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A thread for sharing and discussing information related to the historical development of humanity. Here's my opening contribution
timestamp is 27 minutes if the link doesn't work(skipping a lot of introduction).
I like the presenters maxim of
>geography determines social development and social development determines what geography means
Of course i'd replace 'geography' with 'material conditions' but that's a small nitpick in an otherwise great presentation. The other nitpick is the absence of the idea of a mode of production.

We all know how inefficient capitalism is at its uses of the geography/resources it potentially has at its disposal. The profit motive holds back the total use of geography that would be a huge boon on the level of the guns and boat revolution in the 1400s


This helps. I’m a complete brainlet when it comes to history. Is there like a brief book/video/resource that traces the entire major human historical periods and progression? Like I know some very small basics about middle ages, enlightenment renaissance etc, but I don’t know how they interact and how to piece them together as one piece of development?

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