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I have a mate who's an Eastern European. He perceives himself as "self-made" because he escaped from childhood poverty in the 90s and he thinks other people could do the same if they "really" wanted. He also hates BLM because "African Americans have it better than any ex-USSR Slav just because they live in the US."

He's not a hardline right-winger, but a "classical liberal" who thinks it's meritocracy out there and laissez faire is cool and good for "resource distribution", while governments are obstructive and corrupt. He is open to learning, but I struggle to offer anything coherent beyond "read these 20 transcripts of the episodes of Citations Needed".

Please share some medium-sized books on:

1. How poverty kneecaps people on every level and becomes a vicious circle;

2. How the US keeps segregating and repressing its black population even after the Civil Rights movement (he's against slavery but thinks Black Americans could do better "if they wanted" because Slavs also had it bad a century ago);


For the memes Sakai, but there's Prejudential, and also plenty of books on how blacks were denied houses or driven out of places.

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how big is the skill gap between genre fiction and literary fiction? are there genre fiction writers who are equally as good as literary fiction authors?
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Whats the difference? Asking as a brainlet


Literary Fiction is designed to be more inventive in its style and use of language and maybe use a lot more big literary words, Genre fiction is more like lowest common denominator stuff like generic Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Romance.


What about Tolkien and other sci-fi giants like Herbert, Asimov, Arthur Clarke, or William Gibson? I wouldn't consider them lowest common denominator, and they seem pretty well respected.


Yes but it's still genre fiction in the end
Genre implies that something is expected, the most concise example of this is comedy, when you go to something that is supposed to be a comedy you expect it to be funny but what's funny changes according to culture and era but the genre label of comedy persists because that's the label for this specific thing.
Literary fiction is a recent term to hold all fiction that doesn't really fall into a genre but most people that go for it expects it to be fiction written for art's sake.
You can have sci fi that is well written and really deep but in the end it's still sci fi and your attempt to make it more literary will only alienate either audience.


Genre follows a given formula, which tends to make it less intellectual. There is, however, an art to the crafting of even formulaic works, the formula itself being an artistic subject. Genre writers have, on occasion, developed literary devices that later writers have found useful like Ian Fleming's "Fleming Sweep" or Elmore Leonard's rule: "If it looks like writing, I rewrite it." Elmore Leonard in particular was often refered to as the genre writer who serious writers take seriously.

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I just finished uploading scans of Andrew Hemingway's Artists on the Left: American Artists and the Communist Movement, 1926-1956 to the internet archive and thought some of you might appreciate it.

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muy basado


Cool stuff comrade, but I somehow thought you meant Ernest Hemmingway. Though if I remember correctly, Ernest was a Leftist too?


>Though if I remember correctly, Ernest was a Leftist too?
He was but as far as I know he never explicitly supported the clandestine communist movement at the time. Like most people in orbit of CPUSA's mass organizations, he could best be described as a fellow traveler.


As for Andrew Hemingway, he's written extensively on British and American Art. If anyone is interested in developments in Social Realism or American Modernism in general (concurrent with the rise of Abstract Expressionism; more specifically with regards to CPUSA's approach to 'revolutionary' or proletarian art and lack of coherent cultural program before, during and after the Great Depression) then they'll find that book of great reference. Hemingway has continued writing on the themes discussed therein. In 2013 he published a book with Periscope Publishing titled The Mysticism of Money: Precisionist Painting and Machine Age America (which I may scan at some point as I actually own a copy). Additionally, he's published a few articles: one in Wiley-Blackwell's 2015 A Companion to American Art and the other in a 2016 issue of Kunst und Politik respectively, both of which I've attached to this post.


Lastly (and I don't mean to shill), if you're interested in his commentary on British Art then check out Brill / Haymarket Books' Landscape Between Ideology and the Aesthetic: Marxist Essays on British Art and Art Theory, 1750-1850. I haven't read it yet, but looks good.


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Anyone have those guide to organizing books? I think sage was on here recommending em but cant find the thread
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>not using the dewey decimal classification
what the fuck anon


acorn organising guide and one called no shortcuts


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>acorn organizing guide
this one?


shieeet and naive me at firt thought that this thread was about searching foor books which talk about organizing (workers)


By Author if I have a lot of them, by topic if its a lot of book about a similar subject

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Recommended reading from/on the Black Panther Party and Black Marxists{-Leninists}/Communists and aligned? Also anything stemming from that which was further developed as well. Don't see anything on the board related to it but really wanna dive into lefty perspective from organized Blacks in the U.S.
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Hammer & Hoe is non-panther related but I found it useful for setting up the context for the prior generation of older black southern ML in the 1920s and 30s when the CPUSA was getting started. I highly recommend it or the shorter paper which is a summary of the book. It's a little known piece of history that should be spread.

>I wasn’t prepared for characters such as Lemon Johnson, a former member of the Communist-led Share Croppers Union. In December 1986, I visited Johnson at his home in rural Montgomery County, which I described in my journal as “a tiny, run-down shack with battered wooden walls, a rusted tin roof that had begun to cave in, and a porch stocked with three rickety chairs.” … He told stories about the 1935 cotton pickers’ strike, Stalin’s pledge to send troops to Mobile to help black sharecroppers if things got out of hand, and the night a well-armed group of women set out to avenge their comrades who had been beaten or killed during the strike. When I asked Mr. Johnson how the union succeeded in winning some of their demands, without the slightest hesitation he reached into the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out a dog-eared copy of V. I. Lenin’s What Is to Be Done and a box of shotgun shells, set both firmly on the bed next to me, and said, “Right thar, theory and practice. That’s how we did it. Theory and practice.


Intercommunalism should be mandatory reading for every Marxist Leninist. it's short, simple, and enlightening.


it's by Huey P Newton btw


Not reading, but Black Red Guard on youtube is based


Based as fuck

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A thread for sharing and discussing information related to the historical development of humanity. Here's my opening contribution
timestamp is 27 minutes if the link doesn't work(skipping a lot of introduction).
I like the presenters maxim of
>geography determines social development and social development determines what geography means
Of course i'd replace 'geography' with 'material conditions' but that's a small nitpick in an otherwise great presentation. The other nitpick is the absence of the idea of a mode of production.

We all know how inefficient capitalism is at its uses of the geography/resources it potentially has at its disposal. The profit motive holds back the total use of geography that would be a huge boon on the level of the guns and boat revolution in the 1400s


This helps. I’m a complete brainlet when it comes to history. Is there like a brief book/video/resource that traces the entire major human historical periods and progression? Like I know some very small basics about middle ages, enlightenment renaissance etc, but I don’t know how they interact and how to piece them together as one piece of development?

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 No.2083[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So some of you may have read the quite popular pdf where Rafiq dunks on eco fetishism, in that thread he references a previous thread where he had spent a lot of time focusing in on eco-fetishism, however this thread has been lost from Revleft. It's available on internet archives but to preserve it I've made this in the style of the previous popular pdf. Hope you guys enjoy!

This thread could serve to discuss this work if anyone ever dedicates the time to read it, or we could debate the place of ecology in modern day Marxism. To provoke discussion: does nature have any value outside how it immediately serves human interests?
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Holy fug.


However, Haz did say that he didn't know who Ismail was, so perhaps not. That was an offhand comment which could be inaccurate though.
Also he is not that old, so he'd have to be a child genius probably to be Rafiq under disguise.


Haz did say he knew a significant amount of Hegel in highschool while roasting Anal Water. It's possible he started early with his studies which may line up with the point you made.


rafiq already knew of leftypol and had been a part of leftist forums since ~2008, he wrote a 500+ page book just to own some dudes on revleft - he also disagreed with heidegger. the traits mentioned are shared by most marxists who started out with zizek.


Rafiq wasn't a pseud who tried to obfuscate because he didn't know what the theory of value was. Their philosophies arent anywhere near each other either. Haz when pressed reveals he doesn't know shit and says you have to do idealist leap of faiths and "believe in the people" when it comes to truth. As already pointed out its Heidegger shit. The reason Rafiq was aggressive was because he knew what he wanted to get across and was tired of repeating himself. Read any of his posts and you get a clear explanation and position on whatever topic.
Haz just screams and yells because he doesn't know how to explain shit he just read once and doesn't understand. He would call Rafiq an Anglo for actually knowing something instead of pretending with big words. And hopefully Rafiq would shoot him and push the body in a ditch.

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Is any of Engels' math in Anti-Dühring wrong, or outdated (wrong to a lesser extent)? I showed my STEMlord friend some of these quotes and they didn't understand what they meant:

>It is for example a contradiction that a root of A should be a power of A, and yet A^(1/2) = square root of A.

> It is a contradiction that a negative quantity should be the square of anything, for every negative quantity multiplied by itself gives a positive square. The square root of minus one is therefore not only a contradiction, but even an absurd contradiction, a real absurdity. And yet the square root of minus one is in many cases a necessary result of correct mathematical operations. Furthermore, where would mathematics — lower or higher — be, if it were prohibited from operation with square root of minus one?

>We have already noted that one of the basic principles of higher mathematics is the contradiction that in certain circumstances straight lines and curves may be the same. It also gets up this other contradiction: that lines which intersect each other before our eyes nevertheless, only five or six centimetres from their point of intersection, can be shown to be parallel, that is, that they will never meet even if extended to infinity. And yet, working with these and with even far greater contradictions, it attains results which are not only correct but also quite unattainable for lower mathematics.
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*excluding complex numbers


>Or does it not make sense to give a counter-example that involves i because of what you said in your post (excluding them)?
This. i was invented to resolve the contradiction.

>What does "gives a positive square" mean?

The square is the number B you get by multiplying the number A by itself. The square of 2 is 4. Etc.
It's often mixed up with square root, which is the reverse - the number B you must multiply by itself to get the number A. The square root of 4 is 2.
It just so happens that both the square and square root of 1 are also 1, because 1 is the identity quantity. I think this may be part of the confusion.
A "positive square" means a positive number you get from multiplying two numbers together. Unless you include i (and by extension the complex numbers), you can only have a positive square, because a negative times a negative cancels to being a positive.

>If it's because you exclude them, I think that makes much more sense to me but that would seem to suggest that i is really a concept invented to "hide" this contradiction that exists at the simple level of maths.

It's only a "contradiction" because the system was constructed assuming that this was impossible. Basically, the assumption that because we don't know any "real" number that can be squared and give a negative, there is no such thing. But the fact that you can express the idea of a square root of a negative makes it possible to make a mathematical construct representing that. Once you have that much you can extend the math. The fact that complex numbers are pretty widely applicable IRL means that the "contradiction" was more like a limit on the original model.


this thread has nothing really to do with engels and everything with people not understanding high school math


>STEM lord
>Doesn't understand
lemme guess… the E in stem?


Good thing you didn't explain Engels' maths or answer any of the questions I raised. Wanna explain >>5004 ?

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Reminder that this bad boy was responsible for modern international law. Say thank you.
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Fucking this. Learning international law made me hate this tennis playing faggot even more.


don't insult my boy puyi like that


Lol having different coloured facial hair is completely natural bro. I have brown hair but my beard is red.

There is a reason they called Vikings things like "Redbeard". You think that happened if he also had red normal hair?


>couldn't even organise his own coronation party without a massacre
>couldn't even consummate an heir
>couldn't win a war
>couldn't run an economy
>listen to boomer uncle and run counter to the grain of history resulting in the destruction of ancient royal line.

Nicholas 2 Haemophilia boogaloo is the biggest cuck in history


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just gonna bump this for the lols this is gold

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Any parents here? Please recommend books for 7-14yo kids that aren't lib shit (i.e. most of the Amazon top and NYT bestsellers).

Not explicitly leftist, just some fiction and non-fiction that isn't based in liberal worldview like picrelated.
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kids that age should be reading dystopian fiction and pulp fiction i.e. Huxley, Orwell, Sherlock Holmes, HP Lovecraft


seconding Isaac Asimov


You could watch the movie. It's dazzling trash.
I'll tl;dr:

First part of the story is Pi being all "omg, does god exist, does it not????" meeting with absolute retards to discuss this matter. A big revealing moment is when Pi goes to the zoo and sees "the worlds most dangerous animal", and it's a mirror, ie humans.

Second part of the book, Pi has a fantastic journey stranded in the Ocean with animals. There's a lion too. The lion is dangerous and eats animals Pi likes.

Third part of the book: Pi is rescued and it is revealed that the animals were actually humans, but Pi needed to COPE and made them animals. The description of what actually went down is extremely vulgar and disgusting.

The final kicker and "ah-ha!" insight moment is when the audience is asked if they prefer the better story (the one with animals and the lion in the middle of the ocean), or the real story (that the animals represented real humans, and the lion was a cook that was insane). The analogy is that "the better story" is pledging fealty to pedophiliac bloodthirsty reactionary religion while "the real story" is atheism, which we are supposed to think as viscerally disgusting (the worst animal is the human, and the insane cannibalistic cook's actions are basically atheism).

When I read it in highscool, there were a bunch of people who said they preferred "the better story". I was a staunch atheist back then. I saw that as an extremely grotesque acceptance that their belief in religion is literally COPE because they would rather not believe in "the real story". For a moment, I was considering the possibility that the book was written by an atheist to expose the religious as retards through 1D chess. But after a lot of classmates chose "the better story" and after analysis I realized it was filled with retarded arguments "supporting" atheism in the first part, I realized it was a retarded COPE of the highest caliber. I was an idiot back then, I can only imagine what other bullshit I'd find if I read it today.


>First part of the story is Pi being all "omg, does god exist, does it not????"
His final conclusion about this was some nonsense about simultaneously following Hinduism Islam and Christianity.


For nonfiction there is Talking to My Daughter About the Economy by Yanis Varoufakis. Good read for teens about, well, the economy.

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