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still remember this shit from public school(elementary to middle school) where it usually was cut into desks by kids being fuckwits. dont get why/how this is memed so much to make it across pretty much across most of the continents. At least, it pisses off west pests. anyone got any decent insight about this? wikipedia fuckin sucks


Why what is memed so much? The swazzy? You saw that in highschool because kids are retards.


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i like this irony btw


Is was a settler colonial ideology and the West is a consortium of settler colonial states.
The only real sin the Nazis committed was trying to challenge the encroaching US hegemony. The Allies were more than prepared to negotiate with Hitler and elevate Germany as a world power after the invasion of Poland.


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maybe they just watched too much animu..


I'm not saying you are wrong, but one of the reasons why the US went to war against Nazi Germany was because it was loosing against the Soviets, and the US wanted to avoid all of Germany becoming part of the Soviet block.


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Literally shaking. We have SO MUCH work to do


The swastika was not only used by Hindus but also by gnostics before Hitler and gnostics are running the world so naturally they try to spread their sigil magic.

The all-seeing eye is memed even more than swastikas because barely anyone understands that it stands for the very same fascist ideology of conquest and robbery that goes back to biblical Nimrod, who was probably based on Naram-Sin (or his Grandfather Sargon).

>ukraine flag
>complains about swastikas
Does not compute.


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how did you get into learning this? my piss education barely scratched any of this. been trying to find sources on sumerian, persian and indian mythologies yet much of the information online is lacking. Most media is obscure websites, shitty youtube videos(there are a few quality documentaries) or just bare bones wiki pages. These mythologies just do not receive anywhere near a modicum of the amount of well produced media as anyone would find covering greek/roman mythos
>ideology of conquest and robbery that goes back to biblical Nimrod, who was probably based on Naram-Sin (or his Grandfather Sargon).
just remembered the only ever popular media relating to naram-sim/sumeria was house of ashes(the best of the horror series) and that was it


>The swastika was not only used by Hindus but also by gnostics before Hitler and gnostics are running the world so naturally they try to spread their sigil magic.
take your meds


It's a very aesthetic symbol and that's why the nazis decided to take it as their own
It's a cross with extra steps, not much more. I don't want to hear any hyperborea schizo


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I think it's worth noting the hysteria against the nazis only gets worse with every year, people who lived through the war and were interned into camps or even had their friends killed by nazis did not hate them as much as the modern american conditionned by 70 years of hollywood propaganda.

This leads to some very dark conclusions but in practical terms I think people should learn not to care that much about the swastika.


>I think it's worth noting the hysteria against the nazis only gets worse with every year, people who lived through the war and were interned into camps or even had their friends killed by nazis did not hate them as much as the modern american conditionned by 70 years of hollywood propaganda.
I wouldn't bet on it, those Nazi-hunters that spend decades tracking down and probably assassinating plenty of ex-Nazis that escaped the Nuremberg-trials, they weren't motivated by warm and cuddly feelings. That type of cold methodical vengeance is the purest form of hate there is.


>the hysteria against the nazis only gets worse with every year
Because every other month has some white supremacist shooter targeting random people and posting a manifesto on an imageboard, or politicians trying to ride off racial tensions or white washing history to appear less racist, or Nick Fuentes somehow getting into official Republican backed meetings again and again or sitting next to Trump and Kanye.
"Nazi hysteria!" "You call everyone nazis!" should've stayed back in 2016, these people definitely got more emboldened and started coming out of the woodwork, imageboards are just a microcosm of this, every other thread has some far right tinge to the topics these days.
Yeah. And a lot of them were Mossad agents
The WASP American probably just saw it as a job so he didn't care that much about the Nazis, hence why Reagan would fucking mourn Nazi soldiers. But if you were one of the people the Nazis sought to exterminate, then you had plenty of disdain and hatred against them. Unless you're one of those useful idiot neo-Nazi slavs.
coca cola swastika


>how did you get into learning this?
"Gnostics run the world, Hitler was a gnostic" is a new recent shitty schizo theory, I've seen it pop a lot lately. They say the same shit about Marx and deliberately misrepresent him to show him as some weird spooked mystic priest despite the ideology being purely materialist.


This is the worse take I've seen here yet.


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The soviet union was trash and short sighted,it belongs in the trash bin as it deserves.coulda psyop'd this shit and co-opted it instead of wiping their ass with the history. they were already perceived worse than nazis and literally had nothing to lose. personally like the fact it reminds me of a clover


Realistically on balance the soviets brought much civilizational progress and is a positive force in history.

>they were already perceived worse than Nazis

The Soviets have to bee credited with defeating the Nazis, ending collonialism and more. In most places in the world they are still seen that way, just in those unfortunate places where extreme anti-communism took hold it isn't anymore.


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Even more when the lil Ronda team retweeted actual nazi imagery. I'm starting to think those nazis marching for him weren't glowies, and just actual /pol/tards
People still care about the swastika because it's either edgy retards or actual neonazis who still use it. Most people will calm down after you explain why it;s on a Buddhist temple, not when it's on someone's shirt while they yell about the jews.


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This post is fucking stupid but especially this
>coulda psyop'd this shit and co-opted it instead of wiping their ass with the history
East Germany literally adopted and adapted Nazi era uniforms and imagery in order to appear like the "real" Germans in comparison to US occupied West Germany. And people will STILL think of the SS and Nazis when they look at the Nationale Volksarmee uniforms instead of socialism and the GDR.
The Soviets have even less reasons to adopt Nazi shit when it's the symbols of people that tried to annihilate them and saw them as subhuman.
>they were already perceived worse than nazis
by nazi sympathizers
>Realistically on balance the soviets brought much civilizational progress and is a positive force in history.
People in the west always defend multiple centuries of gruesome and violent colonialism, slavery, genocide, and rape by saying that it at least brought "civilization" and made their countries wealthy in powerful(at the expense of others). And yet, they'll never stop and think that by that same logic, the socialists were more justified because their supposed cruelty(if you want to believe the numbers) lead to mass industrialization and space travel and innovation in just one-two generations. But you're not allowed to say that. They just want to justify their death number, they don't care.


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>This post is fucking enlightening and properly based
anon seems emotional so i fixed it
>The Soviets have even less reasons to adopt Nazi shit
thats the problem, you fell for the germ meme. regardless the symbol still has much relevance due to its history and propagation across multiple cultures
>East Germany literally adopted and adapted Nazi era uniforms and imagery in order to appear like the "real" Germans in comparison to US occupied West Germany. And people will STILL think of the SS and Nazis when they look at the Nationale Volksarmee uniforms instead of socialism and the GDR.
there is such a thing as discretion and being able to remove whatever association symbols have just as the nazis had done previously
>by nazi sympathizers
those guys just happened to be leaders of the "free world" commies would always be the boogeyman no matter the circumstance

pics are lulzy examples of what to actually avoid


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>coulda psyop'd this shit and co-opted it
this might be the worst take I've seen so far

that swastika is ugly as shit, hammer and sickle is thousand times better

Also, it's a fucking religious symbol. Fuck religion.


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These medals were made only for based red army buddhistas, so yeah, it would be highly ironic if SU would reverse-cancel-culture nutsoys back with literal monbols chilling in Berlin with their one & only true swastika.
it would be somewhat harder to recognize faschizos in the future tho

>1st pic
Holy fuck my fucking sides. Ultra-based retards actually made the best fascism=nazism=usa=capitalism agitprop on accident!

Some s*alinists already seekreetly make 5-pointed red stars to have traces on the ends, literally turning them into pseudo-swastikas gotta love dat ordnung boii


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>East Germany literally adopted and adapted Nazi era uniforms and imagery in order to appear like the "real" Germans in comparison to US occupied West Germany.
Retarded nazoid brainrot.

Unironically soviets had the best style in the Afghan war without all those nazoid bells and whistles. Spetsnaz even dressed for a parade like fucking modjaheds kek.


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and I mean in ALL of soviet history

those budenovka nazoid caps were ugly as fuck


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tho sailors were cool


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>Some s*alinists already seekreetly make 5-pointed red stars to have traces on the ends, literally turning them into pseudo-swastikas
Not sure what red-star you are referring to, but it sounds like you are trying to equate the Soviet Union with fascism. When in reality the "Stalinists" were the primary force that defeated fascism in the 20th century.

It is neo-liberal ruling ideology to try to equate socialism with fascism. Stop spreading ruling ideology.


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The Nazis didn't seem to have a hat style, in all the pictures you can find, they either wear generic military hats/caps or equally generic helmets. The only distinctive design element seems to be that their hats are more black and grey, while everybody else seems to prefer green and blue.

I don't really understand why you consider the budenovka-hat as having a fascist aesthetic. Although you're not wrong about it not being a stylish hat. The Soviets used it only briefly and then switched (during ww2) to the Ushanka-hat because it was warmer and economized on fabric by leaving out the pointy top. And also looked much better.


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>I don't really understand why you consider the budenovka-hat as having a fascist aesthetic.
it had nationalist aesthetic because the design was based on a "muh ancestors" medieval rus helm

grasping at straws in medieval times for a modern nationalist identity - typical nazoid behaviour reproduced across countless special snowflake soycieties. They are like fucking clones.


>Not sure what red-star you are referring to, but it sounds like you are trying to equate the Soviet Union with fascism
This post >>7327 should've tipped you off tbh


>they either wear generic military hats/caps or equally generic helmets
stahlhelm was anything but generic


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I get where you're coming from but I think the religious meaning behind it is why it would endure. It makes it feel more transcendental, have some mystique. Even if it's actually something modern and fabricated only recently, like the Sonnenrad symbol every nazoid uses is just some shit Himmler came up in the 30's and was given newfound meaning onto it, and not exactly an authentic ancient one. But at the same time it might just more effective to someone already incline to fall for spooks. A lot of fascism is obsessed with aesthetics after all.
That transcendental feeling though is why I've gotten a newfound appreciation for the red star symbol, even if it's literally just a fucking red start. It's still up in the air where it comes from, I've heard some schizos say that it was some Slavic Pagan symbol but I've never seen any proof for that. The earliest mention of it in a communist context is the 1908 book Red Star about a man who explores a communist utopian society on Mars, and I just think that's beautiful. A symbol of a better world to look up to, both phrases literally.


>It makes it feel more transcendental, have some mystique.
stopped reading

nazoid brainrot

any genuine religion died with enlightenment, what's left is nazoid larping


>the design was based on medieval rus helm
Maybe, but where exactly did they copy the design from.
I knew a historic-military buff who was very adamant that no military ever used helmets with spikes (or horns for that matter). Because "it would be fucking stupid to give your enemy a convenient handle to rip it from your head or get stuck on things" All those old-timey paintings you see do not match the actual military gear that soldier wore into battle

It seems more like a simulacra (mimicry of something that never had an original)

>stahlhelm was anything but generic
After having compared ww2 pictures of helmets from Nazis, Soviets and the US. I have to agree the Nazi helmets did have a specific pattern. But only if you look very closely. All the ww2 helmets are basically steal domes.


Retard. The human mind needs a "religious" feeling and the failure to completely successfully stamp out religion in the Soviet Union should let you know that. I'm not saying we should keep telling stories about how because one guy at an apple, you're now going to hell if you jerk off. People will eventually turn something into religion, which is what you're seeing with excessive consumerism and commodity worship in America, and the duty is to funnel that energy into something that won't be destructive or regressive. The Soviets actually manage to understand this during the 70's and 80's, when they would give secular and more socialist alternatives to traditionally religious things like weddings, or celebrations after a baby is born, or some coming of age rituals. And it stuck so much that people still do some of these celebrations in modern Russia and post-Soviet states. Just saying that God isn't real isn't enough.


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Red Mongolia is so fucking kino.
>SU would reverse-cancel-culture nutsoys back with literal monbols chilling in Berlin with their one
And so would've this been. Taking back the swastika and giving it to the very Mongol horde the nazoids always depicted the Soviets as.
>it would be somewhat harder to recognize faschizos in the future tho
But this is also why "reclaiming" the Swastika if you're not some Buddhist is silly. I always have to do a double take whenever I see the three arrows in some places.


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Not maybe.

>but where exactly did they copy the design from

they copied it form the picture I posted

or more precisely - they copied it from the russian nazoid mythos as it has formed in the 19th century

>All those old-timey paintings you see do not match the actual military gear that soldier wore into battle


It's about building "suddenly awakened" kek national identity, not about fucking historical accuracy.

>But only if you look very closely.

Everyone recognizes fucking stahlhelm. Go check your eyesight.


>The human mind needs a "religious" feeling
stopped reading

nazoid brainrot

I'm human and I don't need religion.


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You probably already found one. I don't mean religion literally but I will not bother you any longer. Human will inevitably place heavy importance on things like symbols and stories, real or mythological.


>People will eventually turn something into religion, which is what you're seeing with excessive consumerism and commodity worship in America
that's not what religion is you nazoid dumbfuck

you could say nationalism is a modern substitute for a religion, also proven by the fact that modern organized traditional religious institutions are just relays for a nationalist ideology - just look at russkie orthodoxy as the most recent example

All the more reason to eradicate it.


>Human will inevitably place heavy importance on things like symbols and stories, real or mythological.
religion is not just "stories" idiot


Yeah and the Soviets understanding that a lot of it involves some kind of social cohesion and set of values that brings a community together, and is why they tried to create non-religious alternatives to church shit, is one of things I brought up several posts ago but was ignored by you and the other guy


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>That transcendental feeling though is why I've gotten a newfound appreciation for the red star symbol
and that why I like hammer and sickle - you would never hear such faggotry about it


>Yeah and the Soviets understanding
Soviets understood jack shit.
Collapsed into a bunch of fucking nazoid states.

How's that flirting with nazoids worked out for you kek?


You calling everything nazioid isn't gonna change anyone, and like these are to blame for Americans riling up impotent nationalist fervor


>Retarded nazoid brainrot.
So the Soviets


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tho I agree that soviet system needed religion (because it was a class society) and marxism doesn't work as a religion, so as a consequence leninoid party started to flirt with nationalism - which led to its collapse. Ironic.

Dumbfuck leninoids kek.


how are americans to blame for nationalism in russia lmao? I swear you nazoids are absolute mouthbreathers.


You really don't think they didn't try to rile shit up? Really?


they didn't need to rile shit up - republican elites would've done it either way


>So the Soviets
Soviets were a special case - a multi-ethnic "federation".
Stalin tried some weird nazoid shit after ww2 but this policy got denounced after Corn dunked on him. In general there was an understanding at the higher levels of the dangers of promoting russkie nationalism. And russkie "blood and soil" nationalists did get bitchslapped publicly in the 70s. Tho there seemed to be a lack of understanding of the dangers of promoting republican nationalism.

As I've said, Soviets couldn't rely on nationalism even if they wanted too.


>after Corn dunked on him
oh, and Corn also started new anti-religious campaign, especially against orthodoxy that got too comfortable under little Iosef


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>Spetsnaz even dressed for a parade like fucking modjaheds kek.
>Unironically soviets had the best style in the Afghan war without all those nazoid bells and whistles.
And I agree
The entire communist style has a sort of practicality to it that filters out a lot of LARPers


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A rugged sort of look, too. And it was universal.


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>how it started
>how it's going


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Did you make this?


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>how it ends


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that swastika shaped building in the third picture is a barracks at Naval Base Coronado near San Diego.


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