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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.466060[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The more older I become the more I understand just how strong is my urge to murder other communists.

Almost every one of them is some kind of a sperg, an idealist, a dogmoid automaton, a lib, a nationalist, a culture warrior, a grifter, a socialite, I could go on and on.
I can't fucking stand you. Every time I talk to one I imagine him choking on his blood, and this image gives me a relief.

First thing that triggers me immensely is the obsession with philosophy. Every time some idealist sperg mentions dialectics to me it takes me titanic effort to not pick up a chair and bash their head into the nearest wall with it.
Seriously, it got so bad that I sometimes daydream about choking Engels and Hegel with a stupid smile on my face.
I'm now convinced that there can not be such thing as a proletarian philosophy. Philosophy is a mind poison of the ruling classes, always has been, and it poisoned the minds of the leaders of the workers movement due to them all being intellectuals. All according to Marxism lol.
This obsession is so widespread that I sometimes wonder if I am the only one who came to Marxism through the study of history and not through some philosophic elitist drivel. It tells

The second thing is idealism (being an insufferable sperg is closely related). It seems like you just can't expect communists to be pragmatic in this day and age. It's like they are stuck between the Scylla of maximalism and the Charybdis of defeatism. It's either "If I can't dance, it's not my revolution!" or "capitalism is actually socialism because they say so". It seems like communists don't have the patience or the mental capacity to just keep fucking grinding to their aims, slowly and methodically, using everyone and everything they can, and patiently waiting for their moment. No, they just NEED to sperg out and express their very important opinion (that 10 out of 10 times is some banal idealism or empty populist platitudes) on every little matter!
At moments like this it usually takes me two to three cigarettes to calm down.

And as we touched on it already, lets discuss the third thing - cheap populism. It is so widespread that I got in more fights over populist rhetoric than over any other thing. It seems like every communist takes his audience for fucking 10-year old kids who can be manipulated by simple tricks. Hey, you know that I can SEE what you are doing? You know we're all adults here? Hey, look me in the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Eugene is a weaponized general AI. We are being targeted by the Big Three. It's over.


Fear Eugene.
There is no Big Three. Only AM.


Who or what is Eugene or AM?

AM as in "ante meridiem"?




<false dichotomy of left right bourgeois politics, to divide and conquer the proles
why ?

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Latin America
<Argentine strike wave continues

>In recent weeks, Argentine unions have called strikes by teachers, aeronautical workers, railway workers and others to put forward salary demands due to high inflation and economic policies promoted by President Javier Milei.

< River-boat operators and crews in Buenos Aires Province struck following a legally mandated cooling-off period. The struggle is over wages. They may be joined by river workers in Santa Fe province, which borders Buenos Aires, along the Parana River, whose cooling-off period expires on March 15. Ships that are still sailing will dock at their destination, download their cargo, with the strikers remaining on board during the duration of the work-stoppage.

< On March 7 transit workers in metropolitan Buenos Aires carried out their second strike this month. The strike is over unpaid wages and wage increases. The trade unions that represent transit workers defined the underlying wage issue as the protection of workers’ buying power.

<Women protest against gig work in Quito, Ecuador

>Thousands of women marched in Quito on March 8 (International Women’s Day). The demonstrators denounced the rise of contingent employment, due to the economic policies of current president Daniel Noboa. The demonstrators also carried signs condemning the ongoing Gaza genocide.

>The demonstrators rallied in Quito’s historic San Francisco Square. At the rally, women read manifestos denouncing Noboa’s policies, the war and conditions of increasing misery and poverty.

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Why do you think they want to allow anyone to live? There is no "natural" cause for this. It's pure rent extraction because they want to price working class people out of the city. Out of society. Out of existence.

Every time this is naturalized and excused as something other than what it is, the enclosure continues and people are nullified before they could even begin to act in their own defense. Paralysis of resistance is inherent to the entire German ideology.


Also funny that strikes of service workers that work with poor people are being elevated - strikes to punish the poor basically, not that legal services for poor people exist in this cursed world and it's all a joke. But, it's telling that they're cutting away the last pretenses that the institutions have anything to do with "helping" anyone. We really are on our own, lined up. That was always the plan.

I just go on expecting the worst. I said when COVID started the key choice will be when the workers will be told to sacrifice the losers and glorify it, and that this "choice" would be made for them. Only way this could end. The good news is that most of the people are not so enthusiastic and make their displeasure clear with all of this. It's too late for the losers. We were selected to die a long time ago, and if we live, it will only be the most perilous existence. This will be much worse when Nazification mandates such civic participation. It always does that.

I will tell everyone while I can - do not believe decency ever appeals to those who glorify indecency in all of its forms. That's the worst thing you can do. Showing the utmost contempt for such glorification of indecency, calling them the fags they are, puts them on edge. They threaten and insist that you must uphold decencies while they mandate more and more indecency. It is simple enough to show them the true hatred, instead of the slimy snark and faggotry of their failed race.


>a massive amount of it is just land speculation driving prices up across the board because literally everyone and every industry uses land & buildings & natural resources.
You are right that land is a natural monopoly, especially for real-estate in cities and agricultural land. Large hedge-funds have been able to abuse that in many regards.

However nothing is/can stop people from building floating houses and grow cities or towns into the ocean. It might take a while until all the engineering aspects are worked out and the most effective technological pathways are found. That famous city in Italy with building on stilts that was just an early attempt.

Storm-proof stable(non-sway) floating foundations are already done and cost efficient.

Sewage is currently stored in tanks, and then periodically pumped off by a sewage-barge. That could use some improvements. Sewage could be decontaminated, purified, dehydrated, then mixed with cheap sand to create soil for floating agriculture barges. People would get payed for their sh…bodily-contributions while also foiling the ploys of agro-land speculators, one dump at a time.

Electrical supply is wave-power, solar and wind. There is grid-power based on underwater cables derived from houseboat-supplies, but it's too expensive to scale up. However, 70% energy efficient, focused microwave power links exist. It's good enough for supplemental grid-energy used in conjunction with renewables. Nicola Tesla dreamed about creating wireless energy towers, and now something vaguely similar might actually become viable. And it's very cheap, a microwave link rectenna is basically just a wire mesh. Installing that is cheaper than a satellite dish.

The micro-wave-link Power-Towers could have small modular nuclear reactors, they would dump their waste-heat into the surrounding ocean water, by passive radiators. The floating buildings could use heat-pumps to collect that heat to make hot-water supply and building heat, from the same ocean water. Basically remote-heat without any pipes.

People would move around on city-barges instead of city-buses/trams. It's slow but very energy efficient, cheap, quiet and pleasant to look at or ride in.
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>small modular nuclear reactors
A scam if there ever was one. Nuclear power should be big and industrial to maximize efficiency. Not small and numerous to maximize risk.


You're not wrong, a 300 megawatt SMR is about 5% less efficient than a 10 gigawatt whopper. But SMRs are already developed, so we might as well use em. And they do have very small exclusion zones, which makes them particularly easy to slot into a city design. The risks on both design strategies is very low.

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What is the scientific explanation for why different races of human are not different subspecies. I would like an actual answer rather than ban I am not trolling.
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Will also say - white people vastly overestimate their "smarts", believe in the stupidest symbols and virtue signaling because they've been trained to become fags of the lowest sort. The people who bray the most about who the smart/stupid races are are visibly stupid degenerates justifying their perversion. Usually the legit racists remain quiet and let the enablers shit up the world for them - and the enablers are trained like dogs to obey, which says something about what the white race became. Us Yakubians did it to ourselves I'm afraid.


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that term was depreciated
-the scientific community was too embarrassed about 18 and 19 century "race-science". They were frauds, measuring the size of people's skulls to make it look sciency and then just made shit up.
-We also discovered genetics, it turns out a lot of old-timy race-classification were completely wrong, Dog-races for pets are mostly just brand-names. For proper science based on genetic stuff the word sub-species is used, to avoid confusion.

It's all very un-intuitive
We have over 10000 different ant-sub-species. Many of whom only have slightly different antlers/antennas.
Sometimes there are animals that look very different but their genetics make them the same species, while other animals that look very similar have genetics that make them separate species.

<What is the scientific explanation for why there are no human subspecies

There used to be lots of human subspecies like for example Neanderthals and Denisovans. But they all died out. We don't really know why. There's just one type of human now, basically us. There is lots of speculations about why human subspecies were extinct, but they tend to be light on scientific evidence, often leaning into the genre of pre-historic-fiction.


so its phenotype vs genotype?


I can sort of understand why you'd think this, but no, not really.

Most of the ways of categorizing organisms that predate high fidelity scientific measurement instruments don't really work, it doesn't map 1:1 onto any of the more recent scientific knowledge. Many are hellbent on doing that anyway and are attempting to shoe-horn genetic data into racial categories that originated in the 17 century for example. To the great chagrin of geneticists, i might add. Which understandably do not want to have biases injected into their work.

I will say that the genetic rout probably isn't the last page in this book. My hunch is that organisms might be described as a self replicating pattern that adapts and changes over time. As well as connecting to other parts of a biome through matter, energy and information exchange.


Gee… like, I don't know, an assembly of objects working in concert. What do we call those objects? "Organs"? Heavens no, that is against The Science. Organisms can't have organs, don't be silly!

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 No.304257[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is the thread for good news.

People have a tendency to focus on what is going wrong and miss out on what is going well.
I'm also suspecting that there is a doomer astroturf going on.

To counteract this a little i want to ask you to post uplifting news.
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These guys think hitting thirty is old age.


Lets go surfin now
Everyones learnin how
Come on a surfin safari with meee……


I think it is pretty comforting that most socialists thought that the young USSR would be doomed if Germany would not follow up (They had the largest socdem, socialist and communist party around that time with the SPD). But USSR won their civil war, developed so rapidly, defend against Nazi Germany and be the second superpower within 30 years and constant besieging. Nowadays they would have it even easier with modern computers and internet to make a fairly sophisticated actual planned economy.


tankies should focus on defending things more. "talks" are manipulative and have always been like that.


>Nowadays they would have it even easier with modern computers and internet to make a fairly sophisticated actual planned economy.
Yeah if the imperial moron-gang sets off WW3, the silver lining will be the unraveling of the global order to the point where another USSR2.0 can rise. And this time around it won't be held back by technological barriers. If capitalism survives that at all, it'll never be able to go beyond social democracy with lots of well-fare, good public services and strong labor protections.

>tankies should focus on defending things more.
Probably yes, a lot of contemporary anti-communism tries to justify it self on the basis of lies about the history of socialism in the 20th century.

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>all wars are bankers wars
And other such myopic oversimplifications about the world. Views are frequently paired with goldbuggery and delusions about cryptotokens.

I think we can all agree that finance capitalists are scum. Even feudal lords and slave masters had regular power struggles with finance capitalists trying to control society through usury. The problem is some right wingers think they're the only problematic capitalist and have difficulty broadening their scope to a more systemic social critique. How we we get these dumbos to see the bigger picture?
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Do you think you're anything other than a fag? Go away. You have no insight and no one is intimidated by the snark any more. That worked during Obama, but the masses have adapted. Resistance is futile.


think about it this way, if money flows through all of society it can command labor-power and collect surplus value. In a slave society the slave masters command labor power and collect surplus value.

>And slaves actually were bred,
No, slave-societies never managed to breed slaves, they had to keep catching new ones. One of the reasons why feudal societies could beat slave societies was because peasants reproduced. Slave population have extremely low fertility, nowhere near population replacement levels.
>down to fucking science. Like cattle.
Also No. Cattle are the result of breeding via artificial selection. That only works on a few rare species like cows, dogs, pigs, sheep, horses, etc. Most species can't be bred, including humans. Humans like most species lack the biological features that make that possible. Humans also have a very long reproduction cycle, so even if it was biologically possible, it would take too long.

It's probably possible to breed Elephants from a biological standpoint (there is some debate about it, still) but elephant reproduction cycles are also very long, and that's why elephant breeding isn't really a thing. Nobody wants to invest and wait a thousand years for the returns.


People, including myself, have tried to explain these things to this retard for weeks, even months, on end and he never listens. At worst he will log off and rage quit for a while then come back. At best he will just ignore everything you say and just keep repeating to same stupid debunked talking points over and over again. He just wants the attention.


No, the difference is how the labour-power of the slave was treated in comparision to a proletarian. The slave is entirely tied to their labour-power, selling the slave is selling their labour-power once and for all to be used by the buyer. The proletarian has to sell his labour piece by piece on the market on which he entirely depends upon to sell labour-power as a commoditty (something exchanged only because it has no use-value and the receiever has some use-value out of it).

The slave is not tied to the irrational market, the proletarian is. The slave's existence as lifetime labour-power is guaranteed by his buyer. The proletarian existence has none of this security even when selling of labour-power


When farm laborers were kicked off their land and entered the cities, it was understood to all that their condition was effectively slavery. They had no legal rights, no legal standing, nothing at all that the bourgeois city had to respect or regard. The only distinction is that there wasn't formally a deed saying this person is property in total of another person - but what is an employment contract and the worksheet every worker was obligated to show to receive pay? What is their condition if they are obligated by contract to police their entire life on and off the clock to conform to the dictates of the city and their boss? In an economic and moral sense, the proletarian was considered devoid of any more rights than a slave, and would be treated accordingly. You might convince proletarians to spit on slaves or nigras, or sell them some ideology, but no one is confused about the nature of their relation to society, and what their lives have been. Usually the behavior of slaves is that they don't want this situation to be worse, because existential wank is not a condition laborers in general care for. That's always been an aristocratic vice - and it is an aristocratic vice rather than a bourgeois vice or the vice of producers or technocrats. The typical middle class bourgeois man is not a frilly pissant, but someone thinking how he can make a buck, swap his wife at the parties, and play the part of the game he is allowed to play. Usually the bourgeois man is practical rather than given over directly to fetishism by some blind and unknowable impulse. The reasons why middle class people buy into fads are not difficult to discern if you are allowed to make comparisons with reality, and disregard the mythology regarding social class and what this really is. No middle class person, bourgeois person, is unaware of his own situation and relations to others of his kind at a basic level. It would be impossible for him not to be, and the bourgeois man is more acutely aware of this than any other class, precisely because the bourgeois life is a precarious one by the standards of history. We didn't always have a stable population of city-dwellers with this particular concept of civic participation, where they adopted a very alien manner of speaking compared to what humans had been doing for centuries in the same sort of social position.

Also, slaves aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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<established cybernetic socialism
<Athenian/sortition/appointment-by-lot democracy
<economy runs on socialist cybernetic planning with labor vouchers and free labor association (what free market ideologues promised, but not delivered)
<socialist country is militarily secure, the population is heavily armed and people's militias are well organized. The professional military established deterrence with heavy long range weapons.

Lets discuss internal security
I propose we dissolve the traditional separation between foreign and domestic spy-agencies.
<Domestic spy agencies are defense.
<Foreign spy agencies are offense.

Most of the countries around the world have imposed population mass surveillance regimes. That means that all their spies have now been unmasked. Either their spies get caught in their own surveillance drag nets, or they stand out as the part of the few that weren't. The premise is that governments will always be able to penetrate each others organizations. The most efficient way of finding foreign spies is now achieved by breaching the other sides mass surveillance system.

If the socialist country turns off it's mass surveillance system (that it probably inherited from the previous bourgeois dictatorship). The socialist spy agencies become more invisible and much more effective than their counterparts.

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Your premise is way too far in the future to be anything other than fantasy. If we get to the point where your assumptions are true, life would be unrecognizably different and I don't know what kind of attacks we would face.

But I think America's strategies in regime change are under-studied by leftists. How come their tactics haven't been co-opted by the left yet? Off the top of my head, let's look at some broad things that the CIA does to overthrow a government:

> Fund right wing extremist groups or religious extremists

< Do lefty groups lack funding? Is that the problem? Common some of you anons are in IRL orgs, what do they materially need to be successful?

> Color revolutions (you mentioned) and protests

I'm thinking of the hong kong protests, but those didn't overthrow anything. Perhaps we should study how places like Iran had their democratically elected government overthrown by the CIA / british feds in the 50's. There's a documentary about that called Coup 53 that I haven't watched yet (picrel).
< leftists should by now know how to protest but maybe they've forgotten

So what does the CIA do that leftists can't? If it's a lack of resources, which ones? I think we need an objective list.

Also for those that are more well-read than me, what other tactics have been employed? Can they be co-opted?

So yeah let's bring this discussion down to earth a bit and think about what we can use that's already been tried and tested by the ruling class. It's been occurring more and more to me that the point of "seize the means of production" shouldn't be to destroy everything and rebuild, but literally use and appropriate every fucking function that capitalism has invented, shamelessly.


A simple and very effective CIA operation to study is the original "orange revolution" in Ukraine in 2004. Victor Yanukovych won a presidential election but the CIA was able to organize enough protests to compel two new elections (the Ukrainian constitution only allows for one) until they got the result they wanted.


>premise is way too far in the future
>life would be unrecognizably different and I don't know what kind of attacks we would face.
the implication of the thought experiment in the opening post is that going hardcore privacy respecting has strategic advantages.

>Do lefty groups lack funding? Is that the problem?

in a way yes
>what do they materially need to be successful?
i'm convinced that socialists cannot copy the methods of political struggle that the bourgeois factions use, because those do commodified politics, which is a kind of simulated fake politics.
Socialists might need a less sophisticated version of labor vouchers as an economic circuit for political struggle.

>I'm thinking of the hong kong protests, but those didn't overthrow anything.

Maybe Chinese counter intelligence hacked into the US surveillance system, and used it to find out who the CIA handlers were, and that's how the Hongkong color revolution was shut down.

>Perhaps we should study how places like Iran had their democratically elected government overthrown by the CIA / british feds in the 50's

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dog, what a fucking retarded tldr

>In the history of socialist countries, the biggest problem has always been attacks from foreign state actors

lol only the in minds of idealistic shizo leninoids

the biggest problem always was economic backwardness and fucking retarded vanguardoid political system

you assume direct democracy with fucking secret police retardoid, when direct democracy REQUIRES transparency

ie you don't understand wtf you are talking about


So you didn't read the opening post. Because it said it wouldn't require internal secret police.

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Your bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten. The left needs more men and women with the amount of dedication and courage that Bushnell had.
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Your not wrong but to keep it fair, there is a media selection bias for showing the shit that's not normal.

This has got to be bugging the ruling class, they want soldiers that are willing to die for their causes, not the causes of "the other side". So keep the memory alive, perhaps to make them less trigger happy when it comes to new wars.


Again with this self projection about being a lazy online leftist retard.
You really need to take meds and see a psychiatrist.l


>pharma propaganda
>bootlicking cockroach scuttles in the shadows
neoliberal garbage


I'm still not sure if it's been established who that one guy is. People have said he's police, Israeli security, or secret service… I'm not sure. But it's batshit insane seeing him dodge around with Matrix moves pointing his gun at a flaming body on the ground while everyone else tries to put it out.


>it's batshit insane seeing him dodge around with Matrix moves pointing his gun at a flaming body on the ground while everyone else tries to put it out
He's probably operating with the logic of
<put the gun between you and the danger
<Fire is danger
In general this is not a bad logic, but it failed in this episode

>People have said he's police, Israeli security, or secret service… I'm not sure.

That might explain the strange behavior, people wouldn't do this unless they have undergone a lot of very specific firearms training drills. This looks like conditioned reactions. Police, Security and spies are more likely to have undergone conditioning. They do that because subconscious reactions are faster than conscious actions, but the speed excludes the involvement of higher reasoning, so there are trade offs. Apparently one of those trade offs might be embarrassing matrix moves in unusual situations.

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>The appeal for the commercial enterprises that are bankrolling the research into the Familiar is indeed the unprecedented penetration into consumers' habitats and unconscious minds that it offers: this kind of AI can operate as a walking, live-in, always-on 'advertisement' for their products. 'It goes far further than that,' Bryant enthuses. 'The Familiar is the ultimate product: a product that collapses commodity, market research and promotion into one another. It's a product that sells you more products.'


They have predicted so much.
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Wages for Chinese workers rose by a factor of 5x over the last generation, how is that cuckoldry ? I wish western workers had any wage-growth at all.

A little over a century ago the Chinese were completely crushed, by the Japanese Empire, the British empire and others. Famine was perpetual, 20% of the population was addicted to Opium, and it was usual for parents to sell some of their children because they couldn't feed them and average life expectancy was something like 33 years. Within the last 100 years the Chinese overthrew their own ruling class, as well as the foreign occupying empires. Their life expectancy more than doubled and in addition to that they rose from the bottom of the "global rank" to the largest industrial power whose industrial output rivals the combined industrial output of the rest of the world. By any measure they're the people that stood up, and now nobody can slap them around anymore

How is this not a success story ?

If you want to complain that Chinese lack civil liberties, i tend to agree, but given their track record of raking in the Ws, what makes you think they're not going to achieve that as well ?

>This is totally different than western capitalism and totally not exploitation.

China isn't de-industrializing, it's not dominated by neocon ghouls that want to blow the surplus of society on stupid imperialist adventures. They build lots of trains and solar panels. That is different.

Chinese workers are exploited there is no doubt about that, but the rate of exploitation has begun to go down.

>Jack Ma? Oh yes, he is a capitalist, but he is /ourguy/ trust me bro.

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Oh you misunderstand my politics. The neocons are currently painting China as the big bad scary that's supposed to serve as the next excuse for fear-mongering and war-mongering. I simply can't say negative things about China until they remove it from the big bad scary list, because i wish to avoid contributing to fear/war-mongering.


we got off topic, somehow threads about bad shit happening in the west somehow always derail into pointing fingers at China. Might be an intentional distraction tactic or something.

>I'm not that optimistic.
I guess it's going to be a bitter struggle for
<a free internet that's uncensored and surveillance-free
<technological self-determination
<personal ownership over personal technology

But it can be done, this is a winnable battle.


Reading your post reminds me of myself a few years ago. A few years ago, I would had totally agreed with your post. But not today anymore and I know exactly, there is no point to talk with you about China. In the past I was like you, I was also a total China fanatic. I know all these phrases, I've also read Xi's and Deng's texts. I've been watching CGTN and reading China Daily every day. But at some point I've realized, this all just copium. This world is a mess and believing in chinese socialism and the CPC gave me strength and hope. But in the end, its just a belief. It's a cope. Sooner or later, your belief will shatter as well. I don't even have to convince you, it's just a matter of time.


Btw I agree with you, that we should oppose fear/warmongering towards China.

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The is supreme Court this morning ruled that Trump is basically allowed to pardon himself and that his trial for the January insurrection is postponed until after the election. This will set a historical presidence for the presidency. Is this the death of anything resembling democracy in the US? It's funny to hear liberal pundents work in circles to try and proclaim the SCOTUS is not political at this point, kek.
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I can also say - this has been in the works for a long time, and certainly has been the plan since the 1990s, acted on by more than a few people in high places. There is a base ready for the next thing - the thing where they get rid of the people they've always wanted to kill. The thrill of torture must be and will be maximized. That is the way this country set for itself.


We can say what foreign influences wanted it to be this way, but the ugly reality is that this was only possible here, for this purpose. The rest of the world will do whatever, but America will be isolated and made into the end result of this social experiment, as will its closest associates. I'm seeing this set up not just in the US but UK and Israel, hence what is happening to set it in motion.

Really, I don't believe they have a "plan for the world" - they are rooted in transnational authority ultimately as empires must be, but they are probably happy to keep three superstates attacking each other. That's what "multipolarity" is code for - creating Ingsoc and that world. They don't hide that this is what they are engineering into existence, doing everything possible to make it real to drive home "this is what you are". It's ritual child abuse and they revel in it.


Maybe the judges were tired of getting dragged into political mud wrestling

>the death of anything resembling democracy in the US

no that happened when they legalized corruption, and political candidates became pre-selected by "donors"


>Maybe the judges were tired of getting dragged into political mud wrestling

That's why they took the job in the first place.


The supreme Court judges were appointed by trump himself. That's why they ruled they way they did.

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Less than 2 hours until Assanges extradition hearing

This will likely decide the fate of Julian Assange who is a journalist that was kidnapped and tortured for his democracy advocacy.

If the UK extradites Assange to his executioners in the US, the UK will declare it self a rogue state.

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For domestic US politics it is about petty revenge (and partisan bullshit when Clinton is involved), but on a geopolitical stage the Assange case is about flexing hegemonic soft power and keeping its "allies" in line.


I remain unconvinced that soft-power behaves analogous to a muscle that can be flexed. I think soft-power behaves analogous to a finite resource. It has to be build up before it can be spend. A muscle grows stronger the more it's used, a resource just diminishes the more it's used.

I think they are wasting finite soft-power resources for the sake of taking petty revenge on Assange.


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I love how everyone outside the tiny neolib/neocon bubble universally agrees that Assange is based


yes very based indeed


The same thing applies to hatred of Israel.

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