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On Friday, 2021-10-29, at 21:30 EDT and 18:30 PDT, a friend and I will be reading "Abolition of Work" by Bob Black[1]. We last read "Civil Disobedience" by Thoreau and criticized it from leftist perspectives.
What is the best platform for hosting the discussion on to share it with leftychan? We're currently using Discord[2] because it has less problems than Zoom/Facebook/Google but has better moderation tools than Jitsi Meet. Discord is also more accessible for "the general public" than Matrix, etc.
Also just generally paging for interest I guess

[1] - https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/bob-black-the-abolition-of-work
[2] - https://discord.gg/7JG3Usr6Jv

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Things to share: Movies, documentaries and mainly books.
Anything related to socialism, anarchy, communism and so on.

>Absolute beginner material




>More Marx and Engels


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Title: General history of architecture. Volume 12. Book 1. Architecture of the USSR.
Original title: Всеобщая история архитектуры. Том 12. Книга 1. Архитектура СССР.

In-depth 750 page history of architecture in the USSR from 1917 to 1970. Book is divided into four sections, 1917—1932, 1933—1941, 1941—1954, and 1955—1970. Attached are sample images from the book and an English translation of the introduction.

MEGA link: https://mega.nz/file/n4xiRThb
Key: EdYeER6XTUKskZQIxB_eFmbN_jBtslMcc4teGXyhqnc


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 No.3780[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello everyone, we have received the results of our project proposal topic, and I'm delighted to announce that we are teaming up with 'leftypedia' to deliver our planned 'argument/talking point resource' idea. In case you don't know, leftypedia is the current version of the old abandoned 'marxistpedia' which was a project started by leftypol users back in the day, so I think this is sort of like a homecoming in a way.


Anyway, if you have a look at the leftypedia site you might be able to tell that they have a much more formal and 'encyclopedic' tone than what we're planning, just like wikipedia, but the admin is going to create a separate 'category' for our new content that will be called something like 'rhetoric: topic' rather than just 'topic', this will also feature on the frontpage much like the encyclopedic content. As a tenplate, I'd like you to feast your eyes on these pages which someone on leftypedia already made (albeit only on their personal userspace for now).


I'd like to ask if anyone can come up with a slightly more catchy name for our new section than 'rhetoric', cause that sounds a bit cumbersome to me even though I came up with it, so yeah, open to suggestions.

So, since that isn't implemented yet, I'd like you all to try familiarise yourselves with the site for now, maybe take a look at the articles that are already there and improve some of them if you feel able. Unfortunately the site currently has only edit by approval so you will have to wait for any changes you make to be approved, this is because of a persistent spambot problem and I hope that we will be able to work out something to change this to normal editing as on wikipedia and the like, please just bear with it for now.

If you have an answer to a 'common question', or you have an effortpost you'd like to archive and save, then please post it in this topic for now so that we can work on it together until we can figure out how to categorise our new section of the site.

Thanks for your attention!
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Does anyone want a Canada article?


Yes, please do make one


sure ill work on it. hopefully my newspaper hoarding hobby will help out


Great! The more people participating in the wiki is good.



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The history of space travel. I want all material, factoids, trivia, books on space. From Sputnik to the recent Crew Dragon and further beyond


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Haven't read (big one) but have heard it's THE book covering the Soviet side.

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How do you take your notes? Do you take notes? Use this thread to discuss methods, tips, and anything else related to how you take notes.
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cute girl, i like it better already


Yeah if you're taking notes for a class I don't think the Zettelkasten method is really what you're looking for. It's more meant to be an overall knowledge management system.

Cornell method is decent. It's really not so important to follow one particular method as it is write things out in a way that isn't too rushed, is easy to understand later, and is in your own words (so that you actually have to understand it).


I don't really see the point of having designated places for keywords and summaries.


Search time optimization.



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I want to read every good about the pop culture and political climate of the 60s
Fiction, Non Fiction

Whatever book that takes place during these eras 1950-1970
Especially the vietnam war


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The reason it's so hyper focused in popular culture is that the nixon administration and the USG have had to work very hard to paint the 60s as nothing but drug taking beetniks and hippies in order to white wash the, very active, new left and anti war protesting that was going on at the time.


But practically every 60s media ever always talks about the new left and anti-war protest moment

I don't think the puzzle of hyper focous on 60s is really solved
Maybe it's just me but it feels like that decade is always the poster child for "change" and "new world"


The Tutnese language was by created FBAs to communicate secretly on plantations, according to the fairly scant information on it. The purpose of this thread is to practice speaking Tutnese or dump guides to rules of Tutnese. The video that's embedded here goes into some more details of using Tutnese.

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I plan on hosting an online book club with some friends and covering Leftist texts. My hope is to give a general survey that's not too aggressively edgy, but still looking at what "real" post-leftists "actually" think and do. Any suggestions on things to add to the list?


>post left
lmao you better go to .org, you fucking lib


Some more texts

fuck off


Nihilist communism is quite an interesting book, good luck with your reading club


Sounds interesting. Can you give me a summary about it? Kinda getting to this point.

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What does /edu/ do for knowledge management? Does it work? How important is it? Experiences?

I am starting a Tiddlywiki and plan on doing the zettelkasten method. The way I understand it, I just take notes and link them to each other with tags or something? Seems straightforward yet quite useful.
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Excuse my barbarian nature, but "personal knowledge management" sounds like something invented by entrepreneurs or life coaches, and looks like fachidiotism. It's basically a brain prosthesis which leads to a disuse of that part of your mind.

I just write down things in a few digital text files like a primitive, then have to exercise my brain to remember what's in them. Paper would be even better, you have to think before you write, no virtual text on a screen to manipulate to infinity and scan through with complex regex patterns.


They call it second braining


you can't store any complex enough data (over years say) like this

if its just for current use then maybe
and for even more complex things you already need other tools, like spreedsheet editor, scientific note pad or what ever

txt files fork well for ideas dumping and probably some writeout


*work well


also it is more of a personal wiki

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The Paris Commune successfully establishes socialism in France. What now?
ITT: Post and speculate about alternate history.
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What would a Medieval America be Like?


Their fighters were mostly former soldiers, so it would probably devolve into a junta. After the Prussians leave, they would have to go back to normal to unite with the rest of the country and France would probably become a republic.

So, nothing would really change.


What if the French and Italian communists started armed revolts in their countries immediately after WW2


Soviets win the war in afghanistan
Do they still fail like the americans or not?


Afghanistan gets a coup after the USSR falls

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