>>6588Mirror of Production is more of an anthropological critique of Marxism, specifically of Marxist anthropologist Maurice Godelier. Baudrillard's general point throughout his books is that Marxism doesn't go far enough in its critique of capitalism, it is itself still trapped within the categories of political economy, being merely a "mirror image" of capitalist production, hence the title of that book.
But that doesn't mean that within capitalism Marx's critique isn't relevant, and IMO Baudrillard strawmans Marx by projecting vulgar Marxism (Marxism as a worldview) onto him.
It would be interesting if he read the guys from Wertkritik. Ironically Robert Kurz himself strawmanned Baudrillard, thinking he's an ideologue of the postmodernity and neoliberal society when he was one of the earliest to detect the shift and criticize it. The confusion probably comes from his cynicism towards Marxists (and towards Foucault, Deleuze, Lyotard) still being stuck in the fordist paradigm at that time when capitalism has already moved on and incorporated some of their criticism.
>>6592S&S is the least interesting of his works, it's not representative either, but unfortunately american academics turned it into a meme, so nobody reads anything else.