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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.462013[View All]

This is a general thread for all China-related news.

Gusano fuckers can die. Westoid """maoists""" can sudoku.

We are going to analyize ITT every move by China in their road to a socialist economy.
241 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Why don't Chinese leaders just come out with a press release in English already stating outright that the US president is demented? It's not like they have anything to lose at this point. It could potentially produce so much domestic pressure that they would have to get rid of Biden.


I don't think Biden is truly "senile" in the sense that he doesn't know anything that is happening, or even is as clueless as Reagan who was nothing but a puppet of rot and death. He's not good at politics and he never had any loyalists fighting for him, but he's not so out of touch that he doesn't know what this is and how fucked he is. You could put the most competent and intelligent and sane human being in his position and they wouldn't fare any better, and you can tell that essentializing the eugenic qualities of politicians is part of this operation. It's not about anything they actually do or the obligations of the office, but about appearances and performances. Trump was 100% performative politics, and the one time he was asked to make actual decisions, he cowered like the sniveling retard he is and his supplicants are. Obama made his whole "thing" an appeal to technocratic elites governing things behind the curtain, and did everything he could to emphasize that power had moved away from the office. This is not easy, and Obama did have to do actual work to sell this, which was not something any cardboard cut-out could do, but Obama was unusual in that he didn't drone on about his legacy or the typical markers of distinction Presidents sought. Everything he did emphasized the power behind the curtain, and the role the President would play to facilitate that power over everything else. His function very clearly was to mollify the angry mob and be the cypher that would allow everyone to see what they wanted to see, and he was able to stage-manage the crisis of 2008 where the men behind the curtain couldn't. They need a leader to channel rage and divert it to useless objectives, and Obama made it one of his "things" to trigger his opponents and needle them in every way possible.

The mere existence of sniveling retarded failure that was Trump should make it clear none of this shit is real. I don't see Biden being able to do much or even making particularly bad decisions. After COVID it was clear this country was no longer governed in any democratic way that was presumed to work. The very idea of democracy is alien to the younger generations' mindset. There is no going against what has been set in motion, and I doubt it could have happened without Trump encouraging autocannibalism. Everything since 2000 has been managed to lead to preplanned outcomes, whether the people agree with any of it or not. All that matters is the loyalty of key officers who are conscious of their hatred for the people above all else.


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If I'm Xi I would think Biden is the best deal in a long time. He has no choice but to be submissive to the interests Xi cares about, and everything Biden does signals a willingness to repair the relationship with China at any price. The CCP said Trump was the retard he is time and time again, and told their own people that this is what democracy creates and why it's a bad idea. So, as far as their press releases care, they've already gone on the record saying America is fucked up and the nominal rulers are safe to ignore. It would be better for them to let the Americans continue to turn on themselves than make some bold call for revolution in the US.


You're a fag.


because it's in their interests to have the US political machine ran by the feeble minded and demented. They don't want someone competent in office, unless they can influence/control them


>It's incredibly obvious that Biden is not in control of his mental faculties at this point.
It seems like he's phasing in and out, sometimes he seems lucid while other times he seems lost
>The question is, will his repeat failures to stay on script finally make his handlers decide that they've had enough?
Judging by Blinken's exasperated face yeah they seem to be royally fed up.
>remove him from office over health issues
That is not easy to do, because all the people within the political structure don't want the precedent, they don't want their rivals being able to scratch at their position by accusing them of having health issues.


>Why don't Chinese leaders just come out with a press release in English already stating outright that the US president is demented?
They did that once, sort off. In 2019 during the World Economic Forum in Davos, the infamous hedge-fund manager George Soros called China a “mortal threat to open societies” and singled out XI Jinpin as “the most dangerous enemy”. And the Chinese state-media replied by basically calling Soros a demented old man.

But i don't think that they will do that to public state officials, at least not in a press release.
China probably does not want to interfere in US internal politics.



There's been much worse than Biden's appearance of incompetence. After Trump though, no one can make a claim that the President is there to do a job. He's purely a performance artist now.


At this rate this guy is going to have to prostrate himself before Jinping if there's ever to be any hope of restoring China-US diplomatic relations.


I would say that diplomatic tone/tact is important. Biden seriously screwed up, however it's not because he insulted Xi's pride by using the wrong political title or anything like that.

It's because the Chinese probably interpret it as a threat. They don't care what Biden or anybody else in Washington thinks about them. What they do, is correlate rhetoric and action. The track-record shows that if a US president calls the leader of another country a dictator, that is frequently accompanied by actions to attempt to overthrow said government either with covert warfare tactics (like the CIA doing a color revolution), proxy warfare or a direct invasion.

The Chinese probably do take into account that Biden has declined mentally and is having unscheduled unintended political outbursts. However if the US political machinery lets Biden yell 'dictator' often enough, eventually the Chinese will take this as institutional consent and then it'll have real consequences for China-US relations.

All that said what the Chinese want most is for the US to quit meddling with Taiwan, and to quit fucking with international trade. If they did that, those actions would speak louder than anything else.


I doubt the CCP expects anything else from Biden - the liberals will always say the dictator line in PR roles that Biden and that poor lesbian woman do, but privately and in enough hints, there are bigwigs that openly dismiss such rhetoric. Blinken's reaction is indicative of the relationship, and from the start, the Biden administration signals weakness and a willingness to work with Xi. Part of that is American leadership "losing face" by appearing out of touch. Blinken took his lumps early and let himself be knocked down by some Chinese diplomat guy, or he came in thinking he could talk to seasoned civil service guys with the middle school principal voice. I doubt he actually believed that was intimidating or pandering - it was a display of deliberate arrogance with the intent of him being shot down and humiliated to the global public. Outside of the game of public impressions, none of these people care about any of that. They know the US isn't going to do shit to China.


Bloomberg spoke in one talking head show and said point blank that Xi has to please constituents, after the news woman said "b-b-but dictator". Considering Bloomberg owns a shit ton of American mayors, his word is indicative of what goes in this country.


Rings true enough, but the CPC is not taking any chances by assuming there won't be a Sino-US war. They have the "century of humiliation" on their minds, and they're making sure they're prepared for all continuities.

You're talking about this ?


Yeah, that's the clip. The talking heads are made to say the lies so that the "wise men" can lecture them about bits of the truth, i.e. common sense. The ordinary people are never to say the truth - they must follow. It's all scripted - she knows fully she's paid to lie in that particular way, even though nobody believes her or even gives a shit what happens in China. You're supposed to terminate your thought at "dictator", while the neoliberal rulers promote ultraviolent and showy images, calling their officers for show "Czars" and talking a bunch of shit about how stronk they are. Bill Clinton did this a lot to show how he wasn't the old type of liberal that was often associated with Democrats (not that this image of the soft liberal Democrat was ever what they were - they were just relatively sane when they were ordoliberals, which screaming Germanics interpret as an appearance of weakness since you're supposed to bellyfeel when triggered and scream like a retard).


Obama was a master of this style of ruling by crisis and being the singular voice allowed to have all the correct ideas - literally the first true "cult of personality" that was manufactured, after trying to sell the idea that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao did this for doing basic things like "ruling" and "making speeches". Translate most of the clips of Hitler's speeches and they're basically things like "Germany rocks". That whole thing where they show you Hitler speaking untranslated German was a hint to the Krautoids that they're going to win and be vindicated.


Actually think about how someone becomes a dictator and how much work that is. I see so many of these suits fuming that they know they could never do what Saddam did. They wouldn't last a day in that position.


God I fucking despise what PBS has turned into. Gone are the Bill Moyers or even the Tavis Smileys; now they have the same well-groomed shitheads that you'd find at CNN.


Obama frequently resorted to social proof and the unity principle to sell his policies and attack his enemies
>'thats not who we are'
Sort of rhetorical

Very effective with women and low t beta males


That was kind of what Moyers was behind the mask. Back then they maintained human face and acted as if there was still a public to broadcast to.
Obama was the breaking point, and then made it clear that Americans would be bombarded with propaganda as if they were an enemy population to be subdued. He made quasi-official what had always been implied by the ruling interests of this country. He continued to press for that as much as he could, and after leaving office still shows his face to sell that. Guy really hated Americans and encouraged others to do likewise.

With corpo media they masked off earlier, were more shameless and insulting towards the people. Someone watching PBS was probably looking for something that wasn't pure enabling rot, so they had a more pleasant mask. Even then, if you go back to the 1980s, formal news broadcasts were then about like those you'd find on PBS News. There was a decorum once expected about presenting journalism, because people only tolerate so much rot in the open. The vanguard worked to make Americans more and more evil since the 1990s, but with so many of these liberals, they were inside much worse than the screamingest Reaganite fags, which is saying a lot.


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According to this chart, China's productive forces are as strong as the rest of the world's combined.

From this article: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/01/31/china-world-manufacturing-superpower-production/


>According to this chart, China's productive forces are as strong as the rest of the world's combined.
Somebody explain to me why the neocons are trying to challenge that behemoth to a fight ?


The propaganda is just the same as in the US.
>omicron isn't as serious no frfr
>we've got vaccines now yeah even though they don't stop infection they still prevent SeRiOuS CoMpLiCaTiOnS
>muh social costs of stopping a fucking plague



Because the alternative is capitulation.


why not go for coexistence ?


If we were dealing with two rational actors, that might be an option, but the US doesn't have the capacity to deal with that sort of development. It goes against its basic ideology, it doesn't have the intellectual ability to imagine that sort of world, and it doesn't have the institutional competence to handle it.


>it doesn't have the intellectual ability to imagine that sort of world
the people who can imagine coexistence aren't in power, but they do exist.


>why not go for coexistence ?
Because america's relationship with the world is based on exploitation.

All of america's power comes from their control of the dollar, and they can print as many dollars as they want. It's like going into a grocery store, loading up on stuff and then giving the cashier an IOU on the way out. Then you go home and write $1000 on a scrap of paper and mail it to the store. The rest of the world puts up with it because 10,000 nukes and the largest military in history says they have to put up with it.

Putin alluded to this in the Tucker interview. Once enough countries stand up and say, actually we're sick of your fake money bullshit and start trading with each other without dollars then that's the end. Because america doesn't really have that much of real value to trade with the world.

And china is the number one threat because they could have enough clout to say fuck america's monopoly money, everyone has to start using my monopoly money now instead. That's america's worst nightmare.


>Because america's relationship with the world is based on exploitation.
>america doesn't really have that much of real value to trade with the world.
This is true for the US imperial ruling class, but not the American masses.

>Once enough countries stand up and say, actually we're sick of your fake money bullshit and start trading with each other without dollars then that's the end.

The end for the US empire for sure, but not the US as a country, US-empire is also a drain on America the country.

>And china is the number one threat because they could have enough clout to say fuck america's monopoly money, everyone has to start using my monopoly money now instead.

The Chinese show zero will to follow in the US's footsteps to become the new hegemon and build tons of military bases. The international finance thing they're working on with the other BRICS countries, with a inter-state-trade currency based on a basket of goods, that seems rather benign. At least i can't see how that would allow china to print money at the expense of other countries.


The rulers of the US hate America more than anyone. Their interests can easily move to another country. No one is actually convinced the abstraction and legal contract is power itself. The empire rules because it commands a gigantic fucking army and chokes the world, and this is not limited to its military forces but to this worldwide network of spies, police, and agentur who will fight to the bitter end for what they really believe in. Any time someone acknowledges the nature of this, it is immediately derailed or mollified, so that the cycle may continue unimpeded. They like seeing the plebs believe the money symbol is made of magic, not getting that Russia and China - especially China - run the same sort of scam, and are partners of this imperial system rather than rival metropoles. America hasn't been the center of anything for a long time, and in many ways America was never the center. It was always a harvesting ground and ritual sacrifice dumping spot for the dregs of Europe and slaves they acquired. Because the Europe-center Empire ran itself into the ground because they're fucking Satanic retards beyond the norm for the human race, America took on a role that it was ill-suited for. The Americas collectively can never compete with the Old World - the Old World is far bigger, more populous, and has nearly everything of genuine worth as far as technology and manpower. America has lots of natural resources, which it declines to exploit for perfectly understandable reasons, and that's basically it. The rulers of America have nothing but contempt for those they rule over, and always talk up Europe and every foreign power. There is nothing they hate more than Americans.


>The rulers of the US hate America more than anyone.
It is common that ruling classes develop pathological hatred towards those they subjugate. Tho i have seen some neocons complain that Americans being especially unwilling to give up liberties was interference to their securityzation plans. That might actually qualify as anti-Americanism that goes beyond the usual ruling class hatred.

>The empire rules because it commands a gigantic fucking army and chokes the world, and this is not limited to its military forces but to this worldwide network of spies, police, and agentur who will fight to the bitter end for what they really believe in.

So all hard-power and no soft-power ?

>especially China - run the same sort of scam, and are partners of this imperial system rather than rival metropoles.

I find that hard to believe. If China is a imperial partner rather than a anti-imperial rival, why all the antagonistic foreign policy ? The military encirclement, technology embargoes, funding of political destabilization, relentless media demonization and so on.


It's not the ordinary hatred of despotism. That's universal to every state, regardless of how it is constituted, and it is something all ruling groups believe in. Whatever their thoughts regarding the ruled, ultimately rulers lord over the things they have, and that is what they must draw upon to have slaves and armies and anything useful. The rulers of America really, REALLY hate Americans, can't stop talking about openly demociding them at the first opportunity and replacing them with foreign slaves. It's a contempt most countries could not get away with. Usually the truly nasty despots just don't care about the people they lord over and would sell them for a kilo of cocaine a head. America's rulers truly hate Americans in their essence, in anything Americans ever wanted. They hate most of all the people who were dragged here in chains or who were here long before the white man came - why, I don't know, but they are seriously triggered by nigras and I never understood that level of pathological insanity. There was not any benefit to it, and the most fervent racists weren't the Southrons believe it or not, but the progreessives who wanted an outright Final Solution to the "Negro Question" and never gave that up. What black Americans did except exist to warrant that kind of visceral disgust, I really do not know, but it's a religion with true believers who are let in on the eugenic creed, and it's not even really about race or history. It's about testing loyalty to eugenics when they declare an enemy. Only in America can the racist vanguard be so shameful and stupid that they're too chickenshit to say nigra on television, and rely on this not-so-clever wordplay to mask their filth. The only people who were equally shameful were the Krauts during the Nazi period, and guess what interests propped up the Nazis in a classic pump and dump scheme.


The idea that there is a distinction between "hard power" and "soft power" misunderstands what rule and empire really is. No empire rests entirely on the threat of violence to survive and insists on this Germanic idealist faggotry where they believe they make reality. The smart empires, and the British/American Empire was for a long time like this, think about how to manage their domains, how to keep vassals or clients on side. There is still the beast that the people around FDR built way back when - it was the default. The current people have inherited it and ran it into the ground as fast as possible, the "shit up the world Any%" speedrun. No empire has been cursed with a worse ruling clique than this one. It really is charlatans like Musk and old money assholes who love the smell of their own farts.

The US sees its "peaceful" tentacles as a war machine, no different from its armies and police and every instrument of violence it commands. "War is Peace" has been the ruling ideas for some time now. That produces are very peculiar take on cultural influence, and the Empire is far beyond anyone else in the world. The whole world speaks English as the language of commerce, technology, basically anything that really matters. No one else comes close or even expects to compete in that game. The next rival that can claim to come from a "different world" is still effectively beholden to the Empire for its position.

>If China is a imperial partner rather than a anti-imperial rival

Stop, just stop. Stop believing narratives. The CCP made its deal with the devil when Nixon did his thing. The CCP's legitimacy rests on the belief that Mao bossed around the foreigners and made China great, and if it comes out that Xi takes his orders from the Big Man up there, the people would be scandalized. Think of how bad it would be if, instead of pandering to the American people, the rulers openly said they're going to replace you with better foreigners and that your time was up. The American rulers come awfully close to that, but even in this denuded state, there are limits to what they can get away with outside of the vanguard club. China's ruling clique rules China, not the world, nor does China have pretensions that it's going to export its system or way of life. Even to their closest allies, the Chinese are not concerned with conforming to their system or ruling ideas. This is largely because their geopolitical stance is decided for them, so there's nothing for them to fight for - nor are they stupid enough to believe in great numbers that nations really are essences in eternal Schmittian struggles. But, a country pressed upon, that doesn't enjoy the greatest enthusiasm for its institutions the way Americans are trained to worship the institutions like gods, is far more likely to see themselves besieged, regardless of their actual situation. The CCP besieges its own people to a large extent and this is open policy, whereas in the US, there is a facade of so-called liberal democracy which contemptuously lies. In China, this is just stated flatly under the communist system, or the system calling itself communism these days. The Party has an explicit right to lord over you and no one is under the illusion that it works any differently. China does this not out of malice or some peculiar trait of the race, but because they have to, and this is what their people know. If you told them about the fictions of liberal democracy, they'd laugh in your face at such an absurdity and ask where the real emperor is. It does help that China makes hatred of liberal democracy a calling card of their propaganda - and when you look at liberal democracies producing a Trump who tells the world "liberal democracy is the most retarded government ever", screams it and beats it into the ruled, the CCP has an easy job to confirm that libdem does indeed suck ass. There has been a game played with China since the 1970s - and really this has been the game of the Empire with China all along - where the Chinese have to emphasize that they're under attack from the empire, and during the 50s and 60s they were under attack and sabotaged in ways that would make your skin crawl. Poisoning the crops en masse and probably causing the famine of the 1950s is just the tip of what imperial fuckery did during that time. It would take a long time to habituate the Chinese to embrace the imperial ideology, so what they do now is a long run mission to normalize it. It's very aggressive - China didn't always have social credit and this isn't a thing that is "inherently Chinese" like it made sense to them. So much of the "Great Firewall" stuff was built for them by American/imperial software engineers.


A new law to improve workers' rights has been passed in China at the national level

This law affects all companies in the country, regardless of size. It will be effective in July 1st 2024, and there are 3 key points are:

1. There is a new organ present in each company called the Employee Assembly. This organ is for employees to exercise their power of democratic governance of the company. There are two types, one is an assembly for all employees or an assembly for employee representatives. In general, companies with more than 100 employees will have an assembly for employee representatives, while less than 100 will have an assembly for all employees. The number of employee representatives must not be less than 5% of the total number of employees and also not be less than 30, while the number of managers and executives must not be greater than 20% the number of representatives. The trade union acts as the executive organ of the Employee Assembly.

2. The Employee Assembly has access to basically all the information a company stores, which can be used to affect the worker benefits of employees. It also seeks to make sure the company is always following the labor laws present at the local and national level. When a company considers dissolution or applying for bankruptcy, it is required to listen to the opinions of its trade union and employees through the Employee Assembly or by other forms.

3. All companies with at least 300 employees must have employee representatives at the board of directors, unless it already has a board of supervisors with employee supervisors elected by the Employee Assembly in it.


:| NATO-propaganda
:O China-propaganda




Stream starts at around the ten and a half minute mark.

Fair warning 7 hours long so probably something to fall asleep to or digest in sections.

<China at 75: Changes Unseen in a Century

From the International Manifesto Group

>October 1, 2024 will mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when Mao Zedong declared that "the Chinese people have stood up."

>These unified events are monumental because of the enormous role China plays in the world today. The People’s Republic of China 75 years ago was a colonial holding looted by the world powers. China is now the economic powerhouse of the world providing hope for other developing countries of Africa and the Global South fighting for sovereignty against the forces of imperialism

>U.S. threats, military encirclement and hostile propaganda are escalating daily. In this consequential moment, it is paramount that socialist, anti-imperialist, and progressive forces join together to explain and defend the role of China today.

>Discussions will include the ongoing processes of poverty alleviation and modernization; China's role in the struggle against climate catastrophe; China's contribution to Marxist thought; the significance of the Africa Summit and recent meeting of all the Palestinian organizations in China and more.


My apologies apparently I found an Easter egg.
The actual discussion starts that the twenty and a half minute mark.


Interesting citations in the video description.


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Babe wake up, the new China update just dropped.

They have new planes…


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And a new train…


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And a new boat


They look very futuristic, without the tail-fin.

The one in the first pic is huge and looks like it's got 3 engines. And the rear landing gear looks heavy duty with the double wheel config. Maybe it's a small bomber optimized for long range and or high altitude.

I wasn't aware China was investing a lot of RND into traditional jets.

It seems like everybody is demonstrating their new toys for the year 2025


When societies build fancy trains that's usually a sign of a society in a golden age of enlightened industrial progress. I wish we had that.


That train looks sexy as fuck. Allegedly this is the CR450, a newer version of the CR400 which from youtube looks quiet and comfortable.

Where I live we have one set of tracks connecting three major cities where like 90% of the country lives, and they have to share that track with freight trains. The freight company owns the tracks so their trains have priority. Passenger trains have to pull over and wait at certain areas, and you are regularly 45mins to an hour late. We desperately need high speed rail ffs.


>That train looks sexy as fuck.
Allegedly this is the CR450, a newer version of the CR400 which from youtube looks quiet and comfortable.
CR450 sounds like a name for a coin-cell battery. I guess that doesn't really matter.

>Where I live we have one set of tracks connecting three major cities where like 90% of the country lives, and they have to share that track with freight trains. The freight company owns the tracks so their trains have priority. Passenger trains have to pull over and wait at certain areas, and you are regularly 45mins to an hour late. We desperately need high speed rail ffs.

It's not uncommon that trains wait on side-tracks to let another one pass, but not giving passenger trains priority that's kind off weird. Three-quarter to a hour delays that's hardcore tho, my condolences.


These seem to have some characteristics in common with the trillion dollar turkey the F-35. "Stealth" technology was always scammy bullshit and I sure hope neither of these are "fighter" aircraft. What's China's military-industrial complex like? Why does it need these when it has missiles that can sink aircraft carriers?

Speaking of which, someone just wasted a ton of money on this. Hypersonic missiles have made aircraft carriers essentially obsolete floating coffins.


>These seem to have some characteristics in common with the trillion dollar turkey the F-35. "Stealth" technology was always scammy bullshit
What made the F-35 a turkey was
the stubby wings: compromised range, loitering time and maneuverability.
the hovering ability: added too much weight, complexity and cost.
feature overload: too many roles.

VTOL would have made sense on civil passenger planes, so big planes can go to small airports with short landing strips, but for military it's odd, jets have overpowered engines with afterburners that enable them to use tiny air-strips anyway.

The Chinese plane especially the diamond shaped one has a whopping wing-span of an estimated 20 meters, which should give it excellent range and loitering time. it doesn't look like it's got hovering either. So if it's a turkey it's not because it copied bad design cues from the f-35.

Given the big size of this thing, stealth is somewhat relative anyway.

>and I sure hope neither of these are "fighter" aircraft.

Obviously not, without a tail, maneuvering on these have got to be somewhat leisurely. Maybe the strange shape is for going fast at high altitude. I think the diamond shaped plane could be a counter to the B2 (the one shaped like a manta-ray fish)

>What's China's military-industrial complex like?

Mostly state run, and not very communicative. Most of the stuff they put into production so far seemed to be value-optimized and very mass producible. Boring shit that wins wars. If you like playing online armchair general it's not very enticing, no fancy super-units, no glorious battle behemoth. Their weapons manufacturing is tied into civilian production, they have very little fully dedicated military production. So they're probably intending to scale down after "big-power competition" is done.

>Why does it need these when it has missiles that can sink aircraft carriers?

>Speaking of which, someone just wasted a ton of money on this. Hypersonic missiles have made aircraft carriers essentially obsolete floating coffins.
Given the timing, this ship is a political statement towards Taiwan, it's primary function is stated to be an amphibious troop transport, the aircraft carrier function is secondary.
If you ask me they're not planning on using these until after Chinese rocket forces have pounded any advanced military into dust. If this comes into play it'll be the van for the mop-up crew that cleans out what remains of the "imperial infestation" in Taiwan province, after the big showdown. If there is a big showdown… I think it's primarily intended as a demonstration of capacity and conviction. And the secondary function is a prestige object like a giant statue, except that it's mobile. Like you said the aircraft carrier is past it's prime in terms of combat and would quickly become a floating coffin. But it's still the Geo-politics version of having a enormous car, just to park it somewhere to annoy people with it taking up so much space.


Perhaps for rich executive private aircraft, but VTOL would make the least sense of all on commercial airlines because they consume so much fuel to operate. Energy efficiency is the absolute #1 overriding concern for commercial airlines. If they can't make money off it because it's too expensive to operate then it's dead in the water.


>executive private aircraft
You mean private jets ?
I gotta be honest, i have never investigated these. All the good small-to-medium size passenger planes seem to be using turbo-props and a different fuselage/wing configuration, so i don't really get why private jets are a thing.

>VTOL would make the least sense of all on commercial airlines

From an engineering perspective adding vertical thrust makes more sense the bigger the plane. They're harder to get off the ground and hence benefit the most.

there would be benefits. You can do smaller airports in less perfect locations. Takeoff and landing could be done at low speeds, previous-plane-turbulence would dissipate really quick and have less impact in general. You could stack flights almost back to back. Passenger throughput could be improved a lot. Runway conditions would be less critical. It would get easier to pull off more radical configuration like boxed-wings (which have fuel efficiency benefits), because the vertical thrust provides an extra safety cushion that hedges against unforeseeable flaws in new desings.

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