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any other resources on Nutrition/Diet in the USSR to deboonk the Commie Starves meme apart from that one CIA Report? we could really use a more thorough list of sources on it.


ask somebody who lived in the USSR what they ate. From what I've heard, Soviet citizens ate the traditional diet from whatever region they were from.




Soviet nutrition was better than most of the west but was limited and involved a lot of creative uses for bread.


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This is part of the reading series we're doing in the Continental Floppa reading group formerly the anti-Anglo reading group. The plan is to read 1 chapter per week (breaking up chapter 3 into the 3 lectures). This is a selection of lectures and essays by Louis Althusser on the topics of philosophy relative to science and politics. This thread is for discussion and to invite people to the reading group, which can be found here https://matrix.to/#/!mjlMGagFTDhvgxMWhY:matrix.org/

Our schedule has recently changed. We now discuss on Sundays.
UTC (UTC +0) 19:00 (5pm) Universal time
EDT (UTC -4) 15:00 (3pm) Eastern US (daylight savings time)
CEST (UTC +2) 21:00 (7pm) Central Europe (summer time)

The next session will be Sunday 27th June, covering essay 1:
Theory, Theoretical Practice and Theoretical Formation: Ideology and Ideological Struggle
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Elliot (ed) – Philosophy & the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists & Other Essays (Verso, 1990/2011)

Book Scan w/ bookmarks & linked TOC [index unlinked]


French edition if anyone cares. [Bookmarked; no links]


Is the full list of this decided/available somewhere? Would love to do the reading but unfortunately don't have much time for discussion. Looking for stuff to share with my local org


Turchetto – Althusser & Monod. A 'New Alliance'? (Historical Materialism 17.3, 2009: 61-79)


We are currently doing a thing where everybody takes turns suggesting reading. The next text hasn't been decided yet.

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So /edu/, what are your personal Top 5 texts
Lectures, videos, or books that really struck a chord with you or in some way influenced your thinking?
>bonus kudos for links, .pdfs, etc.
>xposting welcome

Hopefully the peeps who contributed to the last thread are still lurking and contribute again, because I didn't get a chance to save all the recommendation last time and it >>332596 died
So much insightful and personal content, gone ;_;7

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Baudrillard is one of the few who was able to critique Marxism from a resonable and not cucked perspective.
Especially in The Mirror of Production his criticisms are from the prespective of some one knowledgeable of Marx.
Now that the dust has settled was he right nearly about everything?
I mean look at China
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Baudrillard would find anarcho-primitivism completely ridiculous. Anarcho- because for him primitive societies were in no way anarchic; and -primitivism because for him the logic of "primitive" societies is a general social logic that is present in every society, so we never left "primitive" societies anyway, but they never existed as imagined by anprims.

Furthermore he was a priori opposed to all kinds of returns for similar reasons that any Marxist would be: you can't oppose the current sytem with a previous form that has precisely led to the current order and was absorbed by it. You can only oppose the system by some further or "higher order" form that overcomes the current one.


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That's a stab at Deleuze and Guattari as well.

Autism is another mental illness Baudrillard uses as an analogy for the society as a whole. He started doing that pretty early, at the beginning of the 90s at least.

1st pic: Transparency of Evil (1990)
2nd pic: The Illusion of the End (1992)
3rd pic: The Perfect Crime (1995)


Speaking if baudrillard, i really don't understand what the fuck he means in "No Tears for Sarajevo". Somebody wants to illuminate me?


I only skimmed through, but he talks about the West not having any purpose any more so it has to import it from the outside, find a struggle in the rest of the world and turn it into victimhood of others so it can larp as their savior. This just goes to show that it is the West which is suffering from a poverty of purpose, not the rest of the world.

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Do you agree with her?
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high school biology


Mental disorders are real but only in relation to society. It only truly becomes a disorder once it negatively impacts your functioning in daily life. If big pharma and corpos didn't dominate medicine, you'd see more of a focus on treating the disorder as a symptom of coping with social life rather than a problem inherent to the patient. Most psychologists and psychiatrists otherwise accept a nuanced biopsychosocial model of mental behaviour.
There will still be mental disorders under socialism, but different kinds and frequencies. Hopefully they will be treated differently as well.




Leftwing moment.
Tell us more how hearing voices telling you to murder someone isnt a real illness.


>TFW your massive effortpost got deleted by Melons autism on bunkerchan months ago

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I have absolutely no understanding of physics, so if anyone who understands it can tear me apart I would be grateful.
Suppose I imagine space as a pool of water. Suppose I push a toy boat across the water. That boat will create waves in the water as it moves, and it would appear that the boat follows the waves. If the wave is affected by some other object, it will change shape and alter the trajectory of the boat.
Wouldn't this show that wave-particle duality isn't really a contradiction? Alternatively, is this sort of the idea behind pilot wave theory? Or (more likely) am I oversimplifying shit way too much and missing a lot of basic knowledge?

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Attention! • Achtung!
Asshole! • Arschloch!
I won and you lost, haha! / I got this and you don’t, haha! • Ätsch!
Owee! • Aua!
Stand up! / Wake up! • Aufstehen!
Tidy up! • Aufräumen!
Open the door/window/whatever! • Aufmachen!
Close the door/window/whatever! • Zumachen!
Encore! • Zugabe! (shouted ZU-GA-BE to keep in synch with the others shouting it)
Colloquial greeting that sounds like a question. • Na?
Don’t act cocky like that! • Nanana! It basically only exists in spoken form. Some writing attempts use spaces, but that’s like writing Zu ga be.
I’m rating this game/movie/situation/whatever two stars out of five. ★★☆☆☆ • Naja. It’s also a filler word similar to “well“.
Boaster! • Angeber!
Give it! • Gib! (order addressing a single person)
Sit down! • Hinsetzen!
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>Great and/or horny! • Geil!
If i say: "Ich bin geil" (if that's even correct to begin with), would i be saying that i'm great or that i'm horny?


Depending on context, could be either.


Note that list is mostly about the meaning in self-contained pseudo-sentences. Great is mentioned first because that is the most likely interpretation if you just shout that one word and the horny thing is mentioned because this is the meaning it sometimes also has and it would be wrong to not tell that the learner.
>Ich bin geil.
99 % horny interpretation.
>Der/Die/Er/Sie ist geil.
This one really can go both ways. It can be mean that person is really cool and makes you enthusiastic…
>Ich bin geil auf…
This means I am really enthusiastic or horny about something and whatever follows should greatly reduce the ambiguity. Also, if you are horny, you usually don’t announce that to the world, so when somebody says the word with many people hearing it, it is unlikely to be meant in the horny sense.

Conceptually related: There is the word die Lust, which (as you probably have guessed) can refer to sexual appetite, but also just that you just really want to do something. Of course, this also exist in English, like with the formulation lust for life, a difference is that Lust has a far higher frequency in German use. So with this mental bridge, I guess geil is not that mysterious after all.


>>6602 (me)
Forgot to explain why the first-person version of the sentence leans so strongly into horny territory compared to the third-person version. People sound really phony (or ironic) when they say about themselves that they are very cool, so that interpretation option gets basically deleted.


Ja, ich sieth jetzt.

Danke für deine erläuterung. Deutsch bist ein viele fascinating language.

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Can attention spans be repaired? I regret ever being introduced to Twitter or Facebook or any of that. I feel like I can't work without looking something up a few minutes later, and then becoming distracted for an hour. I don't wanna completely abandon those social media sites, memes and cat pics are butter for my real life social relationships. Any tips?
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Do this. Block all those damn sites and seriously consider deleting them. You can stay in touch with your friends by texting, so they fullfil no real use case


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Literally, OP, stop using them. Start making effort posts, reading, and even blogging. I have a gemini capsule and it allows me to write posts thousands and thousands of characters long and it helps me to focus and hone my skills as far as logic and my attention span goes.


Stop using social media, even youtube is a attention span killer. Also, reading and WRITING are good trainers for you attention spam, not to sound too new age but meditation also works. If you can learn to spend a few minutes doing nothing, you can learn to spend a few minutes doing something full focus.


Here are some things I have done to help train my attention span:

I deleted my facebook once and for all.
I kept my instagram to share memes and cat pics.
And I started writing in a journal 20 minutes (minimum) daily.
Limit my time here, focusing on /edu/

Writing has helped me get into the process of reminiscing more, so maybe that's a sign that I'm being more attentive?

It's just the little things.


Also, if you must use youtube to get a source of news, copy down your usual channels, and watch sparingly while NOT logged into google. Do NOT let the algorithm suck you in.

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Hello edu, I am a curious yet ADD retard that finds it difficult to grasp anything through reading and I offer you my services;
See some people find it helpful to improve their understanding of a topic by explaining it to someone else. If you are one of these people please feel free to try and explain what it is you are working on and I will try my best to grasp what you are saying though active listening.Win win
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yeah, I hadn't noticed that.
this is a good talk on the subject.

"the interpreter pattern is the only useful patter in the GoF book" lmao.


> "the interpreter pattern is the only useful patter in the GoF book" lmao.
That's a bit unfair, the visitor pattern is pretty cool and so are the strategy and state patterns.


I dislike OOP tbh. I don't use it that much, nor do I do fancy enough shit to merit it.

This Free stuff is nice if your language has a nice type system.


Give Smalltalk a try, it will change your views on OOP for sure: https://mooc.pharo.org/


This would be part of a larger program.
Hmmm I'll look into it. I've never heard anyone use smalltalk for modern shit.

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Hey friends, I am looking for some good PDFs, videos and takes from you on why the economic calculation problem is incorrect and not a damning critique of socialism.

Please note I am not a libertarian, I am relativley new to Marxism and given what I know as far as I can tell other than the world regressing into barbarism the ECP seems to be the only thing posing a true existential threat to socialism.
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Oh you have interacted with the two?


yes anon, people in academia talk to each other


How the fuck should I know that you are in academia?




There's tacit knowledge that A) is tacit because it just hasn't been formalized and stored in documents and it it's trivial to do that; there's tacit knowledge B) that could be easily formalized like that in theory, but the people who could do it have vested interest in not doing it (keeping their skill set scarce), and then there's tacit knowledge C) where it seems hard to impossible to actually do that, even with people who are both unusually bright and unusually generous about sharing information (for example, I may remember very well how somebody looks like, but communicating that information is tedious). I don't think shouting "tacit knowledge" is really a great argument for capitalism as it actually exists, the rhetoric seems to be focused on a sort of rare Renaissance Man, a fabulous small-business guy who is both engineer and manager. Most managers are not like that. And a capitalist can be somebody who isn't just a bit ignorant about what's going on on the shop floor, a capitalist can be an entirely passive investor. If anything, tacit knowledge should be the buzzword of the syndicalists and not those shilling for the existence of stock markets (which is what they do, even if they rarely bring up the stock market while they make the claim with tacit knowledge, because deep down they know that wouldn't convince anybody).

We have already talked about the issue in the various cybernetic socialism threads. The following problems and ideas for minimizing them are all from older threads:

1. A jury rates products or performances or whatever by average rating. A small dishonest minority can get disproportional influence by using tactically exaggerated ratings. Solution: We use an aggregation method that is less influenced by outliers, the most extreme option here is using the median.

2. Some resource is available in limited quantities and allocated without use of budgets. When the sum of requests exceed the available amount, each request is scaled down proportionally. People can anticipate the down-scaling and make exaggerated requests, which leads to anticipation of more extreme down-scaling and bigger exaggerations and so on. Solution: We either use budgets or another method of reducing amounts which is not sensitive to this exaggeration: allocating one additional unit per agent per round. However, if this method iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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