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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1727749494068.png ( 2.38 KB , 300x240 , images (1).png )


I think Antarctica should be annexed to Russia, China or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


Why tho?


I think the whole world should be annexed to Deez nuts


Russia because they already know how to live in cold obviously.

China and best Korea because you want workplace democracy and the liberty of privacy that's only guaranteed in a workers' state because you're living and working in Antarctica.


How hard would it be to organize workers in Antarctica? Could it be the first truly communist landmass?


There are likely valuable resources in and around Antarctica. However, controlling these territories requires complete naval dominance, a capability that only the U.S. possesses.


Antarctica is 4 white bears people
Fake jucheoid face the wall race traitor


File: 1738316548945.jpg ( 10.65 KB , 300x225 , Ant_Concordia_Station_Oliv….jpg )

i have read something about these polar-bases

basically its mostly normies while some interesting engineering


These bases in the arctic circle are dependent on cargo-plane deliveries for basically everything. They can't be organized because there's no bargaining power.

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