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I've finally read the big ones (Deleuze, Guattari, Baudrilland, Foucault, Derrida) and I'm just not seeing it. The only argument I usually see when they bother explaining why is that these authors """reject""" class struggle.
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his goal is blowing marxism to pieces


Because according to post modern theory, china would be Communist


Postmodernism doesn't exist. It was constructed in American academia.


>photo: Foucault in 2012, burgerized


Nice post. I have to say being knowledgeable of Marx and Foucault feels like having superpowers ha. Important to note that all of these guys are not impervious to critique (even our beloved Marx, was apt in critiquing even himself) so it's what you do with it in theory and practice moving forward that matters.

We live in the era of libgen and scihub, and so I'm optimistic about the future of theory. No one should do a disservice to themselves by not reading these guys or at least secondary lit on them that is in good faith.

Worst comes to worst watch lectures online.

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Some people on the left (mostly Maoists and Hoxhaists) talk about "revisionism" a lot. They say the current government of the PRC is revisionist. They say the government of the USSR after Stalin's death was revisionist. But what actually is revisionism? Like, how was Khruschev's USSR materially different from Stalin's, and why should I care? Is revisionism just "anything I don't like" on steroids?
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Not him, but Stalin said that with the collectivization of agriculture socialism had been built in the USSR, and thus internal class contradictions had been overcome. He did not deny class struggle on a global scale.
I believe he talks about this in "Economic Problems Socialism in the USSR."


this would fall under mao's "30%" of stalin's legacy which was incorrect. stalin correctly claimed to have achieved socialism in the ussr but mistakenly also held that this meant the end of internal class struggle, which proved not to be the case after his death when the class struggle played out all the way from khrushchov to gorbachov. revisionism isn't merely "bad marxism" but the manifestation of a class struggle between a proletarian and a bourgeois political line within a party.


Does anybody know in which text(s) Hoxha commented on this issue? Really curious how he interpreted this whole thing that may have differed from Mao.
>inb4 literally no different than Stalin
I find that doubtful as he often had plenty to contribute, especially in matters where Mao had a lot to say…


>Revisionism is the denial of the necessity for the proletariat to bring about the revolutionary overthrow of the bourgeoisie; it is the denial of the necessity for the proletariat to exercise all-round dictatorship over the bourgeoisie; it is the denial of the necessity of protracted class struggle throughout the entire period of socialist transformation of society.



I'm going to need a second opinion

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Can you recommend me some books that exposes the pornography addiction in modern society? I want a book that explains this phenomena by a marxist perspective, without any conservative "but tha westarn moral is dyingg!!11".
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<this is /edu/
Imagine posting an actual meme image, and ignoring the image with cited sources while calling the other out for "memes".
>your pro-porn and are a slave to it
<Just control the addiction, heroin isn't so bad if you got control!
Inb4 "false analogy" the effects of pornography are comparable to heroin and other hard drugs, not some basic bitch shit like alcohol and weed.
>which I'm sure you haven't read
I did, you didn't given that your "argument" is
just screeching "M-moral-fag!!!" when literally none of my post is about morality or ethics whatsoever. COPE HARDER FAGGOT.
>show that people get aroused easily
Except that's a oversimplified and intentionally misleading claim
>This is not new, and never has been
Actually it is, faggot. Pornography wasn't as graphic, easily-accessible and wide-spread even back in the 90s, people jacked to Hustler and Play Boy, which was just nude girls, not sex scenes and were free and couldn't be sold to minors legally. Anyone can open Pornhub and find tens of thousands of videos, pictures and more today.
In the past, before the 1960s porn was limited to very esoteric circles of photographs which were neither widespread, nor widely sought. Erotic imagery from actual art is not the same as pornography either, so don't bring up some ancient depiction of a sex scene as some evidence of porn being old.
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>>6760 fucking autocorrect
>and were free
and weren't free


>Inb4 "false analogy" the effects of pornography are comparable to heroin and other hard drugs, not some basic bitch shit like alcohol and weed.
This is very clearly just sexuality being a strong presence in the human experience. Your treating it as if its an opiate that should be rejected at every turn.
>>show that people get aroused easily
>Except that's a oversimplified and intentionally misleading claim
>Actually it is, faggot. Pornography wasn't as graphic, easily-accessible and wide-spread even back in the 90s, people jacked to Hustler and Play Boy, which was just nude girls, not sex scenes and were free and couldn't be sold to minors legally. Anyone can open Pornhub and find tens of thousands of videos, pictures and more today.
>In the past, before the 1960s porn was limited to very esoteric circles of photographs which were neither widespread, nor widely sought. Erotic imagery from actual art is not the same as pornography either, so don't bring up some ancient depiction of a sex scene as some evidence of porn being old.
Deliberate misinterpretation of what I said but I'll bite. Your acting as if before pornhub people had more "tame" sexuality. Go out and look through the ancient drawings of sex and you will see its just as raunchy as it is today.
>Again, PORN IS FREE, only in a trap will you find free cheese - YOU are the product, retard.
No shit.
This is simply rebranded evangelical talking points of the 80s moral panics, but we're stuck in a time loop between the 80s and now. Clearly your under 25 and a virgin who is afraid of they're own dick. Go outside, have sex and pay attention in school.


I don't know why people go out their way to defend such garbage. Modern p*rn is distinct from what we've seen in the past in terms of accessibility and the ability to escalate. There's probably not much from a leftist perspective unless you want to dip into radfem stuff.


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>very clearly just sexuality being a strong presence
So basically you're just repeating yourself without actually arguing, concession accepted
>eating it as if its an opiate that should be rejected
If you can't see the difference between literal brainwashing of dopamine receptors and normal libido, you need help.
The fuck is there to elaborate, yes humans are horny beings but porn is an unnatural product, that doesn't fulfill basic needs and actively affects our minds in similar ways to narcotics; that being addictive and damaging to the brain. Porn is not a part of normal sexuality and people shouldn't be aroused this easily because that's called hypersexuality, which is a disorder.
>our acting as if before pornhub people had more "tame" sexuality
Yes, yes they did. Outside of the upper class and other lazy bastards with money, most people had sex to have children and did not diverge too far from just that sex. Moreover even casual sex is still less shitty than pornography because its actually real.
>see its just as raunchy as it is today
Come back to me when you find the dozens of futa furry porn and shemale domination and all sorts of fucked shit. Come back to me when you show me that murals, paintings, drawings, wood-cuttings, frescos, carvings, sculptures and more depicted sex constantly, graphically and in public. And no showing genitals or having a mildly erotic scene is not porn.
>This is simply rebranded evangelical talking points
1) Wrong
2) I think I'll side with the Evangelicals on this one given that porn and pro-porn liberals have tended to be the worst kind of glowfaggot scum anyhow
>Clearly your under 25 and a virgin who is afraid of they're own dick
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Thread for PDFs related to the 'Anti-Anglo reading group - left deviation'
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Whitehead, Alfred North. 1925. « Science & the Modern World » (Macmillan)


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new(ish) Oxford translation of Diogenes Laertius


Gronow – On the Formation of Marxism. Karl Kautsky's Theory of Capitalism, The Marxism of the Second International & Karl Marx's Critique of Political Economy (Brill; Historical Materialism 113, 2016)


122 Goldner – Revolution, Defeat, & Theoretical Underdevelopment. Russia, Turkey, Spain, Bolivia (Brill; Historical Materialism 122, 2016)


A.N. Whitehead – The Function of Reason (Princeton, 1929)

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Are there any teachers here?

If so, how do you work with your curricula to insert your chosen beliefs?

And what is the most based methodology and pedagogy?

>t. Primary School, Y 4-5, we play "Red Leader" which is basically capture the flag but with special rules, and I put up lots of posters about "working together" and "team work".
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I don't believe that anybody here would contest that those are propaganda. The question isn't what the ruling class does, it's what we should do.

Now it's possible that there's some talking past each other and that people are using words (like "propaganda" or "influence") differently. But I would say that (1) teachers can never be truly neutral even if they try (for instance they must select what materials students are presented with, and so on), but also that (2) there's a difference between teaching students to think particular conclusions and to think critically and , and that there's a danger in pursuing the former to the degree that it harms the latter.

The goal of critical thinking isn't to produce a truly "independent" thinker. A smart, reflective, curious, critical person who happens to be gentry in Song dynasty China is going to think a lot differently than a smart, reflective, curious, critical person who works in a meatpacking plant in nineteenth-century Argentina - or whatever. But their common qualities also mean that they're not just going to blindly and automatically produce what's given to them, either. They're going to, ideally, look at a wide array of what's in front of them and produce something new out of it. And we need this as a species a lot more than we need people who can repeat a slogan - even a *correct* slogan - for a teacher before going on to repeat another slogan for another teacher.


It looks like I'm going to be homeschooling my brother while he does online school this year

Any tips to encouraging independent work for 5th graders? He seems to get stuck a lot, constantly looking for direction, and I feel like I help him too much.


really great book. Is just as relevant for any leftist as it is for teachers


good luck!


Apply ZPD

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What the fuck with this:

>The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly paradoxical idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.

Am I missing something?

The paradox of intolerance is fucking retarded concept and popper could've figured this out if he just exercised the almonds.

Here's the real deal. There is no "intolerance of intolerence" or other stupid word games, there is only intolerance to injustices. This is a re-branded "muh authoritarianism" bullshit. Either there is justice or you implement it by force. Otherwise you're letting injustice exist.

Every time I hear Popper's name, it's always in some ultra-lib cunty context. How is this pseud taken seriously?
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>generate enthusiasm
ok you got me lol


>in the head of leftoids
His advise was aimed at the repression of /pol/ neonazis actually as well as criticizing liberal protection of Islamic Fundamentalists.


But what's the point of the thread? Do you want to whine some more about how liberals care about liberal concepts? That sounds pretty silly.


I wanted to start a Popper slander thread heh. Mission failed. I'll try again when I hate him more.


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When reading picrel, i got curious about the passage:
>It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social
existence that determines their consciousness.

And decided to take a look to see from which of Marx's works it was, and i happened to stumble upon this interesting paper:

With its apparent objective being:
>In what follows, I argue that commentators such as Gerald A.Cohen (1970), Karl Popper (1962) and Bertrand Russell (1920), have misinterpreted Marx’s conception of history in two important ways.

So i'll be reading it later and will decide what to think of it.


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I am going to tackle An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith to advance my understanding of the classical tradition of political economy of which marxist political economy is an extension.
The german political economist and translator of the Wealth of Nations Peter Thal writes in this regard
>Smith’s work lives on in the proletarian political economics; yes only here his true scientific elements have found a lasting monument
I am currently looking for an equivalent to David Harvey's Companion to Marx's Capital which helped me a lot to better understand Marx howsoever it's important to read Harvey critically

tl;dr: ITT we share secondary literature with regard to Adam Smith and his magnum opus the Wealth of Nations.
in german or english
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let us enjoy our autism
since you read 8 chapters of Vol 2 why not read the first chapter on Smith which is Ch 10? IIRC its all about smith confusing constant capital which later develops into Marx calling him foolish for thinking all revenue can be resolved into v+s


i think i am gonna read chapter 10 and 19 of Vol.2 before before I start with WoN


bump for classical economics


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Pdf related, this book is a must read for anyone interested in classical Political Economy and Marx's predecessors/influences. Also, if you're looking for some of Marx's notes on The Wealth of Nations and Smith, check here:



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this site good for leftist newbies who want to learn about socialism.
This pdf explains Socialism for dummies. I found it to be very informative.




>>6679 (me)
I will translate it and give it to some kids


absolutely fantastic

thanks op


Seems like there are a few people on leftypol interested in this subject so I thought I'd create a thread dedicated to discussing the Wydna collective and Pseudodoxology podcast
>What is Wydna?
Wydna is a research collective dedicated to reading history through a unique lens. Taking inspiration from Marxism and Accelerationism, Kantbot and other members of the collective dedicate themselves to uncovering the conspiracies, traditions and ideologies that circle the elites of the British and American Empires. Through their podcast, they discuss secret societies, scandals, and factions of the deep state in a fashion considered unconventional to our current interpretation of history.
>That sounds great, where can I learn more?
Their episodes are paywalled, so that's why I'm making this thread. I will be uploading some of their more noteworthy episodes on request here for those who aren't interested in paying the 5$ a month on patreon.
You can listen to their most popular episodes for free on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/45p4IYDT96zuulXl1oH5wW?si=4uuH0B85RjWbbqdEmnwQkw
And I will be filling this thread with links to episodes I consider noteworthy.
I'll start by uploading their episode on the history of political economy, which is 7 hours, so I'll be breaking the audio up into several parts. This post, OP, contains the first 3.
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Please someone post the Iran Contra ones


Lurking in hope I can avoid giving kantbot 5$


Pseudbros please….. I also would like to listen to the Iran Contra episode.


And the Watergate one, where's the files


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Can anyone recommend me literature on strategies in war? From an officers perspective. Preferably something broad. I don‘t have any knowledge on the subject matter so something that is introductory material would be great as well, but it doesn‘t have to be.
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>Who comes out on top?
The one with the superior logistics and resources.


sure those two are important but it's not just one or two things.
Anon I suggest you read up on asymmetric and guerilla warfare, as well as insurrections and other smaller and other more niche topics. There are plenty of ways in which a small and poorly equipped army can defeat a larger and stronger foe


I meant to say smaller and niche types of conflict


>The one with the superior logistics and resources.
"Captains think tactics, colonels think strategy, generals think logistics."
(To which one might be tempted to add something like "ministers think diplomacy.")


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PDF related is a bit limited since it mainly covers a Soviet understanding of war, but it is a really interesting piece of writing that shows how generals have changed and adapted strategies according to previous experiences, and lays the foundational theory of Soviet and current Russian Deep Battle strategies. Would recommend highly.

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