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Can you recommend me some books that exposes the pornography addiction in modern society? I want a book that explains this phenomena by a marxist perspective, without any conservative "but tha westarn moral is dyingg!!11".




You can probably do a fitting critique of the modern pornographic industry on the basis of situationism (see Society of the Spectacle or The Revolution of Everyday Life) or theories about the commodification of societal relations in general.
**What is pornography other than repression of sex?
I would argue the alienating nature of its present form ultimately overtakes the sexual release.
Spoiler for off board topic.**


Lmao. Clown


Pornography addiction is as real as Iraqi WMD's. The phenomenon of pornography addiction is merely propped up by "no-fappers" who need any evidence to support they're worldview. I believe the reason for the rise of "no-fap" or whatever it's called is because people have so little control over they're lives now, that they believe they are taking control by no longer masturbating. Just add ontop your own spices of ideology, and you have a very stupid online only ideology.


very stupid, online-only post tbf

are you 14?


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The cause is more of just people having addictive genes and picking it up. It's similar to game addiction, which is "real" but it's un-duplicate-able.

The gray matter thing can just be countered by doing activities that increase it like reading.

Anti-porns crying as per usual.


>Caring for the mental health of your fellow human being and providing sources they asked for is "muh crying"
>countered by just doing activities
<oh yeah taking heroin can just be countered by having your stomach pumped and eating your veggies, no biggie!
Stop enabling porky.


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>The phenomenon of pornography addiction is merely propped up
>addictive "genes"
>game addiction, which is "real" but it's un-duplicate-able
<it's all made up, I'm totally not coping about my constant fapping
<Not muh heckin hentai and gamerinos!
Please, get help and get off the internet. Your line of reasoning reminds me of Peter Hitchen's argument that there is no such thing as drug addiction, this argument being that there is no evidence that the free will of a drug addict is nullified by cravings. It doesn't matter how many shivering heroine junkies you put before his eyes, it won't be accepted as evidence because the bar is set above human observation or experience. The same is true for those who believe in the harmlessness of pornography, no matter how many attest to having degenerated through porn and no matter how many areas of knowledge regarding neurology and psychology can substantiate this, it will all be refused because the very act of not refusing said experience, evidence and reasoning makes someone or something, unreliable. Using this very line of reasoning, anything and everything can be denied. There are no chickens, there might be things that have feathers, lay eggs, have beaks and look like chickens, but there is no scientific study whatsoever that has proven that those things that some allege to be chickens are in fact chickens.


No, I only went no-fap because I felt that I was becoming retarded with no motivation to do anything other than fap to 2D fap.


let me guess, you now think you are smart and is addicted to your computer.


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>I felt that I was becoming retarded
Not far from the truth probably

>and is addicted to your computer.
mp4 related


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<If your not anti-porn your pro-porn and are a slave to it, I.E. cumbrain.
This is /edu/, not /leftypol/. Your meme image showing supposed evidence against the evils of porn (which I'm sure you haven't read), just show that people get aroused easily. This is not new, and never has been. With our sex-heavy society, its no wonder people get aroused a lot, sexuality is very strong and is a big money maker.


Please explain how it is not possible for one to be addicted to the stimulation from computers and pornography


You should think about the role of abundant, instant-access porn in the establishment of this "sex-heavy society" and you do not need to talk about the "evils" of it or argue with morals like right-wingers do to see that cooming to porn in a compulsory way has observable and undesirable effects on the brain and that has consequences. To deny this is to be unmaterialistic.


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<this is /edu/
Imagine posting an actual meme image, and ignoring the image with cited sources while calling the other out for "memes".
>your pro-porn and are a slave to it
<Just control the addiction, heroin isn't so bad if you got control!
Inb4 "false analogy" the effects of pornography are comparable to heroin and other hard drugs, not some basic bitch shit like alcohol and weed.
>which I'm sure you haven't read
I did, you didn't given that your "argument" is
just screeching "M-moral-fag!!!" when literally none of my post is about morality or ethics whatsoever. COPE HARDER FAGGOT.
>show that people get aroused easily
Except that's a oversimplified and intentionally misleading claim
>This is not new, and never has been
Actually it is, faggot. Pornography wasn't as graphic, easily-accessible and wide-spread even back in the 90s, people jacked to Hustler and Play Boy, which was just nude girls, not sex scenes and were free and couldn't be sold to minors legally. Anyone can open Pornhub and find tens of thousands of videos, pictures and more today.
In the past, before the 1960s porn was limited to very esoteric circles of photographs which were neither widespread, nor widely sought. Erotic imagery from actual art is not the same as pornography either, so don't bring up some ancient depiction of a sex scene as some evidence of porn being old.
>sexuality is very strong and is a big money maker
Again, PORN IS FREE, only in a trap will you find free cheese - YOU are the product, retard.


>>6760 fucking autocorrect
>and were free
and weren't free


>Inb4 "false analogy" the effects of pornography are comparable to heroin and other hard drugs, not some basic bitch shit like alcohol and weed.
This is very clearly just sexuality being a strong presence in the human experience. Your treating it as if its an opiate that should be rejected at every turn.
>>show that people get aroused easily
>Except that's a oversimplified and intentionally misleading claim
>Actually it is, faggot. Pornography wasn't as graphic, easily-accessible and wide-spread even back in the 90s, people jacked to Hustler and Play Boy, which was just nude girls, not sex scenes and were free and couldn't be sold to minors legally. Anyone can open Pornhub and find tens of thousands of videos, pictures and more today.
>In the past, before the 1960s porn was limited to very esoteric circles of photographs which were neither widespread, nor widely sought. Erotic imagery from actual art is not the same as pornography either, so don't bring up some ancient depiction of a sex scene as some evidence of porn being old.
Deliberate misinterpretation of what I said but I'll bite. Your acting as if before pornhub people had more "tame" sexuality. Go out and look through the ancient drawings of sex and you will see its just as raunchy as it is today.
>Again, PORN IS FREE, only in a trap will you find free cheese - YOU are the product, retard.
No shit.
This is simply rebranded evangelical talking points of the 80s moral panics, but we're stuck in a time loop between the 80s and now. Clearly your under 25 and a virgin who is afraid of they're own dick. Go outside, have sex and pay attention in school.


I don't know why people go out their way to defend such garbage. Modern p*rn is distinct from what we've seen in the past in terms of accessibility and the ability to escalate. There's probably not much from a leftist perspective unless you want to dip into radfem stuff.


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>very clearly just sexuality being a strong presence
So basically you're just repeating yourself without actually arguing, concession accepted
>eating it as if its an opiate that should be rejected
If you can't see the difference between literal brainwashing of dopamine receptors and normal libido, you need help.
The fuck is there to elaborate, yes humans are horny beings but porn is an unnatural product, that doesn't fulfill basic needs and actively affects our minds in similar ways to narcotics; that being addictive and damaging to the brain. Porn is not a part of normal sexuality and people shouldn't be aroused this easily because that's called hypersexuality, which is a disorder.
>our acting as if before pornhub people had more "tame" sexuality
Yes, yes they did. Outside of the upper class and other lazy bastards with money, most people had sex to have children and did not diverge too far from just that sex. Moreover even casual sex is still less shitty than pornography because its actually real.
>see its just as raunchy as it is today
Come back to me when you find the dozens of futa furry porn and shemale domination and all sorts of fucked shit. Come back to me when you show me that murals, paintings, drawings, wood-cuttings, frescos, carvings, sculptures and more depicted sex constantly, graphically and in public. And no showing genitals or having a mildly erotic scene is not porn.
>This is simply rebranded evangelical talking points
1) Wrong
2) I think I'll side with the Evangelicals on this one given that porn and pro-porn liberals have tended to be the worst kind of glowfaggot scum anyhow
>Clearly your under 25 and a virgin who is afraid of they're own dick
<I have no argument so I'll call you a kid and a virgin
Amazing argument… or lack thereof. I have no problem with ocassional masturbation and certainly no problem with sex. No, what I have a problem with, is porky, their porn and their emphasis on making people obsessed with sexuality, sex and porn because dumbing people down is optimal for them. And I'm not afraid to call it out for what it is, degeneracy. Defending porn glows and reeks of coping sex-obsession.
>have sex
Yeah that's the point, retard
>pay attention in school
<says the person who wrote "they're" instead of "their"
If you're going to claim an anon here is a kid, then have the decency not to make such elementary mistakes.

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