(keep in mind I'm on mobile)
>>3288>NatureToo broad a category (incl. the world as such).
>>3289>all material realitiesAgain, too broad a category. Also what's up with this weird pluralism (realities)?
So lemme learn u kids. Dialectics can't "explain" physics, chemistry, biology - it can merely inform them in different ways: taking them as human disciplines (science as practice, its history, ideology, class aspects, its models, internal and external structures, etc.) or as part of a general ontology (as with Badiou, Zizek, Johnston).
Iirc Sartre has a chapter in his Crit. of Dial. Reason where he completely tears apart this kind of blunt application od diamat to physics, chemistry, where you try to talk about atoms via Marxist concepts (antagonism, quantitative to qualitative change, negation of negation, etc.).
Evo. biology has a special status tho, because it introduces historical change into biology and it does reflect quite nicely the base (gene) / superstructure (inter-species interaction and behavior, interdependence of life and general/lifeless environment, "culture", learned behav., etc.). No wonder there are a lot of evobio Marxists around (Lewontin, Gould, etc.) but you still can't apply diamat to the DNA so bluntly like u faggots imply.
>being called retarded by retards