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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Has propaganda changed in the last decade? The sheer audacity of the mass media over the past few years on any subject of American imperialism has seemed to be a never-ending rollercoaster of escalations. Every time you think they've made the most stupifying, incredulous assertion you've ever heard, a month later they've moved onto something even dumber. I thought the level of propaganda around the Syrian war was unprecedented, but then the Ukraine proxy war happened. I thought, then, that the Ukraine proxy war has never seen a more extreme demonstration of endless lies. Lies about how it started, lies about how it's going, lies about where it's headed. An endless stream of brazen lies, it's been truly shocking just how much bullshit they expect the public to swallow without question. And then the Palestinian genocide began. Now Israeli fascists will post videos on social media of themselves committing barbaric massacres that everyone in the world can view, yet the mass media still wants us to believe the fiction of them being some kind of humanistic, moral democracy.

Is there a trend here? Does it seem like there's been a real change in the audacity of the empire's propaganda machines? Were previous imperial ventures this extreme in their attempts to deceive the public? Is it just the benefit of hindsight? I really feel like previous imperial ventures didn't have this level of Orwellian spin peddled on a daily basis.


The Bush era was worse imo than Syria and Ukraine - the height of the "war on terror" was completely insane. Imo it's not until the past couple years that it's really topped that.

The thing with the Bush era was that there really seemed to be an American base for it. Like, there were really lots of people who believed it, until the Abu Ghraib stuff most people in America actually weren't seeing that much of what was being done in Iraq, a crazy amount of people fell for Bush's "they hate our freedoms" bullshit.
What's crazy is watching them try the same shit now when most of the public sees right through it. The American political and media establishment very obviously wants the public to still be in "war on terror" mode, and it's really jarring watching them use the same insane language and talking points and lies from the Bush era when the average person knows they're lying and hears this stuff and is repulsed by it.
It is definitely more brazen in my view, and people should be very worried about that. The suppression has been incredibly aggressive, and it's not going to stop. Europeans desperately need to take the reigns of their own countries so that they collapse with the US, and Americans desperately need to seize the organs of state before they are wholly destroyed. America should abolish Zionism, end all colonial endeavors, and use its natural and human wealth to build a great nation for all which will no longer invade anyone but still have nukes.


>Now Israeli fascists will post videos on social media of themselves committing barbaric massacres
Please stop disparaging the Barbarians by comparing them to the Zionists. You know the Barbarians probably were the victims of propaganda too.

>Were previous imperial ventures this extreme in their attempts to deceive the public?

No, no, no, that's not how this type of propaganda works. People understand that these propaganda claims are bullshitt, deception only works when it's very subtle propaganda, that falsifies details.

The goal of asinine lunatic propaganda claims is to peer pressure people into repeating the nonsense, and then make people feel they have to defend it because they invested their own reputation in those claims. The goal is to create a situation where everybody pretends to believe it, and shape their own actions to maintain the pretense. The goal of propaganda is to shape behavior, not believes.

Propaganda almost never is capable of defeating reason with deception, even very stupid people usually can reason well enough to see through propaganda. The goal of propaganda is psychological hacks that circumvent reasoning. Maybe revisit the children's story of the emperor with no clothes to get an idea.

>Is there a trend here? Does it seem like there's been a real change in the audacity of the empire's propaganda machines?

>Were previous imperial ventures this extreme in their attempts to deceive the public?
It's still not as bad as the historic propaganda the British colonial empire did on "the savages" or the stuff the Fascists put out during WW2 on the Soviets. I would say the current setting in propaganda is like medium insanity

>I really feel like previous imperial ventures didn't have this level of spin

The change in the material basis, compared to lets say 20 years ago, is that the imperial machine is running a deficit. It spends more on efforts of imperial domination than the returns it makes in imperial plunder. My guess would be that the imperial propaganda now has as it's main goal to distract you from realizing that and switching your behavior to cutting your losses.


I think part of it might be the higher degree of internet connectedness now, which is enabling people to very quickly confront extraordinary claims with actual reality in a way that wasn't possible in the past.

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