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File: 1615751315910.jpg ( 20.5 KB , 331x499 , Psychiatric Hegemony.jpg )


Has anyone read this book or knows something about it?
I heard about it some time ago and read a small part of it about bipolar disorder. It sounded fascinating but for some reason the book costs like 80 bucks so I cant afford. Is anyone able to provide a pdf or knows a place where one could get the book cheaper?


Have you tried libgen?


Not that anon, but I just checked and it is on libgen. Looks very interesting.
> An essential issue here is the continuing contested nature of “mental illness,” for there remains no proof that any “mental disorder” is a real, observable disease. Consequently, the “experts” still cannot distinguish the mentally ill from the mentally healthy. In fact, a recent attempt by the APA—the most powerful psychiatric body in the world—to defi ne mental illness was bluntly described by one of their most senior fi gures as “bullshit” (see discussion below). Accordingly, it also follows that no “treatment” has been shown to work on any specifi c “mental illness” and that there is no known causation for any disor-der.


kek, abandoning Freud wasn't enough to gain status of empirical science I see


Found it thx
I'm gonna read it and make an effortpost here

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