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How do dialectics explain evolution?
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Math arises as a tool to aid humans in changing the material world. Like a shovel or a bulldozer, math too is material.


Bitch, stop posting this. I already responded to that shit several times. It's trash.


Evolution isn't real. Read Marx
>Human anatomy contains a key to the anatomy of the ape. The intimations of higher development among the subordinate animal species, however, can be understood only after the higher development is already known.


Lmao, he says the opposite

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Is college alegbra enough?


Try it and see
If you have any questions ask and I'm sure we'll be able to bring you up to speed comrade

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I want to start making infographics for my college to use them as a way to spread Marxism and leftist theory

- Does anyone here studies Graphic Design or something Art-related?
- Which principles or rules should I follow when making these contents?
- Can you provide some links with examples of leftist media and design?, I'm aware of some artistic currents and their names (Like Soviet Constructivism), but I would like to know &lthow> to "use" them
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this is more related to art but I think it's a really interesting image
and I don't have a lot of books but here's a starter :

Aaaand I'm realizing I probably have a shitton of links bookmarked already
So here what I can find :


u r a cool person
thx :D


This is great!


OP here;
Thanks to all for your help, you guys have posted great stuff.
I really haven't been working a lot on my "artistic" skills, COVID kinda' botched my plans for this semester and other crap has popped up, lol

Keep the knowledge coming &lt/3

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The regret and remorse lasts a lifetime. Graduated during last recession, no steady work for over a decade. I am the stereotype be they rightoid or STEMlord points to. It is correct, it is valid. Only debt remains. Do not sin like I have sinned. Only death will cleanse me of suffering. Just use the library. Only STEM will bring us a socialist future.


There there


Sounds bad man. How are you holding up?


What is liberal arts? I live in the third world and we only have graphic design, or the academy for fine arts. Looks like some upper echelon academian baited generations out of their money.


Bruh just default on your debt

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>They found that phosphine on Venus is a minor gas, existing at a concentration of about 20 out of every billion molecules in the atmosphere.
>“We really went through all possible pathways that could produce phosphine on a rocky planet,” Dr. Petkowski said.
>“If this is not life, then our understanding of rocky planets is severely lacking.”
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Learn how space cameras work. They are coloured but in the same way earth cameras are.
Each "black and white image" is an image capturing a certain spectrum of light, or colour. Multiple images of the same scene are taken with multiple colour cameras, and those images can be compunded into a full colour image.


Meant to say "but not in the same way earth cameras are".


Why? The probe is still there as a visible pile of scrap up there. Plus taking and then uploading a few Mb of image is not that hard.


so was your mom


Imagine if the USSR lasted long enough to send probes to the outer solar system

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How do you read? I am sick of looking at my laptop to read these huge pdfs, there must be a better way that doesn't burn my retinas and destroy my posture! E-readers? Libraries? Just buying every book that you wish to read? Please share your ideas, also reading based pics.
22 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm a much faster reader using a big screen than with pocket-sized ereaders. You kids know nothing of pain. I used to read whole books on a shitty CRT…
>I bought a remarkable [b]e-ink tablet[/b]
That's what I need! Name of the thing?


lol, the name is 'remarkable'. sorry for the confusion, I don't usually use the word 'remarkable'.

A friend that was learning classic Chinese scripture recommended it to me. I mostly use it for highlighting shit from pdfs. Sometimes I make notes on random subjects.


Forgot to add, if you click shop, you can buy the old version if you want it now. I think they said the new version is shipping in October, but I wasn't going to wait so long.




Should have bought The Road to Serfdom as well. But then you'd probably receive a job application from the feds for organizing fascist militias in leftist countries.

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There is a lot of confusion on what fascism is and what it means.

So I think It may be useful to clear things out by making a little general so it can be properly defined and pointed out.

I will start by laying some popular questions about it:
-What is Fascism? (or who best defined it)
-What is function of Fascism?
-Is Trump fascist? (if not, why and where he stands instead)
-What (if it exist) is Post-modern Fascism (/leftypol/s sugarboy Prolekult talked about it)
-Are there Fascist still around/what would take them for to rise up again?
-Does QAnon have any Fascist pararels?
-Some post-1945 historical examples of Fascism.
-Economics of Fascism.
-Flavours of Fascism (based on different material conditions, nations etc.).
-Fascist relations to Imperialism, can Fascist country be Imperialist?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


-Fascism is capitalism that tries to snuff out class struggle by killing communists and promoting "class collaboration" aka porky fucks the proles over and they don't fight back.
-Some examples post 1945 would be maybe Spain, Chile, South Korea and Taiwan.
-Economics. It depends but there's always mass privatization, big public works projects and promoted self reliance. High military spending too obviously.
-Yes fascist countries can be imperialist, undoubtedly. See Italian invasion of Ethiopia or WwII for proof.


Other than kinda disagreeing with your post as a whole, I have to ask why use the term reactionary anarchism? I don't see how that has any relation to anarchism as a concept whatsoever, in any form. The only fascists that could be called reactionary anarchist would be those inspired by Mason's Siege, such as Atomwaffen, who see Hitler as proof that state based fascism is unworkable.


>The only fascists that could be called reactionary anarchist would be those inspired by Mason's Siege, such as Atomwaffen
Precisely. I call it reactionary anarchism because it is specifically these kinds of groups (as well as groups like ISIS or Soviet-Afghan war era Taliban) that are the purest strain of it. As I said, in my view Nazi Germany is at best a hybrid. In the end it was a porky project and the NSDAP schizos just were the stooges for it. Also they undeniably had some socialist influence in their party politics, so even NSDAP on its own wasn't purest reaction.

>Other than kinda disagreeing with your post as a whole

Could you elaborate why?


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>What is Fascism? (or who best defined it)
Fascism is a system of government characterized by:
1) rigid one-party dictatorship
2) forcible suppression of opposition
3) private economic enterprise under centralized government control
4) belligerent nationalism
5) racism
6) militarism

>Some post-1945 historical examples of Fascism.


&ltRigid one-party dictatorship?
Check. (Republicans and Democrats are the same party: the party of Capital. They only present the illusion of being opposed to each other as theatre for the masses.)
&ltforcible suppression of opposition?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


This should be updated to say "rigid one-party/anocratic dictatorship" so it includes the two-party dictatorship of the usa


Hi /edu/, I'm looking a list of famines and droughts in Russia before 1917 with death estimates but after an hour of searching on the Googles I've found nothing. I'm also having trouble finding a list of population size numbers for the 19th century. Could somebody please point me in the right direction, or otherwise explain why this information is so hard to find (am I just a brainlet)? I'd prefer a source that is as apolitical/free from ideology as possible.


What is your favorite book?What book influenced you the most?What do you like about books?what are you planning to read?What are you reading now?/Lit/ thread because i did not see one in the catalog
13 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


How do I become a /buddhist/?
Any good introductions


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what is your favorite book?

what influenced you most, the book?

what do you like about book?

what are you planning to book?

what are you reading now, book?


Anyone ever heard of Wizardrous?


I'm reading the Faerie Queen and its really fucking good like goddamn, but its making me feel like an absolute brainlet, I have to keep stopping and rereading bits because I miss the implication of a line and misunderstand what happens then only cotton on a few stanzas later when something happens that's out of line with what I think is happening, I can't seem to understand poetry unless I speak it out loud for some reason, so I'm also destroying my throat reading this thicc bitch

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I wanted to let everyone know that Verso Books is having a sale were everything is 40% off.
They have books by Zizek, David Harvey, classics from marx, lenin, trotsky, etc.
Take a look if you want to satisfy your commodity fetish in the form of paperbacks.
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I've read Sex and Failed Absolute. is that basically the same as Absolute Recoil?


>order from Verso
>over 5 weeks shipping time
>it's all cheap thin print-on-demand tier paper


>They have pretentious shit, confused shit, and good books that are in the public domain and online already. 40 % off!!


They really should switch to acid free paper.


I've never ordered directly from Verso, but yeah, their books are shit quality. Not only paper-wise. Some are OCRed from other publisher's editions that were sold out, with absolutely no quality checks. So you get wrong letters and missing punctuation.
This level of sloppiness for such a publisher is simply incomprehensible to me. If I knew it'd be this bad I'd rather get a torned up used copy of the other publisher's sold out edition for a heavily inflated price.
Fuck Verso. Never again.

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