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Post any weird and obscure history facts that you know of
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It probably did have a great influence, I wont deny that. If the british empire had Rome-levels of slavery in the British isles at the time, the steam engine probably wouldnt have been invented.

But this doesnt imply the inverse is also true, that if we would somehow transfer the economic situation of Britain at the time to Rome, they would have magically overcome all these technological issues. Building a workable and economicly useful steam engine during the roman empire would be a technological impossibility. similarly, the roman empire could never have invented the transistor, however hard they tried.


ofc this is something where your argument makes sense, but only because wheelbarrows are relatively simple objects. They are not comparable to steam engines.

>cotton gin

dont know too much about this specific piece of technology. But after a quick glance it seems quite simple and not comparable to a steam engine.


>lets not acknowledge the leading heroes that fought the independence struggle



>The pope issued a bull, Ausculta Fili, in which he declared that both spiritual and temporal power were under the pope's jurisdiction, and that kings were subordinate to the power of the Roman pontiff. Philip disobeyed and had Ausculta Fili publicly burnt in Paris in 1302. Boniface excommunicated Philip and all others who prevented French clergy from traveling to the Holy See, after which the king sent his troops to attack the pope's residence in Anagni on 7 September 1303 and capture him. Boniface was held for three days and beaten badly.

>Boniface died a month later, on 11 October 1303, of high fever and was buried in a special chapel. Philip IV pressured Pope Clement V of the Avignon Papacy into staging a posthumous trial of Boniface. He was accused of heresy and sodomy. Pope Clement V referred the process to the 1311 Council of Vienne, where two knights challenged the claim to a trial by combat. With no one willing to fight them, the Council declared the matter closed.


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The conservative opposition leader of Australia (1972-1975) died having sex with his son's ex-girlfriend (apparently he'd fucked a number of his son's exes).


>named sneeden
>died sucking and fucking

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Who did it? Soviets? Nazis?
Why were the polish officers killed? What was the motive for the massacre? Were they preparing a revolt?

Are the documents fake? Whose investigations are trustworthy?

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cadres from Leningrad trial with the nazi war criminals (1946) including Arno Düre, who was accused of war crimes against the polish officers in Katyn


the nazis had a motive but the NKVD version is very well documented


Nazis, anyone telling you otherwise is one themselves.


>very well documented
The only "proof" I've ever seen is Closed Packet no.1, whereas the evidence the Nazis did it is considerably stronger. https://www.revolutionarydemocracy.org/rdv16n2/katyn.htm


>whereas the evidence the Nazis did it is considerably stronger.
well, with the soviet version we at least know that the POW camps existed, we know who worked there.
In the case of the version with germans being behind the crime, we have no single document that took the POW camps, or that they created new ones (so called ON camps mentioned in the Burdenko report), we have no proof of existance of the supposed commanders of these camps.
After Burdenko comission the soviets never even attempted to do another investigation, they didn't even try to find the supposed nazi criminals who did the massacre. The only nazi who was ever put on trial for Katyn was Arno Düre who was supposedly burying the dead officers but he was released from prison in 1954 and when he returned to Germany he claimed that he was forced to make this testimony.

so even if we completely disregard the version that NKVD did it, we still don't know what actually happened. The only proofs for Katyn massacre being done by nazis are those brought by Burdenko commission, which is also not much.

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Anyone have any good texts on the development/history/culture of the Central Asian republics of the USSR? Seems like a fairly overlooked area compared to the European and Caucasian republics.

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It arrived. Anyone else read it? I'd like to know what to expect. Also, this is now a Baudrillard general for discussing hyperreality, sign value, reversibility, and the contents of any of his books.

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I'm tired of people overstating Hegel's influence in Marx's theories and then fucking recommending secondary books because they "make Marx understandable by getting rid of all the Hegel stuff". You REALLY do not need to know Hegel to understand 99% of the stuff Marx wrote.


Absolute worst offender in this regard is Tony Smith and his book "The Logic of Marx's Capital"




Hegel is a philosophical encyclopedia. There is philosophical jargon that I didn't understand from Marx until after having read Hegel, and that's just a bit of Hegel.

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There are people who spend their entire lives reading Hegel and still manage to come out empty handed.

ITT we discuss the great thinker, Karl Marx's teacher, and he on who's shadow we walk:

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

1. What are good things to read/view to get an understanding of Hegel from a philosophical neophyte?

2. What service can Hegel's philosophy provide us today?

3. What an be done to make Hegel more accessible to the masses? Why is it so unpenetrable?
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AW is a massive cunt.


Introduction to Dialectics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_zOcp6PIBs
Logic and Dialectics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwsZwtdFu3k
Hegel's Philosophy of History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhxw51cdHTE
Religion as Anthropology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kC0TB8HC5g
Religion is the Opium of the Masses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4aKI66j9hw

Only 2 hours and 45 minutes all together, under 2 hours at 1.5x. A+++


Since Hegel is in vogue, here's the dedicated Hegel thread.


You will never fully understand Hegelianism unless you understand Leibnizism and Kantianism.
Let that sink in.


Thats not that bad, you learn Kantianism in regular philosophy anyway and having that foundation will let you study anyone.

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Is there a website where I can learn philosophy? A website that leads your through and explains to you all larger categories and questions in philosophy? I know there is plato.stanford.edu, but it's an encyclopedia and doesn't lead you through the topics in a didactic manner. I didn't want to learn philosophy by reading a bunch of books, because I have several dozens of books I'm already intending to read.
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Idk what the deal with this publisher is. Are they leftist or not?


idk and i don't care i read this book in german and looked up the english version


Start with a supplement to the pre-socratics


If you care about putting Capital in context, understanding his relationship to other socialists of the period is arguably more relevant

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This is not a debate thread. I encourage debate on this topic to happen in /leftypol/, as it would have anyway. This is an /edu/cational thread only.

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the third and highest stage of communist theory, was synthesized in 1982 by the Peruvian Communist Party (known in bourgeois sources by the epithet "Sendero Luminoso"). Here is the document they published concerning this: http://library.redspark.nu/1982_-_Maoism._On_Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
Parties and organizations that uphold MLM theory in the modern day include:
>Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun
>Peru People’s Movement (Reorganisation Committee)
>Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction)
>Red Faction of the Communist Party of Chile
>Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Columbia
>Revolutionary Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico
>Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist
>Committee Red Flag, FRG
>Maoist Communist Party, French State
Red Flag Collective, Finland
>Committees for the Foundation of the (Maoist) Communist Party of Austria
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Just thought I'd throw these sources in here into a slower thread so they can be on hand for when the
>muh baby boiler
brigade show up again:


>The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in Peru is usually cited as an example of how capture–recapture methods can help improve our understanding of mass violence from incomplete observed data. Using 25,000 documented death records, the TRC estimated a total of 69,000 killings, and that the Shining Path was the main perpetrator, in contrast with the raw data where the Peruvian State appears to be responsible for the most killings. One feature not often noticed is that the TRC applied an unusual indirect procedure, combining data on different perpetrators and lumping together missing perpetrator data in one group. I show that direct estimations with strict stratification by perpetrator and accounting for missing data do not support the results of the TRC’s indirect approach. I estimate a total of 48,000 killings, substantially lower than the TRC estimate, and the Peruvian State accounts for a significantly larger share than the Shining Path. Rather than an example of correcting biases in the observed data through capture–recapture methods, the TRC actually introduced further distortion.


>Even after President Alejandro Toledo increased the number of commissioners to twelve from seven (adding Ames, Arias, Lay, Antúndez, Morote, and the observer Bambarén), the commissioners still reflected elite sectors of Peru least affected by the violence. All were residents of Lima, all were urban dwellers, only one spoke Quechua, only one understood it, and none self-identified as Indigenous or campesino. As Commissioner Carlos Iván Degregori later commented, “even the composition of the CVR reflected the gaps in the country” that underlay the political violence

>It is crucial to remember that survivors of the violence made decisions about what they would and w
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Does anyone have a PDF/epub of the 1995 document 'Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism'?


bumping for this >>5950


Do you think Shining Path had enough support from Peruvians to consider its efforts as a failed revolution? Mao won many hearts and minds, it seems that Gonzalo did not.

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Where the hell is volume 38 in that Lenin magnet???


>tfw so much based content itt but your toaster is full



>Yi Yi?
Hardy left wing, mostly about how that Japanese guy had good business ethics and fucking him over was bad. Platform is a better Asian movie on the topic of communism and Chinese relations
Also seed it


it's bullshit that people say when they say that storage is cheap

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Does anyone have any recommendations for books or resources for studying the history and conditions of the English (or British, in the current sense) working class?

The two I know of rn is 'The Making of the British Working Class' by E.P. Thompson and 'Conditions of the Working Class in England' by Engels.
I've been told they are classic accounts but they unfortunately only cover the very early period of British capitalism and working class history.
If anyone has any good books and resources that cover past the period these two cover (so anything covering the 1830s and beyond, please post them here.


Here's some I found myself


i found these on libgen


meacham standish- A life apart: the English working class, 1890-1914

Worth, Rachel- Clothing and landscape in Victorian England: working-class dress and rural life

Working-Class Girls in Nineteenth-Century England: Life, Work, and SchoolingVolume:
Author(s):Meg Gomersall, Jo Campling
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You should read Thompson anyway because it will set you up well for what is to come as well as introduce you gently to Marxist humanist historiography

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