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 No.2083[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So some of you may have read the quite popular pdf where Rafiq dunks on eco fetishism, in that thread he references a previous thread where he had spent a lot of time focusing in on eco-fetishism, however this thread has been lost from Revleft. It's available on internet archives but to preserve it I've made this in the style of the previous popular pdf. Hope you guys enjoy!

This thread could serve to discuss this work if anyone ever dedicates the time to read it, or we could debate the place of ecology in modern day Marxism. To provoke discussion: does nature have any value outside how it immediately serves human interests?
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Holy fug.


However, Haz did say that he didn't know who Ismail was, so perhaps not. That was an offhand comment which could be inaccurate though.
Also he is not that old, so he'd have to be a child genius probably to be Rafiq under disguise.


Haz did say he knew a significant amount of Hegel in highschool while roasting Anal Water. It's possible he started early with his studies which may line up with the point you made.


rafiq already knew of leftypol and had been a part of leftist forums since ~2008, he wrote a 500+ page book just to own some dudes on revleft - he also disagreed with heidegger. the traits mentioned are shared by most marxists who started out with zizek.


Rafiq wasn't a pseud who tried to obfuscate because he didn't know what the theory of value was. Their philosophies arent anywhere near each other either. Haz when pressed reveals he doesn't know shit and says you have to do idealist leap of faiths and "believe in the people" when it comes to truth. As already pointed out its Heidegger shit. The reason Rafiq was aggressive was because he knew what he wanted to get across and was tired of repeating himself. Read any of his posts and you get a clear explanation and position on whatever topic.
Haz just screams and yells because he doesn't know how to explain shit he just read once and doesn't understand. He would call Rafiq an Anglo for actually knowing something instead of pretending with big words. And hopefully Rafiq would shoot him and push the body in a ditch.

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Is any of Engels' math in Anti-Dühring wrong, or outdated (wrong to a lesser extent)? I showed my STEMlord friend some of these quotes and they didn't understand what they meant:

>It is for example a contradiction that a root of A should be a power of A, and yet A^(1/2) = square root of A.

> It is a contradiction that a negative quantity should be the square of anything, for every negative quantity multiplied by itself gives a positive square. The square root of minus one is therefore not only a contradiction, but even an absurd contradiction, a real absurdity. And yet the square root of minus one is in many cases a necessary result of correct mathematical operations. Furthermore, where would mathematics — lower or higher — be, if it were prohibited from operation with square root of minus one?

>We have already noted that one of the basic principles of higher mathematics is the contradiction that in certain circumstances straight lines and curves may be the same. It also gets up this other contradiction: that lines which intersect each other before our eyes nevertheless, only five or six centimetres from their point of intersection, can be shown to be parallel, that is, that they will never meet even if extended to infinity. And yet, working with these and with even far greater contradictions, it attains results which are not only correct but also quite unattainable for lower mathematics.
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*excluding complex numbers


>Or does it not make sense to give a counter-example that involves i because of what you said in your post (excluding them)?
This. i was invented to resolve the contradiction.

>What does "gives a positive square" mean?

The square is the number B you get by multiplying the number A by itself. The square of 2 is 4. Etc.
It's often mixed up with square root, which is the reverse - the number B you must multiply by itself to get the number A. The square root of 4 is 2.
It just so happens that both the square and square root of 1 are also 1, because 1 is the identity quantity. I think this may be part of the confusion.
A "positive square" means a positive number you get from multiplying two numbers together. Unless you include i (and by extension the complex numbers), you can only have a positive square, because a negative times a negative cancels to being a positive.

>If it's because you exclude them, I think that makes much more sense to me but that would seem to suggest that i is really a concept invented to "hide" this contradiction that exists at the simple level of maths.

It's only a "contradiction" because the system was constructed assuming that this was impossible. Basically, the assumption that because we don't know any "real" number that can be squared and give a negative, there is no such thing. But the fact that you can express the idea of a square root of a negative makes it possible to make a mathematical construct representing that. Once you have that much you can extend the math. The fact that complex numbers are pretty widely applicable IRL means that the "contradiction" was more like a limit on the original model.


this thread has nothing really to do with engels and everything with people not understanding high school math


>STEM lord
>Doesn't understand
lemme guess… the E in stem?


Good thing you didn't explain Engels' maths or answer any of the questions I raised. Wanna explain >>5004 ?

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Reminder that this bad boy was responsible for modern international law. Say thank you.
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Fucking this. Learning international law made me hate this tennis playing faggot even more.


don't insult my boy puyi like that


Lol having different coloured facial hair is completely natural bro. I have brown hair but my beard is red.

There is a reason they called Vikings things like "Redbeard". You think that happened if he also had red normal hair?


>couldn't even organise his own coronation party without a massacre
>couldn't even consummate an heir
>couldn't win a war
>couldn't run an economy
>listen to boomer uncle and run counter to the grain of history resulting in the destruction of ancient royal line.

Nicholas 2 Haemophilia boogaloo is the biggest cuck in history


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just gonna bump this for the lols this is gold

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Any parents here? Please recommend books for 7-14yo kids that aren't lib shit (i.e. most of the Amazon top and NYT bestsellers).

Not explicitly leftist, just some fiction and non-fiction that isn't based in liberal worldview like picrelated.
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kids that age should be reading dystopian fiction and pulp fiction i.e. Huxley, Orwell, Sherlock Holmes, HP Lovecraft


seconding Isaac Asimov


You could watch the movie. It's dazzling trash.
I'll tl;dr:

First part of the story is Pi being all "omg, does god exist, does it not????" meeting with absolute retards to discuss this matter. A big revealing moment is when Pi goes to the zoo and sees "the worlds most dangerous animal", and it's a mirror, ie humans.

Second part of the book, Pi has a fantastic journey stranded in the Ocean with animals. There's a lion too. The lion is dangerous and eats animals Pi likes.

Third part of the book: Pi is rescued and it is revealed that the animals were actually humans, but Pi needed to COPE and made them animals. The description of what actually went down is extremely vulgar and disgusting.

The final kicker and "ah-ha!" insight moment is when the audience is asked if they prefer the better story (the one with animals and the lion in the middle of the ocean), or the real story (that the animals represented real humans, and the lion was a cook that was insane). The analogy is that "the better story" is pledging fealty to pedophiliac bloodthirsty reactionary religion while "the real story" is atheism, which we are supposed to think as viscerally disgusting (the worst animal is the human, and the insane cannibalistic cook's actions are basically atheism).

When I read it in highscool, there were a bunch of people who said they preferred "the better story". I was a staunch atheist back then. I saw that as an extremely grotesque acceptance that their belief in religion is literally COPE because they would rather not believe in "the real story". For a moment, I was considering the possibility that the book was written by an atheist to expose the religious as retards through 1D chess. But after a lot of classmates chose "the better story" and after analysis I realized it was filled with retarded arguments "supporting" atheism in the first part, I realized it was a retarded COPE of the highest caliber. I was an idiot back then, I can only imagine what other bullshit I'd find if I read it today.


>First part of the story is Pi being all "omg, does god exist, does it not????"
His final conclusion about this was some nonsense about simultaneously following Hinduism Islam and Christianity.


For nonfiction there is Talking to My Daughter About the Economy by Yanis Varoufakis. Good read for teens about, well, the economy.

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Does anybody have a EPUB or a pdf(although a epub is preferred) of pic related. On a Zer0books binge at the moment




pdf and epub
found on b-ok
protip, search "b-ok !" on duck duck go, usually takes you to a working mirror.
same with
"libgen !"


Which zerobooks have you read and are there any ones focusing on economic analysis you would recommend?


Not OP, but "Capitalist Realism" is imo the best book that ZeroBooks has published.

>are there any ones focusing on economic analysis

Economics isn't really their strong suit, so idk of any books. I don't like ZeroBooks in general. They come across as petty, sectarian shitheads. And Doug is a retard beyond belief


Not OP but the title catches my interest. Thanks comrade


ITT we post links and pdfs to critical or constructive takes on Cockshott and cybersocialism, as well as works or authors who wrote in the fields of cybernetics, systems theory, or operational research in general.


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Curious what's this term in English and what's It's etymology?


Does someone have "How the World Works: The Story of Human Labor from Prehistory to the Modern Day" by Paul Cockshott in .pdf? It's his new book.


I have got the epub version, if you absolutely want it in pdf, you can always convert it in calibre.


File: 1613354893334.pdf ( 7.68 MB , 212x300 , HowTheWorldWorks.pdf )

Here you go, anon.


Thank you very much, anon.

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If I write an essay, theory and shit like that where do I post it and share it? Is there even an audience for mad leftist rants?
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in the short term: posting them as threads is fun.
(80% of the replies will suck and annoy you, but there's usually a 20% of good discussion that you can focus on.)


>the only option will be wordpress
There are other solutions for blogging out there. Look into noblogs.org, for example. You can also set up your own thing pretty easily using Github/Gitlab Pages, neocities and others, if you're a bit more tech inclined (though using these doesn't require much knowledge at all, really). In my experience, these aren't very moderation heavy platforms, and you can getting away with saying whatever you want as long you're not doing anything illegal.


Why not just post it here or >>>/edu/?


makes sense, I will feel like I'm spamming but seems the way to go
Noblogs seems intimidating, and I'm not technically inclined enough to even use neocities.
Still not being too moderation heavy is nice I will never overcome the fear of persecution
We're on /edu/ already, you came from the overboard? I love when people comes form the overboard and misses what board is the thread in like >>>/games/2112 absolute comedy
but yeah I already have a thread here and not many care but I could try posting here


>Noblogs seems intimidating
It's just WordPress with a bunch of themes. The only caveat is that you sign up with an email from an activist provider like riseup.

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I had the displeasure of listening to the audiobook version of this shit during my commutes the last few months and I must say this is liberalism at it's purest and clearest form.
The book was designer for general audiences so it never goes in deep about what do right or wrong mean, why are things right or wrong or any other analysis about ethics themselves the essays are just a really polite "I'm right and you're wrong" which in the end made the author: Peter Singer, come out like an absolute retarded who only got into philosophy so people will have to listen to his retarded opinions.
What really offends me it's that behind all its stupidity I saw the core of liberalism, absolute ignorance on material conditions and a very strong belief that people are responsible of everything they do. There are essays where Singer struggles to understand why rich people care more about showing their social status than donating to charity and imagines this ideal world where "donating to charity will be the biggest showcase of status" without explaining how would that world come to be and why it doesn't exist already, it's just a really polite rant that rich people are not engaging in noblesse oblige. Like wise Singer; a vegan, protests the mistreatment of animals mean for meat consumption, he cites the testimonial of a farm worker who had a bad experience artificially inseminating a turkey but a no point he ever feels that a human should not work on such conditions in the first place.
After all of that I released that consoomerism is the natural conclusion of liberalism because liberal really believe that other people are not liberal because they have not consoomed the right movies or the right ted talks and that material conditions and life experiences do not matter, Singer just expects that after reading this book you will become a vegan because how right he is about everything.


That sounds exactly like what I'd expect from a liberal professor of ethics. To add to the "consumerism is liberalism", it's not just about the media they consume, but the whole "vote with your wallet" thing. Consume the right products and we will have utopia eventually.


Yes, he makes several "vote with your wallet" arguments across the books but they're never too prominent.


Ethics in the real world is Singers worst book, its literally just various columns he wrote for newspapers and magazines collated into one volume. I've read some of his other work where while I don't agree with everything he at least puts it across far better. Most libs tend to hate him too because he takes a lot of viewpoints to a logical endpoint up to and including advocating infanticide and they don't like having to realise what their views result in.

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How does this make you feel?
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read Marx


I woud recomned to start with:
1) [E] The Principles of Communism https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm
2) [M/E] Manifesto of the Communist Party https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/index.htm
3) [M] Value, Price and Profit https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1865/value-price-profit/index.htm
4) [E] On Authority https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm
5) [M] Critique of the Gotha Programme https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1875/gotha/index.htm
6) [M] Wage Labour and Capital https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/wage-labour/index.htm
7) [E] On Anti-Semitism https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1890/04/19.htm

Not Marx or Engels but also interesting:
[Albert Einstein] Why Socialism? https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism

>"Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement."

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I was going to say the debates with Bruno Bauer but shoot your shot anon


You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


The dominant anglo strains of christianity are protestant and thus far bigger on making people read the bible. Its a catholic take.

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Theses On Feuerbach

About 200 words total.
In this thread, we break down what the Marx was trying to say.

Link to the text:
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What's the /haz/ take on radical empiricism?


didn't TAIMUR have a take on this?


IDK but "William James" sounds pretty anglo.


>In concrete terms: Any philosophical worldview is flawed if it stops at the physical level and fails to explain how meaning, values and intentionality can arise from that.
ha, that's easy! the physical level, we call "material base", and it's the principal aspect of a contradiction. the secondary aspect is made of "meaning, values and intentionality" and hence also religion, ethics, law, politics, culture, which we call "superstructure". because the base is principal, it has the greater effect on superstructure than vice versa, but both do affect one another in a dialectical manner as any two aspects of a contradiction would.


I don't know if I'm reading correctly, but this is basically a caricature of what Kant and Hegel thought was exactly wrong with empiricism. we as subjects of a particular time and place attribute more meaning to empirical observation (phenomena) than what's actually there. I don't really see any arguments as to why we need to remove "trans-empirical" support from our worldview. it sounds like this guy is some kind of butthurt astrologist trying to reinforce superstition. it's like empiricism but worse.
how does any of what you said relate to what you quoted?

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