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Thread for PDFs related to the 'Anti-Anglo reading group - left deviation'


Bruce Fink has been recommended by GG, and Alenka has been recommended by Haz.


My english-language history stuff about Cuba


File: 1613867971256.pdf ( 678.22 KB , 67x118 , Harnecker - Origins of Cap….pdf )

Marta Harnecker came up for her introductory wrok, and I recently downloaded this English translation.


1. Fear and Loathing of Fidel Castro: Sources of US Policy towards Cuba by Louis A. Perez Jr.

2. Politics and Society, 1971-1986, The Cuban Revolution Origins, Course and Legacy by Marifeli Perez-Stable

3. Transformations in Cuban nueva Trova, 1965-1995 by Robin Moore

4. Proper Conduct - Reinaldo Arenas, Fidel Castro, and the politics of Homosexuality by Brad Epps
^I really recommend this fourth one, its an excellent analysis of the persecution of homosexuals in Cuba up till 1976


Joseph Dietzgen came up in our discussion of Engels' review of Marx & Feuerbach as an example of someone who came to similar conclusions independently of Marx. Here's the marxists.org page for him:


1. The Machine Breakers by Eric Hobsbawm
If I remember correctly it deals with a rebellion in England by a pseudo-ludditic group. The peasants would destroy industrial machinery in a desperate attempt to protect their lievelyhood.

2. Teaching Historical Theory through Video Games by Martin Wainwright.
This essay explains how, wittingly or unwittingly, historical theory and bias is expressed through historical videogame. My favourite part is where he rips appart the Civilization games that basically present a very chauvinistic, essentialist and postmodern conception of history.


Here's the text Engels cites in reference to Dietzgen's independent materialist dialectic.
The Nature of Human Brain Work

In the version most of us read, the note was a dead link but marxists.org has a different copy with a working one.

The wikipedia entry has a section on his version of dialectical materialism for more context:


Carver & Blank on the so-called "German Ideology" manuscripts. The 'Political History' volume is useful in establishing the state of the text (though i have some of quibbles). It also points interestingly to the importance of the critique of Stirner for M&E at the time. The 'Presentation & Analysis of the Feuerbach Chapter' volume is excellent if only provisional. While largely academic, the establishment of a text is always an immensely forceful and political action. These two books are (imo) the necessary starting point in dealing with the so-called 'German Ideology'


Harnecker from libgen


Roland Boer (Neo-Stalist theologian) on M&E's intellectual context and its relation to biblical studies


What is a neo-Stalist?


Not totally sure tbh. Got the impression then talked out my ass!


Zizek on Lacan // Flisfeder on Zizek


Here's a very short read by Lenin summarizing the historical context for the development of Marxism. The clarifying of the basis of Marx is pretty in line with the "anti-anglo" position.


literally Critique of Pure Reason


Day & Gaido (eds.) – Responses to Marx's Capital. From Rudolf Hilferding to Isaak Illich Rubin (Brill; Historical Materialism 144, 2018)
[Kaufamn, Bauer, Kautsky, Sombart, Cunow, Eckstein, Hilferding, Luxemburg, Schmidt, Rubin]
Good volume with lots of Rubin


Day & Gaido (eds.) – Witnesses to Permanent Revolution. The Documentary Record (Brill; Historical Materialism 21, 2009)
[Kautsky, Ryazanov, Plekhanov, Parvus, Trotsky, Luxemburg, Mehring]


Volume 1 of Heinrich's Marx-biography (pdf & epub). Background up to the Epicurus dissertation. Given the time it takes Heinrich to write and Locascio to translate, it may be ten years before we see Vol.2 (out of a three or four vol. project. Nonetheless, it is almost certainly the best biography out there.


File: 1614463407234-0.pdf ( 183.29 KB , 211x300 , 1 Introduction by the Tran….pdf )

File: 1614463407234-1.pdf ( 863.36 KB , 211x300 , 2 The Value Form.pdf )

DIE WERTFORM (Appendix to Kapital 1) [Capital & Class 2.1 ed.]


File: 1614560482150-1.pdf ( 36.17 MB , 198x300 , 27 (E) 1890-95, re Europe.pdf )

Not entirely formatted. TOCs somewhat cleaned up and some internal links to footnotes added


File: 1614560667119-0.pdf ( 23.49 MB , 198x300 , 45 (M:E) 1874-79, Letters.pdf )

File: 1614560667119-1.pdf ( 27.02 MB , 198x300 , 49 (E) 1890-92, Letters.pdf )

Not entirely formatted. TOCs somewhat cleaned up and some internal links to footnotes added


A couple of Parenti books yall would perhaps like:

1. Blackshirts and Reds
2. Democracy for the Few
3. The Assasination of Julius Caesar
4. To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia


• Marcuse's habilitation Hegel book (supervised by Heidegger)
• Marcuse / Heidegger Letters
•Adorno – Ontology & Dialectics, 1960-61 [Lectures on Heidegger]


Kersplebedeb is republishing False Nationalism False Internationalism: Class Contradictions in the Armed Struggle later this month.



For the psychoanalysis, we are looking into Freud. Here are some works that have come up in the discussion:
- Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (SE 15-16, 1916-17)
- New Introductory Lectures (1932)
- Three Essays (1905)
- Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901)
- Moses and Monotheism
- Interpretation of Dreams
- Lay Analysis
- On Dreams
- Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920)
- The Ego and the Id (1923)
- Inhibitions, Symptoms, and Anxiety (1926)


File: 1615948598828.pdf ( 10.67 MB , 67x118 , Freud_Complete_Works.pdf )



Setting down a reading schedule.
Well, not necessarily a schedule so much as a list of future texts to read.
Reply to this post with more suggestions so we can decide what to pick from.

So far the readings have been:
1. Theses on Feuerbach (Marx)
2. Feuerbach and the End of Classical Philosophy (Engels)
3. Critique of the Gotha Programme (Marx)
4. Age of the World Picture (Heidegger)
5. Society and Its Discontents (Freud) <- We are here.

Possible readings have included (but are not limited to) these suggestions (please add more):
Core Marx
<Theses on Feuerbach
<Engels on the End of Classical German Philosophy
<Critique of the Gotha Programme
<Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
<How to Read Freud (Fuck Theory)
<Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (SE 15-16, 1916-17)
<New Introductory Lectures (1932)
<Three Essays (1905)
<Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901)
<Moses and Monotheism
<Interpretation of Dreams
<Lay Analysis
<On Dreams
<Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920)
<The Ego and the Id (1923)
<Inhibitions, Symptoms, and Anxiety (1926)
Zizek to get into Lacan
<The Symbolic, the Sublime, and Slavoj Zizek's Theory of Film
<How to Read Lacan
<Bruce Fink's intro to Lacan
Rightward Thinkers
<Nick Land

Other authors to look at
<Marta Harnecker (introductory Marxism)


>Zizek to get into Lacan
Zizek's "intros to Lacan" are really showcases of his own use of Lacan, and even then it's mostly examples from popular culture and not that much theory. How to Read Lacan is entertaining but I didn't get much from it.

Fink's clinical introduction is good as it provides the concrete material to which Lacan's theories apply. I would then move on to Fink's Lacanian Subject which is the theoretical counterpart.
Ginjeet said we should also read Fink's Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique, but that one seems to me just like an expanded and even less theoretical version of the first section of his clinical introduction: just a practical intro to techniques for analysts. IMO clinical introduction should be enough for that purpose.
We could then tackle Lacan himself, his Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis which was intended as a sort of intro or an overview.

It would make more sense to read Zizek only after already having some understanding of Lacan.


For psychoanalysis there were also these two recommendations. >>5029


Oh you did include one of them.


Threads related to the soon to be named reading group.

1. Theses on Feuerbach (Marx)
4. Age of the World Picture (Heidegger)
5. Society and Its Discontents (Freud)


>his own use of Lacan
I know a lot of people say this whenever Zizek is brought up in Hegel discussions and I really doubt the extent to which it’s true tbh. I’ve never read Hegel cover to cover, but I’ve read more than the average poster here probably, and compared to Zizek it’s like I’m almost reading the same person. That’s the same way I feel about the Freud reading that we’re doing now.


I'm not saying Zizek distorts Lacan, just that you can't get a good understanding of Lacan by reading his intros. Their purpose is more in convincing you that taking Lacan seriously is worthwhile at all, through the typical Zizek's application of Lacan to ideology.
But for a more comprehensive understanding of what Lacan is all about on his own terms, and how all the pieces fit together, Fink and Jacques-Alain Miller are a better starting point. Only after that you can gain a sense that Zizek really is a good Lacanian, just like your experience with Hegel.


Laplanche, Jean. « The Language of Psychoanalysis » (PUF 1967; Hogarth 1973; Karnac 1988). Entries given in English / German / Spanish / French / Italian / Portuguese
The nicer Karnac edition is too large to post apparently (95-100MB). Here is a shitty PEP rip instead. Terrible page breaks, intermittent bookmarks, &c, &c. The upshot is that it is entirely searchable and editable.


Update on reading schedule.

We are going to read Marcuse's One Dimensional Man next, the introductions to be done for Saturday.
After that we will draw lots (or some other method) and each of us involved will suggest a reading.
We'll finish that round of reading with Marta Harnecker as a palette cleanser.
Then it will be up to the group to decide which direction to proceed.
The idea is to open up the group so it's more accessible to join (less structured so easier for people to miss sessions) and more inviting to plan. We'll be avoiding the core texts because there are reading groups for those already.

Here is an updated list of floated readings (non-exhausive) >>5214
- Theses on Feuerbach
- Engels on the End of Classical German Philosophy
- Critique of the Gotha Programme
- Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
- German Ideology
- Critique of Philosophy of Right
- Heinrich's intro to Capital
- Value Price and Profit

? Too soon ?
? Different translations ? (Houlgate, Nisbet)
- Philosophy of Right
- encyclopedia

- Freud
- Civilization and Its Discontents
- Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (SE 15-16, 1916-17)
- New Introductory Lectures (1932)
- Three Essays (1905)
- Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901)
- Moses and Monotheism
- Interpretation of Dreams
- Lay Analysis
- On Dreams
- Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920)
- The Ego and the Id (1923)
- Inhibitions, Symptoms, and Anxiety (1926)
- Zizek to get into Lacan
- The Symbolic, the Sublime, and Slavoj Zizek's Theory of Film
- How to Read Lacan
- Bruce Fink's intro to Lacan

- State and Revolution
- Left-Wing Commlunism: An Infantile Disorder
- What is to Be Done?
- Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism
- A good little piece called Karl Marx or something

- Heidegger
Rightward Thinkers
- Nick Land
- Carl Schmitt

Other Authors to look at
- Marta Harnecker
- Fundamentals of Capital
- Concepts of Historical Materialism
- Erich Fromm
- Rubin
- History of Economics
- Marcuse
- one dimensional man
- Marquis de Sade
- Michael Parenti
- Blackshirts and Reds
- Rosa Luxemburg
- Kollontai
- Franz Fanon
- Cockshott
- How the World Works
- Towards a New Socialism
- Eric Hobsbawn
- Era of X series
- Graeber
- Debt
- Reuten
- Lucretius
- Spinoza
- The Theological Political Treatise
- Sorel
- Evola
- Liebnez
- Kant
- Prolegomena
- Short essays
- perpetual peace
* What is Enlightenment? purple borbiba really wants this one
- Reich

Secondary Readings
- Biographies
- Heinrich's Marx Bio (/edu/ thread)
- Lenin bios (since he *did* a mf revolution)

- Brecht
- The Last Ringbearer


White, Richard. 1995. « The Organic Machine: The Remaking of the Columbia River ». Hill & Wang Critical Issues. Hill & Wang [Farrar, Straus, & Giroux].
A short and popular history of Columbia River hydrology from the author of the major book « The Middle Ground ». OM shifts the coordinates of the problem of natural and technological relations away from the eye and observation to the hand and labor.
Occasionally, the prose can be poor and purple, but that is par for the course for historians. White is vigilant of the dangers of primitivism, and only rarely slips into it. He is one of those rare historians that kinda just DOES ""historical materialism"" comprehensively and expansively without making a big deal about it. For a such a short book, meant for a broad audience, he covers a great deal.
can only find an epub. a pdf would be appreciated if anyone has one


Marx, Karl "Marx’s Economic Manuscript of 1867-68 (Excerpt)" Edited by Moseley, Fred. Translated by Panzer, Herbert. in « Historical Materialism » 27.4, 2019: 145-192


Wittfogel, Karl August – 1929 Geopolitik, Geographischer Materialismus und Marxismus / Geopolitics, Geographic Materialism, & Marxism (1985)
Pre-cold warrior Wittfogel while he was still attached to the Institute for Social Research (Frankfurt School). German edition and the English translation by G.L. Ulmen with Richard Peet's introduction that appeared in « Antipode » 17.1, 1985: 3-71


I forgot my password to the room, can anyone post the link?


I forgot the password to my account that is, had to make a new one


Pretty sure it's this one:


Can I ask what the signifcance of luddism/livelihoods is to this group.

I don't know anything about this anti-anglo gang thing, but I'm familiar with the luddites from Thompson, so wondered what the angle was here?


I just posted it because I thought it was an interesting read. Anti-anglo is a meme made to ridicule western liberal ideology and its dominant position it holds in our times


File: 1619819802317.pdf ( 51.33 MB , 185x300 , Grundrisse.pdf )

Penguin «Grundrisse»


Bellofiore, Sarosta, & Thomas (eds) – In Marx's Laboratory. Critical Interpretations of the «Grundrisse» (Brill; Historical Materialism 48, 2013)


Musto (ed) – Karl Marx's ›Grundrisse‹ Foundations of the critique of political economy 150 years later (Routledge; Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy 109, 2008)


File: 1619820989612.pdf ( 249.38 KB , 198x300 , 2013 The ‘Fragment on Mach….pdf )

Heinrich – The ‘Fragment on Machines’. A Marxian Misconception in the ›Grundrisse‹ & its Overcoming in ›Capital‹ from the Bellofiore, Sarosta, & Thomas HM volume


Linden, Marcel van der. 2007. « Western Marxism & the Soviet Union: A Survey of Critical Theories & Debates Since 1917 ». Historical Materialism Book Series 17. Leiden: Brill.

Useful overview of 20th-century debates about the character of the Soviet State/Economy. "State capitalism", "Degenerated workers’ state", "bureaucratic collectivism", various "new modes of production", "without labels" &c,&c. Covers a huge range of literature in a relatively brief ~330pp.


Musto and the kindly benefactors at Springer/Palgrave Macmillan have been so beneficent and gracious and generous to turn their heads lay their eyes upon us, which, in the darkness of miserable and debased natures, is a blessing which we verily are not worthy, for deeply have we sinned. In their unbounded magnanimity they have to soiled themselves in righteously condescending to release to the unwashed a whole 496 words, translated for the first time ever into English, of MEGA². For the just and perfect price $85 one receives the finest print on demand """hardcover""" in which one not only obtains the the 2 paragraphs + 1 sentence that those 469 words constitute, but, in a generous addition, they have graced us with 13 other morsels previously published and extremely easily accessed morsels. To each of these great portions is appended introductions of about three whole sentences by the sage Musto. Each is so amazingly conceptually sharp and marxologically informed that there is no point investigating further! Page numbers, especially for the MEGA² translation, are a an absolutely degenerate luxury which would only further morally corrupt us. If we want to look into the context of any of these selections, far better to do the godfearing labor of combing through each page of many books. For his part, the sage Musto, in his agéd wisdom tells us that Marx uses two word for "alienation". (Truely a buffoon am I for thinking he used three). Again, inserting into the text which word "Alienation" is translating in the selections would be an unmanly and impious decadence. The sage Musto tells us (and he indeed he must be correct for it cannot be otherwise) that alienation and commodity fetishism are actually in truth the same, a perfect identity! It is absurd to think that the former was largely abandoned for the latter! De Brosses and Hegel are actually the same thing. Marx simply substitutes "fetishism" for "alienation" as he fancies and they perform the exact same functions in the exact same ways, with absolutely no change in the concept's consistency, constitution, or effects (they are after all one concept so how could it be otherwise?)

TLDR: shitty Musto book where he propagates the pervasive and misleading idea that alienation was an important concept to Marx in his maturity (and not almost entirely displaced by the different concept of fetishism). Various selections of works from across Marx's life are presented, including a new translation of a MEGA² document (the reason i'm posting this). The variations of words that alienation translate are left invisible. The MEGA² translation has neither page numbers nor the word alienation (I would check the German but i dont have the page numbers!). Fetishism > Alienation


Have a MEGA!

(as usual with de Gruyter retail ebooks, the bookmarks are lacking/occasionally fucked up and pages, especially titles, are missing, b/c who need formatting when a book costs $200-500 [this is much less of a problem in the ANE/classics/biblical books they publish])


20 cents a word. Not bad.
>that alienation and commodity fetishism are actually in truth the same, a perfect identity!
Some people shouldn't be allowed near translations.
This is much more profound than it might seem at first. I hadn't heard of Marx abandoning alienation in favor of fetishism. Fetishism, IMO, is a much much more powerful concept, much more so than the highly problematic concept of "alienation". In Hegelian and Lacanian terms, perhaps alienation makes sense, but the way Marx uses the terms seems to problematically conflate the physical process of alienation with the psychological effect of such alienation. I haven't read enough to determine exactly if he does this, and if he does, how. From what I read on wikip*dia, it looks like Marx is developing a proto-psychoanalytic framework, with his Gattungswesen or species-being.

At least that's what it looks like from afar. I'd love to read Lukács account on this.
>The concept [of reification] is related to, but distinct from, Marx's theories of alienation and commodity fetishism.[1] Alienation is the general condition of human estrangement; reification is a specific form of alienation; commodity fetishism is a specific form of reification.


File: 1621730101785.pdf ( 310.94 KB , 232x300 , 2013 Between Marx Marxism ….pdf )

Elbe, Ingo. 2013. "Between Marx Marxism & Marxisms. Ways of Reading Marxs Theory". «Viewpoint Magazine»


Oliva, Oliva, & Novara (eds) – «Marx & Contemporary Critical Theory: The Philosophy of Real Abstraction» (Palgrave Macmillan; Marx, Engels, & Marxisms 26, 2020)

Good collection with a lot of heavy hitters: Milios, Fineschi, Iacono, Bonefeld, Elbe, O'Kane, Haug, &c, &c. Fun essay on Marx & Bishop Berkeley


File: 1621773345409-0.pdf ( 586.38 KB , 425x300 , Prooi - Tosaka Jun's Criti….pdf )

File: 1621773345409-1.pdf ( 368.25 KB , 212x300 , Chino, Takahiro - Is Weste….pdf )

File: 1621773345409-2.pdf ( 241.09 KB , 199x300 , 0.20 Preface.pdf )

Some material on Tosaka Jun. Im still in the process of compiling the reader


Pitts, Frederick Harry. 2018. «Critiquing Capitalism Today, New Ways To Read Marx». Marx, Engels, & Marxisms, 6. Palgrave Macmillan.
Comparison between post-operatismo & NML (with NML coming out decidedly better). Great book.




File: 1622321488490.pdf ( 13.49 MB , 193x300 , !Kawashima, Schäfer, & St….pdf )

!Kawashima, Schafer, & Stolz (eds) – Tosaka Jun. A Critical Reader (Cornell University East Asia Program. Cornell East Asia Series 168, 2013)


Rey, Michel – Parisian Homosexuals Create a Lifestyle, 1700-1750: The Police Archives


Bolaño novels in Spanish


File: 1622335392859.pdf ( 41.34 MB , 195x300 , 1978 Intellectual & Manual….pdf )

Sohn-Rethel, Alfred. « Intellectual & Manual Labour. A Critique of Epistemology » (Macmillan; Critical Social Studies, 1978)
If anyone has the new edition, Historical Materialism Series 224 (Brill: 2020), a link or a file would be greatly


Whitehead, Alfred North. 1925. « Science & the Modern World » (Macmillan)


File: 1626038687110.pdf ( 23.35 MB , 243x300 , diogenes-laertius-lives-of….pdf )

new(ish) Oxford translation of Diogenes Laertius


Gronow – On the Formation of Marxism. Karl Kautsky's Theory of Capitalism, The Marxism of the Second International & Karl Marx's Critique of Political Economy (Brill; Historical Materialism 113, 2016)


122 Goldner – Revolution, Defeat, & Theoretical Underdevelopment. Russia, Turkey, Spain, Bolivia (Brill; Historical Materialism 122, 2016)


A.N. Whitehead – The Function of Reason (Princeton, 1929)

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