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So I took a 1 year break of leftypol and now I see this site, leftychan? Another split? Oh you leftoids, we do you keep splittin all the time? What was the reason this time?
(Sorry for the pic, I'm runnin on 56kbit/s)


Which site should I use? Leftypol.org or leftychan? Which site has the based schizo posters? You have /posad/, that's a good sign so far.


This is the better one. .org mods are impossible to work with.


But what was the reason for the split? I remember the 8chan era, when there was a split because of Rojava. What is it this time?


Basically caballo and other faggot mods were acting like faggots banning people for literally any reason they could find. Even personal ones and the admins here said that's bullshit and tried to force a democratic methodology on the board, but, the faggots on the other side copied the sever infrastructure and moved it to a new sever while Krates, who hadn't even been seen for months at this point begged the domain holder to give him rights to the domain.


The org jannies have since completely lost teir fucking minds went on to larp as Judge dred and at this point ban anyone who so much as even slightly steps out of line.


Also post here because we have an i2p address, also. I forgot to mention.


Ah ok, so the usual powerstruggle between the lefty staff. Ok I will give leftychan a try. My guts are tellin me, this is the better place.


It only took one bullshit ban for me to never want to go back there, but it's really amazing to me to hear just how long the shit moderation has been going on over at .org at this point. Do they really not realize that they're driving away their own userbase like this? Or is that actually the whole point?


It is. It's more closer to bunkerchan.


leftypol was always an op, and now that fascism is here, it's rolled up like the rest of the ops.


Caballo was always a faggot.


wait wasn't caballo the one that started shit with the original bo that caused the original split to begin with


was caballo even a mod under che? that doesn't sound right


I don't remember now, it's been so long.

I just got banned from leftypol for "samefagging" because I answered a question asked to another anon. Great work mods 10/10


yeah. im making the mods have some schizo breakdown. They probably think I am multiple people or vice versa. They started it, i did nothing wrong. I didnt want them to ban me, but now i have no reason not to fuck them legitly


Leftypol is infantile. I get banned for suggesting hysterectomies and mandatory proceative screening and I get banned for "eugenics". Yet, abortion as a means of convenience is considered "ok".

They think babies dont have rights beforebirth but will get offended by being told remain childless.


You probably shouldn't have been banned for this. I do think you're wrong tho, i will try to convince you with arguments.

The reason to support abortion is because it enhances the ability of individuals to have controle over their bodies. This is about self-determination more than it is about babies. The same argument for bodily self-determination remains for opposing mandatory reproductive medical interventions.

You are not wrong to point out that in both cases it lowers fertility, but that is not the metric being used to decide.


The eugenics movement in the 20th century did propose similar policies. I'm giving you the benefit of doubt and assume your intention weren't to attempt to breed obedient slaves, or destroy people for torture thrills. But you may want to seek out more historic awareness. Eugenics was terrible, as in extremely tyrannical, but it also was a total technical failure because it also was pseudo scientific bullshit that could never have worked. So we want to keep a healthy distance from that stuff.


selective breeding comes with a lot of unintended side effects usually. It's rather unpredictable and I'd argue less stable than the mostly random selection occurring now. You could end up with increased rate of latent disease that is discovered too late or traits that go under the radar but are cumulatively negative like color blindness. Humans should not seek to self domesticate. I could see myself being convinced that a program for genetic modification, under the guidance of a communist party and a DotP, could be beneficial.


Human aren't like pets or farm animals, we can't be bred at all.

>I could see myself being convinced that a program for genetic modification, under the guidance of a communist party and a DotP, could be beneficial.

Genetic manipulation really doesn't have much in common with selective breeding. For starters you can do genetic modification after birth on grown organisms, and you can reverse the changes too. You can choose whether the changes you make are heritable or just affect the one organism you gene-modded without passing it on to offspring.

Also i doubt that you can genetically shape humans to have very particular traits, very few traits have direct genetic sequences associated with them. Gene modding would however be very useful for improving health-care. So probably think of it more as a new type of medicine than anything else. The only people that need to be involved are doctors and patients. Political interference is probably a bad idea.


>The eugenics movement in the 20th century did propose similar policies. I'm giving you the benefit of doubt and assume your intention weren't to attempt to breed obedient slaves, or destroy people for torture thrills. But you may want to seek out more historic awareness. Eugenics was terrible, as in extremely tyrannical, but it also was a total technical failure because it also was pseudo scientific bullshit that could never have worked. So we want to keep a healthy distance from that stuff.

Irony is, LeftyPol talks about exterminating Maericans and Israelis and other citizens of imperialist nationalities.

They even suggest lobotomizing or sterilizing right wingers.

Yet, these same people are inckined to the same type of biases and whine about being horny and lonely despite having no social or industrial skills to raise a family, let alone a wife.

Alot of them are mentally ill.

My idea of eugenics is more mandatory hospitakity training and drug screening for family planning.

Too many adults feel entitled to having sex, romance, and offspring by virtue of age rather than ability.


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You have to understand that as self identifying incels, they kill themselves anyway or at the very least fail to reproduce by definition. I think taxing them at a higher rate to finance family planning is a great idea though. Family planning and hospice care. I agree also with drug screening but instead of preventing birth I think that it should take place after birth with the consequence of forced rehab for users non-dealers. It's difficult for me to imagine a process of regulating child conception. I wonder if my suggestion would create a situation where drug users give birth to unregistered persons and continue their addiction. There must be a multi vector approach to avoid this.


This os retarded.

>taxing incels to fuel family planning

They already do that. "Bachelor tax". Single men are the most economically punished beings.
Theyre seen as leeches for not passing off their genes.

Yet others whom do procreate dont even raise theor own kids properly. They just dump them on schools.

> I agree also with drug screening but instead of preventing birth I think that it should take place after birth with the consequence of forced rehab for users non-dealers. It's difficult for me to imagine a process of regulating child conception.

Youre playing with fire. Why do people treat the reproductive system as some transcendant organ thats not affected by metabolising toxins?

Why are we blocking off able bofied healthy teens from sex but allowing decrepit degenerate adults to do so?

Im sorry but procreation should not be a soveriagn right.

Adults should undergo mandstory training and health screening before having kids.

Otherwise, the baby will be aborted or taken away by the state.


>The reason to support abortion is because it enhances the ability of individuals to have controle over their bodies. This is about self-determination more than it is about babies. The same argument for bodily self-determination remains for opposing mandatory reproductive medical interventions.

Well so does vascetomy or hysterectomy.

Abortion is just messy and grey ethics.
And you run the risk of running into Christian fundamentalist protests.

Babies are not property.
Leftism should only support first trimester abortions. As in, when the pregnancy test comes back positive after at least the first two weeks of sex.

Society wants to ban childrens aitonomy but allows children to be born into inconvenient lifestyles.

Ypu cannot have it both.
If children are to be banned fro. working and politics and sex and money, why should we allow incompetent adults to have kids born outside of safe convenient environments?


>Irony is, LeftyPol talks about exterminating Maericans and Israelis and other citizens of imperialist nationalities.
>They even suggest lobotomizing or sterilizing right wingers.
You mean the dot-org-site ?
I don't really know what you are talking about but it could just be contrarians getting baited into low brow language battles. It's a game where you lost if you're the one that sounds like a raving lunatic, screaming for extermination-ism. It makes them look stupid.

>My idea of eugenics is more mandatory hospitakity training and drug screening for family planning.

>Too many adults feel entitled to having sex, romance, and offspring by virtue of age rather than ability.
Hard pass on that one.

You want to create a cultural power that controls reproduction. The problem is that this creates an evolutionary pressure to kill who ever holds this power and take it from them, and to kill attempting to hold on to that power. What you are selecting for is not the ability to raise children well, you are selecting for callousness and brutality. Also ruling classes always want to use that kind of power to only grant the ability to have children to those that do their bidding.

You will put violent cowards at the top of your cultural hierarchy. Not people who have good care-giver instincts that lead them to put a lot of effort into raising their children.

If you are genuine about this, you need to understand that raising children requires economic surplus. And the ruling class competes for that same surplus against the children. So if you want a society that cares for it's children you need to start by clamping down on the ruling class's ability to extract surplus. Obviously that's just a necessary condition, it is not sufficient, you have to do all kinds of other things too. We can get into the details of that later.


>Hard pass on that one. You want to create a cultural power that controls reproduction. The problem is that this creates an evolutionary pressure to kill who ever holds this power and take it from them, and to kill attempting to hold on to that power. What you are selecting for is not the ability to raise children well, you are selecting for callousness and brutality. Also ruling classes always want to use that kind of power to only grant the ability to have children to those that do their bidding.

You will put violent cowards at the top of your cultural hierarchy. Not people who have good care-giver instincts that lead them to put a lot of effort into raising their children.

Bruh, children are bred in environmnents of brutality under free choice mating.

And since raising kids require surplus financing, why not regulate it?

Why are consumer products/services seen as needing a limit for production but procreation is treated dofferently?


>children are bred in environmnents of brutality under free choice mating.
It's not like we have "free choice mating", capitalism already controls who can have children via economic means. Maybe that's causing the violence. Capitalism certainly has created a lot of violent environments.

>And since raising kids require surplus financing, why not regulate it?

I'm opposed to regulating individuals. The neo-liberal pattern has been to reduce regulation on big capitalists and increase regulation on individuals and small organizations. The result is a nightmarish disaster. I want the opposite. Regulate the top not the little people.

It seems that you have a bit of a pathological drive, if you really must try to ban certain people from having children, at least try banning the ruling class and their henchmen from having children, not the masses.

There isn't a lack of surplus. We do not need to waste surplus on excessive military spending, on extreme luxury for the ruling class, on vanity projects, on population controle mechanisms, etc. We can divert surplus from those things to social welfare. Basically divert surplus from the things the ruling class wants, to the things the masses want. Which includes surplus for raising their children.

>Why are consumer products/services seen as needing a limit for production but procreation is treated dofferently?

I don't think there are any regulations that limits the production of commodities, at least not quantitatively. It's sometimes the case that cartels conspire to produce less in order to drive up prices.

I don't see a reason to interfere with procreation. We don't understand enough about biology to even begin attempting to direct human development, as in improving nature. And i'm opposed to letting any ruling class try to create obedient serfs/soldiers , and so on. It's really unethical and it's never going to work, it's just going to cause unnecessary suffering. So as long as we're living in class society don't even bother, nothing good will come of it. It's just going to be quacks torturing people.

I think that we're at a stage of technical development where we might be able to very cautiously, begin using genetic modifications to cure certain ailments, it probably can improve quality of life and reduce the burden on health care. We need ironclad separation of medicine and power to make this succeed. It has to be a scientific endeavor.

As for children, we probably should lean towards improving nurture. If you really think that there are too many people who suck at raising their own children, then your goal should be to organize a public child-care offering, where children receive good quality care. If all the shitty parents get the option of unloading their children in such a place. We might actually create a virtuous cycle where children receive good quality care when they are young, and learn by experience how it's done, and then when they grow up they can become good parents that raise their children well. We can make this happen via learned behavior. In the distant future when we have achieved greater technical skill and a better society that is capable of wielding those poweres wisely we may attempt to fix the instincts of people.


>And i'm opposed to letting any ruling class try to create obedient serfs/soldiers , and so on. It's really unethical and it's never going to work, it's just going to cause unnecessary suffering. So as long as we're living in class society don't even bother, nothing good will come of it. It's just going to be quacks torturing people.

Then you admit that compulsory public schooling is the epitome of oppression.


>the epitome
so dramatic

Anyway, i'm sure education can be improved, but you're probably not interested in that.


You guys dont take it seriously. Ypu think academia is a sanctuary by itself.

You also dont seem interested in culling family dysfunction.
You think "muh capitalism" is the only thing wrong with childrearing


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>all you want to talk about is muh capitalism
I'm sorry your autistic special interest turned out to be the most useless in existence, you fucking jewish nigger


>Ypu think academia is a sanctuary by itself.
It obviously isn't.

Just look at the mess the neo-liberals made when they tried to privatize research and add more "market-like incentives". They tied funding to the quantity of research papers. As a result scientists had to divert more time and effort to producing paper than doing actual research. Groundbreaking fundamental research declined alot.

By privatizing higher education, students became customers, professors became service workers, learning became an experience. Some where along the way it stop being about knowledge and intellectual curiosity and became something else.

>You also dont seem interested in culling family dysfunction.

Culling ? Probably not.
We are interested in improving social organization though.
How about making larger social units a bit like a kibbutz (what the Jewish type used to be, not the Zionist type)


>No you are the autist for having a moe nuanced perspctive beyond the regurgitated "capitalism made me do it"

Imageboards are so well-versed in projection purely because they lack any genuine self-awareness.


>It obviously isn't.

>Just look at the mess the neo-liberals made when they tried to privatize research and add more "market-like incentives". They tied funding to the quantity of research papers. As a result scientists had to divert more time and effort to producing paper than doing actual research. Groundbreaking fundamental research declined alot.

>By privatizing higher education, students became customers, professors became service workers, learning became an experience. Some where along the way it stop being about knowledge and intellectual curiosity and became something else.

Ypu know why? Because the elites overpromoted college.
Alot of needy proles thought college was a golden ticket to "the good life".

Alot of parents thought colleg was the way for their kids to become an inlmportant nexus for he family tree.

Alot of kids thought college would be their "big debut", that it was a reparation for their gloom amd doom from middle/high school.

Now, because everyone thinks college is the only path to a career, the elites have them where they want them.

College is devolved into extended grade school.

Student autonomy nowadays is nowhere like it used to be.

The overpromotion of colkege is being used as a gambit to legally extend the age span of adolescnce.


I agree privatized higher education that required people to take on debt, that was a scam. So how about paying students a wage for "producing skilled/educated labor". That should remove the incentives to fool people with false promises.


Or maybe put trades back in tge classrooms?

Maybe STEM shouldnt be recklessly promoted.
Maybe education shouldnt be dragged on for so long?


Why do you think the rulers want you to learn anything ever again? All they want you to know is how to count to 500 and obey Germans. They laugh at you thinking it will be anything else.


Unironically you could abolish all schools, universities, and its lockout over employment, and human knowledge would improve within two generations just by not being choked to death. We were doing that thanks to the printing press allowing people to learn from very cheaply available books and many interested parties wanting to sell books because that was a good whose quality could be judged. When that was allowing too many people to learn, schools were invented to break the will of the children. That's all it was. If they wanted children to learn, schoolhouses could have easily be subsidized by the state and allowed to operate without too overbearing a hand, and in some cases this was tolerated. It was too valuable to society to encourage useful technical knowledge to stymie that too much, or accelerate killing off the weak out of some insane belief for lockouts and extra humiliations.

STEM education had more to do with selling the technology cult than a need for technology workers. The only workers they needed were those who would finish up computerization, and because their educational paradigms are so fucking retarded, they couldn't produce computer science graduates worth a shit and the useful programming was done by those with a more or less natural knack for it. This was part intended by British eugenics and its values being violently injected into workplace culture with computers - they only wanted Satanics to promote or be used up, and wanted to make sure anyone honest couldn't stop what was built. Every other technology has regressed or frozen in place, with the exception of "secret technology" which is to be revealed when they're ready to kill us off. This has always been the British Empire's modus operandi, and now they have locked it in. What they did with STEM was entirely marketing and training generations with TED talks to join the WEF forum and the other eugenist cults, thinking they're on the ground floor of something big by feeding them basically pure Satanic Nazism as "education". It's all so informationless that I have to wonder how the fuck this shit was ever accepted.

The only real education anyone gets is for CIA agents, and whatever education makes the Fed auxiliaries useful enough. For the most part, people promote by whatever talents they're allowed to express, which the eugenists believe invariable were inborn. If you're there, it's because you were "meant" to be there, and retroactively history must be rewritten. Only eugenics does this.

I don't know why the Satanics here are still tolerated. You all should agree with me instead of shouting me down, but the left is hopeless. Humanity in general is hopeless. Nearly everything we are taught to value is not just wrong, but entirely inverted from what a reasonable world would have been, deliberately and in your face to dare you to stop any of it. The brazenness of the insult repeated often enough has a force to make impressionable people echo it mindlessly. That's what this fucking Satanic empire runs on.


The reason why trades declined was because people doing that, weren't getting payed anymore. I don't think that Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education is in competition with trades. It's useful for that too.

>Maybe education shouldnt be dragged on for so long?

Lol, it would indeed be nice if learning stuff would go faster, but so far not much is happening on that front.


trade workers or pro-trade guidance counselors?

Tradesmen make good money. And even if not, they have easier time finding jobs.

Guifance counselors and teachers are paid by colleges to be shills.


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>Do they really not realize that they're driving away their own userbase like this? Or is that actually the whole point?
Unless there are le conspiracy ulterior motives, the problem comes from a couple of issues:

0) Most of the mods just want to grill delete commercial CP and raids. They rarely appear in the modlog. There are some people here with a lot of experience with the .org mod team: tell me how many of picrel you've actually seen. I can guarantee most people don't know half of them exist. They're not in the site meetings, they don't visit /meta/, they don't look at congress and probably don't even look at the mod chat room unless they're pinged.
Apathy, in a word.

1) Most of the ones who actually feel any duty towards the community left, and there were never really more than two at a time after the coup attempt. Misato, Caballo [in 2021] and Discomrade are the only names which come to mind for those who really tried to communicate, like making polls for new rule proposals. Caballo drifted into apathy territory, Discomrade burned out trying, I don't know enough about Misato to tell if they're actually doing much beyond answering questions on /meta/.

2) The oldest remaining mods are actively hostile to critique. They sincerely believe any criticism of them comes from leftychan. To be fair, yes, there are one or two obsessed people here who disingenuously agitate and feign other identities to evade bans or even just malice over petty grudges, but on the flipside, those mods now actively mock and delete any criticism of their actions, even those from regular .org users. Even today, they've proudly claimed to target posts comparing 'voting out mods' to 'voting out cops' and 'jennyposter' for some unknown grudge reason. They clearly enjoy drama and have no intention of moderating.

I don't know what to think of the few mods (e.g. subject, zankaria, misato) who are clearly active enough to be aware of the abuse even if rarely/not engaging in it - do they sincerely believe the openly hostile mods are justified and that their obvious drama flaming is appropriate for a moderator? Or are they mature enough to be treated as complicit and negligent?

Anyway, to answer the question - they're not trying to drive users away. They're trying to target anonymous users for fun and don't care about the constant collateral damage, assuming any reports of it are actually just trolling attempts. So they end up just banning and mocking anyone they confuse for their boogiemen, shaving away their userbase in the process.


I think imageboard mods sre even cringier than mainstream social media platform mods.

At least on the latter, its because businesses and relevant individuals use them.

Imageboards are self-infalted nobodies whom think themselves too different from their peers despite having the same preferences.


>than mainstream social media platform mods
If you mean Twitter and Facebook (rather than reddit) then most of them are outsourced and used to delete illegal content. It's an actual, shitty employment, not some special club of unaccountable nerds.


>special club of unaccountable nerds
Ah yes the infamous SCOUN that is haunting the innernet




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The thing about the .org mods is that they have pretty much given up trying to be a real moderation team. They've established themselves as a fbi.gov-style circlejerk, with their own rules and their own e-dramas.

I don't know how many more years this shit is going to go on, but I'm very sure it's all going to explode at some point.


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An explosion will be avoided at whatever cost it takes. A split is the ultimate fear of anyone who cares enough to volunteer. Two successive coups have caused irreparable damage, one more split may just kill both sides.

There are people even within that circlejerk who believe in uprooting it, only pacified by fear of losing the farce of a /leftypol/ which remains. Doomed, like some here, to reformist fantasy. Why even pretend either .org or .net have inherited the legacy of the original board? Has either site even developed a meme in the past two years?
The saddest thing is seeing the amount of time spent by fixated kiddos on masturbating over on .org instead of making this site valuable or relevant. The only achievements here are those of the devs.
But in the end, both sites are dying unless action is taken, and I have faith in neither community despite a few good actors in the mix. I've come to embrace the death of /leftypol/s, we should be raising a phoenix from the ashes before the house falls down and scatters them to the winds.

There are days when decades happen. And if you're not prepared, you will waste decades in mere days.


why are so emotionally invested in some vague mediocre imageboard site anyways?

Anyone thats active in leftist revolution or any political action in general wouldnt even spit in this direction.

All talk about "muh intellectual content" is just autistic pseudoscholars whom dont even interact with the real world.
Or if they do, theyre just measly grocery baggers or fast food workers.


were you here during at least during Bunker? shit was real. great oc and with big online implications. pol still seethes about the bunker despite it being dead. most youtube fags came from here and have become somewhat influential from 8ch from Vaush to Haz. 8ch resurrected ML directly and indirectly alongside social fascism


>insists on using "whom" excessively but can't comprehend an apostrophe
Yes, very fascinating…


"just measly grocery baggers or fast food workers."

Why are you belittling the working class?


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>Anyone thats active in leftist revolution or any political action in general wouldnt even spit in this direction.
Nice way to out yourself as a counter-revolutionary piece of shit.

I am active in direct actions. Even in half an hour I'm leaving to flier for an upcoming communist-led community action against a local weapons plant exporting to Israel. Other comrades I know from this site have been arrested for political actions. There are even some fucking .org mods who are highly active in organizing (no, obviously not the most active staff, but the AWOL admin Krates for one example).

Fuck off, you pathetic pretender. You are not welcome here.


Lol, the admin of this site works in a factory.


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>Then you admit that compulsory public schooling is the epitome of oppression.


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>All they want you to know is how to count to 500 and obey Germans.
G*rmans basically invented this whole higher education scam.

With those interest rates and those wages you're basically a debt slave for life after graduation.

This whole scam is there to force people to work harder.


Yeah but education is still neccesary, lol. Even in a communist society you need people to be able to work and do the maths and to think. For fucks sake, man, to think.

How do you think we should educate people with out schools?


Youre confusing all education as the same.

Higher education should be more for white collar. Theyre forcing young people to be these absolute polymaths with all this scholastic stuff but theyre scared of teaching young people technical skills.


>theyre scared of teaching young people technical skills.
Who's they, and how do we get young people interested in technical tinkering ?


there is no reason this shit should be 4 years

KISS, you don't need any math for majority of work

cut the length, cut the costs

1 year and you get your degree, that's what I'm talking about


We all start out interested in technical tinkering as kids.

Also by "they", I mean adults in general.


The K-12 grade-level educational system was made in Prussia circa the 18th century.
Germans adapted it.

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