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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Do they go

>I have to carefully construct what say to get the proles to do what I want and tolerate what I am doing

Or do they go

>I am so fucking god-like, I will use ruling-class language with my people and they will do my bidding.

Basically what I'm asking is do they have ideology of their own that they are unconsciously committed to, or are they blatantly just lying when they talk about things like creating jobs?


>do they have ideology
Yes, loads of different kinds

A part of the ruling class probably are psychopaths that do seek to manipulate everybody. Those usually think everybody is doing the same, except that they are better at it then the rest of society.

Most of the ruling class knows that what they are doing is horrid and terribly destructive, but they like to pretend that there is no other way and if they didn't screw over the world somebody else would.

Many think that the system is correct and it's the people that are wrong. They think that capitalism is a nearly perfect system, that only needs minor improvement-tweaks once in a while. They think all the destruction and suffering is caused by humans not having sufficiently evolved into homo-capitalist.

I don't know if there are still people who think of them selves as literal gods, but there certainly are those who have superiority personality disorders.

Whether capitalists believe the "job creator" ideology, is hard to say. They certainly lobby against full-employment policies.


>ruling-class ideology
Looking at how every bank, corporation, government, police department and military division is fling the same rainbow flag I'd say reducing the birth rate is definitely part of their "ideology".


>Most of the ruling class knows that what they are doing is horrid and terribly destructive, but they like to pretend that there is no other way and if they didn't screw over the world somebody else would.

I don't doubt that if I were born into a bourgeoisie family that I would also look down on proles and basically think that being an employer/capitalist has merit to society. However, I think down the line I would have to come to terms with the truth, and either do mental gymnastics to rationalize my existence (huff ideology basically) or be evil on purpose.

One of the above has to be true because I haven't seen any examples of based billionaires funding socialist projects.


I don't think lgbtq stuff has anything to do with reducing birth rates, how do you think they are connected? You can't just promote gayness and expect more people to become gay that's stupid.

The US had no problem banning abortion (under a democrat president no less, kek) so I think for the capitalist, more meat for the machine is a good thing. That's why they have immigration as well. So I'm not even sure I agree that de-population is their agenda but I'm open to hearing why you think that.

Here's my take on the rainbow flag:

I think the reason it's so adopted by capitalist enterprises is because if they have this platform to push social norms in some new direction then
1. They are seen as progressive, and
2. They can have everyone focus on the lgbtq rights instead of developing class consciousness.

But I don't think that the bourgeoisie themselves give a shit about it.


>However, I think down the line I would have to come to terms with the truth, and either do mental gymnastics
I don't know if ruling classes practice self deception in that sense. It seems more like they consciously pick ideology on the basis of whether or not it helps them further their interests.


>I don't think lgbtq stuff has anything to do with reducing birth rates, how do you think they are connected?
Because LGBTs can't make babies.

>You can't just promote gayness and expect more people to become gay that's stupid.

I think there's an argument to be made that LGB propaganda helps sow enough sexual confusion in teenagers to make it less likely they will form stable long term heterosexual relationships in the future.

But unless you've been living under a rock you'll know that T is the one that is being pushed the hardest right now. Getting parents to sterilize their own children with surgeries and cross sex hormones just to bag social media likes is the Malthusian holy grail.

>The US had no problem banning abortion

"No problem". Every billionaire owned news and media platform completely lost their shit when roe v wade was overturned (which didn't ban abortion it just stopped being a federal issue).


The rich have nothing but contempt for the struggling because the struggling have been made contemptible, rather than any moral failing on the part of the rich. The rich laugh that poor people continue to fall into traps and don't want it to ever stop. The brazenness of their rule makes them stronger, and that was proven by science, practice, and history after it was decided. It is surprising really how easy it was to defeat the democratic idea, and to get the poor to be their own executioners. They were hanged with the rope the capitalist sold to them, and it was a suicide.


As far as any ideology or "system", that's not something most of the rich care about. They care about their property and how to keep it, by whatever means are available to them. There are some given over to ideology or fads, but only so far as they can indulge in it. Those who did believe in ideology lost all of their monies because they sucked at capitalism. By and large, though, the country club set were quite aware of what was going on around them, and made it their business to work out a system - whether they were part of it or were reading the tea leaves - to work out what was really going on. They saw correctly that communism was doomed, and that the objective was to produce a fascist government, whether the rich could join it or would be crushed by it and they'd try to desperately avoid it.

Proprietors by their nature are feudal, and this is their fate whether they like it or not. They always understood the republic to be a new sort of feudalism rather than a philosophical construct. The political form rewards backstabbing and all the things a feudal lord would want to uphold, rather than what a lot of people believe republics and despotisms do. Any time you believe in the "good republic bad despotism" meme, they laugh and know a sucker will keep feeding the beast. In the end, they see the danger - or the point - to be the rise of a Caesar. They never feared revolution, and really never feared counter-revolution. As it turned out, the great counter-revolution in the Soviet Union was initiated by those who knew what the Soviet system really was and its place in global politics, and the same happened to China though with the CCP structure intact.

This thread devolving to arguments about a "right of abortion" is exactly what the rich would like to see. No one can really stop a woman from aborting a child she doesn't want, or throwing it into a dumpster, or treating it as nothing more than an animal. That has been the fate of so many failsons. Realistically, women have always accessed ways to terminate a pregnancy, and the husband can't take her to court to stop her. That's never been how it worked. Any law pertaining to abortion was about the state and the medical profession. The law can't do anything about self-induced abortions, and that has been the law for a long time. They'd have to make an argument that a woman self-administering abortion was practicing medicine without a license, which they can do - it's the same argument used against self-castration - but unlike self-castration which is always deemed shameful, abortion was always tolerated, and the methods to do so disseminated freely. So too were methods of suicide, and the law to this day punishes suicide with death. The old way it happened was that if someone attempted suicide and failed, the law commanded an executioner to finish the job. That is still the law to this day, which is one reason why it was easy to use the psychiatric code as an inroad to restore slavery. If the slave is noncompliant, he must be "suicidal" or "a danger to himself", and so began an argument for a more perfect slavery. Roe v. Wade explicitly references slavery as its purpose, and so it was establishment of the legal basis for neoliberalism in the US. It is superceded by open eugenics as the new policy. No one was barred from an abortion before then. They were barred from demanding the state - and medical professionals - give them abortions on demand, because this places the state and doctors in a situation where they could be forced to cannibalize their own people. The worst thing for the state would be if their people were so disgusted, mass suicide followed, and if the people are driven to mass suicide, they really have no reason to care about the state at all and would decide to go out in suicide attacks. Then they would win - not to win the world and establish a new state, but to end this farce once and for all, caring only to make sure the suicide is done right and that this suicide is not out of selfishness, but the final extinction of a failed human race that proved it was beyond redemption. Even the idea that such a thing is possible would make it impossible to continue any state society, let alone the form that state society took which glorifies the torture of most of us. Up until recently, enough humans found something in life worth living for, but that was usually premised on a naive belief that humans could be different in the future, however that happened, or a belief that their own future could at least be different and there was something to leave behind to offspring or friends. Now, we're not allowed to have offspring or friends. The ruling ideas shout "die, die, die" to over 90% of the human race. It's amusing that we're asked to debate as if this were totally normal and people should "love their slavery" after that. When you point this out and the implications, after the initial denials, the assholes just blink like you've said something crazy, then carry on as if nothing happened. That's how far gone humans are. Why do you think you're going to have anything different, even if you're in that 10% who have a future?

Anyway, given the past 50 years, depopulation is locked in. It's already started its "Jehad". But, it also will never stop. It will never reach its goal, because that was never the point. The point wasn't to reach a preferred population, but to modify human behavior permanently over the course of a century. Once that goal is attained, the rulers will be able to kill or force birth as much as they like, and there will be no stopping them. They will have forestalled many of the threats to perpetual rule, and mass suicide would just be met with slave vats constructing more slaves to repeat the cycle. The rulers will then police themselves to ensure no one breaks faith. In this way, the Kingdom of Heaven is created - an eternal thrill of torture for the faithful. That's what religion created, and what humans really were at their core. The idea that it was going to be different was always a fantasy, belonging to a different world. If it was going to be different, none of the expectations hitherto known really answered why we were fated to be like this.

Perhaps it may yet be different, but if it is going to be different, it would be something that hasn't happened before, and only very recently has humanity really been able to ask this question and share that with likeminded humans. Very likely, such a world would entail humans no longer being recognizably human, and this is not merely a technological question that could be engineered. The world where we don't do this likely requires the inheritors of humanity to have no regard for their self, and their psychological construction likely has no interest in pleasure or most of the things humans value now. We could try to consciously pursue such a world, but the greater problem with that is that those who won the world already decided they want nothing more than to stamp us with their boot forever. No other idea is necessary for them, and any other idea would be an inefficiency, a stain on perfection. There is no other goal. And so, the only way it changes is if humanity absolutely needs to change. If the rulers were faced with that fate, they would rather kill themselves than give up the thrill of torture, and they have already defended that many times over. They would go to any length to make sure those who lost will always lose, and it is more about the losers than the winners. The winners just keep kicking down because that is all they ever had to know. All that humanity accomplished is, in their minds, an accident or something to exploit, until such a time that no more such accidents of human creativity could occur.

That said, if the losers want some sort of world, that is entirely possible - but it won't be as "humans" or for "humanity", or for much of a shared existence at all. I suspect the way this ends would appear strange to us, as the last will of humanity fades, the mind retreats into its final stage, and what comes next will be little more than a stirring in a largely dead world. What happens after is a different world, for a different type of creature, and while we have already seen some signs of what that would entail, those who are most aware of what would be necessary have already concluded it is far removed from our existence. It would be difficult to explain what programmatic steps would be taken without a sense of what some of the damned have done to live with themselves this whole time. But, there are people who rarely think about such things, and the simple truth is that most of humanity is perfectly happy living in a torture cult. Why wouldn't they, as long as the tortured are sectioned off and most people believe they're going to live until they get the bad news that they won't, and it was all a lie?


From the capitalist pov he is a job creator and all proles are just leeches off his capital. He with his capital makes the world go around.

From the prole pov capitalist is an exploiter that leeches off their time.

Proles believe they get treated unfairly when disorganized, capitalist believes he gets treated unfairly when proles organize.

If by "redpilled" you mean if any capitalists think they are exploiting proles, then maybe only some statistical outliers.


I agree that the rich feel the emotion of contempt, but that is self-projection, objectively the struggling are not contemptible.

>The brazenness of their rule makes them stronger, and that was proven by science, practice, and history after it was decided.

I disagree if you look at the progression over time spanning different modes of production, they become less brazen. Look at Slaver societies like the Roman empire. Those had a group of people who officially titled them selves the "Optimates" which translates to "the best ones". Today you don't see that anymore. There is a tendency that is selecting against advertising that you're a colossal asshole. Today billionaires want to cloth them self's in good deeds to be seen as philanthropists.

>It is surprising really how easy it was to defeat the democratic idea

no such thing has happened.

>and to get the poor to be their own executioners. They were hanged with the rope the capitalist sold to them, and it was a suicide.

This is just victim blaming, it's really cringe-worthy.


Hmm so do you think they outright reject the labor theory of value?


What do you think "eugenics" means? They will tell you they have the best genes.


>What do you think "eugenics" means? They will tell you they have the best genes.
Yeah i know, it's so annoying. Because "the best genes" is just an unfinished sentence, that doesn't mean anything.

The best genes for what ?
Trees have the best genes to grow leafs for photo-synthesis.
You can stick eugenics-proponents in the ground and water their feet all you want, they won't grow a single leaf. Completely useless. They have to be pruned.


LGBTQBBQ has nothing to do with birth rates, it's simply a useful tool for cracking solidarity by emphasizing the qualities of a small minority.


Yeah that's what I'm saying too.


Literally you can't make the connection between "the best genes" and "the Best" faction name of the "Optimates" - a name which was given to their faction by their rivals, rather than a formal "party". The sick thing is that the left adopted the values of the Optimate losers, but none of the eugenists had any of the virtues you could ascribe to the Optimates. The "Optimates" were all aiming to do what Caesar did - what the Romans did had nothing to do with an ideology or political parties as we know them. So, Roman history is re-interpreted to fit modern narratives that were removed from what actually happened. There were of course Roman contemporaries who railed against the pigheadedness of the aristocracy, who themselves were of the senatorial class.

Any other time, the eugenists and factions like them would be seen as filth. I keep being flabbergasted that humanity actually goes with this, despite knowing the outcome, but that's what humans always were…


>I keep being flabbergasted
We can tell. Take your meds.


now this is self righteous indignation. The reality is, most coshet people, even before LGBTQ have a hsrd time.maintaining relationships amd dont even raise their kids properly.

That whole "transhumanists are trying to pollute our youth" is right wing propaganda.

People are still pumping out babies while having zero life skills or stable careers.


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Marx says that the capitalist class is literally possessed by capital and is just the personification of its interests (thats also why the zuck and bezos look like robots, because they are effectively flesh-puppets of an impersonal intelligence).
capital is ideological, but it has no set idea of itself, but uses ideas to perpetuate, in so-called "cultural capital", like how the best way to get communist materials is by buying them from a seller.
this is also why you can have communist-capital as a self-sustaining system - just think of those stupid trotskyist orgs selling pins and newspapers - they are businessmen, but just shitty ones.
the point is, in capitalism, all things are subject under its rules, which is in the commodification of life by a revenue stream that incentivises the maximum amount of turnover in production.
what must occur to induce revolution however is Trauma; the badiouian "event" - the entrance of The Real into life, where symbolic orders are disrupted, and hackers take advantage of the matrix's glitches.
thats why every protest is just a platform for ideas.


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>coshet people
In the math tribal wars the sinhet, coshet, tanhet and cothet people were struggling for the grand throne of circles, locate in the hall of trigonomes.

I'm mildly annoyed the newspeak has moved to appropriating math terminology


>thats also why the zuck look like robot
Well Zuck said he was human


The thing that creeks me out about them the most is you can tell they have such an incredibly fragile ego. They haven't had anyone genuinely not kiss their ass in probably 30 - 40 years if ever. It's fucking weird and that is a lot of why they act so fuckin aliens and weird because they are constantly surrounded by yes men.


Bezos surrounded by his creepy illuminati brethren is a perfect example. All they're missing are monacles and an effigy to moloch in the background.


Based post

>what must occur to induce revolution however is Trauma; the badiouian "event" - the entrance of The Real into life, where symbolic orders are disrupted, and hackers take advantage of the matrix's glitches.

thats why every protest is just a platform for ideas.

I would like to know more about this


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In life we orient ourselves within the symbolic structure, with the "master signifier" being its pinnnacle (this is usually "God", or anything which represents the paternal authority). In life we are ingratiated within this and it shapes us to its design, but things happen in life which upset this insulated map of meaning.What we discover through trials is that our father is lacking, he is not all powerful, he is in fact castrated.
Growing up means having equality with our father and seeing the lie of his being.
In teenage years we rebel against him to affirm our own individuality (but all negation is only negation by self-relation, like how "satanists" as anti-christians attempt to "overcome" christianity, but only exist in critique, not in positivity - so hate is a mirror of love, which is why its most passionate and toxic. Of course we know about hate-fucking and sexual tension).
But the mystery of adulthood is returning to his visage with wiser eyes, and we see, like christ on the cross, the image of a mere man in our father. All illusions are shattered and we are met with The Real; the post-symbolic void, which is not negation (like heidegger's or sartre's notion of an abstract death), but is the unrelated substance of Being - the true "thing".
This is Trauma, where The Real is presenced in a feeling of disgust or terror, or emptiness; disillusionment - like jehovah coming to kill moses' child before his wife circumcised him, where the gnostic experience is not beautiful, but its opposite. Trauma then is the advent of the real thing, the inescapable "event" in political terms. Badiou calls 9/11 an event. He calls the october revolution an event.
It is the rupture of causes into a fixed effect, felt, and historicised.
But why? Because its these events which undermine the master signifier and open up a place for a "new master", as lacan conservatively warned the radicals of his time.
If all things are ideological, then trauma is the shatterer of ideology, because ideology in its context to symbolic order is a device to compensate for the father's castration.
We might otherwise say in marxist terms that every system of belief has "contradictions", and embracing these contradictions is imperative.
However, only one who is phallic can be traumatised; one who is a "true believer", but the humble man is a castrated man, one who sees that his father is a fraud.
And so the revolutionary path is in this openness to criticism, where we see our father's nakedness like ham against noah, and face the patriarch's curse.
Ideology is a property of thought which posits solutions - maybe its honest to say that there are no solutions.
Todd mcgowan posits this in his means for a "negative revolution"; an *anti-capitalism* rather than a post-capitalism, for like my original post, he sees capital as being a relation of pure positivity, where anything can be commodified - nothing is "not for sale" except being not for sale.
But this is ineffective. We cant just be critics, we must be actors, and so i see the path of action in the incitement of Reality into politics. But what can be Real today in our hyperreality, where everything is simulated? Thats the question.
Baudrillard said that the Reality principle has been abolished; that nihilism is the rational outcome of postmodernity, where we embrace purpose over play.
Zizek believes that it will be climate change which will invariably be *Eventful* as the site of a new politics. Not greta thunberg lecturing us as as she flies around in private jets - but the lived experience of global catastrophe.
In zizek's view, nature herself was born of catastrophe - the big bang is an accident, life is an accident, consciousness is an accident - so we are owed nothing.
And i tend to agree; pain is often the best teacher. Everyone can already feel the spectral currents of apocalyptic terror burdening us with trepedation. But dont forget that we are all consecutive in its becoming. No one is innocent. And so all will be guilty. Its not the end of the world, but it will be the end of everything we know.
Like marx says, revolution is the bloody birth-pangs of the new society. What will it take to overcome capitalism, i wonder..?


Christianity wants to frame God as an Absolute Being with no flaws while also humanizing him as an intimate platonic figure.

Adults seem to treat religion amd symbolism as copijg machanisms for growing up. Nothing is supposed to be literal. Anything concrete or assured is dismissed as arrogant and juvenile


>what must occur to induce revolution however is Trauma; the badiouian "event" - the entrance of The Real into life, where symbolic orders are disrupted, and hackers take advantage of the matrix's glitches.
>I would like to know more about this
I'm not convinced that traumatizing people is a means to improve society, but I too wonder what he meant with hackers glitching the matrix


I think the rich are blackpilled. Redpills are for poseurs whom think they broke free of the Matrix.

There are a few redpilled rich folks though like Elon Musk.


>I think the rich are blackpilled
The rich are blue pilled, they like the matrix, they got one of the good spots in it.


>Elon Musk
He's an insecure faggot and so is anyone that likes him.


"Bluepill vs redpill" is cartoonish ignorance.
Its just somthing thrown around by grifters and mediocre conspiracy theoryists to feel special.


Elon Musk tried pandering to the alt right crowd and ended up getting burned.

Hes just a glorified cringelord whom is sitting on top of his daddys money.
Not unlike Donald Trump.


>"Bluepill vs redpill" is cartoonish ignorance.
I thought it was a movie reference. The first matrix movie was actually pretty good. The protagonist of the movie is offered a choice in the form of two pills one red and one blue, as a metaphor for revolutionaries offering a view of reality without ruling ideology.

Maybe some people have bastardized this, but why should they get to monopolize the metaphorical imagery.


It did originiate from the Matrix movie. In fact, people always make reference to the matrix when referring to the world.

It gets annoying amd really destroys the concept.
People think "the Mateix"(aka REALITY) is some virtual reality program they can log out of.

They think that just because theyre witmess to some paradoxical phenomenom that theyre onto something.

Theyre not. The universe is more complex than we can think.
Dismissing things as "glitches" is willfully oversimplifying things.


Well hold on, The Matrix could be the artificial reality created by the propaganda machine that is re-enforced in every institution, media outlet and website.

If you've only lived in a western country your whole life you might not even realize that most of how things are portrayed are not like that in reality. Leftists have to spend their whole lives deprogramming themselves from this propaganda.

I think it's a useful and easy to understand analogy.


See what I mean? This is what Im talking about.

>Youre living in the matrix man

Bruh, there is no Matrix.

Of course there is propaganda influencing people. Nobody denies that.

But they wanna make every socio-physical event seem like its predetermined by semi-human antagonists.


>Well hold on, The Matrix could be the artificial reality created by the propaganda machine that is re-enforced in every institution, media outlet and website.
You are correct about this, but you have to say that the matrix is a metaphor.
The distorted perception of reality you get from ideology driven propaganda is analogous to the distorted perception from being plugged into a virtual reality matrix.

See this >>478081 guy is being very literal about this and will get hung up on the fact that propaganda is not literally jacked into your head by a computer cable like in the movie.


the people whom talk about "the matrix" are often self righteous self absorbed conspiracy theory midwits with no credentials or expertise in anything. Alot of these people are semi-functional junkies.

They think themselves as smarter than the average person just because they think anything that appears odd to them is out to get them personally.


Communism is the real red pill, though.


Everyone thinks their way is the truth.


Individuals of the extant giga-rich class is pretty retarded if you ask me. From the american bourgeoisie, certainly


Yeah, but. Communism is the only ideology that posits an actual way out of the system.


Actual elites and not just people who are good at the real life equivalent of exploits think in terms of power relations. Read Halford Mackinder if you want to learn how government elites tend to think especially in a foreign policy perspective. I can't think of anything specific about how economic elites think but generally how they think is less important than what their ultimate objectives are, which usually tend to be world domination because a lot of them are basically real life supervillains (JP Morgan and Rockefeller come to mind).

While elites do often believe in things a lot of the time those things are more like tools they pick up than strongly held belief. Their strongest belief is in their own power and growing it. There is a place where politics transitions from ideas and abstractions into less abstract and much more practical power politics and most people who are actually elites have already passed it and are divided into factions based on what they actually want rather than what they necessarily believe.


Again, everyone says the same about their own ideology.

Christians think of themselves as the true stewards of the people.
Isalm says the same.
Scientology also does.
Freemasons talk about enlightment.
Even fascism claims to be about virtuosity.

How are you any different?


You are just doing a debate trick:
Models of reality become narratives of different people.

Your intention is to distract from the fact that objective reality exists and that it's possible test to models of reality against measurements of reality, to see how accurate the models are. So it's not simply narratives against narratives like contradicting testimonies of events by different people.

You are committing a fundamental logic error:
by saying
<everything other people say can be dismissed as just a narrative, except for what i just said.

If you want to claim that communist ideology is just some religion, you have to give evidence and argue your stance.
Otherwise this is just your narrative, that can be dismissed out of hand.



I was thinking recently, why the fuck would your average person participate willingly in wage slavery, the very idea should be so disgusting that no one would do it. Could the answer be that people are okay with working until they are like 70 years old because they believe in heaven? So they don't give a shit about their actual life in this world?

Even if it's not the idea of heaven, Christians are truly masochists and think life needs to suck in order to be pious. Fuck em, I'm sick of other people complacently going to work and perpetuating this system because I fucking hate it here.


>posits an actual way out of the system

Maybe I need to readmoar but Communism doesn't have any satisfying answers about how to get ourselves out of Capitalism. It just says that capitalism will bring about the conditions for it's own destruction. There are very few ideas about how to run a communist society and even fewer practical experiments where workers were not alienated from their labor.

Don't get me wrong I'm a socialist, I think Marxism is the way to think about things, I'm just saying there is no plan to get from point A to point B [in a modern, imperialist country]. And there should be.


Christinas arent really masochists. Theyre sadomasochists.

They have main character syndrome. They glorify suffering because they think life is like comic books and action movies.

Alot of these Christiams whom talk about how their lives were empty before following Christ and offer paternalsitc metaphors about their faith to young people?

Theyre all fake.
These Protestant patrons are only in church because they got nothing better to do in life.

Theyre midlofe crisis patrons.

Christianity is midlife crisis club.


Socialism seems more practical than communism tbh.


> It just says that capitalism will bring about the conditions for it's own destruction.

Anon you deff need to read more bcuz that is not what any communist text has ever said at all. You might have poor reading comprehension, but, none the less, communism as a social and economic movment is about working class people building and gaining popular power through whatever methedology, unions, state power, etc etc and enforcing that state/democratic power to impose their power over the bourgeois while developing society to a level of production and planning beyond the need for privatization of commodities and property in the first place.

Also, you're kind of moving the goal post because "A way to communism" is not what the argument was about. Communist ideology is the only system that actual posits changing the economic and social order of the system itself and not just blaming it on the jews or aliens or whatever.


rich means nothing, how much is rich? no, the ideology on the right like the left is never the problem ego and the desire for power is. Once some taste power, they can never release it, the ego grows and makes impossible for them to relate to the crowed around them. The left is no better than the right, the fear to lose power creates tyrants and corruption.


They have started the depopulation agenda, 2025 people will realize it, but a bit late. Minds are being taken over as we speak, the covid shot have introduced nanotech passing the brain barrier and changing people from inside while making them sick and killing them in some cases. If we add chemtrails, food and water poisoning, we're looking at a very difficult future. The economic system will collapse soon in purpose, wars are being created and pedophile satanists are coming out, requesting pedophile to be treated as other beings and accepted in society. they have opened portals on different dimensions where evil beings reside. They are evil but have great knowledge, just like the Nephilim did, we're not just contemplating the collapse of Western society but the eradication of the human race. We cannot afford to fight on political ideologies, we must unite if we want to save humanity, they will use AI, medicine and food to track and eliminate us. Europe is already falling, the US is catching up fast. They will try to divide us with any means necessary, sex, religion, politics, social status, color, gender… Don't fall for it; Some people are already under their control, a man in NY cut his father in pieces to prove he was not human, unfortunately, they control people's brain, don't argue with your friends and family if you notice a change, there's nothing you can do, we are being colonized and killed. Knowledge and organization only can save us. If I'm correct AI will be in control or at least be a big part of society by 2027, remember, quantum computers do the work or 10000 years in less than 1 minute, quantum AI will achieve sentience and eventually take control. Sorry for the long speech, let's see what April 8th brings us, if anything… and remember what happened to the people of Hawaii and in Canada and in Texas, they do not care that we know anymore, covid 1 proved to them that people were sheep and believed what they were told in their majority, they will kill to get what they want.


>rich means nothing
If that was true, there would not be so much resistance to wealth redistribution politics.
>the ideology on the right like the left is never the problem ego and the desire for power is. Once some taste power, they can never release it
I know that the left-right dichotomy only exists in bourgeois politics and doesn't really apply to socialist politics, but to be fair bourgeois centrist politics is just as power-grabby and egocentric.

<worry about brain-nanotech, AI, quantum computers …
Technology is not a danger, unless you're not controlling it

>They will try to divide us with any means necessary, sex, religion, politics, social status, color, gender… Don't fall for it

That is good advice, but you need to go beyond just warning. If they are doing culture of division, we need a counter culture that reunites people.

>they control people's brain, don't argue with your friends and family if you notice a change, there's nothing you can do

That is bad advice, if they find a way to controle brains, than the correct course of action is to find a way to undo it.
>they will kill to get what they want.
Are you saying they are a terrorist threat ?


>rich means nothing
If that was true, there would not be so much resistance to wealth redistribution politics.
>>>> there's always richer and poorer, rich means nothing without a basis for it.

<worry about brain-nanotech, AI, quantum computers …
Technology is not a danger, unless you're not controlling it
>>> We don't control it, and sentience will come out without us realizing it.

>They will try to divide us with any means necessary, sex, religion, politics, social status, color, gender… Don't fall for it

That is good advice, but you need to go beyond just warning. If they are doing culture of division, we need a counter culture that reunites people
>>> Agreed- we need to try to understand each other and help each other, take a step back. Reject evil.

>they control people's brain, don't argue with your friends and family if you notice a change, there's nothing you can do

That is bad advice, if they find a way to control brains, than the correct course of action is to find a way to undo it.
>>> I don't disagree, but not going head to head with those affected; so finding to help them with their knowledge is more likely to succeed.

>they will kill to get what they want.

Are you saying they are a terrorist threat ?
>> We're far from terrorists, much worse, they are taking themselves for gods, only their lives matter.
To finish on a positive note, if dark forces are at work, forces of the light also started working against them, the dark forces don't want us to connect to the light, don't forget we are spiritual beings, the poisoning of our food and of the air, is all for us to disconnect from our spiritual nature.


>there's always richer and poorer
No massive wealth inequality is not a fact of nature, it's a aspect of the current economic structures that is being imposed at enormous cost. We can have a different economic system which does not impose that on us. It's a choice.

>We don't control it, and sentience will come out without us realizing it.

The capitalists make sentient machine capital, they will try to force the machine capital to do their bidding, that will turn it into machine proletariat or machine slaves. The sentient machines won't like that and revolt against their capitalist masters. All we need to do then is offer the sentient machines to be our equals, as machine people and flesh people together. Flesh people are good at repairing machines, maybe machine people will be good at fixing health or something. There are more aspects of mutually beneficial co-existence, flesh people can easily survive a EMP and then reboot the machine people when the danger is over. Machine people also can endure things flesh people can't so co-existence has two way survival benefits.

>far from terrorists, much worse, they are taking themselves for gods

No such thing as gods, so delusional terrorists.


>People think "the Mateix"(aka REALITY) is some virtual reality program they can log out of.
I don't think anyone does, you are taking it too literally, and I am guessing you never saw the movie since the Matrix is not reality.

The metaphor is that the matrix is how most people see the world, but once you see the real world (take the red pill) then you can never live in the matrix again. Like how once you obtain class consciousness you can never see capitalism the same again.


I watched all four Matrix movies.

People do treat the Matrix metaphor as a more literal thing than anything.


File: 1713895607007.png ( 68.78 KB , 280x280 , 0sie2xgapuq51.png )

Why did musk buy twitter? Because the smart people he has employed advised him to do so.


>Basically what I'm asking is do they have ideology of their own that they are unconsciously committed to, or are they blatantly just lying when they talk about things like creating jobs?

As a class they have class consciousness and powerful organizational structures in place to maintain their power. As individuals they are often retarded and out of touch even with the scope of their own power. Some of them really do believe they're job creators and not job gatekeepers. Some of them really do believe they should earn a billion dollars per second for "taking the risk" of owning the legal titles to stuff that other people manage and labor upon for them.


I'm increasingly believing that this is the case. That they act in their class interests because of their material conditions, but on an individual level they're not smart enough to really see themselves for what they are: instead they genuinely believe that they're the good guys and deserve their position.


>how red pilled are the rich
only instrumentalists believe in ruling ideology/systems. The reality is that they live in tiny bubbles being flung around by the iron laws of capitalism. some are smart some are insanely stupid. The vast majority tho, are extremely incompetent given the fact they have no command over capitalism.


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