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Does anyone have some books which explains the way in which the Soviet economy worked? I am looking specifically at how prices and quantities of goods were adjusted to correspond the demands and needs of the people. Although 1929-1953 is nice, I am more interested in the post-Stalin era of 1961-1985. You can also post how plans worked for other countries such as East Germany, Poland, Yugoslavia, etc.

I am also searching for technical books which explains in detail how the planning process operates in modern China and how this process relate to the economy and private markets in general.

These books can be pro or anti Soviet style planning, although I'd obviously prefer some books which are advocating for such economic models.


I'll copy-paste what I wrote in >>>/b/405443
here's some tips I got from cockshott in a recent discussion:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolay_Veduta His daughter is working on English translations
https://1lib.sk/book/2481030/a891e5 Socialist Planning, Michael Ellman
https://1lib.sk/book/2191598/3affcd Planning Problems in the USSR: The Contribution of Mathematical Economics to their Solution 1960-1971, Michael Ellman


I meant >>>/leftypol/405443 of course


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I use this thread as an opportunity to post my new USSR econ reading list:

Allen, R.C. (2009). Farm to factory : a reinterpretation of the Soviet industrial revolution. Princeton University Press.
Chattopadhyay, P. (1994). The Marxian Concept of Capital and the Soviet Experience: Essay in the Critique of Political Economy. Praeger.
Costello, M. (1977). Workers’ Participation in the Soviet Union. Central Books.
Davies, R.W. (1998). Soviet economic development from Lenin to Khrushchev. Cambridge University Press.
Harrison, M. (2002). Accounting for War Soviet: Production, Employment, and the Defence Burden, 1940–1945. Cambridge University Press.
Nove, A. (1990). An Economic History of the USSR. Penguin Books.
Resnick, S.A. and Wolff, R.D. (2002). Class Theory and History: Capitalism and Communism in the USSR. Routledge.
Davies, R.W. The Industrialization of Soviet Russia, Volume 1-7. Harvard University Press.



Nice list. I'm not OP, but I'd been looking for something like this. I've heard of only a couple of these books, so having a list like this is helpful. Thanks!


Ismail has uploaded quite a few books on soviet planning and soviet economics, use the search box



helped to bomb nazis by allies as well

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