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Which constructed international language is best?

Esperanto is the most well-known but has many flaws and has no interest in correcting any of them.

Ido is an improved Esperanto but that's like calling it the thinnest kid at fat camp.

Novial is pretty good but it splintered too much towards the end and never recovered.

Occidental isn't bad but it reads like "Novial v0.7".

Interlingua tries hard but it reads like it wants to be all things for all people and winds up being nothing good for anyone.

What's leftchan's take on international languages?


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I'm a looser burger that only knows one language and part of another language (korean) but I have never actively used it so I lost my ability to speak it really sort of fluently at all.


I'm not sure what you are looking for. You haven't mentioned Lojban, that's also a semi famous constructed language. It tries to be syntactically unambiguous.

>What's leftchan's take on international languages?

here is a list of most commonly spoken organic languages (native and non-native combined)

1. English 1,348 b
2. Mandarin Chinese 1.120 b
3. Hindi 600 m
4. Spanish 543 m
5. Standard Arabic 274 m
6. Bengali 268 m
7. French 267 m
8. Russian 258 m
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About not listing other conlangs, your point is valid. I could have listed off another 20 or so but didn't want to overburden the initial post.


Yeah I like the reform approach. I try to lump words together in english like german does, because I appreciate the feature. Like carengine for instance


Yes compound words are a nice linguistic feature, just don't overdo it by creating comically long words

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Hey Comrades! The ideas of Max Stirner (lived at the time of Marx) somehow appeal to me. As I understood he basically says that morality and religious and social norms are void (called them "spooks"). By freeing oneself of these concepts, one can follow one's own will. By cooperation and mutual interest one can then happily coexist and live with other individuals.
What are your thoughts on that?


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You should probably ask >>>/dead/.


Cool thanks, didn't know this board exists.


/edu/ isn't restricted to marxism only…


It is now. Try and stop us.

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still remember this shit from public school(elementary to middle school) where it usually was cut into desks by kids being fuckwits. dont get why/how this is memed so much to make it across pretty much across most of the continents. At least, it pisses off west pests. anyone got any decent insight about this? wikipedia fuckin sucks
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that swastika shaped building in the third picture is a barracks at Naval Base Coronado near San Diego.


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they're out there somewhere…. out in the wild wastes of the north americas and euro trashlands

The West Has Fallen. Billions Must Die
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And yet here you are, posting from the western capitalist country that won the cold war, from the comfort of your mom's basement, on a phone or computer reliant completely on a capitalist supply chain, and not being gulaged for posturing like an edgy political dissident
<Wow much successful!!!

>I'm so worldly and smart

Do you even have a passport? What was the last book you read that wasn't written by a self professed leftist or communist?

This whole post comes across like a manifest statement of Dunning Kruger syndrome.

Literally every country got materially better off during the 20th century.

The USSR got caught with their pants down when the Nazis invaded and we're reliant on the American lend lease program after that. Had Hitler not been such a schizo retard and didn't invade the Soviet Union in the first place, Stalin would have maintained his literal alliance with Nazi Germany.

>The USSR had tons of freedoms

Ah yes, you could just decide where to live, where you wanted to work, could take a vacation whenever you wanted. /S
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Also Comrade Dunning Kruger,

You really need to work on establishing a better sleep schedule


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>western capitalism won the first cold war
Yes but it's also loosing the second cold war. Might makes right philosophies are retarded and self defeating in the long term because nobody has superior strength all the time. Ultimately the only thing the cold war proves, is that western capitalism could not compete against Soviet socialism on peaceful terms.


Remember that the US imprisons roughly 5 times as many people as the USSR did, the level of hypocrisy is earth-shattering. If you are complaining about the political repression in the soviet union, that did exist, but you have to consider how utterly brutal the repression against communists was before the revolution. They did not retaliate in kind, if they had done that… It would have been something else.

>a phone or computer reliant completely on a capitalist supply chain

This argument isn't coherent because all the stuff gets made by workers, not the capitalists that own the means of production. But it's still funny because most gadgets have Made in China written on it. So their made by a bunch of workers in a communist country.

>a manifest statement of Dunning Kruger syndrome.

insult =/= argument

>Literally every country got materially better off during the 20th century.

That's probably not entirely true, but even if it was, the meteoric rise of socialist countries that managed to double their life expectancy within one generation during the process of industrialization, is something no capitalist country got even close to realizing.
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canned response


You're AI has an anti-soviet bias and it's doing the Neo-liberal thing where it pretends to not be ideological. Also it has reading comprehension issues, the post it replied to said that capitalism could not compete on peaceful terms.


Any one else seen of the scandel that collegeboard has gotten itself into?

Long story short, because of coronachan, they did AP exams online, problem is that they had every person in the world take them at the same time, including international students who had to take them very early in the morning like 2 AM.

What should be done about this? Collegeboard also seems to have monopolized education because of the fact that every university and college requires people to take the SAT which collegeboard owns

My idea would be for the government to not recognize it as a nonprofit anymore by taxing the shit out of them.
If they end up raising the prices of their tests, it would prove our point that they are a greedy company in disguise, or its gonna force them to just plain admit that they are a company, and that they will cut back on test costs to gain their nonprofit status back.

Either way fuck this greedy company, Collegeboard is one of the higher powers that is fucking up the American education system
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That's how non-profits work. Especially churches.


AP, ACT, SAT, GRE, etc. CollegeBoard controls the entirety of standardized higher education testing in the US.


So the problem doesn't necessarily seem to be capitalism, but the fact that a single company has been given a monopoly over testing thanks to federal regulations



>doesn't necessarily seem to be capitalism


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>the problem doesn't necessarily seem to be capitalism
>a single company has been given a monopoly
Capitalism has a tendency towards monopoly formation
So if you are complaining about monopolies you are complaining about capitalism too.

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I hear Deng and Bukharin be described as right-wing,
Stalin as center,
Bordiga as left –
but then where the fuck would people like Lenin, Trotsky, Mao and Cockshott fit in to this? Lenin had a big shift in positions (before vs after the revolution), Trotsky was clearly very similar to Lenin in positions after, but he often gets called "left" by Stalinists. Mao clearly was more sympathetic to Stalin than either Trotsky or post-Stalin right-wing revisionists, yet he is occasionally slandered as "ultra-left" (which is ridiculous), and then Cockshott went through "ML" (centrist, I suppose) parties, get kicked out for "ultra-leftism" and subsequently writes his seminal work TANS, including a critique of the scrapping of soviet cybernetics in the USSR, bourgeois elements of democratic centralism, and proposes to move towards communism immediately via the DotP through the revolutionary utilization of cybernetics instead of any market mechanisms (market mechanisms seemingly being supported by both right-wing and centrist Communists).
To me, intuitively, it sounds like Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and Mao, in hindsight, had more in common than they were willing to admit (all "centrists", but how would one divide them into center-left-, center and center-right?), while Cockshott clearly drifted left (toward Bordiga).

I may be missing something, That's why I want to open it up for collective discussion with you all here on /edu/.
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Raul Castro and Khrushchev are more like center-r. They did not shift towards privatization as much as Gorbachev and Deng did.


It depends when. He is about the same as old Bukharin, and to the right of young Bukharin.


Communism is left wing. Centrists and right wings have their own economics that better synergize with their social policies.
Base and superstructure, quite uncontrovercially, mutually shape and maintain each other. People only try to unmarry social and economic policy for meme ideologies like ancap.


> What DEFINES left

Cringe thread. Leftism is dialectic, there is no definition.


Can we not compared dorky obscure tenured academics with a pet theory to revolutionary leaders who led vanguard parties in the seizure of power?

Very cringe thread

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Anyone want to journey with me into 3D modeling? I was going to follow along with a blender youtube tutorial, and see where that leaves me at the end of it. Blender is free!
Feel free to post others or talk about modeling in general.
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there's allready this >>>/hobby/8275


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I'm far from a beginner in Blender. currently modelling for a Sonic fan game that I'm currently also programming. ama
I'm 100% self taught when it comes to computer graphics and computer programming.


is there any good rigged model of lennin out there?


Been trying blochbench an a way to get acclimated to the basic stuff before jumping into blender. Been fun, even if using an electron / javascript app feels icky.

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What makes us so special? What makes us different? Humans are primates, when I look at other people I see, in every sense of the word, an ape. We are animals,we look like animals, we smell like animals. Thinking of what we really are makes my head spin.

What makes us special? What makes us different? What makes our lives meaningful? Are we even special? Are we even different? Are we meant to be in an unending war for dominance of nature that inevitably ends in our mutual destruction? Are we meant to become stewards of the Earth, the next stage in energy usage for Life, living in harmony with the Earth as its first sentient aspect? Why were there no others, why only us? In 500 million years of animal life, why only Man? Can more come after us, if we go extinct? Is our purpose merely to choose for ourselves why we exist? Are we free, or are we slaves? Why do we individually seem so limited, and yet together humanity seems to be without limits?

What is the dialectical explanation for Man? His consciousness? His relationship to Nature? His drive to spirituality? Is it a misunderstanding on Man's part? Does Man not see that those aspects he has are those he shares with Nature? Gained from Nature? Marx wrote that many species engage in labor; yet seemingly only man labors first in his mind, then with his body. Why are We in this regard?

Our notions of honor, of courage, of willpower, of morality; only we created cultures. And yet, other species experience these emotions from which such ideas rose. Other species experience love. They feel fear. They summon bravery to conquer that fear.

The materialist relation between Man and Nature, between Man and Himself; why is Man, why are We?

These questions, they haunt me frequently, I wish to understand, to Nature we seemingly stand above as gods, and yet we are of Nature, not apart from it; and to us aspects of Nature, like our Sun, like our Universe; they seem yet greater than we could ever hope to be. Help me to understand.
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I've posted it before and I'll post it again. Read this all, gotta be a little patient though


My dear friend, the answer lies in material conditions and a philosophy. Please give it a read will ya'? I swear, I hate people who have existential crisis when they have learned that their higher being (or what many people call soul) is attached to material and will die once your body dies.


We labor, which then forms our inner monolog culminating in our consciousness. Animals don't labor.


Specieses are an abstracion to make biology easier to apply to things like medicine. Humans aren't real. You should focus on what you want to do next rather than trying to find some higher power to be a pawn for.


>Humans aren't real
You mean the category is not the same as the material thing it describes.

There are some attempts in biology to define life in terms of procedural matter pattern replicators, to escape the static categorization trap. These are not easy to grasp, it's unlikely it'll become the common descriptor.

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We all know that Marxists philosophy has roots in the classic European works of Hegel, Greeks etc..

So are there some works/philosophers that would be benefitial to read for Marxist from other branches of world philosophy like Chinese, Indian, African etc.?
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This just underlines the need for the project outlined in the OP here: >>216
>We should make a general history guide for an overview on leftists history movements/people/thinkers that type of thing


Taoism used/use a dialectical method


Hegel was basically importing eastern dialectics and applying a few changes.


Chinese Dialectics: From Yijing to Marxism - Chenshan Tian


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 No.338[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

All good communists study math.

What are you studying right now? What is your favorite field of mathematics and why?

Personally, I really like the book "Linear Algebra Done Right" by Sheldon Axler. It is on Libgen if you are interested and I attached a pdf.
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No, I want an explanation of why we can use logic to determine what is true and what is not given that paradoxes exist. Logically there shouldn't be paradoxes and everything should either be true, false or meaningless but this isn't the case (Liar's paradox for example, http://tdx37ew3oke5rxn3yi5r5665ka7ozvehnd4xmnjxxdvqorias2nyl4qd.onion/wiki/List_of_paradoxes?lang=en#Logic for more) so how and why can we use logic to prove things when it clearly fails at some points? I also asked if the books I have will help me answer these questions. I asked nothing about why paradoxes exist but asked about their implications on the validity of logical deductions and if the books I have will help me answer this question or give me some required knowledge before it can be and if these books do neither then I asked for some books that will.


>Liar's paradox

<This statement is false

is self referencing, if you feed it into a logic interpreter it will cause an infinite statement expansion, and the interpreter will never actually get to the point where it can perform any logic operations.

If you want to know about this, read about Godel's incompleteness theorem or in computer science the halting problem.


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Because everything we know revolves around a series of assumptions apriori: Things like laws of physics, fields, assumptions about foundational asthmatic. There are things that are true simple because they appear to be the most reasonable explanations for what we observe. Even though our methods do not appear to be perfect they have repeatedly delivered the most reasonable and logical explanations for our observations for centuries and thus demand the benefit of the doubt in the continued use.
The only way this could be challenged is if there was a system of logic superior to the one we currently have today, which, is completely possible, so, if you have a methodology of logic greater than what we currently have, or, a scientific methodology better than the methodology we currently have then explain it….

It's kind of like democracy: It isn't perfect but it's the best we have.


that's a ridiculous amount of the best girls on the m²


>Logically there shouldn't be paradoxes
Formal logic is a human invention that approximates something in the real world. It's not ideal. That this instrument can lead to paradoxes only tells you that this tool is flawed and you should be careful with your recursions.

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