns out UMG is owned by a Zionist and stuff.


Sorry I don't pay attention to gangster rap, the genre invented to divide and rule poor black neighborhoods.


<insane conspiracy theory about two celebrities being used to distract people
<ugh you're so out of touch

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From AJ yesterday:
The first cross-border strike inside Afghanistan since March came after a spate of attacks by the Pakistan Taliban.
Islamabad, Pakistan – The Pakistani military conducted air raids in neighbouring Afghanistan late on Tuesday night, targeting hideouts of the Pakistan Taliban, known by the acronym TTP, armed group in Paktika province, according to security officials.

While no official statement was issued by Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs or military media wing, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), sources confirmed to Al Jazeera that the attacks took place in the Barmal district of Afghanistan, near Pakistan’s South Waziristan tribal district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The interim Afghan government, ruled by the Taliban, also confirmed the attacks but insisted that civilians had been targeted. The Taliban spokesperson’s office told Al Jazeera that at least 46 people, including women and children, were among those killed in air raids.

“The Pakistani side should understand that such arbitrary measures are not a solution to any problem,” Enayatullah Khowarazami, spokesperson for Afghanistan’s Defence Ministry, wrote on social media platform X. “The Islamic Emirate will not leave this cowardly act unanswered and considers the defense of its territory an inalienable right,” he added, referring to Afghanistan by the name given by the Taliban government.

The air raids, which were conducted for the second time this year, came just hours after Pakistan’s special representative for Afghanistan, Mohammad Sadi, met interim Afghan Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi in Kabul.

“Met Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi today. Held wide-ranging discussions. Agreed to work together to further strengthen bilateral cooperation and promote peace and progress in the region,” Sadiq posted on X.

Read more:
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There's a Pakistan Taliban?


>What's gonna happen, guys?
Dunno, but it looks like more countries getting drawn into the regional clusterfuck.

If I'm not mistaken Pakistan has illegitimately imprisoned a very popular socdem politician (Khan something or other), and that is becoming politically untenable with masses of people protesting for his release. Maybe they are trying to stir a conflict to distract from that.


Merry Christmas to all retards on leftychan. net and Merry Chistmas to every retard on this planet
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Merry Christmas to Retard Occupants of Interplanetary Craft


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KKKrackanap the Sandy KKKlaws!


"Happy new year!" is written there though.


Yeah, but Russian traditions on New Year's Eve and western Christmas traditions are very similar (Christmas tree and presents), so I didn't see it as a big contradiction when I posted it.


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Do they go

>I have to carefully construct what say to get the proles to do what I want and tolerate what I am doing

Or do they go

>I am so fucking god-like, I will use ruling-class language with my people and they will do my bidding.

Basically what I'm asking is do they have ideology of their own that they are unconsciously committed to, or are they blatantly just lying when they talk about things like creating jobs?
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Why did musk buy twitter? Because the smart people he has employed advised him to do so.


>Basically what I'm asking is do they have ideology of their own that they are unconsciously committed to, or are they blatantly just lying when they talk about things like creating jobs?

As a class they have class consciousness and powerful organizational structures in place to maintain their power. As individuals they are often retarded and out of touch even with the scope of their own power. Some of them really do believe they're job creators and not job gatekeepers. Some of them really do believe they should earn a billion dollars per second for "taking the risk" of owning the legal titles to stuff that other people manage and labor upon for them.


I'm increasingly believing that this is the case. That they act in their class interests because of their material conditions, but on an individual level they're not smart enough to really see themselves for what they are: instead they genuinely believe that they're the good guys and deserve their position.


>how red pilled are the rich
only instrumentalists believe in ruling ideology/systems. The reality is that they live in tiny bubbles being flung around by the iron laws of capitalism. some are smart some are insanely stupid. The vast majority tho, are extremely incompetent given the fact they have no command over capitalism.


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What's the point of this site? Why don't you post on leftypol.org which is the real leftypol?
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This is a partially correct analysis.

However you ought not conceptualize the state as a unitary thing. There are lots of different parts to a state. The same thing applies to the law.

Modern states are suppressing clan-society bullshit like honor-killings and blood-feuds. That's a good thing.
But modern states are also getting infiltrated by mafia organizations that are trying to legitimize their thuggery and make the police do what used to be done by goon-squats.

Think about copyright and patents in the context of the health-care industry. It's basically an ideological veneer for big and powerful mafia organizations declaring healing with medicines as their turf and taking a cut. But unlike street-mafias they're not fighting these turf wars with gang-violence, they are manipulating the state apparatus to do it with state violence.

The street-mafias also manipulate the state, usually via bribery and blackmail directed against low level functionaries of the state. So even in the embryonic stages the pattern already exists in some forms. Many small time mafiosi have aspirations to "go legit" and that can mean conforming their mafia-activities to what is considered "reputable business practices". However quite often they don't mean to change what they do, they mean to change the state and the law. They seek to conform the conception of legitimacy not their activities. When they succeed you get these absurd situations where what used to be a crime is redefined into enforcement.

When for example a street-gang raids and destroys the make-shift laboratory for biologically active substances of a rival gang, we call that gang-wars and talk about crime-syndicates. But when the exact same turf-struggle happens on a larger scale all the words change. It will get described as pharmaceutical company suing one another one for patent infringement and it's law enforcement shutting down the production of infringerínos or what ever the "correct" jargon is.

Obviously many people are harmed and killed because of what those gangs do and that's why it's considered organized crime. But the body count of the corporate sector dwarfs that, but somehow they're not considered organized crime. The difference is a mafia that got big enough to manipulate the state and the law.
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posted this in the wrong thread
mods please delete post


You can delete your own post (usually)


Over time, the likehood of an independent online community being taken over by malignant autistics approaches 100%.

I assume that is what happened on .org. I also wouldn't be surprised if it was a schism and the better mods moved here.


It wasn't like that before the wave of toxic identitarianism.

The identitarian subject processes all information with a specific filter that asks:
<Against me or with me ?

It's probably possible to cultivate a culture of maintaining some intellectual distance.

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The US federal government and health insurers aren't the main ones charging most citizens extortionate prices for basic life necessities, including healthcare and housing.

Those charging such are simply… those who charge such: specifically banks, pharma companies, average land/homeowners, doctors etc

When you get a bill for a $400 doctor visit where no tests or equipment was used, that's not insurance's fault, that's the doctors fault for charging you $400 for 15 minutes.

That's a near universal practice, and every point of sale actor tries to point the finger at another as the source of extortionate prices. But no one is forcing them to buy expensive malpractice insurance, lavish offices, inflated tech service contracts, unnecessary equipment purchase, and their own lavish lifestyles.

The issue is, any of them could simply… not charge extortionate prices.

Private health insurance is a joke, but they aren't the root issue. The root issue are the doctors, landowners, homeowners, pharmaceutical companies, and other point of sale groups and individuals charging extortionate prices.

I'm not saying this to point to individuals as the issue, but rather the class those who provide or own expensive life necessities. There's a reason early unions mostly disallowed doctors from joining.

Also, on a tangent, most pushing for "universal health insurance" aren't really pushing for insurance, but a free, or near free private health care, paid by the government. Private insurance usually means you pay out the ass in the case of an unlikely event, it's was never meant to be a safety net for routine care.


>Also, on a tangent, most pushing for "universal health insurance" aren't really pushing for insurance, but a free, or near free private health care, paid by the government.
This isn't really accurate - the difference between what the US has now and Medicare-for-All is that the current model is largely a private insurance scheme and the proposed changes involve expanding the one major public insurance sector to cover everyone.

>Private health insurance is a joke, but they aren't the root issue. The root issue are the doctors, landowners, homeowners, pharmaceutical companies, and other point of sale groups and individuals charging extortionate prices.

The difference between the doctors and the insurers is that the doctors do, at least, provide a material service. It's true that the pharma cartels need thwacking, but the insurance cartels are much more difficult to redeem in popular consciousness than doctors because the insurance cartels are as extortionate but largely only serve as middlemen.


Another difference between doctors and insurance is that doctors are the ones charging the extortionate prices for their care because they set their prices

you didn't get my other point, insurance means paying out the ass to cover an unlikely or rare event. the "insurance for all" proposals, aren't really insurance because they propose more or less free care due to the size and frequency of the subsidies


>The issue is, any of them could simply… not charge extortionate prices.
As owners they have the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT of charging you whatever they want and if you don't like it you can go to a competitor g-d bless.

Or so that's the logic that free market zealots use. The reality is that this tendency will create friction (at best) with a big number people until something gives. But I think everybody here knows that.


Doc: ok Bobby your surgery is over, it took about an hour, are you feeling ok?

Bobby: yes.

Doc: That'll be $300,000

Bobby: And the health insurers won't pay for it! Those damn dirty bastards. I hate the insurers so much, they're practically villains.


I think OP is conflating 2 different things.

The CEOs of insurance companies are in the hot-seat because they made it a "business-model" to deny health-care. It's not reasonable to deny health-care to people. The acceptable debate-spectrum is entirely contained in how to provide health-care, not whether to provide health-care.

You're looking a bit like you're trying to deflect attention to get CEOs out of the hotseat.

I don't know enough about health-care to speak intelligently about cost efficiency. But from the point of view of a layperson it seems that this discussion starts with funding for medical research, there seems to be a funding bias towards perpetual treatments rather than one time cures.

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 No.486037[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Police search for gunman after Brian Thompson, 50, killed in Manhattan in ‘brazen targeted attack’

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They're not upset at the CEO dying they're just pointing out that isolated violence like this won't lead to real revolutionary action.


I get it, but you can say that about anything until something happens. People are at least finally feeling that there are others out there that feel the same way as them about their current conditions. And that's a huge leap forward.

You see propaganda aims to make people feel isolated and powerless and is incredibly successful at it. They will manipulate comments on the internet to create a fake consensus and silence any dissent.

The cheers for this guys death have been heard.


Judge presiding over Luigi Mangione case is married to former health care executive.

Damn, it's like they're trying to piss off their citizens.


it's not going to lead anything.

A narcissistic valedictorian bougie has only inspired some middle-class woman to do some stupid death threat over the phone to a random United call worker, got thrown in jail for terrorism, and then cried and said she never really meant it

that was all that happened


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>One of the most significant pieces of evidence is the testimony of Otto Ernst Remer. In a 1997 interview, Remer admitted that he had received Soviet backing during his time in the party. Remer stated that he had met with KGB officials in East Berlin and had received financial and logistical support from the Soviet Union.[13] In addition to Remer's testimony, there are other sources of evidence that support the claim that the Soviet Union supported the SRP. For example, a 1953 KGB memo outlines the agency's efforts to cultivate and support right-wing extremist groups in Germany, including the SRP.

What the hell guys, I thought the USSR was heckin anti-fascist???? What gives???
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Trotsky keeps getting vindicated


Was Trotsky vindicated when he wanted to retain a rump Russian state with him as leader by giving concessions to Nazi Germany?


Did OP forget all of the ideologies Mussolini was inspired by?


anarchism? Syndicalism? Which other brands of liberalism


My brother, St*lin literally made a pact with H*tler and lead a bureaucratic counter revolution.

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 No.480629[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I have been banned from leftypol.org for saying, that you can be a leftist and also oppose trans-ideology. This is not a fringe position, since Sahra Wagenknecht openly voiced her opposition against trans-ideology in the german parliament live on TV. And yes, she calls it that way.
I'm interested, how this site here will react to left-conservative opinions.
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Just a reminder that you're a fucking retard.


>At least I don't cherry pick
You kinda do. You're fixated on this one media story while you ignore the rest of reality that contradicts your argument.

>disingenious to say, or, imply, you have to have a political lobbyu in public view to influence the motives of a government and it's people.

It's kinda unavoidable, any significant influence is going to get noticed.

>spent millions of dollars on media

You are in effect arguing that funding media is election interference. If you applied that as a principle, it likely would have very dramatic consequences. I wonder how the media landscape looked like if media could only get money from small donations from it's audience. Tbh i haven't investigated, so i can't really speak to this.

Regardless, if you are making the accusation that the political processes were interfered with, you kinda have to show what the alleged interference has done ? If this doesn't do anything, why care about this ? unless it's just a pretext for a political which-hunt.

Looking at the effects of the machinations of the Zionist lobby, very dramatic violations of democratic rights have occurred. There's an example for you.


>Of course I'm incredulous. Why would anyone with a skeptical bone in their body or any sort of critical thinking skills be anything but incredulous after eight years of endless lies and manufactured controversies about the Russian boogeyman?
Yeah they cried Russia-gate so many times. And they've made false accusations against anti-war people, almost equating opposing the drive to war with treason. That was the point where i checked out and filed the hole thing under warmongering.


>If you cannot take the time out of your day to read factual information
The mainstream media are sales people who try to sell wars, factual information is incidental.
They invented weapons of mass destruction and infanticide to sell a war in Iraq, they invented chemical attacks in Syria, and at some point they even claimed China was murdering between 1 and 2 million people in extermination camps.

If they say stuff that sounds like another sales-pitch for war, it's not unreasonable to just dismiss it.


>You faggots are literally just Russian spies lmfao
They said that about everybody who predicted that a Nato-Russia proxy war would back-fire.

kek we have a new unit of measurement
0.1 Rogan

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Why is no one talking about HR.4359? The "Crucial communism teaching act" Which is basically a bill that is being pushed to force anti communist teachings in public schools? This is such a disgusting fucking joke. Are we are to witness another red scare in this country?
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Not OP but they've switched to state mandated anti-communist propaganda, which is explicit. At least that's how I interpret it.

Let's hope it works out worse than D.A.R.E and the war on drugs.


While this is surely an escalation, we have to realize that teaching can only ever go so far in informing people. The problem is that schools are a dependent institution funded by the government. And the moment you start giving students ideas that the system might not be the best possible system we can come up with is when you run into vested interests prepared to pull your funding. In Marxist terms they are a "subsumed class process". Leftists honestly need to do a better job communicating the class character of schools.


You can't actually use ideology to trick people that way. People who live in a broken system, know it, propaganda can't out-compete lived reality.

The goal of this shit, is to get everybody to pretend the system works.



Schooling has always been anti-worldly. Teachers have always pathologised students who express non-liberal opinions, use new tech, or adopt new slang.
Or homemade academic methods of solving math problems.
Teachers like to talk about how they love teaching and want students to learn critical thinking but they get offended when kids do t conform to the presumed role of wide eyed innocence.


>Are we are to witness another red scare in this country?
We're heading rapidly into an era of outright dictatorship in the US. It's the long-term result/goal of the neoliberal project: remove functions of state from any semblance of democratic control through privatization and deregulation, and then use those privatized functions to do things which the government would come under fire for if it did directly, all while increasing control over national wealth and increasing capture over the political state itself.
It doesn't matter that the US really has no major united socialist movement to speak of. America's rentier capitalist elites know that a crisis is coming and are acting preemptively to protect their control over wealth and power. Meanwhile, workers are not acting and organizing quickly enough.

This year, we are going to see the next major recession… it will most likely begin within the next 6 months. This will be before or after the start of WWIII with a major war on Iran. Trump might be a dotard, but he is still intended as the "bad cop" of the American oligarchic state, although it's possible that he dies and they replace him with Thiel's Vance. What we're looking at is so much worse than most people comprehend, and they've been working on this shit since the '80s, and working even harder since the '00s. This insane red scare shit is the tip of the fucking iceberg.

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