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File: 1608528066546.png ( 240.49 KB , 662x540 , 1475417084125.png )


Drop those PDF's or else


File: 1608528066680.png ( 28.44 KB , 682x270 , learn_download_books.png )









Or else what OP?


Check this out &lt-

Didn't think so.




let's summon Ismail


File: 1608528071078.pdf ( 1.06 MB , shieldbook.pdf )



Books about the Russian Revolution/Soviet Union:
You can find a PDF of almost everything in that list on Libgen.


Also, try the links before using Libgen. It's often not necessary to use the latter.


I'd share boltons book too, but my copy is >20MB










Holodomeme pdfs




I don't have much but I will offer what I have.


File: 1608528195630-0.png ( 43.59 KB , 220x299 , 220px-Abdullah_Öcalan.png )

File: 1608528195630-1.jpg ( 135.06 KB , 667x1000 , 71G8e8MFJUL.jpg )

Requestion a PDF of Sociology of Freedom by /ourboy/, Abdullah Öcalan.


nobody is going to just read this shut you copy pasted with zero context btw


Wasn't expecting it that soon. Based, thanks!


The last part is a lie








File: 1608528244016-1.jpg ( 6.86 KB , 226x223 , marcuse.jpg )

Dropping some Marcuse


Missing volume 5.

The FBI report in volume 6 on his Essay on Liberation is really funny lol.


Give me your favorite books especially if it's about history


He sounds interesting


File: 1620671187450.pdf ( 777.16 KB , 67x118 , northwoods.pdf )



File: 1620727734416-0.pdf ( 435.59 KB , 213x300 , 1936 USSR constitution.pdf )

File: 1620727734416-1.pdf ( 9.94 MB , 232x300 , anarchist cookbook.pdf )

File: 1620727734416-2.pdf ( 278.68 KB , 212x300 , gaddafi-green-book.pdf )



>anarchist cookbook.pdf


sorry, didn't think of it, just resharing what I got from here


File: 1621578040758.pdf ( 675.86 KB , 212x300 , luxemburg_1925_political_e….pdf )







File: 1621963302559.pdf ( 244.67 KB , 67x118 , spassky-fischer-11th-match….pdf )



File: 1622035900107-0.pdf ( 9.56 MB , 369x300 , thomson-1.pdf )

File: 1622035900107-1.pdf ( 22.53 MB , 230x300 , Marx One shot.pdf )

File: 1622035900107-2.pdf ( 225.97 KB , 232x300 , Xis the One by Sandra Coup….pdf )



File: 1622425227884-0.pdf ( 364.89 KB , 245x300 , Defund.pdf )

File: 1622425227884-1.pdf ( 896.27 KB , 232x300 , new_socialism.pdf )



Anybody have Political Economy of Human Rights in their clipboards? hahaha unless…




Here's some Losurdo.




File: 1623136833741.pdf ( 864.06 KB , 203x300 , graham1966.pdf )



any of you got Washington bullets capitalist realism hinterlands and any books related


Adorno Red Pill


File: 1623858147625.pdf ( 501.93 KB , 232x300 , A Practical Guide to Suici….pdf )



Can someone try this and confirm it works real quick


>tfw can't read all these fast enough

fuck I hate being a brainlet :(


Reading Capital Politically (Simply a great companion to Capital without the baggage of VFT)
Marx's Inferno (OK it has a bit of a strange premise, but it contextualizes Capital extremely well even if you don't buy it, please read it)


File: 1625247269840-0.pdf ( 942.69 KB , 67x118 , Arguments for Socialism.pdf )

File: 1625247269840-1.pdf ( 3.98 MB , 187x300 , Classical Econophysics.pdf )

File: 1625247269840-2.pdf ( 3.51 MB , 230x300 , Computation and its Limits.pdf )

File: 1625247269840-4.pdf ( 7.68 MB , 212x300 , How the World Works.pdf )

Cockshott dump incoming


File: 1625247332323-0.pdf ( 82.53 KB , 67x118 , Socialist Planning.pdf )

File: 1625247332323-1.pdf ( 914.25 KB , 232x300 , Towards a New Socialism.pdf )

File: 1625247332323-2.pdf ( 135.46 KB , 186x300 , Transition to 21st Century….pdf )

File: 1625247332323-3.zip ( 4.18 MB , kantorovich.zip )

File: 1625247332323-4.zip ( 686.34 KB , plancode.zip )

With some related code


File: 1625247558265.pdf ( 12.84 MB , 67x118 , Laws of Chaos.pdf )



File: 1625407670615.pdf ( 185.18 KB , 67x118 , colander2000.pdf )





File: 1626010852367.pdf ( 11.66 MB , 192x300 , churchreligionussr1982.pdf )

redpill on religion in USSR (aka actually existing socialism).










If anyone has any Artaud, Bataille, or Deleuze please giv


Here's an official Soviet textbook about political economy, in English and the original Russian.






File: 1627921191596.png ( 243.67 KB , 720x390 , 2cf0258f980ab32e7a0b2de375….png )





File: 1628016829219.png ( 14.11 KB , 534x419 , ClipboardImage.png )

Speaking of pdfs Sci-Hub just got blocked and DMCA'd so yeah 85 million free scientific articles - are harder to acquire now.


You can still download papers through libgen: https://libgen.is/scimag/

It won't fetch new ones though.


I literally have 5000 pdfs downloaded on probably every subject in existance
How the fuck am I gonna read all that


File: 1690740053562-0.pdf ( 48.62 MB , 67x118 , communisminbible0000mira.pdf )

File: 1690740053562-1.pdf ( 545.23 KB , 266x300 , Roman A. Montero, Edgar G.….pdf )

Communism in the Bible by José Porfirio Miranda
All Things in Common: The Economic Practices of the Early Christians by Roman Montero


If you haven't been shot already by Hasbro™ Death Squads, here.

Also a Minecraft guide, for testing your patience by the most mind-compressing writing ever done.

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