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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>The appeal for the commercial enterprises that are bankrolling the research into the Familiar is indeed the unprecedented penetration into consumers' habitats and unconscious minds that it offers: this kind of AI can operate as a walking, live-in, always-on 'advertisement' for their products. 'It goes far further than that,' Bryant enthuses. 'The Familiar is the ultimate product: a product that collapses commodity, market research and promotion into one another. It's a product that sells you more products.'


They have predicted so much.
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Wages for Chinese workers rose by a factor of 5x over the last generation, how is that cuckoldry ? I wish western workers had any wage-growth at all.

A little over a century ago the Chinese were completely crushed, by the Japanese Empire, the British empire and others. Famine was perpetual, 20% of the population was addicted to Opium, and it was usual for parents to sell some of their children because they couldn't feed them and average life expectancy was something like 33 years. Within the last 100 years the Chinese overthrew their own ruling class, as well as the foreign occupying empires. Their life expectancy more than doubled and in addition to that they rose from the bottom of the "global rank" to the largest industrial power whose industrial output rivals the combined industrial output of the rest of the world. By any measure they're the people that stood up, and now nobody can slap them around anymore

How is this not a success story ?

If you want to complain that Chinese lack civil liberties, i tend to agree, but given their track record of raking in the Ws, what makes you think they're not going to achieve that as well ?

>This is totally different than western capitalism and totally not exploitation.

China isn't de-industrializing, it's not dominated by neocon ghouls that want to blow the surplus of society on stupid imperialist adventures. They build lots of trains and solar panels. That is different.

Chinese workers are exploited there is no doubt about that, but the rate of exploitation has begun to go down.

>Jack Ma? Oh yes, he is a capitalist, but he is /ourguy/ trust me bro.

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Oh you misunderstand my politics. The neocons are currently painting China as the big bad scary that's supposed to serve as the next excuse for fear-mongering and war-mongering. I simply can't say negative things about China until they remove it from the big bad scary list, because i wish to avoid contributing to fear/war-mongering.


we got off topic, somehow threads about bad shit happening in the west somehow always derail into pointing fingers at China. Might be an intentional distraction tactic or something.

>I'm not that optimistic.
I guess it's going to be a bitter struggle for
<a free internet that's uncensored and surveillance-free
<technological self-determination
<personal ownership over personal technology

But it can be done, this is a winnable battle.


Reading your post reminds me of myself a few years ago. A few years ago, I would had totally agreed with your post. But not today anymore and I know exactly, there is no point to talk with you about China. In the past I was like you, I was also a total China fanatic. I know all these phrases, I've also read Xi's and Deng's texts. I've been watching CGTN and reading China Daily every day. But at some point I've realized, this all just copium. This world is a mess and believing in chinese socialism and the CPC gave me strength and hope. But in the end, its just a belief. It's a cope. Sooner or later, your belief will shatter as well. I don't even have to convince you, it's just a matter of time.


Btw I agree with you, that we should oppose fear/warmongering towards China.

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The is supreme Court this morning ruled that Trump is basically allowed to pardon himself and that his trial for the January insurrection is postponed until after the election. This will set a historical presidence for the presidency. Is this the death of anything resembling democracy in the US? It's funny to hear liberal pundents work in circles to try and proclaim the SCOTUS is not political at this point, kek.
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I can also say - this has been in the works for a long time, and certainly has been the plan since the 1990s, acted on by more than a few people in high places. There is a base ready for the next thing - the thing where they get rid of the people they've always wanted to kill. The thrill of torture must be and will be maximized. That is the way this country set for itself.


We can say what foreign influences wanted it to be this way, but the ugly reality is that this was only possible here, for this purpose. The rest of the world will do whatever, but America will be isolated and made into the end result of this social experiment, as will its closest associates. I'm seeing this set up not just in the US but UK and Israel, hence what is happening to set it in motion.

Really, I don't believe they have a "plan for the world" - they are rooted in transnational authority ultimately as empires must be, but they are probably happy to keep three superstates attacking each other. That's what "multipolarity" is code for - creating Ingsoc and that world. They don't hide that this is what they are engineering into existence, doing everything possible to make it real to drive home "this is what you are". It's ritual child abuse and they revel in it.


Maybe the judges were tired of getting dragged into political mud wrestling

>the death of anything resembling democracy in the US

no that happened when they legalized corruption, and political candidates became pre-selected by "donors"


>Maybe the judges were tired of getting dragged into political mud wrestling

That's why they took the job in the first place.


The supreme Court judges were appointed by trump himself. That's why they ruled they way they did.

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Less than 2 hours until Assanges extradition hearing

This will likely decide the fate of Julian Assange who is a journalist that was kidnapped and tortured for his democracy advocacy.

If the UK extradites Assange to his executioners in the US, the UK will declare it self a rogue state.

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For domestic US politics it is about petty revenge (and partisan bullshit when Clinton is involved), but on a geopolitical stage the Assange case is about flexing hegemonic soft power and keeping its "allies" in line.


I remain unconvinced that soft-power behaves analogous to a muscle that can be flexed. I think soft-power behaves analogous to a finite resource. It has to be build up before it can be spend. A muscle grows stronger the more it's used, a resource just diminishes the more it's used.

I think they are wasting finite soft-power resources for the sake of taking petty revenge on Assange.


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I love how everyone outside the tiny neolib/neocon bubble universally agrees that Assange is based


yes very based indeed


The same thing applies to hatred of Israel.

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>"""rules-based international order"""
>there are no rules
>it's not based

Who comes up with this shit??
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I kek'd


Read Franko.



kids named capitalists:


I think the idea is that states live in anarchy with each other. They want the opposite of this that is one state enforcing rules to other states.


>one state enforcing rules to other states.
The world's a sphere, can't be done. Even ignoring the complications of geography, sphere's will produce at least 2 major centers of power. Power projection diminishes with distance to the center and if you live on the surface on a sphere, you get 2 optimal spots for a center of power. If you add in geography you probably get between 5 to 7.

>states live in anarchy with each other

Unification by power of Dominion can't solve this, we need to find a different way.

Maybe the offices of politicians need to have globes.

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Who's next?

Sometimes a two-word OP is all you need to get the point across. Especially on an image board.
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>but it has not happened.
do you know why international unions haven't formed ?


Because China has abandoned its role as leader of the proletariat and has refused to organize the international working class.


Why do you think that creating international unions would require the help of China ?

Also the Chinese are not going to export the revolution as long as they can trade with capitalist countries. So far that strategy seems to have worked for them.


>Why do you think that creating international unions would require the help of China ?

Because the reactionary response will also be international in scope and China of all places should be a safe haven for internationalists to meet and coordinate at the very least.


A safe haven sounds nice, but the planet is very large, and traveling to china a lot might become impractical.

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Is conservative leftism the way?

>…In response, AMLO in office has combined efforts to shore up the countervailing power of Mexican workers with a blunt economic nationalism. On the labor front, he has boosted the minimum wage (without significantly raising unemployment) and promoted independent trade unionism. He has invested generously in the state oil company after years of neglect and messy marketization, resisted further privatization of the electricity industry, and stunted renewables competition—all to predictable howls of rage from Global North environmentalists, the Biden administration, the Brookings Institution, and The New York Times.

>AMLO’s resistance to Global North green-ism is a telling indicator of his leftist heterodoxy. In this as in many other arenas, he subverts the expectations Anglo-American conservatives and progressives alike have of what it means to be on the left. The differences are even more pronounced when it comes to social issues. While he has personally identified as a devout Catholic, his ruling coalition includes an evangelical junior party, and his government has extended federal funding to biblical-studies programs—a gentle tweak to the laicism that is one of the pillars of the modern Mexican state.
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Reading theory is best and only form of praxis


Reactionary leftist 🤡


trad leftism is a thing for sure

especially outside the USA

I wouldn't really be against trad leftism it if it's leaders weren't sociopaths or narcissists.

Same with liberal leftism.


A trad leftist is better than a progressive rightoid
At least Castillo started appointing gay people or something despite his tradcath attitudes


kill yourself


How much damage will Javier Milei be able to do ?
He seems to be a US vassal, and a rather unhinged nutcase.
He wants to make children a commodity that can be bought and sold, and give the police, Judge-Dredd style, on the spot judgement/punishment powers.

Will that be like in Bolivia a few years ago where crazy reactionaries got into power and began causing massive upheaval and than quickly got kicked out again.

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You actually think money is made of magic and the line going up is due to offending the gods? Look at real inflation and then imagine if you didn't have the social and capital controls available to the US, the only country that can print unlimited money and get away with it. The triple digit inflation is a consequence of that policy since it is a global rather than national policy. All of this is intended - create crisis with neoliberalism, find a figurehead who will plunder the place and promote faggotry, then find either an actually competent fascist or a socdem or someone who settles the matter and makes the advance of plunder the new line to retreat from. Repeat every generation. That's what we have been consigned to. It relies on endlessly relitigating history, pretending that we're looping to some past example, and then rewriting the examples to say that we were always at war with Eastasia and humanity was always this.

None of that resembles reality, and it's always been a dogma of the fags who only think of kicking down to take the wealth of anyone who worked or built anything.


Im from Argentina and I CAN SAY any argentine who opposes Milei is effeminate.


why though? I get it if you just want to fuck with social democrats or something.


Bump. Ben Norton is profoundly based


He's a dumb contrarian who never successfully got out of his Brooklyn Trotkyite hipster roots. He should stick to journalism (which he's good at), and leave the analysis to more careful thinkers.


The Soviets should have reduced the work-day
to 7h by 1965
to 6h by 1975
to 5h by 1985
and finally
to 4h by 1995

4 consequences:

1 The Soviet economy would have been forced to invest into labor-saving/productivity-enhancing technology like crazy to make up for the shrinking per-person labor-inputs. It would have eclipsed the west in industrial power.

2 There is no 90s dissolution/collapse because a shorter work-day means more time to politically organize and make reforms that work.

3 the soviet union would have become an attractive destination for labor, the bottom 40% of the capitalist sphere would have tried to move to the Soviet Union, because they weren't getting much in terms of capitalist luxuries anyway and as soviet citizens would have had a similar life-style with a lot more free time. Less work also means it's easier to raise children for the indigenous soviet population, and by the year 2000 the Soviet Union would have counted half a billion citizens.

4 Incidentally it would have saved social democracy in the west, because the shrinking labor-pool would have maintained the political leverage of western workers, even in the face of industrial offshoring.
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>Soviet type ML systems which are sometimes called leadership democracies
Only by rulers who want to continue the self-serving liberal tradition of inverting the meaning of democracy to mean its exact opposite. Rule of the few is not rule by the people.


If you want data about the Soviets, a good place to start is the sources in the footnotes of the book: Towards a new socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cotrell

>What is stopping the leaders from abusing their position to enrich themselves?

The Soviets understood the Soviet model as a holding pattern to wait until imperial capitalism had run it's course. Higher stage Socialism had to wait until capitalist countries became less aggressive as a result of imperialism getting frustrated.

Imperial capitalism is an economic model that requires conquering to keep going. The Soviets thought if they used their military might to undermine the conquering, imperial capitalism would go away. They were correct in a way. The Soviets completely undid the colonial empire mechanism. They however miscalculated about how long it would take for the alternative imperial mechanisms to be broken. They also made political and economic errors.

To answer your question the ML system used anti corruption purges to prevent abuse of state positions for self enrichment. It was very politically disruptive, but it did work.

You are correct Sortition democracy is the bug-fix the Soviets should have applied.


>Towards a new socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cotrell
I'll put it another way, do you have any sources that are not marxist authors cherry picking footnotes to stroke their confirmation bias? People on this board unironically think the holodomor was a hoax and gulags were summer camps there is no end to the delusions marxists have about the USSR.

>The Soviets understood the Soviet model as a holding pattern to wait until imperial capitalism had run it's course.

Why? They ruled half of the planet with an iron fist what was stopping them from achieving "higher stage socialism" within their own borders? Then the USSR would be the one tearing down the berlin wall to allow in all starving citizens of failed capitalism instead of the other way around.

>the ML system used anti corruption purges to prevent abuse of state positions for self enrichment

Who is doing the purging? By electing a leader to control the distribution of resources the people have already given up their power.


>the holodomor hoax
The holodomor narrative appears to originate in Nazi war propaganda and then later it got picked up by cold war propaganda. The default assumption is that nazis and cold warriors are liars, because most of what they said turned out to be lies. I did not investigate much, but i only found facts that support there having been a famine, not a politically motivated plot to starve people on purpose.

You appear to be complaining that we don't unquestionably accept ruling ideology narratives. That is very odd, why would we ? We're not the ruling class. Also Anti-communist biases are very common, so you have to account for the fact that the Soviet Union is being misrepresented most of the time.

Lately the holodomor narrative has been picked up again as a talking point in the propaganda battle for the Ukraine war, by the people who are arming and funding neo-nazi groups no less. That makes it look like some kind of propaganda narrative, that is lying around, and gets reused from time to time. That pattern is very suspicious, very few truths behave that way.

If you want to accuse the Soviets of intentionally starving people, the burden is on you to make the case for it. There is no expectation that we have to believe your story at face value. You haven't made a case for this assertion at all, you only have accused us of not sharing your opinion.


>People on this board unironically think the holodomor was a hoax
AKA People Who Read.

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didn't let me post the archive link see pic
<Until recently, tech workers have bristled at applying the fast and nimble start-up ethos to fashion deadly weapons. When Google signed a Pentagon contract to develop AI to target drone strikes, thousands petitioned its CEO in 2018 to cancel it.
<Amid layoffs in tech, the latter has grown appealing. In a Morning Consult survey of 441 tech workers last March, 34 percent they are more likely than they were a year ago to apply their skills to military projects and 48 percent support their employer considering defense contracts involving battlefield technologies.
<“This deep sense of uncertainty about the future that young people have can be molded,” Dey Meyer said.
So the tech-layoffs was to cajole techies into the defense industry.

<Some reject the previous tech era, in particular the protests against Project Maven, Google’s work to target Pentagon drones. This worker dissent ultimately benefited America’s adversaries, former Google researcher Guillaume Verdon said in a recent podcast interview with Joe Lonsdale, a Palantir co-founder and tech investor.

<“What I saw with my own eyes was cultural subversion within Big Tech,” Verdon said.
IMHO This is why it qualifies as fascistic. There are people who simply do not want to build weapons, they are not being subversive, they simply want to build not destroy.


>didn't let me post the archive link see pic
Eh? Do we have a new broken spam filter? Bezo's shitrag should be in the filter, not archive links.


They hit the shortener filter due to the alphanum id. I'll raise it with zer0 as the filter is only intended to block link shorteners, not archive sites


Yeah there was a regex for detecting url shorteners that wasn't working right, at least for this case it should be fine now.



nicely done


It gets worse every day.

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There is clearly a crisis. The war in Ukraine has shown how industrial production in the Euro-Atlantic bloc is in a state of collapse, and emerging economies are demanding the re-division of the world. The nature of the contemporary crisis is imperialist, because it is about the re-division of the world. The growing tensions in the Middle East to secure the oil-rich maritime area of Gaza after the failure in Ukraine show that the capitalist powers are ready to extend this crisis to the world. The moment the crisis enters Taiwan openly, it will be obvious to everyone that this is a world war.
But in the face of the growing crisis of capitalism, the Euro-Atlantic proletariat seems to be relatively calm. There are no mass revolutionary organisations, revolutionary organisations capable of building the foundations for the dictatorship of the proletariat; the workers' organisations are dominated by religious or patriotic groups. They are usually in alliance with a bourgeois party and so on. They are the police organisations of the bourgeois state. Other organisations are NGOs dominated by liberals. These two are the hidden arm of the ideological discourse that is being fed to the agitated masses. The presence of bourgeois political parties in workers' and other organisations means the domination and spread of (petty)bourgeois habits of thought in their mass base.

The revolutionaries are separated or part of a sect and feel safe in their bubble. This is a symptom of the intellectual who calls himself a revolutionary. In times of peace and debate, when the concrete task is propaganda and education, the intellectual is more than welcome if he adapts himself to the needs of his pupils and does not impose knowledge by repetition. But when the movement takes a turn in the other direction, from the peaceful to the preparation for open struggle, the intellectual is afraid of this change. They prefer to stick to their dying sects, carry out symbolic revolutionary actions for other like-minded intellectuals and call it a day for the time being. They refuse to cooperate consistently with the emerging movement.

A clear example of the lack of consistency is this moment. The protests against Israel on behalf of the Palestinians have mobilised many progressive people into the ranks of the anti-war front and given new impetus to anti-imperialism. The sheer relative size of the movement compared to the small number of self-proclaimed revolutionary organisaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Yeah seeing all the fucking yellow and blue flags in my city was infuriating and depressing to see how many people will side with nazism just because they were told to.
Yeah wonder how that happened. Maybe people didn't pay attention to what was happening in Ukraine between 2014 and 2022. Tho there was news coverage about it, I only ever saw people talk about it on places like lefty-pol. Maybe nobody gave a shit about Ukraine.

>With the whole anti-zionism thing, I'm not even sure that people learned their lesson even after seeing how the media had to flip-flop from being 100% pro-israel to backpedling and offering a modicum of criticism of the genocide.

I think the propaganda contradiction was too stark. Between stirring the blood-thirst in Israel, while at the same time trying to appear sane and normal in the west.


>in the interest of having at least some way for leftists to find each other, maybe we can have some kind of website to help facilitate that
Never talk about actual political organizing on the internet, unless it's abstract theory or general strategies. Don't talk about anything too personal, like where you live and so on.

>I don't have any groups worth participating in

So start one.


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>Never talk about actual political organizing on the internet

What about this idea?


You can talk about it mom the Internet. Just don't use glow sites like Facebook and reddit. Ffs. Encryption is important, etc etc


>What about this idea?
i have think about this

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