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File: 1608527922975.jpg ( 44.33 KB , 400x400 , Nicholas_II_of_Russia_crop….jpg )


Reminder that this bad boy was responsible for modern international law. Say thank you.


How? Isn’t he the guy that got shot?


File: 1608527923285.jpg ( 56 KB , 514x604 , 1564898946092.jpg )

Thank you based tzar Nicholas


International law is a tool used by great powers to justify their bullying of smaller powers. Fuck international law.


this dude's hair is dark brown and beard is blond
what the fuck. did they used to wear fake moustaches in those times?? like wigs


Nicky II and his whole damn family deserved all they got. fuck the law and fuck the tsar


Fucking this. Learning international law made me hate this tennis playing faggot even more.


don't insult my boy puyi like that


Lol having different coloured facial hair is completely natural bro. I have brown hair but my beard is red.

There is a reason they called Vikings things like "Redbeard". You think that happened if he also had red normal hair?


>couldn't even organise his own coronation party without a massacre
>couldn't even consummate an heir
>couldn't win a war
>couldn't run an economy
>listen to boomer uncle and run counter to the grain of history resulting in the destruction of ancient royal line.

Nicholas 2 Haemophilia boogaloo is the biggest cuck in history


File: 1614359679647.png ( 12.22 KB , 720x720 , 141939da792f828a6a89180e50….png )

just gonna bump this for the lols this is gold

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