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Is there a website where I can learn philosophy? A website that leads your through and explains to you all larger categories and questions in philosophy? I know there is plato.stanford.edu, but it's an encyclopedia and doesn't lead you through the topics in a didactic manner. I didn't want to learn philosophy by reading a bunch of books, because I have several dozens of books I'm already intending to read.


we right here bruh


why not read an intro/overview of philosophy book?

im sure some anons here could recommend one, or just look up whatever textbook is normally used for philosophy 101 or whatever


>why not read an intro/overview of philosophy book?
If you have one such book then shoot


File: 1625183681583.jpg ( 978.72 KB , 900x6474 , History-of-Philosophy(1).jpg )

Hope this clears things up OP


Read a book brainlet


I literally just said I already have dozens of books to read you cocksucker.


This does give me direction. Thank you.


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Oh no 12 books!
Jesus christ what a brainlet. Sage




It's more than 50. Learn to sage uygha.


Leave and never return, filth.


>animal farm
>atlus shrugged
oh no no no
got BTFO by thomas paine about france


It's funny because any /pol/ack actually reading at all is already an anomaly.




Thank you. I'm not planning to chronologically read through all the works of philosophy, so if it's just one or two books summarizing it, I'm fine with it.


is more than that but there is really no way to actually learn philosophy without reading philosophy


>start with the platonics
>jump to the scholastics
>realize this pic is cringe
>read machiavelli and then do a backflip into modern phil
>now you can learn contemporary philosophy


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I can only find right wing lit charts, why is this?


Read Plato's Sophist, Parmenides Republic, and Timaeus
Read Aristotle's Politics (very based) and Nicomachean Ethics
>I didn't want to learn philosophy by reading a bunch of books
Oh wait, you're a retard. I guess I won't be giving you more suggestions then


Do you think I have all that free time to read through the entire bibliography of all the important works in philosophy? Use your fucking brain moron, I just want a generalized overview. You people are insufferable rejects.


But why? Do you have a big school project coming up?


I already have like 50 books I'm trying to get through. Right now I just want a broad overview. If it were just one more book, it would be no biggie.


just read capital dimwit





Philosophy is a lifelong endeavor. Just start reading a little bit. Some parts don't make sense for years until you have the right experience.

This is probably the best lecture to speedrun greeks->modern

I recommend googling questions that interest you and reading papers or listening to lectures and podcasts while you do other things. Just do it casually and you will end up knowing more than 90% of people.


That's a good idea, yeah I can roll with that. I wanted to read philosophy, but at best I have time for that next year.


Sure bro, the attached pdf History of Western Philosophy isn't too long, the author is a lib (his take on Marx is meh) but it goes from the ancient greeks to the 20th century. Spirkin's book goes much deeper into marxist philosophy. The other books are also interesting.. the history of ancient philosophy, Lenin's notes on philosophy and Ilyenkov's history of dialectics. There's also Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy, which I also need to read. https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/hp/hpconten.htm


Partially Examined Life and Philosophize This are good intro podcasts for longer discussions of a huge variety of topics. You can get podcast apps that do 1.5x or 2x speed or find lectures on youtube and you can also use text to speech apps on articles or papers so you can listen while you work or commute and save time.


What kinda experience do you want from philosophy? It really depends on what you're looking for. If you want to feel like you can know nothing and want to feel the powerlessness, try David Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. If you want an introduction to the methods of living "the good life", Epicureanism and Stoicism. If you wanna be a Marxist and get the hang of dialectics, start with some of Plato's dialogues like Euthyphro and pay attention to how the initial claim of Socrates' partner is forced into a corner or developed through introspection. If you really dunno just stick with Plato and try whatever, like Gorgias. Every good intro book to philosophy is meant for you to read the primary text at some point. The goal of philosophy is to get you to think for yourself and develop your sense of reason, so no book can summarize the lessons for you, unless you're just trying to do a history of philosophy.

Believe it or not, the first part of that /pol/ infographic isn't a bad start >>6290 but it clearly was made by someone who either thought it was a good idea to recommend Critique of Pure Reason and Practical Reason by themselves without proper context, and just dump the Phenomenology there. Kant and Hegel is goatse for the mind, and you need prep–for Kant I recommend Groundwork/Grounding/Foundations on the Metaphysics of Morals and What is Enlightenment to get a sense of his broader project before you get screwed. Good luck with Hegel.


*That /pol/ infographic was made with someone who thought you can just read Kant and Hegel's most challenging works by themselves, or more likely just dropped their important works on there without actually having read them


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there is this dude named Rick Roderick who was a philosophy professor from texas who released a bunch of videos on philosophy that explain it in a simple way and in a texan accent. The videos are all over youtube nowadays






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I think one of /ourguys/ made this in order to dupe the tards at /pol/ into reading Marx


File: 1625206532155-0.pdf ( 2.29 MB , 232x300 , Philosophy_Project_1.pdf )

Ok OP, I assume you want to get into philosophy as some sort of of hobby and that's fine, but realize that this will not replace some formal education in philosophy. Now first I would advise you to read "Elementary Prinicples of Philosophy" by Georges Politzer (pdf attached). Gets over the basic terminology in wider philosophy from a marxist perspective.
Second I attached you a pdf that was essentially a philosophy project by 4/lit/. Its 4chan but actually pretty decent so yeah read it.
I will attach a huge reading list that goes over western philosophy chronologically in my next post, because it is too big
Nice ressources. Where did you find out about them?
That reads like a mass-produced infographic that you'll see on reddit on some r/coolguides subreddit. Ok, but not really good


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Very basic stuff about some of the most important thinkers. Not perfect imo, but very good for the average guy that wants to learn about philosophy. Oh btw it doesn't go to heavily into political philosophy, because there are seperate charts for that. Put in some legal philosophy, kant and fichte in there too for good measure


There's no point in doing it, you won't impress anyone with it you will just waste a lot of time on stupid shit that does not matter anymore.


>68 page pdf on how to how to get started on introduction to the beginning of


>I want it to be easy peasy lemon squeezy
You just saw the amount of pages and didn't even skimm it, right?


do you have the others, the links at the end are defaced


File: 1625210949487-0.pdf ( 852.4 KB , 232x300 , -lit-_Marx.pdf )

File: 1625210949488-1.pdf ( 1.29 MB , 232x300 , Continental_Philosophy.pdf )

File: 1625210949488-2.pdf ( 144.53 KB , 232x300 , Analytic_Philosophy.pdf )

Beware, they are not completely finished, especially the analytical one


God the lit marx pdf has some of the worst takes

> NOOOO you can't understand Capital without Hegel

> Based Harvey who is top tier



Yeah, I don't like it too. But I expect this board to already know their shit about marxism.
>NOOOO you can't understand Capital without Hegel
I mean certain parts, fit that description. Lenin thought so too, so not that uncommon to hear


While I think that quote is pointless, it was more the contradiction between saying > you don't understand Capital without Hegel and then saying Harvey (who butcher's Marx's value) lectures are top tier for reading Capital

Could be multiple retards swarming their takes tho


Yeah bro, you just have to read the original document. Every fucking /pol/tard was smearing their shit in there. Especially the marxist and continental one. I think this is as good as it can get


Lenin was wrong in saying that. I think he was enthusiastic after reading Hegel's Logic and discovering it was insightful. To be honest his reading of Hegel is nothing special.

Marx's Capital is first and foremost a political project. Marx started it because he was a communist. Capital is not a project created for academics, it's a gift to the working class and it exists for their benefit. Marx took special care to ensure that Capital was didactic; on every page you will find examples, metaphors, footnotes, and repetition throughout the text. The first edition even had a special appendix fleshing out the concept of the value form in a step-by-step manner for readers that had trouble with the first chapter; in subsequent editions the chapter was rewritten to be easier to understand (but not any less meaningful). Capital doesn't require much more of the reader than a sturdy grasp of their native language and a willingness to learn.

More details here: https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/smith-cyril/works/articles/cyril.htm


I don't think you have to READ Hegel but its important to understand what he is doing and where he is situated in history, who he is responding to and why, and how his arguments are structured in relation to that history.




Idk what the deal with this publisher is. Are they leftist or not?


idk and i don't care i read this book in german and looked up the english version


Start with a supplement to the pre-socratics


If you care about putting Capital in context, understanding his relationship to other socialists of the period is arguably more relevant

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