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Is he like an old Jordan Peterson? A Rorschach test that says "water is wet"?

Tolstoy wrote that Nietzsche wrote nothing insightful, that had he been alive earlier no one would have paid attention to his writings, that he and his prominence is a sign of intellectual decay. Trotsky wrote that the reason why Nietzsche's followers can be so radically different from each other is because they take what they want from Nietzsche and ignore whatever else is inconvenient for them. When someone points out the terrible things Nietzsche wrote, the response is either a) you're misinterpreting him! or b) his personal views are not reflective of his philosophy! or even c) you can't critique the genius of Nietzsche because he has rejected reason!

Does this strike anyone else as eerily similar to Jordan Peterson and his rabid followers?
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I’m reading on the Genealogy of morals right now, I have some questions.
>Nietzsche says he’s against egalitarianism that reduces men to common, and power = good because it started this way in history and they establish themselves as good solely through themselves. the weak have slave morality in that identifies its oppressors as evil then subsequently themselves as good.

What in the goddamn bootlicking bullshit is this? I somewhat looked fondly of Nietzsche before I actually read him. And the way he talks about race lmao
It really does explain the modern far right-incel mentality though. Should I keep reading or find something better?


What’s your contextual history with the rest of the western cannon? The dude can seem really strange and extreme if you don’t understand the systems and theories his entire philosophy is railing against. Just like most philosophers, he has interesting points and is a product of his time. If you aren’t enjoying it or really getting it, then I’d set him aside for a while.


>the weak have slave morality in that identifies its oppressors as evil then subsequently themselves as good
slave morality is a real thing and Marxists ought to oppose it. examples include christianity and pacifism


Has anyone read that critique by G. Lukacs?


ik, it‘s just that out of the three masters of suspicions, his work is the most disappointing. More so o as I used to like him the most before I read any of them.
>Who can guarantee that modern democracy, still more modern anarchy, and indeed that tendency to the "Commune," the most primitive form of society, which is now common to all the Socialists in Europe, does not in its real essence signify a monstrous reversion—and that the conquering and master race—the Aryan race, is not also becoming inferior physiologically?)
> Let us submit to the facts; that the people have triumphed—or the slaves, or the populace, or the herd, or whatever name you care to give them—if this has happened through the Jews, so be it! In that case no nation ever had a greater mission in the world's history. The 'masters' have been done away with; the morality of the vulgar man has triumphed. This triumph may also be called a blood-poisoning (it has mutually fused the races)—I do not dispute it; but there is no doubt but that this intoxication has succeeded.

Feels like a bunch of morality of power and nazi-babble. Also I feel like Marx already formulated his ideas but better with his theory on ideology & religion..

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Here we post our fields of expertise, in hopes to share the knowledge with our fellow comrades. Ask any questions to comrades in this thread regarding their skills, and post your own. Maybe we can create a chat eventually to teach things at a more in depth level.

Me: Native English speaker, very good at math, okay at similar sciences, and computer science, can help with music regarding drums/guitar/songwriting etc.

I'm particularly interested in learning Chinese (Mandarin), I've just started learning some basics, if anyone has any advice or resources for learning that would be great.
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What do you mean by 'get started' exactly?


Drawing with the right side of the brain and loomis of course.


I'm a creative media student God help me with a decent level of skill with video editing. I was hoping one day I could email Cockshott to help with the editing in his lecture videos


Just go for it, it seems he's quite responsive. However he seems exceedingly busy so idk how keen he would be to try organise it. Definitely worth a shot however.


Why is this image so attractive?

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 No.3113[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post audio sources
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_Adolph Reed On Identity Politics, Reparations, And Removing Monuments_

&ltWhat politics is and what it isn't and what apolitical movement does look like and what it doesn't look like and how many things look like they are meaningful political action or are treated as if they are a meaningful political action but really aren't and can kind of delude us into thinking that we are making progress when we aren't.



can you say what text to speech software you used for narrating the texts ?


move thread to /edu/ ?


Michael Parenti conspiracy and class power


what Marx meant with Religion is the opium of the masses


A lifetime of undiagnosed learning disorders, educational neglect and unproductive escapism has reduced my grey matter into a vestigial organ. I essentially missed out on the entirety of highschool but was able to work with what I had and managed to get a GED plus a tiny smattering of community college. But I started to hit the brainlet wall again and I realized how spotty and full of holes my whole foundation is. I was too ashamed at the time to ask for help and I no longer have access to professional educators so I might as well ask an anonymous imageboard.

Do y'all have any good resources or books for someone looking to restart their education from basics? Assume that I don't know anything aside from basic literacy and numbers. Maybe not even that.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Did you look into khanacademy's courses? They have math from the 1st grade all the way to the high school and college level as well as any other topic commonly taught in school

Also check out this https://4chan-science.fandom.com/wiki/Mathematics#Precalculus


Try Howard Zinn's People's History of the United States ( https://www.historyisaweapon.com/zinnapeopleshistory.html ) It's easy to read and great at presenting at history from the point of view of the average person.


It really helps if you specify what you're interested in (both in the sense of what entices you and what you think it would be useful for you to learn). "General education" is a meme outside of acquiring the most basic foundations. IMO it's better to pick something concrete and go for it


Thank you very much. I will definitely check these out. I appreciate the time and effort you've taken to help me out, no matter how small. I even appreciate maths is fun's non-threatening child-friendly aesthetic.
Thanks for your guidance. To say that I've been unfocused is an understatement. So I have bits of an education here and there. I really enjoyed the history courses I took as an adult (mainly ancient history) because the professor was at least engaging and the content didn't have too many dates or dead people to remember. I also never really paid much attention in science. I'm not a flat-earther or anything but past a certain point I just don't really understand how or why the world functions.


>How to Read a Book
>Atomic Habits
>Make it Stick
>Deep Work

These create a foundation for consumption of information. Read these so that everything you read subsequently will be effectively absorbed. After that it depends on your interests. Like the other anon said, A People's History of the U.S. is a great start, but it's written with the assumption that you know the general U.S. propaganda history. How to Read a Book has a great list of books of the western cannon to read. It all really depends on your interests.

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Learn to use the catalog:

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/Leftypol/ didn't bite, let's see if /edu/ acctually might read something.

>Read capital and complimentary theory.

>No! Really, READ capital and complimentary theory.
>No, not like that!
>Ok basically read this quote down below by fucking Karl Marx.
>And at least read the text on point 1 down below.
> To understand why your current party isn't even being shut down or disturbed by the Porky Police.
>You are in your current state, totally harmless.
>Let's not keep it that way.

"It is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be. Therefore I am not in favour of raising any dogmatic banner." - Karl Marx

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bump, props cus scientific socialism.


Michael Parenti Videos in youtube


Huh OP that's Robert Kurz in the pic, have you read him?



This thread should have been called "Critique of labor" or "Critique of the value form".
Bump nonetheless.

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Thread for discussing the spanish civil war. I start the thread with a short paper on Soviet Union's involvement 1936-1939.


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Morning Star review of an audio play about two volunteers in the Spanish Civil War.
It might be worth a listen. (£2 per episode, or £6 for the whole thing.)


What do people here make of Orwell's interpretation of the war? His theory goes that the MLs shot themselves and the war effort in the foot by siding with the liberals instead of committing to full social revolution like what POUM and CNT were doing. He thinks if all the communists overthrew the Republican liberals, that they could've inspired a rural insurgency behind Franco's lines and eventually won.


I've been reading this recently:
It has quite some hot takes about it and my general understanding of the events is not deep enough to tell how valid they are.

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Does anyone have some good things to read about the NEP period and the collectivisation period and the transition between the two?


a quite popular narrative among anti communists, the so called resistance narrative that presents the soviet collectivisation of agriculture as a mostly or completely unpopular policy on the part of the peasants. The resistance narrative draws on OGPU reports and peasant letters and (mis)takes the peasant protests during winter of 1929-30 and passive resistance in the collectives as proof of widespread resistance to collectivisation. I go through the nature of the sources this narrative uses, the scope and nature of the peasant protests, and annual grain produce in the collectives during 1930s to show it is false.


Anyone know what happened to BadMouse's videos?!


He took them all off. I don't know why he quit. The official line was that he was fed up with Breadtube not doing Praxis in real life and they only care about aestethics.


Fuck that sucks. He had quite a few god videos debunking Prager U that were very handy


everything feels outdated what the fuck do I read to understand neoliberalism and all this shit, what can you even do at this point?
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Foucault belongs but not for the reason of the one who made that. Foucault wasn't neoliberal but does describe it before it was really a thing.


>they conveniently leave out Points like his Hatred of Landlords.

This. It shits me to tears. Same as how Smith basically infers that education, health, and essential public infrastructure should be free and yet these drongos try to privatise everything.


There is no need to understand neoliberalism. It isn't a thing. It's just a word people use who want to say that this society is shit without saying that capitalism is shit.


its probably not what you want, but ive been reading some psychology-adjacent shit, like "dare to lead" by brene brown, been psyching myself up to read deluze&guttari shit, reading lots of shit on them. Been reading anthropology, recently "against the grain" by james c scott. Just started another book of his, less anthropology and more a study of the faces we put on towards power, and how that influences the sort of superstructure i guess, like the accepted notion of how things are. Also been reading "the violent technologies of extraction" by alexander dunlap and others. id say thats some 10/10 shit tbh.
The way that i think of it, capitalism is all around us, so if we go into different adjacent disciplines, we'll get another angle on capitalism. Same with neoliberalism, tho i get the desire to have a good history of it specifically. (oh yeah also read Understanding the F-Word by david mcgowan, its… okay/good). Like neoliberalism is just imperialism/colonialism by another name. Yes it has certain unique characteristics, but its also the same expansion that all states have done since there was rich stores of people, livestock, or grain to exploit. The parasite tries to spread and feed.
And so personally i really love a sort of wider lens on what capitalism is… i dont think its totally distinct from previous social forms, except that it is more deterritorialized n shit. Its like democratic feudalism, which in turn was like a more horizontal empire. So its fun to see the changes through time, and also the consistencies, anyways yeah like i read lotsa marxian shit and economics when i was younger, and im pretty done with it. Last economics shit i read (but didnt finish) was some mutualist shit (it was good).
all in all i think anthropology and history is maybe the most important to me, and then i try to look out for shit that explains capital more as this organism or self-perpetuating arrangement, rather than an ideology that people believe, because the latter way of seeing it is more restriction and gives a more inside view rather than a look at the whole beast, and its evolution through history


>>3526 (me)
id also recommend foucault, (((tiqqun))), ellul, camatte. I dont say that i fully endorse them all, but that you can learn something important from them all maybe. Fuck frenchies tho god damn they cant write

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This question has been puzzling me lately. In my view because the most "raw" understanding we have of the world is our experience, which isn't mathematical (color, feelings, etc) which means that the world cannot be purely mathematical. I think then what we have is a "materialistic" world which can be described as mathematics. The maths isn't what is really happening, but it helps us in manipulation. Kind of like moving an desktop icon to the bin on your screen is just a metaphor for execution of code inside the computer. It would be a mistake to assume how the computer really works is icons on some screen, even if it helps us in manipulation.

Furthermore what makes me believe this more, is that sometimes scientific discoveries can have multiple interpretations. Quantum mechanics has like 4,and all of them are valid logically. Which one you chose depends more on your preference then anything. If that wasn't the case, you wouldn't have scientist debating the exact same theory. You may say one is more clean or beautiful or intuitive, but previous scientific discoveries did not care about that. Some weren't symmetrical as people wanted or intuitive, some were. So it's just speculation.

Where this bothers me though is simulations. Assume we model a person inside a computer by describing every particle in him through code. Would he "think"? Obviously I expect him to behave a certain way like a human do, but so would a simulated model of a tree, even if it wasn't really a tree. It does not mean the simulated person thinks. He just fools us, but has no understanding of the world himself.

What even gets me more confused is the fact that thoughts, as in consciousness and direct experience play a role in our behaviour. We all know the famous experiment of brain activity appearing milliseconds before a person is conscious of moving his finger, but this wasn't the only thing found. Consciousness can also cancel that movement as it desires. actually in practice the complexity, free will or how you want to call what makes humans unique is a reason why it is impossible with current understanding to predict human behaviour. Game theory only works if you assume people as psychopaths and shallow husk only interested in playing the game the game theorist made up. This makes the idea of unconscious mathematical digital human being the same as a regular human bit wonky, yet because I can't point to from where consciousness emerges, my position is wonPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


We already had a thread about this: >>2320
tl;dr: math was designed to describe the world

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