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I haven't researched it yet, but I just saw this excerpt from a 1978 piece by Paul Goldstein for the LaRouchite Executive Intelligence Report which claims that Jewish Confederate Judah P. Benjamin and B'Nai Brith member Kuttner Baruch were crucial to the formation of the Ku Klux Klan.

There's a Dr. Simon Baruch who apparently was later revealed to be a Klan member, but I haven't delved deep enough to learn much about Kuttner Baruch and what the sources for the claim that he financed it are. Has anyone delved deeper?


This is not controversial, which makes the "anti-racist" branding of the ADL more ridiculous. Jews were involved in the slave trade and never wanted to renounce it or their role in it. Guess where some of the money for Israel came from, and why they present the ideology they have chosen.

It's not a conspiracy theory to trade in common knowledge, for at the time, Jewish support for the KKK was not controversial. Those involved in the slave trade backed a resistance movement to restore the slave power and defeat Northern aggression as they saw it.

There was the original Klan, which was much like other secret societies, and the "revived Klan" that upheld Eugenics and repurposed itself as a vanguard movement of the eugenic creed. One thing that is often not considered is that for a long time, the purpose of the Civil War was not settled. The Klan wasn't just a "shady secret society", but a club for white men to feel they're part of something. They never stopped being a "thing" until the last third of the 20th century, where they could metamorph into various interests but the biggest was the Religious Right (i.e. Nazis).

Probably the biggest "blocker" for understanding this is believing that anti-Judaism was the leading purpose of the Nazis rather than eugenics and hatred towards any form of democracy. For the KKK, their concept of "democracy" entailed a franchise limited to whites of good standing who turn out to vote for their masters, but this was not enough, for eugenics cannot tolerate any iota of "democracy". Eugenics also requires the interested parties to go to war over the spoils, and so this would not be unusual to likeminded people. They laugh at the idea of peaceful coexistence even with "allies", and so you see a lot of strange bedfellows as long as the "greater enemy" of the broad masses are defeated. And of course, there were Jews perfectly happy to throw their own to the wolves to save their fortunes. The slave power promoted that throughout the world.


>It's not a conspiracy theory to trade in common knowledge, for at the time, Jewish support for the KKK was not controversial.
Elaborate on this? I'm interested to read more about it.


>Elaborate on this? I'm interested to read more about it.
Not that guy you replied to, so bear that in mind.

The Zionists have a tendency to ally them selves with anti-Semitic factions internationally. They do that because they want local anti-Semites to alienate the local Jewish diaspora, hoping to increase the number of Jews that migrate to Israel.

Netanyahu once tried to whitewash Hitler. He said something along the lines of Arab leaders having tricked poor Adolf into committing the holocaust instead of concentrating all the Jews in Israel. So that KKK thing is not surprising. Also if re-incarnation was real that could explain this.


Right, I was asking Eugene for specific sources, examples, etc. of that specific thing happening in the 1800s. This is all before the existence of the Israeli state.


Like I said - those involved in the slave trade had no reason to not support an insurgency to punish the North. The original KKK was a big contributor to ending Reconstruction, and that was its chief purpose. First KKK was narrow in its purpose, since at the time, "race-politics" didn't entirely work. The chief enemies of the first KKK were Northern politicians and businessmen, and their collaborators including freedmen who entered politics. They obviously did not want black freedmen getting any idea they were actually free, but they had no particular opinion on the Jews.

Benjamin would have been the best link from Britain to the South, since that was what he was there to do during the Confederacy's existence. He would have known who to send the money to and how to coordinate the Klan's actions with what London wanted.

What did London really want? They wanted eugenics as the new slave system, and wanted their stamp on it. Eugenics was always a way to thoroughly purge the Americans of any prior sense of themselves.


The later KKK was funded at home and by Germanic elements in Europe, and relied on its very large membership and the explosion of racial ideologies in the early 20th century. It helped them that Woodrow Wilson was an open supporter of the new Klan, and Wilson was huge on promoting eugenics.


Right, but do you have a historical source I can look at, particularly in relation to this line below?
>It's not a conspiracy theory to trade in common knowledge, for at the time, Jewish support for the KKK was not controversial.

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