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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.487075[View All]

Big massive thread for American politics.
95 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Dialogue Works - Richard Wolff and Michael Hudson on the Collapse of the American Empire


According to a new Politico report, if you exclude workers who can only find part-time jobs and workers who make poverty wages, the unemployment number in the US right now is 23.7%.


The trouble is taking anything Politico says seriously anymore after learning they receive USAID funding.


Was that even true? IIRC it was exaggerated.
That said, I wouldn't have trouble believing that US unemployment and poverty is much worse than official gov't stats suggest. This by itself has been an open secret for years, and the statistic released by Politico is probably accurate.


People who work at USAID are subscribed to Politico similar to other groups are subscribed to news outlets.
It was pure spin that this anon fell for


horse shit post proof


Prove what?
Afaik all they did was adjust the metric that the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses to determine unemployment numbers to include people with only part-time work or poverty wages as unemployed. The Bureau of Labor Statistics usually includes those groups as employed.


Okay it seems USAID just paid for a subscription service to Politico. Politico is still frequently full of shit though.


At this point they're slowly blackpilling people to the truth that there aren't as many people as there "should" be. Depopulation has already happened.

Just think, the real unemployment was ~20% during the 2010s. Right now there are no "jobs". The people live off of prostituting themselves or selling their organs. This country is a nightmare.


Every time I think I'm exaggerating, I get tips (not saying where) that it's worse than anything I could say, and they are in positions to know just how bad it is. The scariest shit doesn't come from the fringe, but from government employees. They have just said the type of things that have happened from what they see, and you have to fill in the blanks to figure out that it's a general rule, not an exception. By now it's too obvious, and the power of Lie is embraced by those marching in lockstep.


>Okay it seems USAID just paid for a subscription service to Politico.
Yes. Really crazy how this board can believe shit from the US president and his billionaire handler


Democracy is dying, and you're celebrating?


ngs here celebrating the death of usaid because it supported anti communist/china somethiing or other in a marginal way totally throwing out the baby ignoring al the other shit it did. the retards defending whats going on in the us on the let are cutting of their nose to spit in their own face


how do you define democracy ?

Democracy as in rule by the people for the people.

or the cynical version of it's democracy when you hate Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and all the other "regime change candidates".


there's and actual metric for that though. part https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/u6rate its called the u6 and this says its around 7.5


Nice try, fag.


Democracy as in us democracy.
Are you fucking retarded? No one is talking about anything else. The democratic republic of the united states.


There is no us democracy you silly goofball.


holy fuck here we are again.
In the utmost demeaning and faggoted fashion possible you are preaching to the chior what is already known. Why is the left so stuck up its own ass? "ACHUALLY" Shut the fuck up you dumb faggot nerd. Jesus christ. Words don't have objective meanings to them they can mean anything we want and furthermore democracy comes in many different hypothetical forms. Unlike the democracy in your magical dream world the psuedo democracy we currently have is under assault, but, sure sit here like a dipshit arguing semantics about democracy.


>Words don't have objective meanings to them they can mean anything we want and furthermore democracy comes in many different hypothetical forms.
Unfortunately the meaning you seem to want to attach to it is entirely to the benefit to the US ruling class. Whoops?


The US is dying, and that should be celebrated. The fact that lives for a lot of people are about to get worse is tragic however.


Idk, personally I contest the celebration-worthyness. The US empire is dying, which could be celebrated provided that the American workers/American left had something set up to save the wealth of the country itself from being raided as it collapses. If we were ready to move in and take over the infrastructure of the state, then that would be worth celebrating. However, it seems like total unmitigated disaster, which is also pouring a ton of resources into war and a wannabe-empire in the middle east as it dies.


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no you retard. I would rather live under a liberal democracy than live under a facism police state. You faggot third world retards believe it's ok to sacrifice workers, other working class people, like me, on the alter of the third world moral cross, but, you are just a fucking pathetic faggot.

see this post tells me everything I need to know. You fucking faggots over the ond think you are going to be immune to this? Lmao. You are delusional. People like elon musk want a technocratic facist theocracy that is global where him and his little cronies are heading the whole fucking system along with people like Vough. You guys are poorly mistaken in the direction you think trump is going to take the planet and in this arrogance and ignorance you will pay.


>doesn't agree with idiotic Orwellian definition of "democracy" that only serves to bolster the ruling class
You should listen to yourself in a mirror sometime anon.


You should maybe get an education and possibly even study basic philosophy and linguistics. but, no, the most retarded fucking people always are the ones that retards and sheep follow and believe because your pea brains cannot comprehend basic simply things like that words have multiple meanings and that sitting here like a faggot on leftychan doing nothing while millions of workers loose their jobs, benifits, and anything ment to defend them and even scolding people saying "hey this is fucked up" but no sure you deff aren't grabing your micropenis while people in the first world watch their country turn into a fascist police state.

You keep babbling about not being a retard and yet….


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There's something I think you should read anon. Don't worry it's actually relatively short, but it teaches some really important lessons for organizing. Here you go:


You see, not only does the language you use affect your own thought organization, but it also affects the thoughts of others'. And so, for example, if you constantly use language in a way that legitimizes the establishment–such as referring to the United States' cartoon clown plutocracy as a "democracy"–you could ultimately be responsible for keeping workers complacent and inconsiderate of overthrowing the system.


As a matter fact, that consequences could be even worse. If a worker thinks that the system we have is democracy, who could blame them if they see things going to shit and come to conclusion that, actually, democracy doesn't work, and they need some kind of strongman dictator to come in and save them. That's the real danger of using language that serves the status quo in a time of crisis.


>The democratic republic of the united states.
Never heard of that… so how's the weather in DRUS ?

>Words don't have objective meanings to them they can mean anything we want
So you are saying the flomboscovich has cromulated ? How conpuzeling of you.

>Unlike the democracy in your magical dream world the psuedo democracy we currently have is under assault

How about we just call the political system where the people rule, democracy, rather than "magic dream".
Aaand other thing could just be called a "pseudocracy", based on your choice of worlds.

You know to make this a little bit less confusing.


sure lets KEEP ARGUING ABOUT SEMANTICS. Wow you are so smart and cool do you feel good about yourself?

You are just a pedantic faggot and no one thinsk this way you are a moron.

?>So you are saying the flomboscovich has cromulated ? How conpuzeling of you.

Read between the lines retard clearly I ment words DO having meaning and that was a typo.

How about you just speak to people like a normal person and not this freak basement dweller who wants to split hairs over words. Again you are all losers and you are nothing and worthless and literally achieving nothing sitting here arguing this retarded shit with me.


>I ment words DO having meaning and that was a typo.
I wasn't trying to antagonize you, i honestly thought you meant to say words had arbitrary meanings, it didn't occur to me that it was a typo.

>How about you just speak to people like a normal person and not this (assorted insults)

You appear to be attacking me for interpreting the word democracy in it's original meaning rather than the extremely warped meaning in current ruling ideology.


>lots of name calling and special pleading to stop arguing
My takeaway from this post is that you can't defend your position.


Not that anon, but just call it "bourgeois democracy." Athenian democracy is quite literally ancient history, and if this semantic argument was going to yield any definitive results then it would already have done so by now.


That's even worse, most average workers don't know what "bourgeois" means and the fact that it's hard to spell gives it elitist connotations.


Everyone here knows what it means, and we're the ones who are talking right now. Average workers, whether or not they know what "bourgeois" means (and I question that it's so uncommon as you say, since the derivative slang term "boojee" has been in the lingo for a decade or more), probably wouldn't differentiate much between a functioning bourgeois democracy and "democracy." The idea that workers can't understand "bourgeois democracy" but can understand how only Athenian democracy is true democracy is silly; the latter idea is a much further concept from the ordinary conception of politics and more contentious as well.


Nah, that's still dumb and plays right into the radical centrists' propaganda war. If you're gonna go to that level you might as well go all out and call it bourgeois oligarchy.


>Nah, that's still dumb and plays right into the radical centrists' propaganda war.
It's a Marxist term.

>call it bourgeois oligarchy

A few things:
1. That's just oligarchy.
2. What exists now is oligarchy. The era of bourgeois democracy and the option of minute electoral reform in a bourgeois-dominated society is being ended. The transition is something which is terrifying ordinary, normal people who, unlike us freaks, mostly just use the terms "democracy" and "oligarchy" to differentiate between bourgeois democracy and overt, obvious oligarchy. Deliberately muddying the waters and acting like there's no difference, purely for the sake of semantics, when people are increasingly noticing the effects of this who otherwise might not have is not going to accomplish anything except for annoying and confusing people.


>It's a Marxist term.
Are we talking Marx here or one of the clowns in Germany who came after him and disregarded half the shit he wrote? Regardless, the Orwellian rot had already set in in the middle of the 19th century by the time Marx started writing. Aspiring aristocrats from the American and French revolutions had already taken the word "democracy" and inverted the stable meaning it had had for two millennia to reflect its historic rival and nemesis.

>1. That's just oligarchy.

The distinction actually does mean something. Oligarchies of the past were ruled by slave-holding elites or feudal lords. As Cockshott notes in the above video, in oligarchies like Rome and Sparta the politics were generally a contest between one set of slave-holding elites versus another set of slave-holding elites. In democracies like Athens and Argos, however, the political battles actually occurred between the free citizens and the slave-holding elites. Bourgeois oligarchy is rule by the new class of elites which replaced the latter.

Although frankly in a highly financialized post-industrial economy like the United States, we don't even have a bourgeois oligarchy. Instead we have an oligarchy dominated by the financial rentier class which has usurped control from the industrial bourgeois class.


Another plane crash today, this time in Pima, AZ.

Meanwhile, in Detroit…


>Another plane crash
I'm not up on plane-crash statistics, but this feels like it's way more than normal. How many planes need to fall out of the sky before it's a suspicious pattern ?


They gutted the FAA.


I am not making an argument about your gay semantics. I have zero interest in arguing with a fag about words and their meanings because you want to feel special and super smart because you can pedant about things everyone here already knows about. It's boring, you are boring and you are not special. You are just another faggot.

So the US system is under attack by literal facists and I would very much not like to live under a facist state as I was saying.


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holy fuck this is fucking insane. this is like the 6th crash in 3 weeks. Lmfao, GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP


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>more special pleading and name calling
Checks out.


How long before the money's fully worthless?


>He still has not had sex.


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Which money? The USD? Never, billionaire overlords like musk will never allow that to happen. That is why our glorious leaders are making all the cuts to the government for us.


From Unity of Fields:

🚨New York prison uprisings

As reported in mainstream media, all outside visits have been cancelled to New York state prisons.

Around midnight on Thursday, there was a militant uprising at Riverview Correctional Facility in Ogdensburg, forcing correctional officers to retreat, vacate their posts, and call in police and emergency response teams to gain control of the situation. Last week there was another prison uprising at Collins Correctional Facility in Erie County.

Correctional officer pigs are currently on strike in 36 facilities across the state, so Gov. Kathy Hochul on Wednesday signed an executive order calling up 3,500 members of the National Guard for service in the remaining unmanned prisons.

A statewide prison uprising is brewing in New York. Long live the spirit of Attica! Attica means fight back!


This isn't where luigi is held is it? Post sauce please.


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Due Dissidence - Chris Hedges on the critical struggle to rebuild the left

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