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File: 1624322949974.jpg ( 58.47 KB , 304x480 , Chinese Revisionism.jpg )


Some people on the left (mostly Maoists and Hoxhaists) talk about "revisionism" a lot. They say the current government of the PRC is revisionist. They say the government of the USSR after Stalin's death was revisionist. But what actually is revisionism? Like, how was Khruschev's USSR materially different from Stalin's, and why should I care? Is revisionism just "anything I don't like" on steroids?


Revisionism is bending the knee to rightists and rightist ideas.


In the same way that communism can be described as " the abolition of private property", Revisionism can be thought of in the same way. The gradual reinstatement of private property, and as a result, the reinstatement of the laws and social conditions which private property requires.


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Basically put, revisionism is when supposedly Marxist entities revise the core tenants of Marxist theory for their own personal gain.

The most obvious example is the revisionism of the USSR (which started under Stalin, to be fair) in declaring that there was no more class contradictions in said society, which is obviously impossible until world Communism is achieved.
The personal gain here was obviously for said revisionists in the CPSU to enrich themselves along with the growing bourgeois and petty-bourgeois classes at the expense of the workers.


Were did Stalin say that?


Wasn't denial of class struggle a Khrushchev thing? Stalin remained thoroughly based all his life afaik


>Socialism in the USSR collapsed in 1956, not 1991
Then what exactly was that big thing that happened in 1991?


A dictatorship of the bourgeoisie cloaking themselves in revisionist marxist theory collapsed.


>declaring that there was no more class contradictions in said society, which is obviously impossible until world Communism is achieved.
Says who? You say this dogmatically as if it's a well established principle, when in fact it's a Ziovievian/Trotskyist cope that can't face the reality of socialism in one country's victory.


>The feature that distinguishes Soviet society today from any capitalist society is that it no longer contains antagonistic, hostile classes; that the exploiting classes have been eliminated, while the workers, peasants and intellectuals, who make up Soviet society, live and work in friendly collaboration. While capitalist society is torn by irreconcilable contradictions between workers and capitalists and between peasants and landlords - resulting in its internal instability - Soviet society, liberated from the yoke of exploitation, knows no such contradictions, is free of class conflicts, and presents a picture of friendly collaboration between workers, peasants and intellectuals.



victory is when world communism is weaker than ever since 1848


Not him, but Stalin said that with the collectivization of agriculture socialism had been built in the USSR, and thus internal class contradictions had been overcome. He did not deny class struggle on a global scale.
I believe he talks about this in "Economic Problems Socialism in the USSR."


this would fall under mao's "30%" of stalin's legacy which was incorrect. stalin correctly claimed to have achieved socialism in the ussr but mistakenly also held that this meant the end of internal class struggle, which proved not to be the case after his death when the class struggle played out all the way from khrushchov to gorbachov. revisionism isn't merely "bad marxism" but the manifestation of a class struggle between a proletarian and a bourgeois political line within a party.


Does anybody know in which text(s) Hoxha commented on this issue? Really curious how he interpreted this whole thing that may have differed from Mao.
>inb4 literally no different than Stalin
I find that doubtful as he often had plenty to contribute, especially in matters where Mao had a lot to say…


>Revisionism is the denial of the necessity for the proletariat to bring about the revolutionary overthrow of the bourgeoisie; it is the denial of the necessity for the proletariat to exercise all-round dictatorship over the bourgeoisie; it is the denial of the necessity of protracted class struggle throughout the entire period of socialist transformation of society.



I'm going to need a second opinion

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