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This thread is for us NEETS to help each other and give tips to aspiring NEETS
For example how to get NEET buxs
How to cope with the mental consequences of beeing a NEET
how to overcome the creeping loneliness and slow mental declince
How to occupy yourself during these long boring lonely nights
I'll start I really love nightwalking the night time is my only possibility to get out of my room without having to cope with the anxiety that comes with going outside
So that really gives me the possibility to get some fresh air and exercise without stressing myself out


>the night time is my only possibility to get out of my room without having to cope with the anxiety that comes with going outside

Fix that please, because you sound like a lost case


It's not that i cant do it i just dont like it
chilling outside without random people looking at you strange and judging you is just nicer


that is a totally normal attitude to have if you have no responsibilities in the outside world. you sound deeply insecure and approval seeking.


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no bulli anon, this thread is for NEETs to help NEETs not anon who clearly don't understand
this is an old thread but if you happen to still be around I think you'll have better luck on another board. Uboachan has a NEET recovery board and a normal NEET board. Tohnochan has neets around.
late.city and anon.cafe have neets floating around too. Good luck, I believe in you and anyone else reading this.


wait, I'm autistic, sorry you were replying to the original mean anon.


just a tip for you OP: pretty much all the “normies that go outside” have anxiety. most people just don’t talk about it all the time because it’s not a good idea to tell strangers your weakness. being on the streets is all about bluffing and keeping your cool. just go out and get what you want to get done, as long as you give yourself a tiny daily goal or something to do you’ll be fine.


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thx you two
thats really sweet of you


> pretty much all the “normies that go outside” have anxiety.
No they don't, you might want to see a therapists if you do.


Massive cope.


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What do you hope to accomplish by posting this picture?


lol try staring at someone used to the streets for more than 1 second without them going "what are you looking at?" at you. what do you think that is?
sorry, maybe it's different in your suburbs.


How do I develop social skills/reintegrate as a recovering NEET?
I've been socially isolated for almost 7 years while jumping back and forth between informal employment/grey markets, dead end jobs and unemployment without really being able to relate with anyone in those environments and sometimes even squandering easy dating opportunities, recently the lockdown has given me anxiety over not wanting to waste my life any longer in one of the worst times to do so, specially since I would be older than the people I would have to interact with which would make them see me as lesser than them.

I didn't want to become a NEET, it happened after I stopped seeing any point in moving forward in life and felt deeply guilty about it.


I think the key is trying to understand what your main problems are and then slowly step by step work on these. For example you could try to meet a small group of people on a regular basis. If you think you are ready for this the best way to meet people is over some shared interest for example you could join a local political group or just find a hobby that you like and trie to connect with people over that.
I am a NEET since 3 years and recently joined a (non political) shooting club I go there once a week when i started it was really difficult but it got slowly better


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Why are people ITT equating NEET with hikikomori?


Why not? If you wanna get technical "NEET", a British term and "Hikikomori", a Japanese term are both analogous to what my fellow Americans would just call "shut-in".


I think it's interesting that "hikikomori" as a term emerged as a consequence of Japan's bubble economy bursting in 1991. They were having debates over underemployment via the "freeter" movement over a decade before the 2007-08 financial crisis, which again in America predates discussion on "the gig economy", "permanently temporary" labor and the emergence of a so-called "precariat" in the 2010s.


Even when translated they aren't the same. NEET is just a fancy term for someone who's unemployed and doesn't go to school either, while hikkis/shut-ins are a serious psychological issue.

If you're a NEET and you don't spend all your day in front of a computer then I applaud (and envy) you.


Not every hikki suffers from serious psychological issues though; some start out as freeters. Similar to this anon >>5177 I've been a NEET for nearly three years. Early on my neighbors once called me a vampire because they only ever saw me leave the house at night. Since the pandemic-driven lockdowns began that's become much less frequent, though (my 24/hr Wal-Mart started closing at 11pm everyday). Other than that, I've spent most days sitting in front of my computer; I'm basically a shut-in. My family has a history of attention deficit disorders but the last time I tried applying to the health insurance marketplace I was offered super unreasonable rates.


Are there any major differences of characteristics between urban and suburban, over the patterns of hikikomori or NEETs? The latter seems like it'd be far more alienating, suburbia being already very atomized. How many NEETs are residing in cities anyways compared to suburban or rural areas?


pretty sure both words come from Japan


Nah it's from UK and then spread to Asia for some reason.

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