>>462924>>462904If I may be permitted to educate you.
What you are calling "accelerationism" (a term coined in the 21st century, functioning in this "debate" of ours as a stawman of your own making in your petty argumentation) is not even closely related to my core beliefs, or, to "where I'm coming from."
As I already made it implicit, mine is an orthodox Marxist view – that held by Marx, Engels, and Lenin to different degrees dependent on the theoretical development of their views in different periods of their development.
To reiterate the main points:
1. Under the current global capitalist politico-economic environment to advocate for "cooperatizing" the working class doesn't amount to "strengthening" their (abstract) "power" as hypothesized by you, and no amount of economic "self-bettering" of select pockets of the (especially Western) proletariat resulting from this can ever lead to the overall emancipation of the proletariat culminating in a DotP for the single reason that cooperatization merely means petit-embourgeoisement of the pockets of the working class (esp. in the West).
You are being continuously called a "booklet" because the congruent results are already being drawn in such classics as Marx's The Poverty of Philosophy, and Engels' Socialiasm – Utopian and Scientific. Parallel to this runs a long Leninist tradition calling out core-capitalist unions for being "reformist," and the general population being "labor aristocrats" (stemming back to Engels).
It makes me think that you don't actually understand what the term "
embourgeoisement" (a term spanning back to Marx and Engels) even means. It means that a specific sector of a specific economic unit's (e.g. country's) portion of the working class becomes enfeebled in terms of revolutionary potential and becomes aligned in terms of (oft global) class interests with their local (and int. aligned [in case of global] imperialist) bourgeoisie proper.
But this is just one line of argumentation you didn't understand.
The other one argued against your infantile idiocy regarding the levels of modes of production, in developmental, or, if you'd like, Marxist-"teleological" / Marxist-"productionist" fashion. Namely, that pockets of the working class adopting a cooperative economic framework equals with their setting back in terms of development to the already existing capitalist framework.
Parallel to the two main lines of argumentation above, runs a much more basic line, namely the model of the "development of revolutionary consciousness of the working class" as observed and outlined in Lenin's
What is to be Done. To TL;DR: working class revolutionary consciousness develops in
direct conflict with the bourgeoisie, which your proposed model of "just do coops, lmao" tries to bypass altogether, again, resulting in a p-bourg mindset.
And finally, there is actual historic evidence proving your line absolutely incorrect and wrongheaded from a revolutionary POV – no surprise to anyone who studies Marx, Engels, and Lenin. Namely, the israeli series of Kibbutzim experiments which started as localized coops aimed at birthing socialist collectives, all organized in a cooperative fashion, but done so under the general aegis of a capitalist(/neo-colonialist) project of the state building of modern Israel. What happened on the political side (again: Engels –
Utopian and Scientific) is that these futile projects became crucial vehicles for the bourgeois project of nation building for Israel, and what happened on the economic side (obv. the two being in dialectical relationship) is that said local coops started out as economic units of local "equal owners and producers"… a decade later employing poor Palestinian labor as paid wage labor (economic exploitation proper). There are literally no guarantees for this NOT to happen whenever and wherever coops arise in a capitalist (as opposed to under DotP) setting.
This is also why Rojava-fags are complete idiots and booklets like yourself, but, anon, you are about to become less of a booklet, because you've been provided with at least 3 books to read, and like 4 topics to further research….
>inb4 Daddy Richard D. Wolff & Noam ChomskyRead the books, you fucking useless cumstain, and become a less useless cumstain.