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Any one else seen of the scandel that collegeboard has gotten itself into?

Long story short, because of coronachan, they did AP exams online, problem is that they had every person in the world take them at the same time, including international students who had to take them very early in the morning like 2 AM.

What should be done about this? Collegeboard also seems to have monopolized education because of the fact that every university and college requires people to take the SAT which collegeboard owns

My idea would be for the government to not recognize it as a nonprofit anymore by taxing the shit out of them.
If they end up raising the prices of their tests, it would prove our point that they are a greedy company in disguise, or its gonna force them to just plain admit that they are a company, and that they will cut back on test costs to gain their nonprofit status back.

Either way fuck this greedy company, Collegeboard is one of the higher powers that is fucking up the American education system


unironically import the french model, which most continental europe uses, and which was also the standard in the eastern block: national examination covering 2-5 subjects which may vary depending on the curricula track (STEM-focused or humanities-focused), and competitive written exams for entry into higher education.


This shit ain't happenin in Burgerstan without a revolution.
Too many PROFITs to be lost


That's how non-profits work. Especially churches.


AP, ACT, SAT, GRE, etc. CollegeBoard controls the entirety of standardized higher education testing in the US.


So the problem doesn't necessarily seem to be capitalism, but the fact that a single company has been given a monopoly over testing thanks to federal regulations



>doesn't necessarily seem to be capitalism


File: 1699550359827.png ( 228.3 KB , 1198x1198 , marx faceplam.png )

>the problem doesn't necessarily seem to be capitalism
>a single company has been given a monopoly
Capitalism has a tendency towards monopoly formation
So if you are complaining about monopolies you are complaining about capitalism too.

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